Voting is open
Lieutenant Arisukawa Haruna

Balance Stats
❁ • Work / Life • ❁
❁ • ❁ Warrior / Princess ❁ • ❁
❁ • ❁ Radical / Respectable ❁ • ❁

Tactical Stats
Gunnery 0, Navigation +2, Command +2, Technology -4, Personal -2, Strategy +3

Stress: 3


You collectively vote on the actions of Arisukawa Haruna, the first woman to serve openly in the Imperial Akitsukuni Navy.

This quest is set in a universe which is much like our own circa 1910, but with different politics, cultural norms, and ideas about gender and sexuality, as well as some unusual and advanced technology in places.

We are using this quest to explore themes like breaking the glass ceiling, divergent outlooks on gender and sexuality, colonialism and imperialism, and the place of royalty.

Content Warning
This quest goes some dark places.

There is violence, often explicit, often unfair, often against undeserving targets.

There are not always good options forward. The protagonist is not necessarily a good person.

There is implied content and discussion of sexual harassment and assault.

This is a world where people are often racist, sexist, queerphobic bigots. Sometimes, even the PC and the people they are friends with.

Voting Rules

We will tell you if write-in votes are allowed. If we do not say that write-ins are allowed, they are not. This is to prevent people from unrealistically hedging their bets.

You may proposal other options in a non-vote format, subject to approval, on non write-in votes.

We will tell you when a vote allows approved voting. If we don't say the answer is no, pick an option. We like making people commit.

Discussions makes the GM feel fuzzy.

Game Rules
When we ask you for a roll, roll 3d6. You are aiming to roll equal or under the value of your stat. If you succeed, Haruna gets through the situation with no real difficulties. If you roll above the target value, Haruna will still succeed, but this success will cost her something or add a complication.

Whenever Haruna loses something or faces hardship from a botched roll, she takes Stress. The more Stress Haruna has, the more the job and the circumstances she's in will get to her, and it'll be reflected in the narrative. Haruna must be kept under 10 Stress: if she reaches 10 Stress, she will suffer a breakdown and the results will not be great for her.

Haruna loses stress by taking time for herself, by making meaningful progress on her dreams, and by kissing tall, beautiful women.

Meta Rules
Author commentary is in italics so you know it's not story stuff.

Please don't complain about the system or the fact we have to roll dice. We've heard it before, we've heard it a thousand times across multiple quests. We're not going to change it, and it wears at our fucking souls.

Just going "oh noooo" or "Fish RNGesus Why!" is fun and fine. Complaining at length because you didn't get what you want less so.

If you have a question, tag both @open_sketchbook and @Artificial Girl. If you only tag one of us, you will be ignored. Seriously, we both write this quest.

And yes this is an alt-history type setting with openly gay and trans people, ahistoric medicine, and weird politics. Just... deal, please?

This quest employs a special system called Snippet Votes. Please read this post for more information.
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Or at least inform our beloved Cousin (May She Reign for Ten Thousand Years!). So that way, even if we lose, the little shit turns up back home to a platoon of Imperial Guard with handcuffs and orders for a trial. A public trial. With no chance to escape it.
It's probably not that easy, there is absolutely no way that the Purity faction don't have pull in the army and civilian government that would argue for a closed trial or to just stone wall any attempt at persecuting their own under excuses of not wanting to appear weak to foreigners or other.
Or at least inform our beloved Cousin (May She Reign for Ten Thousand Years!). So that way, even if we lose, the little shit turns up back home to a platoon of Imperial Guard with handcuffs and orders for a trial. A public trial. With no chance to escape it.

A public trial is actually probably the last thing the Imperial families want. It'd be a huge scandal for the Imperial household, which is supposed to be nice and politely conservative/apolitical if they're not actually involved in politics as an MP or something.

A 10 ton feather if you're lucky.

Wait I fucked up the quote. :( It was supposed to be "Death is lighter than a feather, but Duty is heavier than a mountain."
It's probably not that easy, there is absolutely no way that the Purity faction don't have pull in the army and civilian government that would argue for a closed trial or to just stone wall any attempt at persecuting their own under excuses of not wanting to appear weak to foreigners or other.

Oops double post but the Purity Club's main locus of power/support is the Navy. There are some of them in the civil service and the Army, obviously, but not enough to hush up this kind of scandal by themselves.
Oops double post but the Purity Club's main locus of power/support is the Navy. There are some of them in the civil service and the Army, obviously, but not enough to hush up this kind of scandal by themselves.
And then it was my turn to mistype, I meant to mention the necessary high level lawyers they would have access to, and all the dirt the secret police have probably gathered in preparation for the coup.
[X] This is a matter of honour inside the Navy. You and Kenshin can handle it. (Prowess roll.)

Let's kick this pig.
[X] This is a matter of honour inside the Navy. You and Kenshin can handle it. (Prowess roll.)

IC... Haruna would probably go for the Honourable approach.

Also, swordfight memes.
Come on, now? Are we so stupid to fall for this trick?
It's not a trick. The book is against the rules for the enlisted, but officers can be trusted with these subversive materials for the purposes of understanding the enemy and rooting out such talk in the rabble. Also, they generally appreciate educated officers.

The Navy isn't worried about their officers becoming leftists because their officers are primarily recruited from noble or rich families. Hideaki is as low as they go for letting officers into the Academy and his father is a successful business owner, placing him firmly in the middle class. If they see the princess writing in for some Carl Marks they're gonna assume it's because she's hunting for communists in her section, and even if she isn't and she's just curious, what's the danger?
Christ what did we vote for in Plane Design Quest.

Did we vote for the political upheaval?

Is Haruna about to start that domino chain?


While that would be entertaining, no, I'm pretty sure the vote ended up going to the upgraded AT-TAs.

(also like, timeline stuff, but I guess it could be a very long domino chain)
Uh it's not a trick.

It's a list of forbidden books. It would be downright criminally incompetent for whomever manages it if they don't register which officer loans which books. From that point onward, it would be trivial for an Purity Club aligned person (of whom there are certain to be many in Navy's Doctrinal enforcement agency) to notice this, and then use it to build a case against Haruna.

even if she isn't and she's just curious, what's the danger?

This assumes good faith on the part of the navy, but isn't 3 quarters of the quest defined by the fact that the Navy has a bad case of the fascists, as well as a significant desire to drive Haruna out or get her killed.

Edit : I forgot to address the point about them not worrying about leftist in everything but the lowest classes? Why not? Leftist intelligentia exist, after all.
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It's a list of forbidden books. It would be downright criminally incompetent for whomever manages it if they don't register which officer loans which books. From that point onward, it would be trivial for an Purity Club aligned person (of whom there are certain to be many in Navy's Doctrinal enforcement agency) to notice this, and then use it to build a case against Haruna.

This assumes good faith on the part of the navy, but isn't 3 quarters of the quest defined by the fact that the Navy has a bad case of the facists, as well as a significant desire to drive Haruna out or get her killed.

Thanks for the plot idea. :D
[X] This was a criminal matter happening on New Alleghany's shores. The police could handle it. (Secret background roll)

As the resident Allegheny expert I will note that the FBI equivalent has probably just been founded, and the chance of the local chief being a chain-smoking civil war vet is surprisingly high, assuming more coorelation with our TL.
As the resident Allegheny expert I will note that the FBI equivalent has probably just been founded, and the chance of the local chief being a chain-smoking civil war vet is surprisingly high, assuming more coorelation with our TL.

I'm not sure if Allegheny can have an FBI. Their entire thing is having a nearly incompetent federal system.
Voting is open