Huh. Never thought I'd say this, but I'm actually warming to it a bit.

Campaign gameplay still looks utterly unengaging though. 'Oh, run down this narrow street and shoot these incompetent dudes! Then press F when we say to! Fun!'

I certainly do like the art style though.
It's a modern CoD game. We're only here for the multiplayer and Co-op stuff and everyone knows it.
Okay, is anyone else having problems with the game crashing when you try to play the game on a PS4? Because I've just had that happen.

Three times.

I skipped the last two COD games but am strongly considering buying this.
Considering I can't play multiplayer with a ping of anything less than 600, all I want to know is whether are the single player modes (Story and whatever Survival they have) are worth playing or not, and is the overblown 55 GB disc space worth it (I only have 200 GB set aside for games at the moment, so that's a big deal)?
Considering I can't play multiplayer with a ping of anything less than 600, all I want to know is whether are the single player modes (Story and whatever Survival they have) are worth playing or not, and is the overblown 55 GB disc space worth it (I only have 200 GB set aside for games at the moment, so that's a big deal)?
While i found the campaign to be very enjoyable with some rather memorable missions, i can't say that it's worth what is pretty much 25% of your disc space.
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If its enjoyable, then I'll probably get it. Its not gonna be staying for more than a week or so.

Although then, its not only a quarter of my space, but its also a 55 GB download.

But let's see.
While i found the campaign to be very enjoyable with some rather memorable missions, i can't say that it's worth what is pretty much 25% of your disc space.

The missions were less bad than what Ghosts Gave us, I'll give it that. Though they still suffered from the highly linear and significant overuse of gimmicks and set pieces that detracts from the games appeal as anything but multiplayer bait.

Which honestly confuses me. There are much cheaper options for multiplayer that basically do what CoD does already. What the heck is the appeal?

Spacey made for an entertaining villain and might have almost had a point if
The second to last mission didn't take place in his POW DEATH CAMP

I know CoD games are supposed to be the last place we look for a story, but Spacey's performance kind of inclines me to comment. I don't think the game sent the right message about its villain. Yes he's evil, but he was so absurdly effective that it almost doesn't count against him. I mean, he managed to rebuild Baghdad in under a decade and nobody denies that ATLAS had managed literal miracles in stabilizing the third world.

I'm not sure if this is a rejection of the Hard Man Making Hard Decision While Hard mentality or not. Kind of how Ghosts made you route for the Evil South Americans unironically.
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So that lag compensation is really something. In one final kill cam I managed to get one guy with an exo punch while, I kid you not, facing the opposite direction. It was an odd mixture of confusion, laughs, and disappointment in net code.

Lag comp has been an issue since Black Ops 1. Honestly, I think it's not too different this time around compared to other titles, it's just a lot more noticeable due to the movement mechanics. When everyone's dashing around a lot faster than what's been seen before it's more prominent.

Doesn't excuse that bs killcam though.
The Campaign Story? Very good. I quite liked how Irons went from hardline with a point and lost his way. If you listen to the intel drops you see how much he just loses his sense of morality.

Actual Campaign gameplay? I found it rather boring except for a few parts (The bus chase was awesome). It was very typical 'can't open doors except for an NPC with his boot or fist' and I felt like I was more along for the ride watching Gildeon do all the major stuff.
We should have been able to press F to agree!

I mean, yeah Kevin Spacey went way too far but it's not like he was wrong about Atlas being better than nations at playing world police.
Man, the boosting and grappling stuff is so fun. I don't understand why the campaign decided it was a good idea to not let you use it for most of the game.
They have a hard enough time designing a narrow corridor stroller that feeds you story when you reach the next hallway.

level design that actually incorporates three-dimensional traversal in single player mode is an outlandish extravagance when the bread-and-butter is going to be selling multiplayer map packs.
Man, the boosting and grappling stuff is so fun. I don't understand why the campaign decided it was a good idea to not let you use it for most of the game.

As others have said, the campaign resources in all modern cod games go to extravagant one time use set pieces and in the process sacrifice the depth that could be applied to a more solid set of core mechanics. I'd happily ditch all the jet fighters, jet pack, and jetski parts for the opportunity to use gadgets like the mag grips and the grappling hook more than a handful of times. :( Or those little mobile shield drones. The hover jetpack the marines had at the start. Stealth generators. Sniper rifles with more than one shot. Really, any of the stuff that made you a badass super soldier on foot fighting other badass super soldiers.

Honestly the best campaign map was probably the Assault on new Baghdad where you were given a degree of freedom in your movement around an admittedly small area, if only for a little while, lassoing AST from behind and ripping out their pilots. That should have been, like, the campaigns bog standard. We should have been using the hover jet in the first mission to run rooftop to rooftop above the streets of Seoul, or whipping out an assault drone every mission to do some house cleaning. It could even be that the drone can be spotted and shot down, so it's very much a use it and risk losing it item in every mission.

Another common trend in CoD games is that no single enemy is actually a threat to the player character. Halo, you screw up and stand your ground and an Elite can eat your ass on anything above normal. Metro, you can get hose by two or three guys or a couple of mishandled mutants.

CoD. Every mission has a triple digit bodycount. Also, what the heck happened to the Redneck dude? It's like they completely forgot about him in the process of having slightly fewer burly white dudes than the average CoD game.
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