[X] No, let's get in a training session with Hero's Shade first.
"I'm going to go train with Hero's Shade," you explain.
Urist nods. He turns to Ian. "You. We train while wait."
Ian turns to Tessa, who shrugs, then turns back to Urist and shrugs himself.
You all head back upstairs to see Hero's Shade sitting at the bar, kicking back a comically oversized mug of ale.
"Drinking at this hour?" you ask, walking up beside him.
He chuckles. "Is only my second glass, lass."
You glance at his mug, which is easily larger than one of those big gulps at gas stations back on Earth. He's already kicked back one of those?
"Uh... Mentor, would you train me? Please?" You ask.
He pauses mid-chug. The old man sets the mug gently down on the bar counter, then turns slightly to give you a side glance, a smirk on his face. "Oh? The li'l kitty wants th' man who's a shadow a' his former self t' train her?"
You grimace at the smell of alcohol on his breath. "Are you drunk?"
"He is Drunk." You jump at Flora emerging from the kitchen. "That is a statement absent temporal context. Hero's Shade
is Drunk.
Dionysus thinks this guy should've been cut off five drinks ago," she explains, grinning.
The old man chuckles. "Relax, lass. Drunken Master. Skill I got. My Basic Abilities raise the drunker I am, without impairin' my mental skills."
He stands and quickly chugs the remainder of his mug, then slams it on the counter and belches loudly. "C'mon, lass. Let's see what ya got."
Hero's Shade leads you out of the guild and around the building. You've got your armor, spear, and buckler, but aside from his black leather armor, the Shade doesn't have any equipment. Is he an unarmed fighter? You can't help but wonder where he's leading you, but this soon becomes apparent.
Behind the Underworld Dormitory is a yard with training dummies and targets. It's just large enough for weapons tests, sparring, and possibly even testing spells. The Shade stops at one end of a circle drawn in the dirt with chalk. You face him at the other end, and also take your time to examine him properly, now that you have a chance to get a good, long look at him.
Hero's Shade is a tall Human standing at over six feet tall. He's old, but he looks like a man who's clearly taken care of himself over the years. Wrinkles blend with scars on his face. He's completely bald, his head covered in yet more scars, though a stubble remains on his lower jaw. His eyes are gray and carry in them the years of a man who's seen more than his fair share of hardships. His skin looks bronzed by work in the sun while his build is quite muscular for a man of his advanced age, likely in his seventies. He's wearing a pair of thick brown leather boots, black breeches, and thick black leather armor over his upper body and groin, covering every inch of his torso and arms. His hands have leather fingerless gloves and he carries no other equipment besides a satchel at the back of his waist, which you suspect holds rations, potions, and, knowing him, a flask of potent alcohol... or two.
"Now, lass, I'm abou' to start chantin' my spell. Don't interrupt. Need t' cast it to train ya. Got it?"
You nod. The Shade takes a deep breath and begins chanting, his eyes closed.
"I am th' master a' my domain. I hold power over th' worlds I create. Convince yourself it's no' real. It is, anyway. I control this world. What ya're seein', this world I control. That c'n be as real as any pain. A flower inna mirror. The moon's reflection in th' water. Th' counter stroke of a paintbrush. Your mind makes it real. My mind makes it reality. Welcome to my world..." He opens his eyes. "Thought Projection."
You look around, but you don't see any kind of magical effect. What exactly did that spell do? You look back to Hero's Shade, smirking at you. He holds out his hands and before your eyes, a spear and buckler appear in his arms in a shimmer of light.
"How... did you do that?" You stammer.
"Heh heh heh! This's me spell, Thought Projection. It's a combination illusion 'n' barrier spell. By makin' illusions and coverin' them in a thin but tough barrier, I c'n make temporary constructs. As for how I c'n fight with these... Me Skill, Armory, lets me fight masterfully with anything built with th' intention of bein' a weapon. So as ya c'n see, I'm uniquely suited t' trainin' young Adventurers."
Wow. You bow to the Shade respecfully. "I would be honored to train with you, Mentor."
"Good. Then get ready, 'cause I'm comin' at ya, lass. Don't worry, I won't hurt ya." He grins. "Much."
Chapter 2: Welcome to the Familia