Chaos Dragon: When 5 creators play D&D

We've seen what both of these creators put out. Combining that with these characters, I know, I just know is my deepest heart of hearts, that this is going to be a massive shitshow. And it will be hillarious.
...You're not far off the mark from what I've read of other people's comment on their sessions.

Seriously, spoilers.
Continue for spoilers.
Urobutcher plays as psychopath whose goal is to MURDER ALL THE GIRLS! He's already notably succeeded at killing Nasu's waifu-candidate and attempted to gank Simadoriru's sister.

Meanwhile, Nasu is playing it straight as a hero.
And then Urobutcher gets nuked and eventually comes back as a SUPAH Death Lord raising an undead-army or some shit.
...You're not far off the mark from what I've read of other people's comment on their sessions.

Seriously, spoilers.
Continue for spoilers.
Urobutcher plays as psychopath whose goal is to MURDER ALL THE GIRLS! He's already notably succeeded at killing Nasu's waifu-candidate and attempted to gank Simadoriru's sister.

Meanwhile, Nasu is playing it straight as a hero.
And then Urobutcher gets nuked and eventually comes back as a SUPAH Death Lord raising an undead-army or some shit.

Oh my god I can't stop laughing.
Look at them. LOOK AT THEM.

Jesus christ, Urobuchi's character is an all black wearing MYSTERIOUS ASSASSIN who is an Assassin/Monk. Also he has a mysterious past and red eyes. It's so edgy it hurts.

I look at Urobuchi's character, and all I can think of is OW THE EDGE

Despite his reputation, doesn't Urobuchi tend to subvert or deconstruct "edgy" heroes though? I mean, I haven't read all his works so I can't be sure but

In PMMM, it isn't the "dark" Homura that saves the day it's the more heroic Madoka.

In Fate/Zero, Kiritsugu is shown that his "kill one to save the many" philosophy is flawed.

Even in this his character apparently turned into an out and out villain. Kinda reminds me of someone from my campaign group.
Despite his reputation, doesn't Urobuchi tend to subvert or deconstruct "edgy" heroes though? I mean, I haven't read all his works so I can't be sure but

In PMMM, it isn't the "dark" Homura that saves the day it's the more heroic Madoka.

In Fate/Zero, Kiritsugu is shown that his "kill one to save the many" philosophy is flawed.

Even in this his character apparently turned into an out and out villain. Kinda reminds me of someone from my campaign group.
Yeah but this a tabletop RPG, so he's just screwing around and playing to type rather than trying to make a point.

Basically we were playing our GM's homebrew campaign which had a sort of morality system. You gained "gift points" for doing things that were morally upstanding, and "corruption points" for being evil, every ten points you'd gain a new power/attribute.

So one of our players decides to make her character completely evil. All of gained at least a couple of corruption points over the course of the campaign but she soared past all of us; the dark-elf assassin whose mind had been shattered by coming face with his own life book, was often horrified by what she did. By the end of the game she'd evolved into an actual demon.

In fact, if you've read Looking for Group, she was basically Richard.

Anyway, by the end we'd defeated a literal god of evil, only for her to turn around and become the final boss, which is what she'd been planning all along.

Yeah but this a tabletop RPG, so he's just screwing around and playing to type rather than trying to make a point.

Well, yeah. Just pointing out that he's not exactly playing the "edgy heroes are better" angle if his character became a villain.
Somewhat disappointed at the genderbend but I can dig it. The party was seriously missing a nice pair of tits.
I mean two lolis? There has to be a balance to party breast dynamics you know.
Somewhat disappointed at the genderbend but I can dig it. The party was seriously missing a nice pair of tits.
I mean two lolis? There has to be a balance to party breast dynamics you know.
Nah, Simadoriru's character is a boy.

So the anime-cast is now 2 Males, 2 Females, 1 Robot-Thing, as opposed to the roleplay-cast which is 3 Males, 1 Female, and 1 Robot-Thing.
Urgh. The designs are completely ruined though. And what's the point of making the edgy one a girl?! Robot can be the secretly a girl, and with edgy mcedgy you can have the fujobucks what with all how not-proto seiba will clash with him. Speaking of Seibah they totally ruined his hair, and his face, no; they ruined everyone's hair and face. Why? For what purpose?

If they thought that this would get them more money they have no business sense.
Unless they got an animation budget matching Akira, there was no way those character designs were going to be anything but simplified when they got down to, you know, actually animating them.