Voting is open
Announcement - Discord Server/Crowdfunding Sites
After extensive thought, I've finally caved and made a Discord sever, as well as a Ko-Fi and Patreon. My reasoning for this is laid out below, but links first.

On Ko-Fi/Patreon and Why I'm Starting Them:
I'm not the fastest updating QM, this is no secret. Part of this is due to the standards I hold myself to - I don't like making sub-par work and often doing things good takes time. Part of it is due to personal inconsistency - that is, not being diligent with putting time aside to write. This used to be a far bigger thing for me, but not as much now. The biggest thing standing in my way of writing as much as I'd like to right now is, put simply, the need to earn a living. Gotta dedicate a certain amount of my time to earning money, and more often than not, time I'm doing that is time I can't write. Simple math.

Therefore, I've decided to, well, open up the option for people to support me if they want to. This has always been something I've been leery of doing, since I don't like asking for things or feeling indebted to people. Therefore, the Ko-Fi and Patreon (both offer the same benefits, Ko-Fi just gives me a larger cut) are focused on being a means of giving more goodies to whoever signs up for them, rather than acting as a tip jar or anything similar. I intend to use the money from them to try to make my stuff better first and foremost - do more art commissions, spend more time writing, give y'all more stuff to enjoy. I'll be fine regardless of how much or little money comes in from them, of course, and I'll keep writing regardless. Additionally, nothing's being paywalled - some of the tiers have some early access and behind-the-scenes stuff, but everything I make will always be released for everyone to enjoy at no cost.

In summary, look at those as a way to get bonus content and enable me to write more frequently if you like my stuff and wanna see more of it. Choose whichever platform you prefer, but I do get more money from Ko-Fi. Zero obligation to donate, I will make stuff regardless.

On Discord and Why I Made One:
In the past I've expressed my hesitancy on making a discord server for my quests, since I saw a fair few where a sort of information gap developed between those readers who were able to chat with the QM on Discord and those who didn't. I didn't enjoy that idea, and still don't - quests are a somewhat egalitarian way of enjoying and influencing a story, and I want to try to keep it that way. However, I also can't ignore the amount of community and communication that I've seen go on in quest-related discord servers - I was under the impression that making one would leech discussion away from the thread, but looking at examples like Rhunrikki Strollar, it instead seems to multiply it. With that in mind, I put a good chunk of time into polishing the server I made up into a welcoming place to foster all sorts of discussion.

@soulcake also gave me a pretty good way of addressing the information gap, that being regular Q&A drops. If you join my Discord, you'll notice that each quest category has a question and answer channel. Once questions build up in those, I'll answer them and then simply cross-post the answers to their relevant thread. Might let me keep a consistent record of my WOG statements to boot. I hope by doing this I can help people enjoy the benefits of easier communication and a shared general space that a Discord offers, without turning it into a secret cabal that only the privileged few know about. Who knows, I might even be able to do other stuff with it in the future.

Anyway, that's it from me, I'm off to bed, links are at the top of the post. Ping me with any questions or concerns and I'll get to them when I'm able!
About fucking time. Nah, but in all seriousness, congrats man! Finally got you to cave.
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Is Glimmering Shell any good at range? We could open up with a firearm (since it seems it's our best skill) to force them to close range and then hit him straight with thundering bell, which should be a surprise
Is Glimmering Shell any good at range? We could open up with a firearm (since it seems it's our best skill) to force them to close range and then hit him straight with thundering bell, which should be a surprise
They can shoot, since they know their stuff and have that 'annoyingly talented at everything without trying' thing going for them, but last they compared with Alya, she was better. Probably a Beginner+ to your Skilled.
Revised my plan a bit.

[X] Plan Blinding Gust
-[X] Grab powder and a glove from the closest chest quickly.
--[X] Close the distance and fast.
---[X] Combine a air-imbued strike to the eyes with judicious application of flammable powder.
I keep forgetting that pure write-in votes are kind of intimidating, gah. I'll leave the vote open for … one more day, just because I'll be occupied most of tomorrow, but next vote onwards will have a list of preset options to choose from with the option of a write-in.
[X] Plan Shoot them up
-[X] Grab a gun
--[X] Shoot them to force to close range
---[X] Once at close range, use Thundering Bell, which they shouldn't expect

The idea is to force them to react, by going for a contest where we're slightly better, which should force them to close range (because they'd have the advantage there), but then surprising them with something we can do

Another idea that go for more misdirection:

[] Plan surprise
-[] Grab gloves and powder as if you were going to use Burning Venom Palm
--[] Rush them
---[] But instead of using Burning Venom Palm, use Thundering Bell

The idea here is to make them (even more) confident, by giving the impression we're going to go for a contest that they'll win, then switching up to something they don't know we can do.

I would have like to use A Spark of Rage in either plan, but combining something that lasts one turn and leave us drained and a technique that 'struggles to inflict substantial damage with any individual blow' seem like a recipe for disaster
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I would have like to use A Spark of Rage in either plan, but combining something that lasts one turn and leave us drained and a technique that 'struggles to inflict substantial damage with any individual blow' seem like a recipe for disaster
Wind compensates for this lack of single hit power by hitting really, really fast, so it's not so much of a worry there. Spark of Rage would typically be used as a trump card or last-ditch effort - you saw it earlier with Alya's fight with the ogre, where it allowed her to shrug off being flattened and strangle him to death where previously she couldn't do much to him.

We haven't seen Granny Flowers use her equivalent yet.
[X] Plan Shoot them up
-[X] Grab a gun
--[X] Shoot them to force to close range
---[X] Once at close range, use Thundering Bell, which they shouldn't expect
[X] Plan Shoot them up
-[X] Grab a gun
--[X] Shoot them to force to close range
---[X] Once at close range, use Thundering Bell, which they shouldn't expect

This is solid.

[X] Plan Take a Typhoon Shot
-[X] Grab a gun
--[X] Shoot them to force to close range
---[X] Set up a surprise Typhoon Beneath the Waves strike
----[X] Expand into Wind-Style aiming for eyes and sensory organs and fins

I figure seeing all three of these things is gonna look cool and also fit to shatter Glimmer's shell, and I wanted to be a bit more specific.
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Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by Xantalos on May 1, 2023 at 3:02 AM, finished with 13 posts and 6 votes.
  • 4

    [X] Plan Shoot them up
    -[X] Grab a gun
    --[X] Shoot them to force to close range
    ---[X] Once at close range, use Thundering Bell, which they shouldn't expect
  • 4

    [X] Plan Take a Typhoon Shot
    -[X] Grab a gun
    --[X] Shoot them to force to close range
    ---[X] Set up a surprise Typhoon Beneath the Waves strike
    ----[X] Expand into Wind-Style aiming for eyes and sensory organs and fins
Hmm. That … did not count everything like it should've, but the leading plans are still tied 4 for 4, with the only real difference being whether to try to use Typhoon Beneath The Waves or not. Anyone care to weigh in? Otherwise I'll roll a dice for it in say … 30 minutes.
15. Glimmering Shell Pt. 2
[X] Plan Take a Typhoon Shot
-[X] Grab a gun
--[X] Shoot them to force to close range
---[X] Set up a surprise Typhoon Beneath the Waves strike
----[X] Expand into Wind-Style aiming for eyes and sensory organs and fins

Glimmer's always been the better martial artist between the two of you. Their capacity for learning new things has always seemed boundless to you - they absorb knowledge like a sponge, memorizing patterns and picking up facts with frankly ridiculous ease. It's something to do with their relative youth compared to their lifespan, you think - by Deep One standards, Glimmer's barely even an infant, even if the two of you are the same age. Whatever the reason, it's enabled them to outcompete you at almost everything the two of you ever tried, at least in a technical sense. Glimmer's kicked your ass many times in friendly sparring, but never had quite the stomach for violence or hard work that you did.

You snatch up a pistol from the wall behind you, the handle sliding smoothly into your palm as you level the barrel at Glimmer's center mass. You pull the trigger and a part of you rejoices at the familiar feel of a gun kicking in your hand as the red-wreathed bullet arcs towards your once-friend.

[Glimmer attempts to dodge, DC 35: 100]
[Glimmer's reaction to being shot at, DC 60+15 (Your Intentions Divined) to close the distance: 21]

Glimmer barely even moves, shifting their body ever so slightly out of the way. This microadjustment is all that's needed for your shot to sail harmlessly by them, and they walk almost leisurely to a nearby table, dodging three more followup shots with similarly trivial movements - a cocked head here, a small pivot there, letting your bullets miss by mere inches. Their face is languid and unconcerned, wearing the same deadeyed expression they always get in combat, showing no sign of any emotion. It's like fighting a gods damned statue, and is just as frustrating to witness as it's always been.

They palm a pistol from the table and line it up with you in an eyeblink. A bloom of smoke erupts from the barrel and your body's already moving on hard-learned instinct, twisting out of the way.

[Dodging Glimmer's return fire, DC 35: 37]

It whizzes by you, close enough that you can feel the wind from its passage caressing your shoulder. You're pretty sure you haven't been hit, but don't leave it to chance, dashing behind one of the support pillars. A few more shots whir by you as you move, none coming quite so close as that first one.

[Recognizing Intent, DC 25: 41]

They could've hit you, you realize as you catch your breath. You've competed with Glimmer often enough to recognize when they're actually trying to accomplish something, and they had you square in their sights as they leveled that barrel at you. They could've shot you, but they didn't. Why, then?

"The hells are you playing around for, fishface?" You grab another pistol and cock it, peering quickly around the sides of the pillar. You can't see Glimmer anymore, which means they must've taken cover somewhere too. "Lost your nerve when you have to do the dirty work yourself?"

The reply comes from somewhere to the rear of the room, though you can't pinpoint exactly where from. "Is it so hard to believe that I don't like the idea of seeing my oldest friend bleed out on the floor?"

"And yet you had no trouble staying silent while I was locked away for something you did," you hiss back.

There's no reply, and you take a moment of satisfaction in that as you plan your next move.

[Premature Round End Due to Plan Failure]

Alya Condition: Unharmed, behind cover and armed.
Glimmer Condition: Unharmed, behind cover and armed.
Situation Update: Glimmer's seemingly unwilling to actually hurt Alya, and seems to be trying to stall long enough for the pistols to be evacuated. 4 rounds remain until they're fully packed, assuming the gangsters doing so are left alone. ???-1 rounds until Granny Flowers' arrival.

Suggested Actions (Note - all of these will provide 'okay' results - alterations or write-ins are required for higher reward):
[] Fire the Help - Start to attack the gangsters taking the pistols away - this will likely force Glimmer to respond.
[] Play for Distance - There are plenty of guns available to you - engage Glimmer in a gunfight until they close the distance with you or one of you gets shot.
[] Exploit Their Softness - Reluctant to hurt you, eh? Good thing that doesn't go both ways. Find Glimmer and get up in their face, relying on their lack of willingness to seriously hurt you to allow you to cross that gap.
[] Write-in (use one of the above as a base, or write your own)

A/N: Sometimes plans don't go as expected, and unfortunately this was one of those times. Fortunately, you didn't lose much except for time, and found a little more out about your opponent.

Also, Alya's makeshift character sheet has been updated with a Snark skill of Skilled+. I feel this is suitable for, well, her. Do feel free to @ me with any questions, or ask me a question in the Discord server I have - the answers will get posted to the thread, so there's nothing lost either way. Also if you want to see the updates a day early and see behind the scenes stuff, I've got a Ko-Fi or Patreon where you can access that.

Oh well!

Glimmer will probably want to stop Alya more gently first, while also stopping the killing of the gangsters.

[X] Tiger Among Scorpions
-Start to attack the gangsters taking the pistols away with Alya's own guns.
--Use the chaos of the gangsters firing back to get Alya into a position where Glimmer can only approach from a small number of predictable paths.
---Exploit her unwillingness to hurt Alya in setting up an Typhoon Beneath the Waves attack.

@Xantalos I think this is a more high risk, high reward plan?
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[X] Plan Dynamite Fishing
-[X] Try to get a better idea of Glimmer's location.
--[X] When that's done, shoot in a way that launches sparks onto gunpowder near Glimmer, hopefully resulting in a explosion that flushes Glimmer out.
---[X] Close the distance.
----[X] Using Air-style techniques, generously apply burning debris to Glimmer's eyes/other sensory organs.
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I think that's enough of a trickshot to make things meaningfully harder when they're hard enough as it is.
I think that's enough of a trickshot to make things meaningfully harder when they're hard enough as it is.

I think the other means of a distraction (engaging the other Scorpions) removes one silver lining we have, that being our fight is currently a 1v1. A explosion would, in addition to the plan I laid out, keep the gangsters busy trying to keep the rest of the room from going up, as opposed to gunfighting them.
Voting is open