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@Xantalos I have been pondering Thundering Bell kung fu and I have questions about the feasibility of a specific scenario.

The specific scenario is: Granny is facing off against a boss with a gun and gets into a scuffle with him. She strikes his trigger finger, wrist, and forearm bones and creates hairline fractures in all of those bones. The two fighters break apart and then when the man goes to pull the trigger, the action of his own muscles pulls open those hairline fractures and causes his arm to break painfully. Is this possible? Or would the fractures only pull open as the recoil of the gun firing travels down his arm?

This specific scenario is an expression of a principle for Thundering Bell that I have been contemplating where Granny can strike someone, causing small and lingering points of damage which are suddenly worsened by the opponent's own muscular power. A principle invented for the purposes of turning opponents power against them, like a River breaking its own banks.
Given how destructively Granny can hit, I'm pretty sure she could do that, but has no obvious reason not to just hit the guy so hard his arm falls off, unless she's doing it as a flex.
Given how destructively Granny can hit, I'm pretty sure she could do that, but has no obvious reason not to just hit the guy so hard his arm falls off, unless she's doing it as a flex.
Greater tactical flexibility and understanding of what Xantalos thinks is possible with Thundering Bell so that we have more information when it goes into planning for a boss fight because everyone is on the same page. That is why I ask.
This specific scenario is an expression of a principle for Thundering Bell that I have been contemplating where Granny can strike someone, causing small and lingering points of damage which are suddenly worsened by the opponent's own muscular power. A principle invented for the purposes of turning opponents power against them, like a River breaking its own banks.
In what scenario would this be better than utilizing the style´s already monstrous power to pulp those in the first place. Like, if she already gets a strike in, what difference does it make?

It would be neat if she could do this via glancing deflected strikes or when the opponent succesfully blocks, but the situation you are describing just makes me feel exactly what Simon Jester said. Any blow we succesfully strike is a killing blow already. If someone of our own skill level blocks/deflects us, it most likely won´t do much. Its not like there is kinda like, middle ground here.
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Scheduled vote count started by Xantalos on Mar 30, 2023 at 6:18 PM, finished with 20 posts and 14 votes.
Greater tactical flexibility and understanding of what Xantalos thinks is possible with Thundering Bell so that we have more information when it goes into planning for a boss fight because everyone is on the same page. That is why I ask.
Eh, it makes sense. Just going with my gut instinct.
That'd be viable, yeah. As noted, it's better if you pull it off as part of an otherwise incidental moment of contact rather than on a direct hit, which tends to deliver lingering damage anyway, but it is a thing that'd be useful as part of an aggressive defence, say - since Thundering Bell doesn't do as well on the backfoot as some other styles, anything you can do to impede your enemy's ability to continue attacking and get yourself back to the position of initiative is a good idea. Speaking of which I gotta get to constructing the character sheet and such that I reserved those posts for at the start of the quest...

The difficulty of pulling something like that off does depend on the opponent, obviously. Against the troll gaoler, say, you might've only been able to passively damage his stone armor with strikes like that until you were able to break through it and get to his more meaty bits.
That'd be viable, yeah. As noted, it's better if you pull it off as part of an otherwise incidental moment of contact rather than on a direct hit, which tends to deliver lingering damage anyway, but it is a thing that'd be useful as part of an aggressive defence, say - since Thundering Bell doesn't do as well on the backfoot as some other styles, anything you can do to impede your enemy's ability to continue attacking and get yourself back to the position of initiative is a good idea. Speaking of which I gotta get to constructing the character sheet and such that I reserved those posts for at the start of the quest...

The difficulty of pulling something like that off does depend on the opponent, obviously. Against the troll gaoler, say, you might've only been able to passively damage his stone armor with strikes like that until you were able to break through it and get to his more meaty bits.
Another question I have is something like this possible: Granny is facing someone and they're standing on a hard floor. She strikes the floor with her heel and transmits resonance through the floor and up into his foot, damaging his foot.
Another question I have is something like this possible: Granny is facing someone and they're standing on a hard floor. She strikes the floor with her heel and transmits resonance through the floor and up into his foot, damaging his foot.
No, but you can disrupt someone's balance by this manner. Also depends a little on the floor, things that are more flexible like wood are easier to transmit force through than rock, say. Still possible, you just have to be closer.
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May I ask someone to roll me a 1d3? I wanna determine a detail or two about an upcoming antagonist and feel it'd be more appropriate if I'm not the one rolling the dice.
A three! Is the antagonist a wielder of the Holy Hand Grenade Fist?
They are a talented practitioner of Burning Venom Palm, but their special talent is, unfortunately, being Better Than You, and knowing it. The dice roll was just to decide between gender (male/female/genderfluid) and a few aesthetic ideas I had for each option.
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They are a talented practitioner of Burning Venom Palm, but their special talent is, unfortunately, being Better Than You, and knowing it. The dice roll was just to decide between gender (male/female/genderfluid) and a few aesthetic ideas I had for each option.
Nice. I'm excited for their aesthetic.
Flaming Venom Palm Kung Fu

"You think that little tickling hurt me? You haven't learned the first thing about pain, fool."

Halfdan Edgarsson, Blazing Palm master, after twelve hours trapped in a pit of rabid thorn vipers

As a martial art descended from the teachings of the Saint of Agony, Burning Venom Palm is a style that revolves around endurance above all else. It does not teach precision or targeting skills, contains relatively barebones footwork and strategy, and none of its offensive techniques in and of themselves hit especially hard compared to other styles. Where Burning Venom Palm excels is its gruelling conditioning regime that is required to properly practice the art – even at low levels of skill, wielders of the Palm can withstand hits that would incapacitate most others, and their raw physical fitness is sometimes enough to overpower other styles based on attributes alone. Where this quality truly comes into play, of course, is where the 'burning' epithet comes from – using a variety of methods, which tend to differ based on the specific lineage, practitioners will light parts of their bodies on fire, using their endurance to withstand the searing heat for long enough to mash their enemy's face with a flaming fist. They tend to do better in prolonged bouts, where the attrition caused by their blows has more time to create an advantage.

As befitting its relative simplicity, Burning Venom Palm has a straightforward manner by which one may measure their proficiency, namely their ability to withstand and utilize fire. The scale proceeds as follows, though the names do tend to vary:

Novice Palm: The very beginning stages, where it can hardly be distinguished from common brawling or wrestling. The main distinguishing feature of practitioners at this level is that of unusual durability and cardiovascular endurance, which allows them to outfight stronger or more skilled opponents. Mastering this level usually takes around a year or two for the common practitioner.

Smoldering Palm: The stage where the style starts to come into its own. Practitioners of this level are notably more durable, able to fight at a brutal pace for at least thirty minutes, and are equipped with some variety of protective equipment that can be lit on fire - usually gloves and boots, as only the limbs have begun to be conditioned to heat. This level is where most people plateau in their study of the art, for the conditioning regime becomes far more brutal past this point.

Ignited Palm: This is the first level that can be considered a serious adherent of the style. Ignited Palm fighters have conditioned their hands and feet to be able to withstand flame without lasting damage for several minutes at a time, allowing them to fight unimpeded by clunky gear and still have the benefits of flaming strikes. They're reliant on the use of special powders or ointments to do this, and aren't entirely resistant to burns at this stage of their training. Reaching this stage usually takes at least five years of dedicated practice. Before a true grandmaster, they'll still fall like wheat before the scythe.

Flaming Palm: Few who start the path of the Burning Venom progress this far, for reaching this level involves a tremendous deal of pain, more than any ordinary enemy or life of fighting would inflict upon anyone. Flaming Palm adepts can swathe entire limbs in flame for up to an hour without harm, and withstand flames on their torso for a few minutes. Continual practice has caused their skin to become infused with the reagent they use to set themselves alight, making their flames burn hotter and become resistant to being doused save through total immersion in liquid, as well as reducing their reliance on powders or oils. While they can still technically be burned, it's a rare occurrence, and their pain tolerance and overall durability lie on the higher end of plausibility.

Blazing Palm: True masters of Burning Venom Palm are rare, and reaching this stage takes at least two decades of dedicated practice, if one is both talented and committed. The results, at least, are commensurate with the effort put in - a Blazing Palm level master has wholly acclimated themselves to the flame, and no longer requires special ingredients to set themselves aflame. Their entire bodies can withstand their white-hot flames indefinitely, which can burn even when underwater or deprived of air. The durability of these masters is without question - while not so tough as a Zinc Tortoise master, a fighter who has reached the Blazing Palm has a hardy resistance to most forms of damage, and is extremely difficult to tire. A worthy foe, even for the mighty.

Charred Palm: There are tales of Burning Venom Palm masters who have gone beyond mere immunity to fire, who have mastered it utterly and subsumed it within their being. It is whispered that these incandescent sages no longer need to set themselves aflame, for the essence of fire has become a part of their very flesh, and they may withhold or impart its searing kiss at will. To all appearances, a Charred Palm grandmaster might appear to simply be an elder who suffered some burns in their youth, but the terrible force of agony and destruction contained within their flesh tells a very different story to the unwary. According to Alya, the Captain of the Powder Scorpions has reached this level, although what precise capabilities this imparts to him is something she does not know.


Infernal Meteor Fusillade infopost coming in a bit - both of these will be posted in the lore threadmark on the front page.
That's fuckin spooky.

But also quite useful. I am having Ideas as to how to properly dismantle them.

It would make sense for Infernal Meteor Fusillade to focus on offensive damage - seen in using fire arms, Alya's descriptions of pistol whipping and melee combat with a firearm, and the lethality of their weapons emphasized in how Blue Blossom died and in how Granny reacts to them. And of course offense and distance control can pair well with endurance.

@Xantalos when it compares to Zinc Tortoise am I right in reading it that Burning Venom Palm is easier to hurt but has greater resistance to fatigue (slightly), while Zinc Tortoise is harder to actually damage and is easier to tire out (slightly)?
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@Xantalos when it compares to Zinc Tortoise am I right in reading it that Burning Venom Palm is easier to hurt but has greater resistance to fatigue (slightly), while Zinc Tortoise is harder to actually damage and is easier to tire out (slightly)?
Zinc Tortoise has greater endurance/fatigue capacity and damage resistance all around, it just is way slower and isn't guaranteed to do as much damage. Burning Venom Palm has what I'd classify as moderate overall damage resistance and pretty high fatigue endurance at the upper end of things, but the damage resistance isn't so much them being hard to hurt so much as just being functionally immune to pain and so they don't really care if you injure them if they can still win the fight, especially since they have a sort of damage over time thing going for them.

Try to stab a Zinc Tortoise master in the chest, and your sword will probably break on their skin and they'll beat you to death with the hilt. Stab a Blazing Palm-level master and they'll laugh, keep walking forward onto your blade, and bear hug you until your skin melts.
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Zinc Tortoise has greater endurance/fatigue capacity and damage resistance all around, it just is way slower and isn't guaranteed to do as much damage. Burning Venom Palm has what I'd classify as moderate overall damage resistance and pretty high fatigue endurance at the upper end of things, but the damage resistance isn't so much them being hard to hurt so much as just being functionally immune to pain and so they don't really care if you injure them if they can still win the fight, especially since they have a sort of damage over time thing going for them.
Innnnteresting. Thank you for clarifying. Honestly a very fun challenge to try and pick apart in a fight.
Infernal Meteor Fusillade

Little and less is known about this reclusive style, which seems to be entirely unique to the upper echelons of the Powder Scorpion Gang. No songs are sung of its exploits, no tales told of its masters defeating fearsome foes. Indeed, the only information you have concerning it is what Alya has told you, and even that much is fragmented and unsure, for she was not afforded direct instruction, and had to make do with the glimpses she caught of it being wielded in battle. The fact that she was able to put together as much as she did is a testament to her skill (not that you'll tell her that, lest she get cocky).

Infernal Meteor Fusillade is a style that revolves around fighting with the pistols the Scorpions wield, both up close and at a distance. Its fundamentals involve the use of the guns to strike, grapple, and shoot from fist fighting range, as well as extensive marksmanship training to allow for on-the-fly shots of pinpoint accuracy. It is only taught to the captains and lieutenants of the Powder Scorpion fleet, and even the novices are fearsomely skilled, particularly when paired with their Burning Venom Palm, which compensates for the style's seeming lack of conditioning.

Alya does not know what further degrees of Infernal Meteor Fusillade mastery beyond the novice level entail, but she has seen her own captain - not The Captain, mind you - pull off feats of marksmanship in ocean raids that defy what she'd ordinarily label as being possible to accomplish. To hear her tell it, no matter how narrow or far a shot, the man never missed his mark, scarcely even needing to aim.

Further information on this style will be revealed through the crucible of combat.


Innnnteresting. Thank you for clarifying. Honestly a very fun challenge to try and pick apart in a fight.
My thanks! I'm having a fair bit of fun detailing these.

I've got a write up on the Powder Scorpion structure halfway written up, but it's hard to say if I'll have that or the next actual update out next. Anyhoo.
Bullet Defense - Adept/Novice: A skill you'd had little cause to practice before, as your agility allowed you to avoid arrows and thrown weapons with ease, but have brought back into practice now that you're fighting a gang of pistol-wielding adversaries. You've reached Adept skill at dodging or deflecting bullets, and have become a Novice at catching them - a word which drastically understates the skill required to perform such a feat.

Gasping Void - Novice: A bit of insight your master gave you before his passing was that the five elements that make up Thundering Bell are not the true source of its destructive strength - rather, it is the vacuum created by the fluctuation of resonances that grant your blows the power to take life so easily. It's a line of thought you never really delved that deeply into, as your life shifted away from kung fu and towards the business of prosperity. Now, however, you've found the topic drifting across your mind again.
We have a character sheet, and these two things are some *really* spicy fun things on it.

Something beyond the limits of Granny's current understanding of Kung Fu is delightful.
Aye, I'm working on an Allies and Enemies list as well, just to keep track of who you've met and who you haven't. That'll be up in a minute or two.

Edit: Or maybe 16. Eh, good enough.
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