Civilization Quest

Sorry Eri, but I did make a promise that I would go with the majority vote, and I've already started working on an update. If this game becomes boring or confusing as a result of the lack of tech knowledge, then I will allow you guys to vote again.
In order to make this easier for me to work with, I'm going to make a GM decision and put the start date at 300 AD, around the time the kingdom was founded. Is this cool with everyone?
Fine with me too.

So guys how hard do you think it would be to conquer all of Africa and keep it?
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Fine with me too.

So guys how hard do you think it would be to conquer all of Africa and keep it?

I think we just have to break down those tribal barriers. All we have to do subjugate the weaker tribes, increase our agricultural knowledge and get ourselves to the coast and we're good. We gotta weaken tribalism though. The kings seemed to have done that otl by marrying the daughters of conquered berber tribes. Seems to be some checks and balances too.
So for the mean time, It seems that although Ghana didn't totally dominate its neighbors at first, their was some kind of trickle on effect caused by their better organization and sophistication that led to their eventual domination.
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Moderately difficult. Africa is fucking huge.

Pretty much impossible, terrain barriers make it difficult to project force for extended periods of time.

West Africa might be obtainable and if we slow and reverse the desiccation of the Sahel we might hold sway over the Atlas mountains and the maybe southern Chad. I think the greatest challenge we need to overcome is tribal character. IMO West Africa really started to pick up after the establishment of each of the 3 empires, increased trade, and religion. But I personally think that instead of the emperors allowing subjugated tribes and kingdoms to preserve their character for recognition of over-lordship, they should have been creating a local source of nationalism or its ancient equivalent, they would have had more compounded societal success. I guess maybe create citizenship and make integration an prize would be what I'm trying to say.
Coastal Africa might be possible, though there would be a long stretch exposed to nomad raiders as a permanent annoyance.

Preventing dessication of the Sahel is somewhat unlikely without era inappropriate science.
Meritocracy's main challenge: Who assesses the merit?

There are no truly neutral parties, the closest thing to meritocracy was in ancient china, with the imperial examinations, to fill in bureaucratic roles, under a feudal structure of emperors, kings and dukes. In which case the emperor decides what merit is, based on his preferences.
Meritocracy's main challenge: Who assesses the merit?

There are no truly neutral parties, the closest thing to meritocracy was in ancient china, with the imperial examinations, to fill in bureaucratic roles, under a feudal structure of emperors, kings and dukes. In which case the emperor decides what merit is, based on his preferences.
I'm just asking if we ever think of a method that could work, could we give it a try?
Coastal Africa might be possible, though there would be a long stretch exposed to nomad raiders as a permanent annoyance.

Preventing dessication of the Sahel is somewhat unlikely without era inappropriate science.

Acquiring some peoples like the Serer might boost our agriculture base. They seemed to have picked up on the soil replenishing effects of a tree in the area. Might not slow desiccation, but maybe it'll boost local productivity.

Good enough for me.

I'm just asking if we ever think of a method that could work, could we give it a try?

We have one of the most powerful and stable gov't of our local peers. Heck its actually alright for that era to be honest.
Sorry Eri, but I did make a promise that I would go with the majority vote, and I've already started working on an update. If this game becomes boring or confusing as a result of the lack of tech knowledge, then I will allow you guys to vote again.
No, no, I understand. I just wanted to see if I could sway the rest of the people.
Civilization Quest
Soninke 300 AD
You are Dinga Cisse. At least that is what the tribe calls you. You see, you were not born into the Soninke. You were cast out of your original clan for making love to the chieftain's daughter without permission. Looking back, it amazes you that both you and the girl weren't killed on the spot. You thought you were going to die in exile, but against all logic, the Soninke took you in. They fed you clothed you, and taught you as one of their own.

Determined to repay their kindness you asked if there was anything you could do besides the daily chores necessary to keep the clan alive. They hesitated, and then told you of their plans to attack the Berbers and reclaim their lost civilization. However they were suffering from a lack of leadership. Eventually agreeing to let you take charge they, put the entire clan's life in your hands. You must not let them down.

Decisions: (Choose 1 from each)

Military: Your military is relatively large, but in bad shape, as most people who are fighting are young men who were given a spear and told to defend their families. You do have some veterans though, who are willing to give you a hand in shaping up your forces.

Introduce military discipline: A few of your young men, while perfectly willing to fight, kill, and even die for the sake of their families, somehow got the idea into their thick skulls that they have the capability to lead and make important decisions just because they have a spear in their hands. In order to make effective fighters out of them, we must get these silly ideas out of their heads.

Train your fighters: Just because you have fighters doesn't mean they know how to fight well. Training them would ensure that you take minimal casualties in battle, as well as increasing your chances of winning.

Craft weapons: Your willing volunteers far outstrip the amount of weapons you have. This needs to change. Order your craftsmen to work faster and harder in order to equip every man you have with a spear.

Warfare: The Berbers who stole your land so many years ago are determined to keep it by any means necessary. If you attack them and fail, they will certainly attempt to destroy your people. It goes without saying that you must not let this happen.

Defend and repel: When the Berbers come, fight them and pursue them as they flee. The momentum of your victory will carry you to their camp, and allow you to reclaim their land that they stole so many hundreds of years ago as your own!

All-out: In order to stop the Berbers, your forces must immediately sally forth and destroy the raiders at their source. Attack their camp and put all of the women and children there to the spear! That will teach those invaders not to screw with us!

Defend: To attack now would be foolishness. If the Berbers attack, defend yourself, but do not pursue. You will have plenty of time to gather your forces if you wait, but none if you should attack and fail to destroy the Berbers.

Diplomacy: While you prepare for war with the Berbers it's important to maintain relations with other tribes as well. Reinforcements could mean the difference between the blood of Berber children being spilled and the blood of your own.

Reach out to the neighboring tribes: You need all the help you can get against the Berbers. Try to ally with them, at least for this battle. If you win, they will get in total 50% of non-land related spoils. What, you didn't think they were going to help you for free did you?

Alliance: You need all the help you can get against the Berbers, but you also need to make sure that you have a prosperous kingdom. One way to go about this is by making a pact with the neighboring tribes. They will help you for free, but you must also help them for free when they need it.

We're fine alone: Forming alliances with the tribes would simply weigh you down in the future. Your people deserve better than a tiny piece of land and a million complaining "friends" after taking you in despite all of the pain they went through.

Domestic: As you are preparing to attack the Berbers, domestic issues aren't really on anyone's mind right now. Once you have a stable piece of land though, these options will open up.

Research: As you are preparing to attack the Berbers, there isn't
much time to think ahead for the future. Once you have a stable piece of land though, these options will open up.

Intrigue: All warfare is based on deception. This thought came to you with the word east and some strange arrangement of syllables such as Son and tsu. Strange. But it holds some weight. How can you confuse the Berbers?

Hide your preparations: It is vital that the Berbers do not find out you are planning to attack them. By keeping your activities a secret from the Berber scouts, you can avoid any unpleasant interruptions to your plans.

Trickery: While it isn't very nice, you could attempt to have some of your soldiers conduct a neighboring "raid" on some of your neighbors. If it succeeds, then you can have the support of your neighbors as well as some extra loot. If it doesn't pan out, however, then you could have more than one war on your hands.

False alliance: You could "offer" your vassalage to the Berbers. Then while their leaders are negotiating with yours over your "surrender" you poison their food. Of course, you would immediately go to war after this, but weren't you going to do that anyway?


Marriage: In order to reinforce your leadership, it would be advisable to marry one of your councilman's daughters. That way, you would be looked at as a powerful and influential individual. Which you are, but an official proclamation of it wouldn't hurt.

Rite of passage: While the clan leaders were happy to take you in, you are not officially a part of the clan. You could change that by going on the clan's rite of passage to prove yourself as a man. It will be difficult, but it might be even more difficult leading the clan without being a clan member.

Adoption: One of the clan member's young children is already showing brightness. You could offer to adopt him and school him in the ways of leadership. His parents might not agree to let an outsider adopt their child though…

OOC: A few notes:

  1. Not all actions are determined successes. Keep this in mind when considering the riskier options
  2. Making stories about life in the Kingdom is encouraged but not forced. Stories add flavor to the game and make it seem more personal. Also, it gives me more material to work with.
  3. I don't have any stats up…Yet. For now your success in this game will be determined mainly by common sense and a little bit of luck.
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Introduce military discipline: A few of your young men, while perfectly willing to fight, kill, and even die for the sake of their families, somehow got the idea into their thick skulls that they have the capability to lead and make important decisions just because they have a spear in their hands. In order to make effective fighters out of them, we must get these silly idea

Defend: To attack now would be foolishness. If the Berbers attack, defend yourself, but do not pursue. You will have plenty of time to gather your forces if you wait, but none if you should attack and fail to destroy the Berbers.

Reach out to the neighboring tribes: You need all the help you can get against the Berbers. Try to ally with them, at least for this battle. If you win, they will get in total 50% of non-land related spoils. What, you didn't think they were going to help you for free did you?

Hide your preparations: It is vital that the Berbers do not find out you are planning to attack them. By keeping your activities a secret from the Berber scouts, you can avoid any unpleasant interruptions to your plans.

Rite of passage: While the clan leaders were happy to take you in, you are not officially a part of the clan. You could change that by going on the clan's rite of passage to prove yourself as a man. It will be difficult, but it might be even more difficult leading the clan without being a clan member.
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Introduce military discipline: A few of your young men, while perfectly willing to fight, kill, and even die for the sake of their families, somehow got the idea into their thick skulls that they have the capability to lead and make important decisions just because they have a spear in their hands. In order to make effective fighters out of them, we must get these silly ideas out of their heads.

Should make leadership more effective.

Defend: To attack now would be foolishness. If the Berbers attack, defend yourself, but do not pursue. You will have plenty of time to gather your forces if you wait, but none if you should attack and fail to destroy the Berbers.

Reach out to the neighboring tribes: You need all the help you can get against the Berbers. Try to ally with them, at least for this battle. If you win, they will get in total 50% of non-land related spoils. What, you didn't think they were going to help you for free did you?

Hide your preparations: It is vital that the Berbers do not find out you are planning to attack them. By keeping your activities a secret from the Berber scouts, you can avoid any unpleasant interruptions to your plans.

Rite of passage: While the clan leaders were happy to take you in, you are not officially a part of the clan. You could change that by going on the clan's rite of passage to prove yourself as a man. It will be difficult, but it might be even more difficult leading the clan without being a clan member.
[X] Introduce military discipline
[X] Defend
[X] Alliance
[X] Hide your preparations
[X] Rite of passage

Are you not going to put up a success rate?
Noooo I missed the opportunity to swing this to an obscure Meso-American tribe!

[X] Introduce military discipline
[X] Defend and repel
[X] Reach out to the neighboring tribes
[X] Hide your preparations
[X] Rite of passage