It wasn't that much more complicated. But I also disliked how the diminishing return of combat dots meant that your actual combat skill provided very little benefit. Same with stuff like super strength and other contracts that provided some flat amount of dots. Once we got to higher level combat their effect became nearly negligible.
Techniques changed that a little, but that was its own mess.
Plus just the fact that combat had its own special systems meant it kinda overshadowed all the other skills.
"Prove you wrong? Reality proves you wrong! I will merely enlighten you upon it!" you take a stance and point for emphasis.
Angela grins, hopping in place "Oh! Oh! Are we-ahem. Fool! Your judgment is clouded by delusion and bias! The greatest works in the city are all mechanical!"
"Greater fool you are to see that as a limit! For what purpose do we strive but create the greatest works? If you see a barren field, I see free territory! "
She laughs a haughty laugh "Fine, waste exertion on your quixotic pursuit. Its only fruits shall be brutish toil! Mechanical engineering is unmatched in application!"
"Brutish toil? Unmatched in application!?" you brandish your notebook open to your Neuroplasticity enhancer notes. Wait-dammit play it cool. Heed not the glitter. "Can simple machines enhance our very minds? Energize our path to enlightenment!?"
"An excellent theory, where are the results? I see only ink on paper! Compare: Refined dynamics free me from gravity and elevate my soul through art!" Angela steps into another spin, but this one isn't like the others.
You clench your fists. It's not just a dress. It's not just an exoskeleton. It's both at once. Made for movement and flow.
She dips into a performative bow and holds out a hand. As if she was inviting you to a dance. Taunting, challenging and offering all at once. A hundred words in a single gesture.
You don't even hesitate. You grab her hand, but don't let yourself get pulled in. Instead you pull her up and meet her gaze. "Just you wait!" you challenge. "Just you wait! "
Angela cackles and breaks away in another spin. "Oh I'll be waiting. But I won't be standing still!" She bounces away. "Eee I've got a rival!"
You glare after her. Shows what she knows for not focusing on the groundwork. You suppress a flinch when your rumination is interrupted by clapping.
"Bravo!" Someone shouts. "How nostalgic", "Reminds me of my youth it does!" you hear others comment.
You huff and march off. They too, will see.
When the last of the rain peters out the human tide surges once more. Up to roofs windows and viewing platforms. Buildings unfold like flowers to create extra space. You had the foresight to reserve a good spot, giving you an unobstructed view of the sky and horizon.
With everyone in place a silence falls. The forcefield fades, and as one every single light in the city clicks off.
It takes your eyes a moment to adjust. For your brain to adjust.
You see the sky. You see the stars.
Dots and lines of light. Some stand alone. Most are connected by sliver thread. A geometric spiderweb across the sky. Larger then can be measured.
What are they you wonder. Just lights painted on a dome? No your mind insists. There is something profound here you are seeing but a shadow of. You barely remember the binoculars you grabbed, but they bring no answers.
A mechanical whisper draws you from your musings. "Excuse me". Your spine straightens. That voice which sounds as perfectly polished and inhuman as chrome. It's the voice of the city. "If I may draw your attention to the horizon" the voice continues, and everybody turns to look.
Half the horizon is warped. As if more things have been stuffed in then should be able to fit. Mountains and mesa squeezing into indistinguishability in the distance. You don't think it's new, but you never really paid attention to it.
"As you may know, we are located the edge of the infinite boundary." You did not know that. You never studied geography. "We are proud to announce the commencement of a new exploration initiative. For the glory of Tom."
No further words come, and minutes later the haze of dust starts to blur the horizon once more. You soon wander off, thoughts spinning.
Food expenses negated for the week.
Gain Star Viewing Binoculars. Reduces perception distance penalties.
Gained Angela Bright as a rival!
In 10 weeks the first expeditions will be setting out. New missions and assignments of all levels and types will be made available.
Training With Jörmungandr: (3+3)d3=6d3 per TAP
4 TAP spent.
24d3 = [2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 2, 3, 2, 1, 1, 2, 3, 1, 3, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 3, 2, 2] =50*1.3 = 65 exp
Social knowledge (Clandestine Proceedings) now at 3 (0/270)
If you are to improve, you will need money and resources. To that end you once more stand above the void.
Mental fortitude: 2 + Noticing Manipulation 2 = 4 dice
4d6 = [3, 2, 4, 6] = 15
DC = ??
DC reduced by 1
You even have a lead. Mr. Silicate has been losing agents. This creates a demand for preserving the remaining ones.
So you booked an appointment. No need to further sour relations via barging in.
The meeting is tense. You were of course a natural any social maneuvering, but being an outsider leaves you at a disadvantage. By the end you worked out an agreement to make your services available to the other teams under his employ on a flexible basis. Further expansion however will require either a clinic or a willingness and ability to accompany missions. You are sure your rates could be higher, but you lack the leverage to make it work.
Work action modified: Now always produces 3 decent dots.
Gain 3 decent dots
Remaining AP on Neuroplasticity enhancer reduced to 11
One decent dot subtracted for debt payments!
Turn actions:
You have 4 TAP and 10 AP:
Current assets:
6.4 decent dots
1 Basic Habitation Cube.
Repurposed Garage:
-Space: 16/25
-Amenities: Power
-Rooms: Decent Laboratory (16)
Current expenses:
Debt repayment 4.5 High dots remain - 1 decent dot per turn.
Simple Packaged meals - 2 low dots per turn.
Available trainers:
Jörmungandr Grimm: Can train Organizational knowledge (AI administrator protocols) and Social knowledge (Clandestine Proceedings) along with their respective general skills. Provides +3 dice.
Leader: Can train Combat (Firearms) along with its respective general skills. Provides +2 dice.
University: Can provide +2 to any Scientific or Academic skill for 1 decent dot.
-[] Skill training (Trainer) (Skill or Skill (Specialty)) (x TAP)
[] Work: Things have settled into "Business as usual". For however usual this business is. Expected pay: 3 Decent dots. (2 AP)
[] Food: Perhaps you would like to change your diet? Presents diet options. May be modified by your current wealth level. (1 AP)
[] Purchases: Buy something at previously known shops. (Current options: The Clown Club) (1 AP)
-[] (Write In Purchases)
[] Declare a course of study (Skill): Gain access to +3/+1 tutoring for a skill for 10 turns. Expected to spend at least 2 TAP per turn on it and take exam at the end. Cost: 1 high dot. (1 AP)
[] Tag along on a mission. Pay 5+ decent dots. Note: Ability to survive in or avoid combat is highly recommended. (2 AP) [] Have a confrontation with Angela Bright (3 AP)
You aren't ready. You'll need something to show off.
[] Read research papers (Topic): Gain an Effect you can learn. Roll to see how close the effect is to what you specify. The more specific you are the lower the chances. The higher tier the lower the chances. Cost: 1 decent dot (2 AP)
[] Continue crafting the Neuroplasticity enhancer. 11 AP remain. (Variable AP)
[] Old man Jack: Near the entrance to your Habitation block sits a old man. He sits there all day, always preforming some sort of hand craft. Whittling. Knitting. You should go give him a peace of your mind about such a shameful display! (3 AP)
[] Explore the city: The city contains many strange wonders. Some are even useful. Go out and find them. (2 AP)
[] Dive deeper: Beneath the city there are countless forgotten places. Some may even contain treasures. Go out and find them (3 AP)
[] You found a strange building containing clown vending machines. Who uses it and why? Investigate it to satisfy your curiosity. (3 AP)
Gods Research. Roll Academics (Gods) to learn more about the god and what contracts they offer:
[] Steve. Annoyingly you still don't know his first contract. Find it. (3 AP)
[] Doctor Infinium. Perhaps you would like to try looking further? You don't think you will get much at your current skill level. (4 AP)
[] MD Old Bones. Perhaps you would like to try looking further? You don't think you will get much at your current skill level. (4 AP)
[] Professor Tweed Perhaps you would like to try looking further? You don't think you will get much at your current skill level. (4 AP)
[] Supplemental Research: Write in. Perhaps there is some other question you want answered? (2 AP)
To contact Gods:
Doctor Infinium:
[] Draft a schematic (Write in schematic) (1 AP)
[] Start crafting. Requires lab. (Variable AP, must be at least 30 in total)
MD Old Bones:
[] Arrange for an operating theater. You will need somewhere to work, and make sure you have sufficient supplies. (2 AP)
[] Arrange for a constant stream of patients. (3 2 (Reduced by networking) AP)
[] Arrange for an assistant. A final line of defense against interruptions. Someone to make sure all your patients arrive on time, and fill any holes in your schedule. (2 AP)
[] Start the marathon. (Consumes all AP until 20 have been spent.)
Professor Tweed:
[] Go looking for a student. (Write in skill/specifics) (3 AP)
[] Teach! (2 AP)
[] Look for a hidden place to build in. See if the Under Market has any leads. Likely to cost at least 1 high dot. (2 AP)
[] Look for a hidden place to build in. Go looking yourself. Beneath the city there are countless forgotten places, and that is exactly what you need. (3 AP)
[] Acquire explosives. The Under Market should have something. Likely to cost at least 1 high dot. (2 AP)
[] Acquire explosives. Maybe you can make them yourself? Requires Science (Chemistry). Requires Lab. (? AP)
[] Start building. Requires location. (Write in what you plan to build) (10 AP)
[] Write in. Perhaps there is something else? (?? AP) AN: There are some hints here...
Okay we need to get a really good bio teacher, get to level 4, then start making wings and physical enhancements. Then we'll show her that anything she can do we can do better!
To explain a little: I'm modeling Angela as a mirror you/alternate path not taken.
She got a similar but slightly different build in character creation. And you should be able to figure out a portion of what she has been up to since.
[] Plan Need Now
-[] Work: Things have settled into "Business as usual". For however usual this business is. Expected pay: 3 Decent dots. (2 AP)
-[] Continue crafting the Neuroplasticity enhancer. 11 AP remain. (8 AP)
Rudimentary plan to rush enhancer so we can finish it next turn and start the Biology university course. I want to finish Old Bones and get more dice but it's too slow if we want to compete with the mechanic and go on the expedition.
To explain a little: I'm modeling Angela as a mirror you/alternate path not taken.
She got a similar but slightly different build in character creation. And you should be able to figure out a portion of what she has been up to since.
Okay we need to get a really good bio teacher, get to level 4, then start making wings and physical enhancements. Then we'll show her that anything she can do we can do better!
With the upgrade, we get net 1.8 decent dice.
We need 3.6 decent dice until we can afford declaring a course of study. If we go Biology and then dump Tap into it like no tomorrow, we can sky rocket in Bio.
10 Turns.
We could get a bunch of Dragon transformations in, probably including gliding wings and firebreath if we develop fitting effects to be combined with organ.
Rudimentary plan to rush enhancer so we can finish it next turn and start the Biology university course. I want to finish Old Bones and get more dice but it's too slow if we want to compete with the mechanic and go on the expedition.
Infinum aligns perfectly. (The project for him can (and absolutely should!) be a cool Bio thing)
If we go for Bio based building then Steve still kinda works, wasting explosive + 10 flat AP, but the prep work could be cool Bio stuff.
Good question! Answer is: I don't know.
I've considered a number of options (Financially unwise purchase, damages payments for the noodle incident, etc), but it might need to be put to a vote. If you had picked Grudge or Starting Weight I would have tied it to that. Maybe it will just stay unexplained.
Once you have a basic clinic (Which is more about the physical location) then you can work to upgrade it which will improve the number of patients you can see and what you can deal with.
That would require having the correct Effects and spending the time to build it though.
Setting the vote to close in Mar 27, 2024 at 6:00 PM.
If the votes are close I might extend it, but well, we will need some plans/votes first! I super appreciate any and all participation!
[X] Plan Need Now Today
-[X] Skill training (Jörmungandr) (Organizational Knowledge) (4 TAP)
-[X] Work: Things have settled into "Business as usual". For however usual this business is. Expected pay: 3 Decent dots. (2 AP)
-[X] Continue crafting the Neuroplasticity enhancer. 11 AP remain. (8 AP)
Need Now with Jorm organizational training. There's a room to argue for Chemistry and how it might synergize more with the rest of our scientific pursuits, but Organizational is more versatile.
[X] Plan:Ready Dem Old Bones
-[X] Skill Training (Jörmungandr) (Organizational Knowledge) (4 TAP)
-[X] Work: Things have settled into "Business as usual". For however usual this business is. Expected pay: 3 Decent dots. (2 AP)
-[X] Continue crafting the Neuroplasticity enhancer. (2 AP)
-[X] Arrange for an operating theater. You will need somewhere to work, and make sure you have sufficient supplies. (2 AP)
-[X] Arrange for a constant stream of patients. (3 2 (Reduced by networking) AP)
-[X] Arrange for an assistant. A final line of defense against interruptions. Someone to make sure all your patients arrive on time, and fill any holes in your schedule. (2 AP)
We really need our first contract, and the NP Enhancer isn't big enough to qualify.
"As you may know, we are located the edge of the infinite boundary." You did not know that. You never studied geography. "We are proud to announce the commencement of a new exploration initiative. For the glory of Tom."
Agree about rushing to a contract. A small modification to learn some background about the world around the city.
[X] Plan:Ready Dem Old Bones + Geography
-[X] Skill Training (Jörmungandr) (Organizational Knowledge) (2 TAP)
-[X] Skill Training (University) (Geography) (2 TAP)
-[X] Work: Things have settled into "Business as usual". For however usual this business is. Expected pay: 3 Decent dots. (2 AP)
-[X] Continue crafting the Neuroplasticity enhancer. (2 AP)
-[X] Arrange for an operating theater. You will need somewhere to work, and make sure you have sufficient supplies. (2 AP)
-[X] Arrange for a constant stream of patients. (3 2 (Reduced by networking) AP)
-[X] Arrange for an assistant. A final line of defense against interruptions. Someone to make sure all your patients arrive on time, and fill any holes in your schedule. (2 AP)
I want to pump up our bio ASAP and rush infinitum. In pursuit of that I'd like us to create a neutral enhancer and declare a course of study, and then begin our projects for infinitum while constantly training bio. I would like to point out that training up our bio high enough grants weight all on it's own. Considering that in the original quest acing the peacekeeper exam granted weight, I'd also posit that if we do well enough on the exam at the end of our course of study we'll gain weight. This next one is unrelated to my vote, but if we keep doing business next to the void we might gain weight for actually seeing the void properly, depending on what force is keeping us from doing so. It reminds me of overcoming the law that diverts people's eyes from paradoxes in the original quest, which granted weight. I suppose saving lives also grants weight, so depending on the severity of what we treat performing medical procedures may also grant weight.
[X] Plan Need Now Today