Super Koala God Super Koala
Goleh Sylla, An overview of class and social stratification in the early Wagadou union, (University of Oulata, 1692)
Hooru( Free-men)-Citizens
* These classes are much more dominated and nearly monopolized but the great war changed many minds...1. Tunkalemu (Princes)
Only they can become king. A king can formerly adopt a prince that is not his son as well as pass it on to his own child, and occurred much more frequently in kingdom and empire as time passed years. The selection process for a king as well as the rule of a king was not at all the sole rule of a king, but care was taken to make the display of power seem so. A king made sure to take the advice and mood of other princes and the public very seriously into account in ruling and succession.
- The elders, the patriarchal heads of prince families, have the most powerful voices in the creation of law.
2. Mangu (Advisors)
They advise the princes and prince families. They'd be the current councilors, mediators, confidants and those who command judicial duties maybe less powerful chiefs and extended families of princes or less powerful princes around now. They descend from the Kuraleme, a warrior class the lead at the heads of armies during war in war and what we'll probably get once we organize our forces.
3. Kuraleme (Generals)
The heads of armies made once king Cissa organized his forces. Care for their soldiers needs and responsibility for enforcing law and order was their job. The most senior and powerful and loyal of them will form the backbone of the Mangu after retiring from being generals.
4. Modinu (Preists)
They perform prayers, rituals, ceremonies, teach religion and are responsible for the general education of the populace. Might have been among the first imams of modern day southern Mauritania and SSA.
Naxamala Hooru(Dependents Free-men)
* These jobs are dominated but not monopolized said classes
1. Tago (Blacksmiths)
Highest position of the Naxamala. Responsible for weapons, work tools, and jewelry. Respected for their knowledge of iron.
2. Sakko ( Woodsman)
Responsible for forestry and plantations. Are said to be respected for their knowledge of wood working. They have a friendship and mastery over devils.
3. Jaroo (Praise-Singers)
They are the most famous of the naxamala class. They act as griots for the important families of the Soninke, are in charge of singing, speaking, oration and animation. they are also authorized to say anything they want, and that might include political criticism without retribution. Many also enjoy the freedom of being assistant scribes for the priest class.
4. Garanko (Cobbler)
They made shoes, saddles, and sword sheaths and all the other manufacturing jobs that don't impinge on the other's territory. The merchant class and military soldiers make up the bulk here. They are also those who help assist the other classes.
-Those who make up the dependent freed-men class can move into the Citizens class by adoption, or being a Naxamalu hooru for 3 generations, an official marriage to a citizen family, and buying their way into citizenship (very expensive).
Wagadou Komo(Slaves of Wagadou)
Just as the name in implies. Hooru & Tunkalemu supposed to take care of and delegate duties to these temporary state owned slaves. They usually outnumber the free-men in the past and make up the major labor force as either the conquered or naxamale hooru or hooru who commit heinous crimes (like desertion, a sign of cowardice). The prosperity of the Soninke was due to their dominance in farming.
Their terms of State slavery are limited if their complete their services with good time or perform extraordinary work. Any offenses they commit results in extended sentences, but must be thoroughly documented with proof. Abuses against them were monitored by the kings shadow's to cooperate a slaves story in case their livelihood, possible freedom and safety was in peril. After their terms of services were up, they usually integrated into the naxamale hooru within a few years with some prodding and recommendation from the kings shadows.
All freed slaves rise to the class of dependent Freed-men. Any child of a slave is born into the dependent Freed-men class. Freed-men can rise to the status of Citizen by serving a certain amount of time in the military, buying it, or performing some deed worthy of advancement. Any child born to dependent Freed-men will not be considered a Wagadou Komo.
Social life of Soninke, especially among the Cissa
-Marriage between different classes was normally not allowed in the early years of Wagadou's kingdom, but after the great war, the dearth of males, a polygamous sex culture soon arose whether officially approved or not. For some, marriage across class lines was loosened and class lines blurred or fabricated to allow for women to have partners and make for the lack of men to support their daughters. The upper classes enjoyed this privilege especially.
-There was also sharp increase in adultery not just among the Soninke, but the Berbers who had been allowed to integrate, and especially Soninke men and the substantial number of Berber women that were then occupied by the Soninke. These marriage would soon produce an immense and loyal nucleus for the emerging kingdom.
Do you mind if I go through and edit it a bit to make some things more clear and re-post it?