Voting is open
Lieutenant Arisukawa Haruna

Balance Stats
❁ • Work / Life • ❁
❁ • ❁ Warrior / Princess ❁ • ❁
❁ • ❁ Radical / Respectable ❁ • ❁

Tactical Stats
Gunnery 0, Navigation +2, Command +2, Technology -4, Personal -2, Strategy +3

Stress: 3


You collectively vote on the actions of Arisukawa Haruna, the first woman to serve openly in the Imperial Akitsukuni Navy.

This quest is set in a universe which is much like our own circa 1910, but with different politics, cultural norms, and ideas about gender and sexuality, as well as some unusual and advanced technology in places.

We are using this quest to explore themes like breaking the glass ceiling, divergent outlooks on gender and sexuality, colonialism and imperialism, and the place of royalty.

Content Warning
This quest goes some dark places.

There is violence, often explicit, often unfair, often against undeserving targets.

There are not always good options forward. The protagonist is not necessarily a good person.

There is implied content and discussion of sexual harassment and assault.

This is a world where people are often racist, sexist, queerphobic bigots. Sometimes, even the PC and the people they are friends with.

Voting Rules

We will tell you if write-in votes are allowed. If we do not say that write-ins are allowed, they are not. This is to prevent people from unrealistically hedging their bets.

You may proposal other options in a non-vote format, subject to approval, on non write-in votes.

We will tell you when a vote allows approved voting. If we don't say the answer is no, pick an option. We like making people commit.

Discussions makes the GM feel fuzzy.

Game Rules
When we ask you for a roll, roll 3d6. You are aiming to roll equal or under the value of your stat. If you succeed, Haruna gets through the situation with no real difficulties. If you roll above the target value, Haruna will still succeed, but this success will cost her something or add a complication.

Whenever Haruna loses something or faces hardship from a botched roll, she takes Stress. The more Stress Haruna has, the more the job and the circumstances she's in will get to her, and it'll be reflected in the narrative. Haruna must be kept under 10 Stress: if she reaches 10 Stress, she will suffer a breakdown and the results will not be great for her.

Haruna loses stress by taking time for herself, by making meaningful progress on her dreams, and by kissing tall, beautiful women.

Meta Rules
Author commentary is in italics so you know it's not story stuff.

Please don't complain about the system or the fact we have to roll dice. We've heard it before, we've heard it a thousand times across multiple quests. We're not going to change it, and it wears at our fucking souls.

Just going "oh noooo" or "Fish RNGesus Why!" is fun and fine. Complaining at length because you didn't get what you want less so.

If you have a question, tag both @open_sketchbook and @Artificial Girl. If you only tag one of us, you will be ignored. Seriously, we both write this quest.

And yes this is an alt-history type setting with openly gay and trans people, ahistoric medicine, and weird politics. Just... deal, please?

This quest employs a special system called Snippet Votes. Please read this post for more information.
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6-4: Don't Drink and Dine
He knew. He knew something was wrong and it would be wrong not to say something. You didn't want to leave him wondering, or let him find out from someone else. Maybe you didn't have the best relationship but… he was still your father. You took a breath, picked up your chopsticks and prepared to dig into your soup.

"...I had some trouble with alcohol," you said, couching it in the politest terms possible. "Over the summer. I am doing my best to be responsible about it now."

"Trouble, how do you mean? Like having trouble finding enough of it, up north?" he responded, a grin on his face. You noticed Aiko wince.

"I was… drinking too much."

The smile didn't leave his face.

"I'm sorry, I'm not entirely sure I follow. What does too much look like? I know Navy men drink a lot, it can be a lot to keep up with."

"You misunderstand. I was drinking an unhealthy amount of alcohol, far too frequently." you explained. To your frustration, he just brushed it off.

"You're young, you'll be fine. I know the newspapers get people scared about that, every day they come up with some new thing that's going to kill us. Yesterday it's asbestos, today it's booze, tomorrow it'll be cigarettes or some damned thing. Radium, who knows! "

Your father had one thing in common with your mother: neither of them were very good at listening to you.

"I was drunk on duty continually. For four weeks." you said sharply, meeting his gaze and holding it. "I wasn't able to function. If I were in a more dangerous or more important post, I would be dead or removed from command. It's a miracle that I remember anything from those four weeks."

"... Oh."

Your father looked downcast a moment, and you could tell he was thinking hard about something. Probably envisioning fully what that meant, and all the awful associations he had in his head. To him, an alcoholic was a lower-class man passed out in a gutter, a death grip on an empty bottle. Weak, workshy, a failure.

You knew, because that was the image you'd had of yourself.

"But you're better now, right?" he said, looking you over as if scanning for visual signs of your condition.

"She's doing better, yes." Aiko interjected. "And we want to keep it that way."


He signalled signaled to one of the servers (the only server) and, with a gesture, had the third bottle taken back. You'd been considering drinking it, yes, but this was probably for the best now.

You ate in silence for a while.

Conversation did pick back up eventually, though a little forced at first. Complaining about the economy to perhaps the one man who could do something about it, talking about the ongoing treaty negotiations, talking about the weather and what a blessed relief it was that this winter was shaping up to be more normal than the last.

"So, do you have any New Years plans?" Aiko asked, clearly curious about what the rich and important got up to.

"Oh, not much. I have an invitation to the party at the Palace, of course, though with the line finally completed between here and Seto I was thinking of a smaller affair. With some people. I know."

You briefly considered rolling your eyes. Your father was a terrible liar, by your inflated standards, and he'd probably remembered halfway through what he was saying that you were fully aware of his mistresses and where they lived.

"But the Palace though. That must be the best party in the city!" Aiko said, looking shocked that anyone would turn down your cousin's invitation.

"Eh, it's alright." you said. You'd attended four at this point, and the money and atmosphere was rather curtailed by everyone being rather more restrained in the presence of the Empress. You almost wished you'd have been able to attend the one the other cadets threw, though it was wise you didn't. Though there had been that really fetching diplomat's daughter one year...

"It's alright? Both of you, honestly. How do you have so much money and have so little fun with it?" she said incredulously. "I'd figuratively kill to attend the party in the Palace!"

"We could go. I'm invited, and I can take a guest." you said, a little taken aback. It would also be an extremely public acknowledgement of the fact that you were dating Aiko, which would normally be a point against it, but now could be an extremely bold statement.

"You're what?" Aiko said, eyes wide. "I… do you want to go?"

"Not… really?" you admitted. "I've been a bunch, and it's kind of…" you milled through words in your head trying to find the right one, but your father was quick on the draw.

"Stuffy." he supplied.

"Yeah, comparatively." you said, "The Empress is there so everyone's on their best behavior, and on top of that a lot of big important Westerners are invited and you know how they get."

"No… no I don't." Aiko admitted.

"Oh. Yeah, you wouldn't." you muttered, trying to think of how to explain it. Ishinari and his religious commandments came to mind. "Well, you have to understand, decorum isn't just a matter of appearances for them. They actually believe that their souls are in danger if they... say, drink too much alcohol, eat meat on certain days, or see a pair of tits they aren't married to."

You probably could have worded that more diplomatically.

"Wild. How do they even cope?" Aiko asked incredulously.

"Oh, they still do all that stuff, they just feel terrible about it." your father supplied. "It's strange seeing some of them trying to get into the spirit of the New Year…"

"I was planning on just attending the one on base, getting to know my fellow officers a bit better." you said. While it had gone… poorly, last time you'd tried to connect with your peers, you had things a bit more under control now, and it was still true that you needed to overcome the distance you tended to have from other officers for the sake of your career. "But that's not set in stone. Did you have anything you wanted to go to?"

Aiko shrugged.
"There's a thing for my class, but I'm not interested. Also, the WEL has a party at their headquarters I got invited to? I guess it'll mostly be a political function, but it might be fun. And a lot of my old flatmates will be there, we were a pretty political bunch."

You discussed it a bit more over the course of the night without coming to a final conclusion, then things wrapped up. Everyone stood up from the table, and you stifled a laugh for a moment as your father looked up at Aiko after she stood, clearly a little shocked.

"I keep forgetting how tall you are. It's a lot."

Yeah she was.

"So, could we do this again sometime?" you father asked, clearly a bit apprehensive.
[ ] Yes: It was pretty pleasant, even with the weirdness around your admission of being an alcoholic. And you had seen something of the relationship you might be able to have with him going forward even through that awkwardness.​
[ ] No: While it was nice, you don't feel that there's much connection here. He's still the same man obsessed with his work and business and not all that interested in his daughter. If you're going to meet him again, it would be better to do it on your own terms and not let him be the one to make the invitation.​
What party will you be attending?
[ ] Let's take Aiko to the Palace! Not only would it be a great way to make your relationship public, she seemed fascinated by it, she's never been to anything like it before, and you found her excitement endearing. Maybe it would rekindle your own love for it. And in the very worst case… you knew how to get into the guest houses.​
[ ] Attending the Navy's party would be a boon for your career, and Aiko could meet the people you work with! If there was ever a time to use what little authority you had to show a girl around a ship and brag about all the cool things you did in your day job, this was it.​
[ ] The WEL meeting sounds interesting. Sure, it'll be a political thing so it can't be that fun, but Aiko's been saying you should get more political, and you might as well have fun doing it. Besides, they'll love you there.​
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Hmm. I think dear old dad could use Haruna's presence in his life at least a bit, serve as a pseudo-grounding force. He seems neglectful not abusive and Haruna can take care of herself now. And might be useful even besides that.
[X] Yes: It was pretty pleasant, even with the weirdness around your admission of being an alcoholic. And you had seen something of the relationship you might be able to have with him going forward even through that awkwardness.

You know what, Daddy is like... adequate. He's an okay dad.

[X] The WEL meeting sounds interesting. Sure, it'll be a political thing so it can't be that fun, but Aiko's been saying you should get more political, and you might as well have fun doing it. Besides, they'll love you there.
[X] Yes: It was pretty pleasant, even with the weirdness around your admission of being an alcoholic. And you had seen something of the relationship you might be able to have with him going forward even through that awkwardness.

[X] Let's take Aiko to the Palace! Not only would it be a great way to make your relationship public, she seemed fascinated by it, she's never been to anything like it before, and you found her excitement endearing. Maybe it would rekindle your own love for it. And in the very worst case… you knew how to get into the guest houses.

Going to the palace party with Aiko could also mess with whatever plans our mother has for our future.
[X] Yes: It was pretty pleasant, even with the weirdness around your admission of being an alcoholic. And you had seen something of the relationship you might be able to have with him going forward even through that awkwardness.

It would be nice having a dad around. He's putting in the effort! We're making good progress!

[X] Let's take Aiko to the Palace! Not only would it be a great way to make your relationship public, she seemed fascinated by it, she's never been to anything like it before, and you found her excitement endearing. Maybe it would rekindle your own love for it. And in the very worst case… you knew how to get into the guest houses.

It's probably going to be pretty boring but at least Aiko will get bragging rights.
[X] Yes: It was pretty pleasant, even with the weirdness around your admission of being an alcoholic. And you had seen something of the relationship you might be able to have with him going forward even through that awkwardness.

[X] Let's take Aiko to the Palace! Not only would it be a great way to make your relationship public, she seemed fascinated by it, she's never been to anything like it before, and you found her excitement endearing. Maybe it would rekindle your own love for it. And in the very worst case… you knew how to get into the guest houses.

[ ] Aiko found a lady visiting Haruna before the party ends up accusing the Empress for touching her girlfriend.
[X] Yes: It was pretty pleasant, even with the weirdness around your admission of being an alcoholic. And you had seen something of the relationship you might be able to have with him going forward even through that awkwardness.

[X] Let's take Aiko to the Palace! Not only would it be a great way to make your relationship public, she seemed fascinated by it, she's never been to anything like it before, and you found her excitement endearing. Maybe it would rekindle your own love for it. And in the very worst case… you knew how to get into the guest houses.

Going to the palace party with Aiko could also mess with whatever plans our mother has for our future.
Sound logic. Haruna's mother can and will scheme rings around her, so let's flip the table so she at least can't work her mischief in peace.

[X] Yes: It was pretty pleasant, even with the weirdness around your admission of being an alcoholic. And you had seen something of the relationship you might be able to have with him going forward even through that awkwardness.

[X] Let's take Aiko to the Palace! Not only would it be a great way to make your relationship public, she seemed fascinated by it, she's never been to anything like it before, and you found her excitement endearing. Maybe it would rekindle your own love for it. And in the very worst case… you knew how to get into the guest houses.
[X] Yes: It was pretty pleasant, even with the weirdness around your admission of being an alcoholic. And you had seen something of the relationship you might be able to have with him going forward even through that awkwardness.

[X] Let's take Aiko to the Palace! Not only would it be a great way to make your relationship public, she seemed fascinated by it, she's never been to anything like it before, and you found her excitement endearing. Maybe it would rekindle your own love for it. And in the very worst case… you knew how to get into the guest houses.
[X] Yes: It was pretty pleasant, even with the weirdness around your admission of being an alcoholic. And you had seen something of the relationship you might be able to have with him going forward even through that awkwardness.

[X] Let's take Aiko to the Palace! Not only would it be a great way to make your relationship public, she seemed fascinated by it, she's never been to anything like it before, and you found her excitement endearing. Maybe it would rekindle your own love for it. And in the very worst case… you knew how to get into the guest houses.
[x] Yes: It was pretty pleasant, even with the weirdness around your admission of being an alcoholic. And you had seen something of the relationship you might be able to have with him going forward even through that awkwardness.

I'm... Curious how he is going to react to this longer-term. The princess has quite a bit of trauma now which he may recognize, and while his response makes me think he's not going to be a great source of character advice or growth, I do think he knows politics and we need to learn.

[X] Let's take Aiko to the Palace! Not only would it be a great way to make your relationship public, she seemed fascinated by it, she's never been to anything like it before, and you found her excitement endearing. Maybe it would rekindle your own love for it. And in the very worst case… you knew how to get into the guest houses.

She wants this so much. I want to give her the present of it.
[X] Yes: It was pretty pleasant, even with the weirdness around your admission of being an alcoholic. And you had seen something of the relationship you might be able to have with him going forward even through that awkwardness.

[X] The WEL meeting sounds interesting. Sure, it'll be a political thing so it can't be that fun, but Aiko's been saying you should get more political, and you might as well have fun doing it. Besides, they'll love you there.

"Daddy's trying, and so am I, Spirits help me. "
[/] Aiko found a lady visiting Haruna before the party ends up accusing the Empress for touching her girlfriend.

What does this even mean? Seriously, I have no idea what this is trying to do.

[X] Yes: It was pretty pleasant, even with the weirdness around your admission of being an alcoholic. And you had seen something of the relationship you might be able to have with him going forward even through that awkwardness.

[X] The WEL meeting sounds interesting. Sure, it'll be a political thing so it can't be that fun, but Aiko's been saying you should get more political, and you might as well have fun doing it. Besides, they'll love you there.
[X] Yes: It was pretty pleasant, even with the weirdness around your admission of being an alcoholic. And you had seen something of the relationship you might be able to have with him going forward even through that awkwardness.

[X] Let's take Aiko to the Palace! Not only would it be a great way to make your relationship public, she seemed fascinated by it, she's never been to anything like it before, and you found her excitement endearing. Maybe it would rekindle your own love for it. And in the very worst case… you knew how to get into the guest houses.

This will end in tears. Probably Aiko's, almost certainly the Otrusian Ambassatrix's, maybe everyone else's too. The sensible option is the WEL party but it's going to be a comparatively boring update and we don't get to piss off the Hets.
What does this even mean? Seriously, I have no idea what this is trying to do.
Meeting some random lady visiting her girlfriend and accuse her being too touchy-feely with her girlfriend, imagine Aiko reaction when she found out she the Empress on her downtime.
There's a difference between a regal person wearing formal dress in public and then being all informal looking and casual in private to those she's close to.
I thought obvious enough is it not clear?
[X] Yes: It was pretty pleasant, even with the weirdness around your admission of being an alcoholic. And you had seen something of the relationship you might be able to have with him going forward even through that awkwardness.

[X] The WEL meeting sounds interesting. Sure, it'll be a political thing so it can't be that fun, but Aiko's been saying you should get more political, and you might as well have fun doing it. Besides, they'll love you there.

The palace sounds like a disaster in the making and the officers are probably not the greatest company to take your girlfriend out to.

This will end in tears. Probably Aiko's, almost certainly the Otrusian Ambassatrix's, maybe everyone else's too. The sensible option is the WEL party but it's going to be a comparatively boring update and we don't get to piss off the Hets.

Though we'd get to piss off the misogynists. :V
[x] Yes: It was pretty pleasant, even with the weirdness around your admission of being an alcoholic. And you had seen something of the relationship you might be able to have with him going forward even through that awkwardness.
Meeting some random lady visiting her girlfriend and accuse her being too touchy-feely with her girlfriend, imagine Aiko reaction when she found out she the Empress on her downtime.
There's a difference between a regal person wearing formal dress in public and then being all informal looking and casual in private to those she's close to.
I thought obvious enough is it not clear?
Huh, okay.

So you want to have Aiko encounter Haruna hugging/otherwise being affectionate with her close family member, the Empress. You then want to have Aiko accuse the unknown (to Aiko) woman of behaving inappropriately towards Haruna.

For one, I have doubts the Empress is the type to show affection like that anywhere where it's possible to be walked in on, and two, I feel like this causes a bad end in their relationship. Empress-enforced or otherwise.

My next question is why? Sounds very sitcom-humour to me.

[] Aiko tries to go clothes shopping for Haruna and gets in a bit of a tizzy over what might be appropriate for a royal to wear.
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So you want to have Aiko encounter Haruna hugging/otherwise being affectionate with her mother, the Empress.
Haruna's mother is not the Empress.

Arisugawa is the name of your family, a cadet branch of the Imperial family split off two generations back. Your mother is the Empresses' first cousin, your grandmother the Empresses' aunt and your great-grandmother was Empress herself. Which makes you a 2nd cousin, if you recall correctly. The youngest of the cadet branches, not that it made much of a difference. Closer to the Empress, but lacking some of the gravitas of the families that split off in the 2000s.
[X] Yes: It was pretty pleasant, even with the weirdness around your admission of being an alcoholic. And you had seen something of the relationship you might be able to have with him going forward even through that awkwardness.

[X] Let's take Aiko to the Palace! Not only would it be a great way to make your relationship public, she seemed fascinated by it, she's never been to anything like it before, and you found her excitement endearing. Maybe it would rekindle your own love for it. And in the very worst case… you knew how to get into the guest houses.
So you want to have Aiko encounter Haruna hugging/otherwise being affectionate with her close family member, the Empress. You then want to have Aiko accuse the unknown (to Aiko) woman of behaving inappropriately towards Haruna.

For one, I have doubts the Empress is the type to show affection like that anywhere where it's possible to be walked in on, and two, I feel like this causes a bad end in their relationship. Empress-enforced or otherwise.

My next question is why? Sounds very sitcom-humour to me.
For Aiko its more jealousy towards someone really beautiful close her girlfriend and then her reaction when she found out the lady is the Empress.
Also a chance for Haruna to introduce Aiko to her cousin and whatever interesting interaction that result from Aiko and Empress since I don't think Empress ever interact with working class apart from the rich high class and royalty/military.
Its something new more than some sitcom thing, the whole first impression is a funny ice breaker, honesty I highly doubt the Empress really care considering my impression of her with Haruna.
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[X] Yes: It was pretty pleasant, even with the weirdness around your admission of being an alcoholic. And you had seen something of the relationship you might be able to have with him going forward even through that awkwardness.

[X] Let's take Aiko to the Palace! Not only would it be a great way to make your relationship public, she seemed fascinated by it, she's never been to anything like it before, and you found her excitement endearing. Maybe it would rekindle your own love for it. And in the very worst case… you knew how to get into the guest houses.

Aiko and the troubles of high society etiquette. Good stuff.

[] Haruna tries to to prepare Aiko for the the palace party. How to dress, how to behave etc. Hilarity ensues
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