Point to me where any of that is explicitly stated MJ. -_-
The inflection points thing was explicitly stated-the 2200 era society was at its peak and there was nowhere to go but down.
Much of the lore was left incredibly vague and open ended for a reason. Though admittedly the status of earth is much more vague then even the great mistake.
The lore is incredibly vague and open ended, but it is
undeniable that Earth was basically fucked and not going to get any better than it was in 2200. It's why you can choose
Refugees as a possible colonist choice, and why the Seeding occurred-the Inflection Point was approaching and the choice was either send guys out
now or never send guys out
ever. It's why civilizations were willing to bankrupt themselves to do this shit, up to and including
profit-focused corporations. The Seeding is the last gasp of human society to become starfaring. The idea that Earth fixed itself and has tons of extrasolar companies flies in the face of what we already know, and is confirmed
canon, from the Great Mistake.
And you completely fucking misunderstand why I think the fate of earth after the seeding is optimistic you pompous dick.
its not because everything's 'bright and shiny' its because humanity seems determined to fix their mistakes and has been colonizing and terraforming the solar system BEFORE the seeding missions.
The setting was written intentionally to where it could be as optimistic and hopeful or as grim and pessimistic as anyone wants.
So if I want to read the setting as being hopeful and where humans get their shit in line for once and fix their mistakes then thats my prerogative. None of the endings invalidate it.
Yes, humanity has been doing things to prepare for the Seeding, because they know they have one shot at it. Read between the lines, Wirewolf. It is possible for a bunch of raggedy refugees who spent 400+ years doing absolutely nothing to suddenly massively outtech and outcompete Earth-based society with hundreds of times the starting population and, according to you, "fixing their mistakes." If your theory was even remotely possible, the Supremacy victory would make no sense, and neither would the Purity victory because Earth would have the military force to trivially counter a Supremacist military detachment, and nobody would want to leave the solar system they've terraformed into habitability.
This is especially because at least several of the early Wonders mention that they're just retreading things that were done
on Old Earth because they finally have the infrastructure to support them.
The setting is hopeful because of the Seeding. Earth is doomed as a habitat for humanity, which is why your choices are either to save it via becoming posthuman (Emancipation) or to abandon it (Promised Land).