City Building in Middle-Earth

Well if we want to use them for ships or shields (I think our quantity of 1 per turn is way to low for that) than we shouldn't sell away our Lebethron. And as for trade goods: As I pointed out the woodworker's quarter only makes a profit when it can convert 2 Lebethron per turn. We only harvest 1 Lebethron per turn.
Every turn that it converts Lebethorn to Hardwood, it makes the same as the tax return from an ordinary mercantile district.
And Hardwood's prices can increase.
Plus, it makes it possible to import Lebethorn and export Hardwood.
Every turn that it converts Lebethorn to Hardwood, it makes the same as the tax return from an ordinary mercantile district.
And Hardwood's prices can increase.
Plus, it makes it possible to import Lebethorn and export Hardwood.
Good point on the import/export scheme, that is the best point I read up until now why we need the WW quarter sooner rather than later.
You'll have to give me a few hours to make the shipbuilding options, though.
So, lets just wait on those before voting on plans.
So, lets just wait on those before voting on plans.

I'm going to probably amend my plan when that comes out, yeah. Also thinking of extending it to a four (or maybe even five) year plan rather than a three year one.

? But It says -2 taxes, so net zero tax return

I'm pretty sure this is in reference to the tax income that its parent district (the Mercantile District) makes, i.e. you're sacrificing that income in order to turn it into a Woodworker's Quarter.
Every turn that it converts Lebethorn to Hardwood, it makes the same as the tax return from an ordinary mercantile district.
I'm pretty sure this is in reference to the tax income that its parent district (the Mercantile District) makes, i.e. you're sacrificing that income in order to turn it into a Woodworker's Quarter.
Oh right, I got it. It's profit from the increase of the value of hardwood to Lebethron.
[x] Buy 2 Food (Market Price-1): -2 gold/turn
[x] Buy 1 Stone (Market Price): -3 gold/turn
[x] Sell 1 Lebethron (Market Price): +3 gold/turn
[x] Sell 2 Metal (Market Price): +4 gold/turn

[x] Small Military District: -5 Gold, -2 Stone, -2 Metal
[x] Small Stone Civic District: -5 Gold, -2 Stone, +1 Prestige
----[x] Establish Baths: -2 Gold, +1 Prosperity, +2 Prestige
[x] Build an Inner Wall :-5 Gold. -4 Wood
--[x] Build the second circuit(-10 Gold, -16 Stone)
[x] Small Stone Residential District:-5 Gold, -2 Stone, +2 Housing, +1 Prestige
[x] Small Stone Mercantile District: -5 Gold, -2 Stone, +2 Taxes, +1 Prestige
--[x] Establish Woodworker's Quarter :-2 Gold, -2 Taxes, 2 Lebethron Converted to 2 Hardwood per turn

[X] Establish the Chiefain's Treasury. This is an emergency store of gold to be used only in direst need. (Revenues from sale of Lebethron will go here for the next three years.)
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@uju32 @Admiral Skippy There were some changes to the Wall building options. We now have 4 layers of walls, which isn't reflected in your plans:
[] Renovate City Center (-5 Gold, -2 Housing, -6 Stone)
--[] Upgrade to Stone Walls (-4 Stone)
[ ] Build an Inner Wall (-5 Gold. -4 Wood OR -8 Stone)
--[ ] Build the second circuit(-10 Gold, -16 Stone)
----[ ] Build the third circuit (-15 Gold, -28 Stone)

In general I think this multitude of walloptions allows for some interesting building combinations:
Stone Wall and the Citadel: Total cost [-10 Gold, -12 Stone, +1 Prestige]
[] Renovate City Center (-5 Gold, -2 Housing, -6 Stone)
--[] Upgrade to Stone Walls (-4 Stone)
----[] Convert to Citadel (Defensive Bonuses)
[] Small Stone Residential District (-5 Gold, -2 Stone, +2 Housing, +1 Prestige)

This would give us a stone wall around our city center while also turning it into a Citadel. The innermost walls require Renovate City Center, which IMO should always be combined with Small Stone Residential District so as not to loose housing capacity.

Two Walls:
Total cost [-21(?) Gold, -14 Stone, -8 Wood, + 6 Wood Store, +3 Prestige]
[] Build an Inner Wall (-5 Gold. -8 Stone)
--[] Build the second circuit(-10 Gold, -8 Wood)
[] Small Residential District
--[] Convert to Stone Housing (-2 Gold, +2 Wood Store, -2 Stone, +1 Prestige)
[] Small Mercantile District
--[] Convert to Stone (-5 Gold, -2 Stone, +2 Wood Store, +2 Taxes, +1 Prestige) <-
@Sayle shouldn't this also be (-2 Gold, +2 Wood Store, -2 Stone, +1 Prestige)?
[] Small Civic District
--[] Convert to Stone (-2 Gold, +2 Wood Store, -2 Stone)

The gold requirements for this one would probably mean that it would have to be spread out over two turns. But by converting our three wooden districts we could use 8 Wood for the second circuit and still ensure high Wood Store in case of harsh winters.

Other interesting buildings:
[] Small Stone Civic District (-5 Gold, -2 Stone, +1 Prestige)
----[] Establish Baths (-2 Gold, +1 Prosperity, +2 Prestige)
[ ] Small Stone Mercantile District
--[ ] Establish Woodworker's Quarter (-2 Gold, -2 Taxes, 2 Lebethron Converted to 2 Hardwood per turn)
[] Tame the Baranduin (-10 Gold, -20 Stone)
[ ] Small Military District (-5 Gold, -2 Stone, -2 Metal) <-
[Likely to need population to fill]
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Frozen river is a decent road by itself. It's springs and falls (ice is not strong enough to travel) when roads by side are useful, but you'll need pretty good roads for them not to turn into mud in springs and falls.

Depends on how cold the winter is and how much the rivers ice. they can ice upstream and you'd see ice fragments and what not downstream, on any case, riverside roads can help barges moving counter current, so that is a plus as well (as for spring and fall mud... we can go for stone roads, that should limit the issue, assuming we have the know-how, but Numenorean cultures have always have a certain roman flavor...)
Um, To anyone whose plan includes the phrase "build an outer wall", there is no outer wall anymore. we've built a third expanse out of our city now, so there's 3 walls in need of construction and what you're calling the "outer wall" is now the second layer of (eventual) walls coming from outside the city inwards, or going from the city center outwards, it'd be the 3rd of 4 (eventual) walls. What you're calling the "outer wall" is in fact the Second Circuit. The Third Circuit would be the true "outer" wall, at this point - which also costs 15 Gold and 28 Stone, not the 10 Gold and 16 Stone of the now-Second Circuit wall.

Just thought I'd clarify.

[edit] Aaand I just noticed that someone else alredy mentioned this. Alas.
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[X] Sell 1 Lebethron (Market Price)
[X] Buy/Sell 2 Metal (Market Price)

Renovate City Center (-5 Gold, -2 Housing, -6 Stone)
--[X] Upgrade to Stone Walls (-4 Stone)
[X] Sell 1 Lebethron (Market Price)
[X] Buy/Sell 2 Metal (Market Price)

Renovate City Center (-5 Gold, -2 Housing, -6 Stone)
--[X] Upgrade to Stone Walls (-4 Stone)

Hold a tick before voting, we are going to get dock options added soonish, so we might want to do some of those...
Re-drafting my plan now over five years, and trying to make sure there's some money set aside to finance a bit of shipbuilding in anticipation of that. Spare hardwood won't be a problem; we couldn't not stockpile it if we tried under the current trading terms.

One final question while we wait if you don't mind @Sayle; is it obligatory to build the walls in the order indicated by the indentation of build options, and if so is it necessary to build every preceding wall before you build the Nth wall, or can you skip some?
It is with indentation, yes. Although at this rate there's going to have to be a special event to make you stop people living in huts in the middle of the city. :V

Also the update has been reformatted, including shipbuilding.
So just to clarify on that, we have to build each one in series, we can't for example only build the odd-numbered ones?


Your forefathers are still living in them - they're getting grumpy. And yes, you need to build them in sequence outwards. Smaller walls are more easily defensible, and without fallback defenses large outer walls become a threat if they are breached in a lightly-defended area.
[ ] Small Residential District (-5 Gold, -2 Wood, +2 Housing)
--[ ] Convert to Stone Housing (-2 Gold, +2 Wood Store, -2 Stone, +1 Prestige)
[ ] Small Mercantile District (-5 Gold, -2 Wood, +2 Taxes)
--[ ] Convert to Stone (-5 Gold, -2 Stone, +2 Wood Store, +2 Taxes, +1 Prestige)
[ ] Small Civic District (-5 Gold, -2 Wood)
--[ ] Convert to Stone (-2 Gold, +2 Wood Store, -2 Stone)

Any reason why these convert to Stone options are so different? Especially the Mercantile one seems like a typo. I don't think you intended to have the conversion to stone lead to a tax increase. Also only civic conversion doesn't seem to give prestige, even though a new civic stone district would
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@Sayle are you going to "pause time" if we grow a new pop, but have no work for it? Or how should we queue up production buildings like farms/fishing boats/logging camps/etc.?
Your forefathers are still living in them - they're getting grumpy. And yes, you need to build them in sequence outwards. Smaller walls are more easily defensible, and without fallback defenses large outer walls become a threat if they are breached in a lightly-defended area.

How about compartmentalising the outer layers? For example separating the outermost layer into 4 sectors via internal walls; if 1 sector is breached, the other 3 still won't. This also makes it much more riskier for invaders, as they would be facing 3 sectors (2 adjacent ones, and the one in the next inner layer) and are very liable to flanking.

The gatehouse can also be sectors into themselves (basically turning them into fortresses in the same way as Attack on Titan, but on a smaller scale)
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Trade: (Market prices for Food & Wood can vary strongly)
[ ] Sell 1 Lebethron (Market Price): +3 gold/turn
[ ] Sell 2 Metal (Market Price): +4 gold/turn
Income +7gold/turn

We need Wood and Gold for shipbuilding right now. Also, since our population is on track to grow in two turns I have decided not to go for food imports. This new population, if send to farm, should help boost our population growth naturally.
I will assume a -3 wood per winter/turn.
Path 1
This path goes for a fortified city center first, shipbuilding second.

Income: 14 Gold
Treasury: 10 Gold
Food: +2(3 Growth) (2/8 Growth) [7/7 Stored]
Wood: 11 [7/7 Stored]
--Lebethron: 2
Stone: 19
Metal: 9

Turn 1
[] Small Stone Residential District (-5 Gold, -2 Stone, +2 Housing, +1 Prestige)
[] Renovate City Center (-5 Gold, -2 Housing, -6 Stone)
--[] Upgrade to Stone Walls (-4 Stone)
----[] Convert to Citadel (Defensive Bonuses)

This would give us a stone wall around our city center while also turning it into a Citadel. The innermost walls require Renovate City Center, which IMO should always be combined with Small Stone Residential District so as not to loose housing capacity.
Income: 14 Gold
Treasury: 14 Gold
Food: +2(3 Growth) (5/8Growth) [7/7 Stored]
Wood: 14 [7/7 Stored]
--Lebethron: 2
Stone: 10
Metal: 10

Turn 2
[] Small Stone Civic District (-5 Gold, -2 Stone, +1 Prestige)
----[] Establish Baths (-2 Gold, +1 Prosperity, +2 Prestige)
[] Small Stone Mercantile District
--[] Establish Woodworker's Quarter (-2 Gold, -2 Taxes, 2 Lebethron Converted to 2 Hardwood per turn)
[] Small Residential District
--[] Convert to Stone Housing (-2 Gold, +2 Wood Store, -2 Stone, +1 Prestige)

Population +1 to 8
Income: 15 Gold
Treasury: 17 Gold
Food: +1(0 Growth) (0/9 Growth) [7/8 Stored]
Wood: 17 [9/8 Stored]
--Lebethron: 2
Stone: 9
Metal: 11

Turn 3
Special action for the new population if time doesn't "stop"
[] Clear new land for farms, bypassing the housing issue (-2 Gold, +3 Food, +1 Housing)
[] Small Mercantile District
--[] Convert to Stone (-2 Gold, +2 Wood Store, -2 Stone, +1 Prestige)
[] Small Civic District
--[] Convert to Stone (-2 Gold, +2 Wood Store, -2 Stone, +1 Prestige)
[ ] Númerrámar (Númenorean Vessel) [Req. 1 Hardwood] (-10 Gold, -10 Wood) [Req. 1 Shipbuilding]

By converting wooden districts we can safely use 10 Wood for shipbuilding and still ensure high Wood Store in case of harsh winters.
Income: 15 Gold
Treasury: 16 Gold
Food: +4(6 Growth) (0/9 Growth) [8/8 Stored]
Wood: 10 [13/8 Stored]
--Lebethron: 2
Stone: 8
Metal: 12
Actions for 2 Turns until Pop growth
[] Small Stone Residential District (-5 Gold, -2 Stone, +2 Housing, +1 Prestige)
[] Renovate City Center (-5 Gold, -2 Housing, -6 Stone)
--[] Upgrade to Stone Walls (-4 Stone)
----[] Convert to Citadel (Defensive Bonuses)
[] Small Stone Civic District (-5 Gold, -2 Stone, +1 Prestige)
----[] Establish Baths (-2 Gold, +1 Prosperity, +2 Prestige)
[] Small Stone Mercantile District
--[] Establish Woodworker's Quarter (-2 Gold, -2 Taxes, 2 Lebethron Converted to 2 Hardwood per turn)
[] Small Residential District
--[] Convert to Stone Housing (-2 Gold, +2 Wood Store, -2 Stone, +1 Prestige)

Path 2
This path goes for shiplbuilding first, a fortified city center second.

Income: 14 Gold
Treasury: 10 Gold
Food: +2(3 Growth) (2/8 Growth) [7/7 Stored]
Wood: 11 [7/7 Stored]
--Lebethron: 2
Stone: 19
Metal: 9

Turn 1
[] Small Stone Civic District (-5 Gold, -2 Stone, +1 Prestige)
----[] Establish Baths (-2 Gold, +1 Prosperity, +2 Prestige)
[] Small Stone Mercantile District
--[] Establish Woodworker's Quarter (-2 Gold, -2 Taxes, 2 Lebethron Converted to 2 Hardwood per turn)

Income: 14 Gold
Treasury: 15 Gold
Food: +2(3 Growth) (5/8Growth) [7/7 Stored]
Wood: 14 [7/7 Stored]
--Lebethron: 2
Stone: 20
Metal: 10

Turn 2
[] Small Residential District
--[] Convert to Stone Housing (-2 Gold, +2 Wood Store, -2 Stone, +1 Prestige)
[] Small Civic District
--[] Convert to Stone (-2 Gold, +2 Wood Store, -2 Stone, +1 Prestige)
[ ] Númerrámar (Númenorean Vessel) [Req. 1 Hardwood] (-10 Gold, -10 Wood) [Req. 1 Shipbuilding]

By converting wooden districts we can safely use 10 Wood for shipbuilding and still ensure high Wood Store in case of harsh winters.

Population +1 to 8
Income: 15 Gold
Treasury: 16 Gold
Food: +1(0 Growth) (0/9 Growth) [7/8 Stored]
Wood: 7 [11/8 Stored]
--Lebethron: 2
Stone: 19
Metal: 11

Turn 3
Special action for the new population if time doesn't "stop"
[] Clear new land for farms, bypassing the housing issue (-2 Gold, +3 Food, +1 Housing)
[] Small Stone Residential District (-5 Gold, -2 Stone, +2 Housing, +1 Prestige)
[] Renovate City Center (-5 Gold, -2 Housing, -6 Stone)
--[] Upgrade to Stone Walls (-4 Stone)
----[] Convert to Citadel (Defensive Bonuses)
[] Small Mercantile District
--[] Convert to Stone (-2 Gold, +2 Wood Store, -2 Stone, +1 Prestige)

This would give us a stone wall around our city center while also turning it into a Citadel. The innermost walls require Renovate City Center, which IMO should always be combined with Small Stone Residential District so as not to loose housing capacity.
Income: 15 Gold
Treasury: 17 Gold
Food: +4(6 Growth) (0/9 Growth) [8/8 Stored]
Wood: 10 [13/8 Stored]
--Lebethron: 2
Stone: 9
Metal: 12

Actions for 2 Turns until Pop growth
[] Small Stone Civic District (-5 Gold, -2 Stone, +1 Prestige)
----[] Establish Baths (-2 Gold, +1 Prosperity, +2 Prestige)
[] Small Stone Mercantile District
--[] Establish Woodworker's Quarter (-2 Gold, -2 Taxes, 2 Lebethron Converted to 2 Hardwood per turn)
[] Small Residential District
--[] Convert to Stone Housing (-2 Gold, +2 Wood Store, -2 Stone, +1 Prestige)
[] Small Civic District
--[] Convert to Stone (-2 Gold, +2 Wood Store, -2 Stone, +1 Prestige)
[ ] Númerrámar (Númenorean Vessel) [Req. 1 Hardwood] (-10 Gold, -10 Wood) [Req. 1 Shipbuilding]

This is what I came up with after thinking it over for quite some time, I will wait for what others come up with or improve upon this before voting myself.
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