Voting is open
Lieutenant Arisukawa Haruna

Balance Stats
❁ • Work / Life • ❁
❁ • ❁ Warrior / Princess ❁ • ❁
❁ • ❁ Radical / Respectable ❁ • ❁

Tactical Stats
Gunnery 0, Navigation +2, Command +2, Technology -4, Personal -2, Strategy +3

Stress: 3


You collectively vote on the actions of Arisukawa Haruna, the first woman to serve openly in the Imperial Akitsukuni Navy.

This quest is set in a universe which is much like our own circa 1910, but with different politics, cultural norms, and ideas about gender and sexuality, as well as some unusual and advanced technology in places.

We are using this quest to explore themes like breaking the glass ceiling, divergent outlooks on gender and sexuality, colonialism and imperialism, and the place of royalty.

Content Warning
This quest goes some dark places.

There is violence, often explicit, often unfair, often against undeserving targets.

There are not always good options forward. The protagonist is not necessarily a good person.

There is implied content and discussion of sexual harassment and assault.

This is a world where people are often racist, sexist, queerphobic bigots. Sometimes, even the PC and the people they are friends with.

Voting Rules

We will tell you if write-in votes are allowed. If we do not say that write-ins are allowed, they are not. This is to prevent people from unrealistically hedging their bets.

You may proposal other options in a non-vote format, subject to approval, on non write-in votes.

We will tell you when a vote allows approved voting. If we don't say the answer is no, pick an option. We like making people commit.

Discussions makes the GM feel fuzzy.

Game Rules
When we ask you for a roll, roll 3d6. You are aiming to roll equal or under the value of your stat. If you succeed, Haruna gets through the situation with no real difficulties. If you roll above the target value, Haruna will still succeed, but this success will cost her something or add a complication.

Whenever Haruna loses something or faces hardship from a botched roll, she takes Stress. The more Stress Haruna has, the more the job and the circumstances she's in will get to her, and it'll be reflected in the narrative. Haruna must be kept under 10 Stress: if she reaches 10 Stress, she will suffer a breakdown and the results will not be great for her.

Haruna loses stress by taking time for herself, by making meaningful progress on her dreams, and by kissing tall, beautiful women.

Meta Rules
Author commentary is in italics so you know it's not story stuff.

Please don't complain about the system or the fact we have to roll dice. We've heard it before, we've heard it a thousand times across multiple quests. We're not going to change it, and it wears at our fucking souls.

Just going "oh noooo" or "Fish RNGesus Why!" is fun and fine. Complaining at length because you didn't get what you want less so.

If you have a question, tag both @open_sketchbook and @Artificial Girl. If you only tag one of us, you will be ignored. Seriously, we both write this quest.

And yes this is an alt-history type setting with openly gay and trans people, ahistoric medicine, and weird politics. Just... deal, please?

This quest employs a special system called Snippet Votes. Please read this post for more information.
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[X] Fuck it, let's have dinner

We are a princess, and I suspect that the girl detective will bring us a solution giftwrapped if we just wait a moment.
We should get back to doing... whatever we were doing beforehand, before the night gets too long.
We were doing this thing that in military parlance is referred to as "being off duty"

Asskicking stopped being our responsibility the moment the base commander stamped those leave papers. All we need to do is relax, have fun, wine and dine with a classy lady, and do a little job for ONI as thanks for letting us spend their money.
We're on a ship at sea. Where is she running to?
Ever watch a Lupin the III episode? She's running to a boat, at least, with some plan to get picked up. If we're unlucky, she's going to have crazy gadgets like a glider or a hot air balloon or rockets or something.

Or maybe she's going to hide with an accomplice and change her identity. Something mundane.
[X] Fuck it, let's have dinner

Not at work, not our problem, and where's she gonna go anyways? Hide in the machinery spaces until we hit port and then slip out at 3 AM? If she's that dedicated she can keep the thing.
7-9: Just guys being dudes.
You groaned inwardly. You were not dressed to scurry all over the ship trying to find out where Lapenne had gone. Besides that, you didn't really want to do that, either. It was too much trouble. You weren't a police officer. And you were on holiday. So you moved to sit yourself back down with Aiko across from Hollins and Waters.

"You aren't going to chase her?" Waters asked, looking a touch surprised.

"No, I'm not some sort of policewoman. And besides, what would I do if I caught her?" You replied as you pick up your menu. "Fight her with a sword on the bowspirit?"

"Steam ships don't have bowspirits," Waters said with a smile.

"You would know. They were still using sails and tar back in your day," you replied with a sniff. At the other table, you could hear the Countess fussing still and demanding that someone call the captain but you put it out of your mind. It was time to have a nice dinner and relax.


In the end, Lapenne ended up getting away with it. If she was involved at all. A search of her cabin (and of the cabins of everyone she was traveling with) turned up no sign of the jewel and without any proof that she'dtaken the thing aside from her leaving at a suspiciously timed moment, there was no way of holding her. The Countess spent the rest of the trip in what seems to be a permanent sulk, but you found yourself happily enjoying the remainder of your journey, conversation with the two Albian gentlemen, and the benefits of sharing a small cabin with your girlfriend.

The remainder of the trip passed with little incident. The stop in Aryavatra was routine and brief, and you didn't even bother getting off the boat into the intense heat. The ship continued along its merry way thereafter, and you felt like you finally figured out how to relax sometime around day ten. No more pacing the halls looking for something to do, at least.

You did still pace the halls, if only to keep moving and not give in entirely to lethargy. You fell into the habit of taking one walk in the early morning while Aiko headed to the gymnasium, and a second in the evening before bed, taking advantage of the cooler evening breeze across the ocean and the soft electric lights dotting the hallways. It couldn't be said that you'd ever fallen out of love with the sea, not by any measure, but those walks reinforced that affection quite vividly.

That said… they weren't all smooth sailing.

As the ship was approaching Khemet and the Taufiq Canal, you had a rather curious interaction with Captain Redhart. You were walking the upper deck a bit later than usual, and pausing frequently at the rail to catch glimpses of the full moon as it peaked out from behind the clouds, its silver light reflecting in a long, dancing line across the waves. This beautiful sight was ruined in short order by the sound of somebody collapsing heavily against the deck, of glass breaking somewhere.

Not hearing any of the crew or anyone else intervening, after a short walk you found Captain Redhart picking himself clumsily up off the ground, having apparently tripped over nothing at all and lost whatever bottle or glass he had been holding over the side. You took a moment to steel your nerves for the inevitable barrage of awful comments that would surely spill from the man's mouth in short order, and then you went to help him to his feet with a steadying hand.

He might be the worst, but you'd been there.

"Urgh… hello princess." he said, his words so slurred you could barely understand them. "Still haven't my sea legs, I think…"

"Quite." you said, helping him to the rail. He leaned heavily against it, clearly trying to make the ocean stop spinning as he stared out at the moonlit sea. You probably should have left at that point, but he hadn't said anything awful yet, and you felt a certain… obligation.

"So… having a bit of a rough trip?" you asked, "I never see you without a bottle."

It took him a few seconds to find an answer, but fortunately, he didn't seem to take it as an accusation this time. To be fair, it had been an accusation last time.

"I've always been fond, but I have been… rather indulgent of late, I suppose." he said, slurring a little.

"Just not fond of the sea?" You asked, trying to go for a more jocular tone. It wasn't easy, as you were not a jocular person, but you were both military types, right? Even if he was Army…

Albian Army. They were probably more acceptable as armies went.

"Not my preference, certainly." he said, leaning back unsteadily and gesturing with his hands. "Trains! Love trains. I'll take a good horse too. Or an automobile, providing it doesn't break down every ten feet. Not meant for the sea. No."

"I typically find booze makes seasickness worse, not better." you recommended. You were both deflecting, of course, but that didn't matter when you both knew. "Tea to settle the stomach. And a little trick, try staying towards the back of the boat until you acclimatize. The boat rocks less there. Up near the bow if the seas are at all moderate, you're certain to feel more of the motion."

"Huh." he said simply. "I… will have to try that."

"Though, really, the drink will make it much worse. You won't even have a chance to acclimate." you said.

"Ah… So you're just here to give me the Ordainist pitch then. Thought I'd finally escaped them halfway 'round the world."

You couldn't help but chuckle at that, reminded of Ishinari's uptight attitude towards alcohol.

"I don't subscribe to that particular belief but sometimes drinking to stave off misery can simply become misery while drunk. I've found that point to be true myself." you confessed. You doubted he'd remember the details of this conversation in the morning, or be able to use it to smear you, and a bit of honesty is useful for manipulating people as your mother had always said.. "And I can't help but think that you have too."

"I'm not entirely sure what you're talking about." he said, resting his head on the rail. "Not much else to do in this bloody prison barge."

"If you say so." you said, and then you held your tongue. This was a tactic your mother had used with ruthless efficiency against you, and there was a certain satisfaction in finding a place to deploy it yourself.

"... Fine! Yes, I've been drinking like a bloody fish, what of it? What's it to you?" he finally said, like something had snapped inside of him.

"Just hate to see somebody, an officer no less, where I was." you said, "It's a shame."

"I'll stop when I get to port. Simple as that." he snapped, then he sunk lower against the rail, his feet almost giving out.

"Once you start putting something like this off, it gets easier. I'll stop after the party. I'll stop at my next deployment. I'll stop for…" you struggled a second to remember what the holiday was called, "...Christmas. Again, I've been there. The best time to stop was yesterday. The second best time is now."

Once again, silence. Just the waves against the boat, the faint churn of engines, distance voices of crew going about their duties. Footsteps.

"Is there a third best option I could explore?" he asked, and you genuinely smiled at that.

"Tomorrow morning? Clear out the booze you've stashed in your cabin and, I don't know, come play cards with the other passengers. See how much your game's improved when you're not blackout drunk in the process." you suggested. "You'll save money twice over. I'll see you there?"

"Perhaps you will." he said simply.

Despite the wretched circumstances, this was a surprisingly civil conversation. Perhaps you'd misjudged the man.

"... you know what the problem is, right? It's that devilish sake of yours. Making wine out of rice, it's unnatural. That sho-chew stuff is even worse!" he said suddenly, "Does things to a man. Makes him not himself. No bloody wonder your lot were running around without trousers when we found you."

… or perhaps you had judged him absolutely correctly.

"I don't believe it's our fault Albians can't handle their drink." you retorted testily.

"Maybe not, but it's bloody well your fault that you don't keep a tighter leash on your… your… sodomites," he hissed the word under his breath as if he were afraid someone besides you might hear it.

Oh Spirits.

"Do you think you're the first person to have had a sexual encounter you regretted later? Get over yourself man!" you said, trying to hold back the laughter. "If nothing else, it was on the other side of the world. Who will know?"

"I'll know. He--He seduced me. He had wiles. Only women should have wiles."

"Look," you sighed and pinched the bridge of your nose. "Did you enjoy yourself? Did you ask him to continue?"

"...That's not the point! So what if I did?"

"He didn't force himself on you?"

"No!" he said, and then, quieter, "He was quite polite."

"Then I don't understand the problem. It sounds like you and he had a mutually enjoyable encounter that only you and he know about. And me. It's absolutely normal and you breaking down over it is just going to draw more attention to the fact that something happened at all," you said flatly. "I understand having an encounter you regret--I've had some too, but it's not worth crawling into a bottle over and potentially ruining your career." You couldn't believe you were encouraging this man to go back to his career, but Spirits this was so much drama over nothing.

"But… but…" he continued. Urgh. Alright, new plan.

"Also, no woman will want to spend any time with a man who reeks so badly of gin." you said. You didn't have to try too hard to summon a disgusted expression.

He nodded solemnly, and staggered off into the night. Mission accomplished, you supposed?


You were on deck when the ship steamed into the lagoon at Serenitas. The journey at last, was coming to its end. You hadn't expected it, but you found yourself grateful to be disembarking. Without the usual business to keep yourself busy, shipboard life could get a little dull and repetitive at times. Not that you'd admit it out loud.

The city itself was sprawled across multiple islands, crisscrossed by canals and bridges, centuries of architecture layered in stone and brick. With the flag of the Otrusian Republic fluttering in the sea breeze it was a stirring sight, really. A beautiful old city that had been settled, supposedly, for nearly two millennia. It was as pretty as a painting! Next to you, Aiko clutched your arm.

"I can't believe we're really here," she murmured as the city slid past. The harbor itself was actually on the mainland across the lagoon from the city itself, having been moved there, apparently, sometime in the last century to accommodate the greater flow of traffic and the increasingly larger vessels in need of loading and unloading. Still--what a gorgeous little harbor this was.

"It's something else, isn't it?" you asked.

"There's so much to do, I have a list!" she said, fumbling around her pockets until she found a little notepad, opening it to let you see. "What do you want to do first?"

[ ] Find your contact: You should probably head to the consulate and get the business side of things squared away first. You've had a relaxing time on the trip here, but you do have a duty to fulfill here, and it'll be easier now than when the games are in swing and all sorts of people are poking around.​
[ ] Play tourist: Fuck it, you're on holiday still. You have some time to kill before Aiko needs to get on the train to wherever it is the games are being held. Why not enjoy the city? It has beautiful old churches, amazing architecture, and they have these cool little boats called gondolas that are supposed to be totally romantic.​
[ ] Shopping!​
[] Snippet Votes: Fun stuff in Gay Venice!​
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We have enough time for a little romance, right? I'm sure we can have enough time to get to the consulate if we take a slightly later train. Also, disappointing incompetence by the ship's crew in not finding the jewels.

[x] Play tourist: Fuck it, you're on holiday still. You have some time to kill before Aiko needs to get on the train to wherever it is the games are being held. Why not enjoy the city? It has beautiful old churches, amazing architecture, and they have these cool little boats called gondolas that are supposed to be totally romantic.
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[x] Play tourist: Fuck it, you're on holiday still. You have some time to kill before Aiko needs to get on the train to wherever it is the games are being held. Why not enjoy the city? It has beautiful old churches, amazing architecture, and they have these cool little boats called gondolas that are supposed to be totally romantic.

It's not everyday you're in a foreign country that isn't trying to shoot you. Let's live a little!
[X] Find your contact: You should probably head to the consulate and get the business side of things squared away first. You've had a relaxing time on the trip here, but you do have a duty to fulfill here, and it'll be easier now than when the games are in swing and all sorts of people are poking around

Let's get business out of the way so we can have fun. Better to get things over with rather than put them off. We did just have a nice speech on the subject.
[x] Play tourist: Fuck it, you're on holiday still. You have some time to kill before Aiko needs to get on the train to wherever it is the games are being held. Why not enjoy the city? It has beautiful old churches, amazing architecture, and they have these cool little boats called gondolas that are supposed to be totally romantic.
[X] Play tourist: Fuck it, you're on holiday still. You have some time to kill before Aiko needs to get on the train to wherever it is the games are being held. Why not enjoy the city? It has beautiful old churches, amazing architecture, and they have these cool little boats called gondolas that are supposed to be totally romantic.

"Do you think you're the first person to have had a sexual encounter you regretted later? Get over yourself man!" you said, trying to hold back the laughter. "If nothing else, it was on the other side of the world. Who will know?"

"I'll know. He--He seduced me. He had wiles. Only women should have wiles."

"Look," you sighed and pinched the bridge of your nose. "Did you enjoy yourself? Did you ask him to continue?"

"...That's not the point! So what if I did?"

"He didn't force himself on you?"

"No!" he said, and then, quieter, "He was quite polite."

Huh. Wasn't expecting that turn in the plot, but I like it now that it's happened.
[X] Play tourist: Fuck it, you're on holiday still. You have some time to kill before Aiko needs to get on the train to wherever it is the games are being held. Why not enjoy the city? It has beautiful old churches, amazing architecture, and they have these cool little boats called gondolas that are supposed to be totally romantic.
That was a really great callback to some of the bleaker parts of this story, on a way that showed so much growth and compassion.

I am in favor of giggling together in gondolas.

[X] Play tourist: Fuck it, you're on holiday still. You have some time to kill before Aiko needs to get on the train to wherever it is the games are being held. Why not enjoy the city? It has beautiful old churches, amazing architecture, and they have these cool little boats called gondolas that are supposed to be totally romantic.
[X] Find your contact: You should probably head to the consulate and get the business side of things squared away first. You've had a relaxing time on the trip here, but you do have a duty to fulfill here, and it'll be easier now than when the games are in swing and all sorts of people are poking around
[X] Find your contact: You should probably head to the consulate and get the business side of things squared away first. You've had a relaxing time on the trip here, but you do have a duty to fulfill here, and it'll be easier now than when the games are in swing and all sorts of people are poking around
[X] Find your contact: You should probably head to the consulate and get the business side of things squared away first. You've had a relaxing time on the trip here, but you do have a duty to fulfill here, and it'll be easier now than when the games are in swing and all sorts of people are poking around
[X] Find your contact: You should probably head to the consulate and get the business side of things squared away first. You've had a relaxing time on the trip here, but you do have a duty to fulfill here, and it'll be easier now than when the games are in swing and all sorts of people are poking around
[X] Find your contact: You should probably head to the consulate and get the business side of things squared away first. You've had a relaxing time on the trip here, but you do have a duty to fulfill here, and it'll be easier now than when the games are in swing and all sorts of people are poking around

Makes perfect sense to visit the consulate just after disembarking from a multi-month voyage. Plus, it makes sure that we don't have to do it later.
[X] Find your contact: You should probably head to the consulate and get the business side of things squared away first. You've had a relaxing time on the trip here, but you do have a duty to fulfill here, and it'll be easier now than when the games are in swing and all sorts of people are poking around


[ ] Get a gondola to the consulate or shops if you go, no reason you can't travel in style
[ ] Haruna is unimpressed by the "long" history of the city, it having happened mostly in the last thousand years
[ ] Obligatory cat related snippet, because someone is going to
Voting is open