Chronicles of Divinity (A Council God Quest)

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Players take on the roles of Gods, both minor and major, great heroes and empires, and shape the history of a world.

Old Guard

Inward Collapsing Void
You were there when the Old Gods warred with each other. For untold Ages they had co-existed, there had been conflict before, but it was naught like that of the final conflict. In their rage, they manifested upon the Mortal Realm and laid waste to the lands with every step. Kingdoms toppled, armies burned, and cities turned to dust. Mighty races perished in that crazed inferno, while divine legions fought in the skies. You had only recently entered into being at that time and could do nothing to stop the shattering of a world. Yet, by the end, as the last of the Old Gods struggled with each other, you and the other New Gods fell upon them. Their destruction was out of your reach, but the pits of the Abyss, deep below the Tartarian Realm, proved to be the perfect prison for these insane destroyers, those you could capture in any case. Those Old Gods who would not be chained, while unkillable, could be broken. Break them you did, of the Three Unbowed, you smashed them, and sliced them, and split them. Their shards scattered across the lands, deathless, but reduced to near-nothingness.

You returned to the Divine Realm then and did what you could to aid the recovery of the Mortal Realm, not all for altruistic reasons. As the Era's passed, you took notice of a small species of ape-men. They proved intelligent and quickly began to spread. Soon they walked fully upright, lost their animal fur, and mastered the flame. The debate was had, many of the Divine saw this as a time to grow in strength, as the Old God did, they wished to feed on the worship of Mortals. These Mortals had swiftly brightening souls, and would soon be able to feed you. It was decided, once these mortals matured, they would become the flock of the Divine. First, you had to sleep. The combat with the Old Gods had drained all of you, and Ambrosia was becoming difficult to gather.

As you awake from your long slumber, you take stock. The other Gods and Goddesses are awakening as well, You gather with them, and view the Mortal Realm below. Much of it is obscured, lost to your knowledge during your great slumber, but you have one small area of clear view. A significant population of Mortals, who call themselves Humans, live in the region. They are descendants of those who you and the other Divine had touched before your long slumber, and they worship you still.


Welcome, here you will play either as a God/Goddess of which 6 to 9 spots are available or as a Mortal Civilization.

Your power is measured by DP (Divine Power), of which you get 1 per 1,000 followers, per turn.

Shape Private Realm - 5 Points

This ability allows you to shape a personal realm located in the Divine Realm. These realms are vast and can be made into any conceivable thing you want. Unfortunately, no true mortal intelligence can be created there, and while inside a God/Goddess cannot affect the mortal realm. However, these realms allow you to create a safe fortress to rule from.

Fortify Private Realm - 20 Points

A one time per realm action, this ability allows you to place defenses active and passive throughout your divine realm. Providing additional power for you while fighting there.

Divine Guardians - 40 Points

This ability allows you to create a vast race of servants and warriors in your Private Realm (one per) who will serve you, and lend their strength in Divine Combat. While not truly intelligent, they can fake it pretty well.

Greater Divine Servant - 80 Points

This ability allows you to create an incredibly powerful Divine Servant. The Servant will hold true intelligence, and as such have free will, this allows them to oversee tasks you cannot currently do yourself.

Influence Mortal Realm - 5 Points

This ability allows you to attempt to direct your Mortal followers within a Civilization to a certain course of action. This could be migrating to new lands, raising armies, studying specific types of knowledge, or things of similar nature. These commands are often whispered in dreams, or seen in visions, often occurring during religious ceremony. Mortals are frail, however, and prone to misunderstanding the will of there Gods.

Empower Mortal Bloodline - 10 Points

This ability allows you to choose a Mortal and grant him the smallest spark of your Divinity that is possible, this Mortal will become great among there peers, and this strength will pass down through the bloodline for many generations before fading.

Create Avatar - 30 Points

This ability requires a holy worshiper to accept the being of the Divine and allow the Divine to inhabit him/her. Using the Avatar the Divine has a few minutes in which to perform a Divine Action before the Mortal expires and the God is forced to return to the Divine Realm.

Enter the Mortal Realm - 50 Points

This ability allows you to physically enter the Mortal Realm, this will allow you to utilize your full power there, and conduct combat as it would be done in the Divine Realm. Caution, however, as the Old Gods proved, when Gods walk among Mortals, it leads to great catastrophe.

God/Goddess Name: (The Name of your Divine Being)
Title: (Descriptives of your nature or deeds, Ex: The Lord of the Wild Wood, He Who Sulks In The Dark, Queen of the Fresh Waters)
Personality: (The general demeanor of your God/Goddess, interest, hopes, feelings, ect.)
Description: (A physical description of the form your God most often takes, pics encouraged)
Divine Power Stored: (You start with 5)

Known Races:

Humanity is a very young race but has come far from its humble roots amidst steaming Jungles and the blasted ruins of the Elder Races. It has survived thanks to its adaptability, tenacity, and quick breeding cycle.

Technologically some Humans have achieved limited agriculture, fire, and basic metalworking, most predominately with copper, bronze, tin, silver, and gold. A far cry from the abilities of the Elder Races, who achived such towering heights of power that even they played a part in the Old Gods madness. Most Human buildings are made of wood, but stone is also used when the Humans can afford it. Rudimentary mathematics and written language exist, although the Humans speak and write in a variety of languages that makes it difficult for one group to interact with another. Animal domestication has also started, with flocks of sheep, pigs, and even cattle to be found in Human herds. In war, the Humans will sometimes ride Horses to battle, but this method of warfare has been far from perfected.

In the area of Magic, most Humans lack any skill or ability. Those that do, often use it for there own ends and become feared Sorcerors.

While the majority of their peoples and civilizations were blasted away ages past, some small communities of survivors may yet exist. They could prove quite the threat to your new chosen people...
(Explore More To Uncover More)
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Because I don't know what I'm doing I'm just going to commemorate my dearly departed cat

Goddess Name: Spark
Title: Thunder in the Night, Queen of The Wild Hunt, Mother of Killing, Guardian of the Fields, Cat
Personality: Caring but aloof, Spark tries to stay calm and reasonable in most situations, but can be overly excitable and bloodthirsty when hunting. Previously she hunted the Sun and the Moon but found that the world got a bit too upset when she actually caught them in her jaws. Now she just watches and makes occasional playful swipes. When not hunting she can often be found napping and enjoying the company of others. Although, if her current territory is intruded upon, she will rumble the skies in warning before going on the attack.
She hopes that in this new age she will be invited inside to become a guardian of homes and not just a Hunter of terrors.
Description: a long haired tabby or a hunting ball of lightning
Divine Power Stored: (You start with 5)
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This looks fun. What would be the commitment expected of a participant? If we just have to talk or post actions, I would love to participate but I don't think I have time to say post a 100+ word count IC write ups unless it's the weekend.
God Name: Fovos
Title: The Fear That Guides, The God Previously Known as Phobia, The Observer
Personality: He first learnt fear as he watched the power of the Old Gods and then he learnt it again when he wielded it as a weapon. But he truly considers having learnt the meaning of fear when he saw the primitive man master the fear of the flame that would become the centerpiece of their civilization. Fear can teach, he realized. It can guide. He decided that is what he wanted to be. Fovos - the fear that guides.

As an individual, Fovos is incredibly interested in learning and innovation. Very often to the exclusion of other things. Despite his wish to become a teacher and guide, Fovos finds it difficult to communicate. He tends to be more of an observer, communicating through metaphor and symbology if at all. He tends to come off as wise, but is afraid if he really relaxes, they'll see how much of a nerd he is.

Description: Appears as a apparently highly knowledgeable scholar or wise man with a surprisingly strong physique, with the specifics depending on the culture he's interacting with. When feeling particularly dramatic, he may appear as an inverted shadow where the light forms the shadow and the darkness it's edges. It tends to take the shape of a man in a similar vein as his usual form.

Divine Power Stored: (You start with 5)
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Are there any restrictions? Is this first come first served?

Basically first come, first served. There are a minimum of six spots for God players, but I'll go up to nine if late comers have some particularly solid or interesting character ideas.

Because I don't know what I'm doing I'm just going to commemorate my dearly departed cat

Goddess Name: Spark
Title: Thunder in the Night
Personality: caring but aloof, calm, will offer comfort on her own terms, enjoys hunting, enjoys naps, somewhat territorial, she hopes to become a guardian of homes and Hunter of night terrors.
Description: a long haired tabby
Divine Power Stored: (You start with 5)

Goddess Spark, Thunder in the Night is approved.

This looks fun. What would be the commitment expected of a participant? If we just have to talk or post actions, I would love to participate but I don't think I have time to say post a 100+ word count IC write ups unless it's the weekend.
God Name: Fovos
Title: The Fear That Guides, The God Previously Known as Phobia, The Observer
Personality: He first learnt fear as he watched the power of the Old Gods and then he learnt it again when he wielded it as a weapon. But he truly considers having learnt the meaning of fear when he saw the primitive man master the fear of the flame that would become the centerpiece of their civilization. Fear can teach, he realized. It can guide. He decided that is what he wanted to be. Fovos - the fear that guides.

As an individual, Fovos is incredibly interested in learning and innovation. Very often to the exclusion of other things. Despite his wish to become a teacher and guide, Fovos finds it difficult to communicate. He tends to be more of an observer, communicating through metaphor and symbology if at all. He tends to come off as wise, but is afraid if he really relaxes, they'll see how much of a nerd he is.

Description: Appears as a apparently highly knowledgeable scholar or wise man with a surprisingly strong physique, with the specifics depending on the culture he's interacting with. When feeling particularly dramatic, he may appear as an inverted shadow where the light forms the shadow and the darkness it's edges. It tends to take the shape of a man in a similar vein as his usual form.

Divine Power Stored: (You start with 5)

No need for 100+ word write ups. All I'll need is what you are spending the turns DP on, if anything. Of course you are free to coordinate with other Gods if you wish.

The God Fovos, The Fear that Guides is approved.


Any limitation for the god? To avoid going crazy here.

Only thematic limitations. You aren't omnipotent or omniscient. You are more along the lines of Greek/Egyptian/Norse Gods. Very powerful, but not all powerful.
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Wait, the Cat God really got accepted? I'm not really sure how to feel about that. My interest did drop there since it seems like the game won't take itself too seriously unlike the previous iteration.
My condolences for the cat, though. May Spark rest in peace.
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How do things work wrt the council aspect? Are we expected to all get along outside of minor disagreements, or is more serious conflict a possibility?
@HellHound01 how broad or narrow should a portfolio be? And could we maybe get some clarification on that? Titles are all well and good but maybe we could encourage people to list Titles, and then separately Portfolio, which is mean to be a couple of specific concepts/themes/forces you're in charge of?
God/Goddess Name: scrios
Title: calamity made manifest, the eternal storm, the bringer of battle
Personality: scrios is as fickle as the wind, with mortals falling in and out of his favour at random moments. Scrios believe conflict is the fastest way for mortals to adapt to new things.
Description: scrios often times takes the form of a human covered in random bits of armour that dosnt seen to fit together and in rare time scrios would take the shape of a raging storm contained in a vaugly humaniod shape
Divine Power Stored: (You start with 5)

So I tired to go for some sort of war god and I hope thos right up is okay
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Wait, the Cat God really got accepted? I'm not really sure how to feel about that. My interest did drop there since it seems like the game won't take itself too seriously unlike the previous iteration.
My condolences for the cat, though. May Spark rest in peace.

I see nothing wrong with it. Seems like a fairly serious submission (minus the title). Cat worship/feline gods have a basis in historical reality. IE Bast.

The tone of the game is meant to be serious, and for eventual civilization players possibly quite grim.

How do things work wrt the council aspect? Are we expected to all get along outside of minor disagreements, or is more serious conflict a possibility?

Up to you as the players. You can cooperate with each other, or outright wage war against one another.

@HellHound01 how broad or narrow should a portfolio be? And could we maybe get some clarification on that? Titles are all well and good but maybe we could encourage people to list Titles, and then separately Portfolio, which is mean to be a couple of specific concepts/themes/forces you're in charge of?

Sure, the Titles are meant to be indicative of your "domain" so to speak. Feel free to explore these areas deeper.
God/Goddess Name: scrios
Title: calamity made manifest, the eternal storm
Personality: scrios is as fickle as the wind, with mortals falling in and out of his favour at random moments. Scrios believe conflict is the fastest way for mortals to adapt to new things.
Description: scrios often times takes the form of a human covered in random bits of armour that dosnt seen to fit together and in rare time scrios would take the shape of a raging storm contained in a vaugly humaniod shape
Divine Power Stored: (You start with 5)

So I tired to go for some sort of war god and I hope thos right up is okay

The God Scrios, Calamity made Manifest is approved.

@HellHound01 can I make sibling gods/goddesses?

Interesting idea! I'm not sure how I'd work that with DP gain and divine combat, but put in a submission and I'll think over the details.
Name: Thana
Titles: Queen of the Underworld, Mother of all Monsters, and Goddess of the Night/Dark
Personality: Thana is the older and more pragmatic of the siblings, she rarely makes jokes and if she does it is often with sarcasm. She views the monsters she creates as her kids and loves all of them. She often cuddles her little sister and often spend time with her even though they couldn't be further apart in personality. She hopes to fulfill her role to the best she can.
Divine Power Stored: (You start with 5)

Name: Hella
Titles: Goddes of Day/Light, Mother of Small Animals, and Queen of Life
Personality: Hella is idealistic and childish, often making jokes to lighten the mood in the often time serious discussion the others have(especially her sister). She views the animals she makes as her children and loves them dearly. She sees the good and all living things and sometimes ask her sister's help in delievering punishment as she often can't stomach it. Is one of the few to get pass Thana's hard exterior and loves her dearly. She hopes to build a beautiful world where people can live free of hardship and conflict.
Divine Power Stored: (You start with 5)
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If the siblings are accepted...

Name: Thana
Titles: Queen of the Underworld, Mother of all Monsters, and Goddess of the Night/Dark
Personality: Thana is the older and more pragmatic of the siblings, she rarely makes jokes and if she does it is often with sarcasm. She views the monsters she creates as her kids and loves all of them. She often cuddles her little sister and often spend time with her even though they couldn't be further apart in personality. She hopes to fulfill her role to the best she can.
Description: Post pic here when I get home.
Divine Power Stored:(You start with 5)

Name: Hella
Titles: Goddes of Day/Light, Mother of Small Animals, and Queen of Life
Personality: Hella is idealistic and childish, often making jokes to lighten the mood in the often time serious discussion the others have(especially her sister). She views the animals she makes as her children and loves them dearly. She sees the good and all living things and sometimes ask her sister's help in delievering punishment as she often can't stomach it. Is one of the few to get pass Thana's hard exterior and loves her dearly. She hopes to build a beautiful world where people can live free of hardship and conflict.
Description: Post pic here when I get home.
Divine Power Stored:(You start with 5)

Your twin Goddesses are approved (filling a single slot) with the understanding that they share a DP pool and half your combat power if fighting separately.

God/Goddess Name: Sapienza

Title: The knowledge keeper/the god of discovery/ patron of the young, the inventive and the wise

Personality: Sapienza is a calm and collected individual, unless there is some new knowledge or discovery at hand then they have the enthusiasm and self-control of a five year old with too much sugar

Description: Sapienza form is ever-changing, representing their mental state, that of an euphoric child when excited, an old wise man when explaining things, a concentrated ice queen when researching on their own, etc.

Divine Power Stored: (You start with 5)
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God/Goddess Name: Sapienza

Title: The knowledge keeper/the god of discovery

Personality: Sapienza is a calm and collected individual, unless there is some new knowledge or discovery at hand then they have the enthusiasm and self-control of a five year old with too much sugar

Description: Sapienza form is ever-changing, representing their mental state, that of an euphoric child when excited, an old wise man when explaining things, a concentrated ice queen when researching on their own, etc.

Divine Power Stored: (You start with 5)
Sapienza, the Knowledge Keeper is approved.

Name: Rhaundeth

Title: Queen of the Forrests

Personality: Rhaundeth lives the woods and outdoors. She influences humans to venture into the woods to adventure and learn about the world. If humans get lost they can pray to her to find there way out again. She dislikes and hate los those who enslave beings and will strike them down with an arrow of pine.

She enjoys to show her followers how to properly keep there hair so that it doesn't caught up in the woods. Her favorite hair dress are braids.

Description: Rhaundeth is a clocked woman with clothes made of tree bark. Her hair is long and with one braid on each side. Her hair is blonde and hey eyes are a deep blue.

Rhaundeth will sometimes turn into animals to help guide humans or to safeguard lost children.

IOC: generic Ranger goddess with a Celtic theme. Partially from D&D 5E.

Divine Stores: 5
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