[X] Talk to Tessa.
-[x] So... "pretty." Anything you'd like to tell me?
Hmmm... Something was bothering you earlier. Tessa called you pretty. What was up with that? You reach over and tap her on the shoulder.
"Hey, Tessa?"
Tessa smiles up at you. "Yeah? What's up, Rooster?"
You lean forward and rest your elbows on the table, bringing one hand up to rest your cheek on. "So... 'pretty.' Anything you'd like to tell me?"
Tessa's pale, porcelain features go bright red and you swear you see a burst of steam come from her face.
"Uh, so, uh... Y-Ya know, you're... You're always pretty... Armor won't, ya know, stop you from being pretty. I-I mean, pretty in a p-platonic way! Ya know, pretty in that way girls compliment other girls when they look nice. I mean, you always look nice, it's just-"
"Here's your order."
You look to see Ryuu balancing four trays on her arms carrying your orders. You also notice the little Cat Person waitress Arnya helping with a couple more trays. The two barmaids pass out the round of food and drinks to you, Ian, Tessa, and Hades.
Interrogating Tessa is forgotten and you immediately begin digging in. Well, sort of. You go at a steady, polite pace. As a foodie, you don't inhale your food like a glutton, you enjoy it. It's not that you eat faster than most people, you just eat a lot more of it. Even back in your last life, you tended to eat more than most people. Now that you're in Orario, your appetite has just increased to Animesque levels. Well, nothing like Goku, Luffy, or Toriko levels. You won't see yourself gorging on entire banquets yourself, but you can easily eat five meals in one sitting. You're... honestly not sure where all those calories are going, but judging from what Tessa is staring at, you might have an idea...
Hades, Ian, and Tessa finish their meals around the time you finish your first dish. They wait patient while you finish your second and third, then get up and walk around and talk with some of the staff while you finish your fourth. You feel a bit bad making them wait...
"Is this normal for her?" Hades asks Tessa, his face its usual perpetual frown.
The diminutive Weretiger sighs. "Pretty much. We actually had to cut back on her food when we lived with her, but it helped that she cooked for us and she's... well, she's a really good cook. She'd probably make a good wife someday..." She blushes at the thought.
By the time you finish your hot, buttered bread you're starting to feel sleepy from your third glass of warm milk. You feel your eyelids drooping...
Aaand next thing you know, you wake up in a comfy bed. There is an incredibly hairy crabapple grinning down at you. "Good, you are awake," it says in a thick Russian accent before withdrawing to reveal the attached body. He (women don't generally have that much facial hair) wasn't bending down but was, in fact, only extremely short. "Was point of middling concern to Hades. Unusually strong example of the Itis related to warmed dairy beverage. You are fully functional?"
You just blink for a bit, wondering who you're looking up at. With a groan, you pull yourself into a sitting position, looking down at yourself to see you're wearing a... very cute, warm set of footie pajamas. Whot.
"Who changed me?"
"Captain was technical side of things," he answers, moving in a sort of rapid clacking waddle over to a wall cabinet, opening it to reveal your clothes from the previous evening hung up on a series of hangers. "I took proper measurements and tailored to fit."
The sound his hand makes when he opens the door catches your attention. Another clink, just like his feet on the floor. A bare moment of closer attention reveals that at the very least all four of his extremities, if not the entire limbs, are advanced cybernetics. You can see silver metallic hands that... actually remind you of FMA's automail. From what you can recall, only the Dian Cecht Familia can make prosthetic limbs in Orario, and having one made for Naaza is what put Miach into the poor house.
"Uh... Who are you?" you manage to ask, putting the idea that you're wearing pajamas that were apparently just made last night out of your mind for the moment.
The Dwarf thumps himself on the chest, his mustache lifting up as his blinding-white teeth are momentarily visible. "I am Urist, designated papa bear for Daycare Dorm. I am supervisor for you, and here to answer questions. Also here to equip with better gear than Guild standard, would not trust a Level 2 with their crap. You have confusion? I will punch it with answers."
...Are you still dreaming? What a strange
Dorf Dwarf... Well, you probably do have... many questions, yes. To start with...
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