Voting is open
Lieutenant Arisukawa Haruna

Balance Stats
❁ • Work / Life • ❁
❁ • ❁ Warrior / Princess ❁ • ❁
❁ • ❁ Radical / Respectable ❁ • ❁

Tactical Stats
Gunnery 0, Navigation +2, Command +2, Technology -4, Personal -2, Strategy +3

Stress: 3


You collectively vote on the actions of Arisukawa Haruna, the first woman to serve openly in the Imperial Akitsukuni Navy.

This quest is set in a universe which is much like our own circa 1910, but with different politics, cultural norms, and ideas about gender and sexuality, as well as some unusual and advanced technology in places.

We are using this quest to explore themes like breaking the glass ceiling, divergent outlooks on gender and sexuality, colonialism and imperialism, and the place of royalty.

Content Warning
This quest goes some dark places.

There is violence, often explicit, often unfair, often against undeserving targets.

There are not always good options forward. The protagonist is not necessarily a good person.

There is implied content and discussion of sexual harassment and assault.

This is a world where people are often racist, sexist, queerphobic bigots. Sometimes, even the PC and the people they are friends with.

Voting Rules

We will tell you if write-in votes are allowed. If we do not say that write-ins are allowed, they are not. This is to prevent people from unrealistically hedging their bets.

You may proposal other options in a non-vote format, subject to approval, on non write-in votes.

We will tell you when a vote allows approved voting. If we don't say the answer is no, pick an option. We like making people commit.

Discussions makes the GM feel fuzzy.

Game Rules
When we ask you for a roll, roll 3d6. You are aiming to roll equal or under the value of your stat. If you succeed, Haruna gets through the situation with no real difficulties. If you roll above the target value, Haruna will still succeed, but this success will cost her something or add a complication.

Whenever Haruna loses something or faces hardship from a botched roll, she takes Stress. The more Stress Haruna has, the more the job and the circumstances she's in will get to her, and it'll be reflected in the narrative. Haruna must be kept under 10 Stress: if she reaches 10 Stress, she will suffer a breakdown and the results will not be great for her.

Haruna loses stress by taking time for herself, by making meaningful progress on her dreams, and by kissing tall, beautiful women.

Meta Rules
Author commentary is in italics so you know it's not story stuff.

Please don't complain about the system or the fact we have to roll dice. We've heard it before, we've heard it a thousand times across multiple quests. We're not going to change it, and it wears at our fucking souls.

Just going "oh noooo" or "Fish RNGesus Why!" is fun and fine. Complaining at length because you didn't get what you want less so.

If you have a question, tag both @open_sketchbook and @Artificial Girl. If you only tag one of us, you will be ignored. Seriously, we both write this quest.

And yes this is an alt-history type setting with openly gay and trans people, ahistoric medicine, and weird politics. Just... deal, please?

This quest employs a special system called Snippet Votes. Please read this post for more information.
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Ouch. I... Want to say Advocate for her? Screw it.
[X] Advocate for her. (Diplomacy, +1 Stress)
This may or may not explode in our faces, but having a guilty conscious can fuck right off.
In before I end up with one anyway after we roll straight 1's for the stress
[x] Advocate for her. (Diplomacy, +1 Stress)

Firmly opposed to abandoning someone under our command (even if regs say otherwise, she's been following our orders for a long while now) who needs our help.
[X] Advocate for her. (Diplomacy, +1 Stress)

AIGHT! Breaking out THE BIG INCENSE BURNERS. Direct all sacrifices to the altar on your left; permitted are foodstuffs and deformed dice!

Oh hallowed Dice Gods, be not fickle with your High Priestess...
[X] Advocate for her. (Diplomacy, +1 Stress)

I mean, she's just gonna be enlisted, if we're letting women officers in, we can sure as hell allow already tested and true women enlisted in. Typically, the issue is more the other way around, only letting them in as enlisted, so....

Hell, swing this as the superiority of our culture! Everyone fights, no leaving half of our population out.
[X] Advocate for her. (Diplomacy, +1 Stress)
(also, did we get a second point of tactics increase along with the diplomacy, or did i miss a previous gain like with the stealth strategy boost a while back?)
I nominate @Shadows as the designated dice roller for this one. She saved our asses in Aircraft Design Quest on the last Major Dice Roll Situation, and I trust that she can do it again.
[X] Advocate for her. (Diplomacy, +1 Stress)

I am very happy with this twist. And the support for this option. <3 all of y'all
[x] Advocate for her. (Diplomacy, +1 Stress)

Rei's true gender, like everyone else aboard this ship, is Navy. Damned if we're going to let outdated regs about what equipment the enlisted need between their legs trump that.

Reserve the bullshit for sailors who say they want to join the Army.
[x] Advocate for her. (Diplomacy, +1 Stress)

Rei's true gender, like everyone else aboard this ship, is Navy. Damned if we're going to let outdated regs about what equipment the enlisted need between their legs trump that.

Reserve the bullshit for sailors who say they want to join the Army.

Actually she's a woman it says so right in the update. :V
Yeah i worded that more ambiguously than i should have; i meant that i thought we had previously been at 10 tactics before (and so would be at 11 now), not 11 (and so are now at 12); i guess i just missed a previous stat change though?

Oh hm. It's possible both myself and @open_sketchbook updated the Tactics stat without saying anything and accidentally did a double tactics.
Oh hm. It's possible both myself and @open_sketchbook updated the Tactics stat without saying anything and accidentally did a double tactics.
Clearly Haruna just out tactics-d you both :V (well ok, 'influencing the QMs through the veil of the fourth wall in order to improve yourself without dirtying your hands with practice like a peasant' would probably be a subterfuge roll, but either way i say thats in character :p )
Clearly Haruna just out tactics-d you both :V (well ok, 'influencing the QMs through the veil of the fourth wall in order to improve yourself without dirtying your hands with practice like a peasant' would probably be a subterfuge roll, but either way i say thats in character :p )

Subterfuge is Haruna's best stat, after all.

[x] Advocate for her. (Diplomacy, +1 Stress)

Yeah, this seems like a situation where we're uniquely well-positioned to have a positive impact, both on Rei in the immediate sense and precedent more generally. Plus, hey, we just got a Diplomacy boost.
[X] Advocate for her. (Diplomacy, +1 Stress)

I could've sworn Haruna had more Stress than the 5 she has at the moment. Like, Haruna had 7 stress when making the choice of how to handle the mishandling of the spy. There hasn't been any Stress reduction since then, as far as I can tell.
I too support Shadows as dice roller.

Rei's true gender, like everyone else aboard this ship, is Navy. Damned if we're going to let outdated regs about what equipment the enlisted need between their legs trump that.
Actually, the regs are very specifically about gender identity and have nothing to do with the contents of a sailor's underpants. You had to have a male gender identity to serve in the Akitsukuni military c. 1905. The physical ladyparts are in fact allowed, it's lady gender identity that is not allowed.

Institutionally, the Akitsukuni military tradition is... I dunno... they're like the exact antiparticle of TERFs. They're trans-inclusive radical male chauvinist pigs.

Reserve the bullshit for sailors who say they want to join the Army.
I like this idea though. We cannot have sailors joining the army or the next thing you know there will be... I don't know... Fire and brimstone coming down from the skies! Rivers and seas boiling! Forty years of darkness! Earthquakes, volcanoes... The dead rising from the grave! Human sacrifice, dogs and cats living together... mass hysteria!
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[X] Advocate for her. (Diplomacy, +1 Stress)

I don't know if we'll get an opportunity for a write-in vote at some point, but Haruna should send letters to the new academy cadets. They should get our support!
[jk] Huggle teh Rei
[x] Advocate for her. (Diplomacy, +1 Stress)

I could not resist the meme.

More seriously, Rei is the most experienced woman in the Navy, and even if we can't keep her on a combat posting, maybe we can have her as an instructor and mentor at the academy.
Lady parts are in fact allowed, it's lady gender identity that is not allowed.
Ensign Ikehara Akio on the tender was a transman, and the only indication we had of that was this exchange:
"They'd have me at home in a fucking dress." Ikehara scowled.

"Nonsense, man! You could always join the princess here in her skirts." Otonari joked. You winced: they had to be good friends for that one to acceptable.
Voting is open