The swarm gathers hundreds of millions of infested Terrans backed with a core of specialist warforms at the behest of the Queen of Blades. Separating the specialist forces into broods, she moves to the head of the Swarm, striding out in the line of fire as the Terrans begin to pour fire into the Swarm in a wall of laser streaks, screaming bolts and roaring bullets that fill the air with enough ordinance that it begins to wobble with heat haze.
"Throw everything you have at me! You'll die screaming anyways!" Her psychic roar rattles the battlefield and the entirety of the city, making Terrans cry out in pain and lose focus, shots becoming notably wilder and less accurate.
Straining her whole body, a purple glow forms, actinic bolts of lightning stretching from Kerrigan whilst she lifts off the earth to float above the rushing swarm. With a final cry and wildly glowing purple eyes, apocalypse comes. A psychic storm of matter unfolds amid the Terran defences. The entire eastern face of the wall is rendered into undifferentiated matter as flensing blades of force rip the blood from bodies, yank stone into glass and carbon and annihilate all sensical matter. Half a kilometre of the city is caught in the unfolding chaos before Kerrigan lands, ceasing the storm's progress and letting it fade.
"Go! Rip them to pieces!" Her command carries through the entirety of the horde as infested mutates rush into the city like a wave, forcing the battle to turn to brutal hand-to-hand. Claws rip into long coats as the enemy Terrans die silently and with no visible fear, but the citizens are another matter entirely.
Dragged out into Creep at the command of the Queen, they are forced into Creep to be infested. She strides through the city like a raging Goddess, ripping entire skyscrapers down and even catching a shuttle that attempts to escape with telekinetic force, dragging it down to the surface after she detects an impressively powerful psychic inside it.
Ripping the rear door open, she slaughters the security inside and dominates the other psychic in a battle of wills, ordering it to be unharmed and recovered. It is brought to a hive cluster and then left there as infestation begins, tendrils of creep swallowing her.
Whilst that takes place, our Queen focuses her will on another matter. The ship in orbit. As the city falls and the atomics never have the chance to launch, it begins to pull away as Kerrigan jumps atop a corruptor and rides it up. As she gets nearer to the bulky, sluggish warmachine of a craft, she reaches out and bends gravity itself.
The engine seizes inwards, a crumple of metals a million times tougher than steel as a psionic singularity briefly pulls on it with infinite mass. With a spark and detonation that shines across half the world, the ship is crippled in the void, and with two more exertions of psychic will that leave even our Queen tiring, she snaps the barrels of their main guns before diving off the Corruptor, falling through the atmosphere in a shine of re-entry before landing in the city again.
A grand display of strength! According to the queens anyways. Overlords state that it was a waste of biomass to heal her shattered endoskeleton. Whatever the case, the Queen continues to lay waste to the Terrans as they embrace asymmetry, assaulting from strange angles and keeping stealth as creep slowly arrests where they can hide.
It is merely a matter of time before we win, and we need not expend any more effort on that than we already have. The ship in orbit lurks mangled, ready for us to snatch from the atmosphere at our leisure as far as we can tell.
Whilst all that takes place, Zren focuses on secondary fronts, supporting the advance with specialist warmorphs. Through the thousands of hatcheries, millions of zerg are produced in barely a solar cycle. Drones fill the surface, new hatcheries are birthed in great numbers and more articles of war than ever before seen in this place fill the world.
Whilst war continues, Queens are assigned a task of great importance. This world produces a dye, a dye that the Quartet in command has deemed crucial. It's light blue colour is replicated chemically by taking the producing lifeform and carefully manipulating its essence to create something that produces an easily usable liquid pigment.
These are integrated into creep, giving us an immense production of it, though it is wasted as we have nothing currently to do with it, nor anything to contain it with.
Deep in the tunnels our Queens lurk, searching for the hidden presence of Organism Abathur. It is difficult, Organism Abathur is nearly undetectable on a good day, much less when trying to hide. Focusing their efforts under direction of the efficient search patterns of Zhakarov and complete coordination of Zren, they comb through every inch of the underground chambers before realising that a second network, much smaller in size, is ran alongside our own.
Breaching it with drones, we find Organism Abathur secretly hidden away in the secondary network and extract them near the end of the solar cycle. They struggle, but once the Queen of Blades marshalls her exceptional will, he is cowed and brought to service.
Working with the infested psychic, we run into many of the same roadblocks we always do. Psychic potential is so tightly intertwined with basic Essence that even the slightest changes can erase potential utterly. Even with Organism Abathur's aid, we only improve Anastasia slightly, mostly in physical respects.
Zigzy and Organism Abathur cooperate on the gas project, inspecting it at a deep level. They discover myriads of interesting factors. This chemical is tremendously advanced, with instructions of behaviours somehow encoded into atoms themselves. It is technology almost on the level of the Firstborn. Adaptation is currently judged wasteful by both, to adapt to something this insidious would be an immense metabolic stress. However, we do keep the work on hand in case it's required.
Opening new rifts into Warpspace, we attempt to lure Neverborn in with whatever we can conceive as bait, mostly Infested Terrans. The Neverborn do not respond, however, keeping to a careful distance as far as Overlords can detect. These creatures are difficult to discern, we can only detect that there is something there, but in truth the Swarm is unaware what is there.
We cannot trap them, but we do begin the process of categorization, finding dozens of seemingly distinct categories in their taxonomy. It'll be the effort of years, if not decades to study them all without the luck of capture and infestation.
If such a thing is even possible.
Crotalids warp capacity is, luckily, fairly present in an area of their brain. With the aid of Organism Abathur's expertise, we do manage, after the deaths of 4 Overlords in experimentation, the transplant of appropriate neural tissue to an Overlord is successful. We still find it crushingly difficult for the organism to open this Warpspace rift on its own, but Overlords can at least choose to do so consciously.
The Crotalid is rapidly becoming an outdated morph, but it's raw bulk provides an as of yet unbeatable advantage in a crush, so it's sequences are kept.
Organism Abathur takes the majority lead, remembering much more of the Overminds logic when crafting the Queen of Blades. Focusing on Terran aesthetics to serve as an example to Terrans of the glorious assimilation that awaits all of them. Broad hip supports lend into a thin waist which contains redundant organs, thickened skeleton, exterior exoskeletal plates and, without the worry of maintaining psychic ability as it stands, Zigzy is able to take the human frame much further than normally capable, densifying muscular tissue and bone matter as much as is reasonable without exceeding a one hundred kilogram mass limit for mobility and aesthetic purposes.
Stingers filled with live zerg cells are kept hidden in her sides, capable of hypodermic injection into targets, willing or unwilling, for the purpose of clean infestation directly into the nervous system.
Skin close enough to Terran to mollify fear whilst far enough to still be usable for defence and heat reduction. The requested blades are inserted into the forearms based off of Roach designs, able to be extruded by an adrenal response and specific muscle tense.
A request for advanced pheromones is considered, but organism Abathur considers it a waste of time, something agreed upon by Zigzy, instead they adapt her already existent Terran pheromones and make sure they can alter to suit any target, giving an edge in social matters.
This experience is very useful as we learn to iterate bipedal frames with an initial Terran basis. The body is ready for production and usage by Lilith upon the orders of the Quartet.
Creep expands across the aquatic surfaces of the planet. Consuming light, nutrients and life giving minerals alike to expand, it begins pillaging the planet for us, exploiting its vast biomass without as much need for Drones.
A Vox system is selected and a series of Infested places around it to operate the device as a makeshift communications device, it serves our needs and, with the work of Zhakarov, we even signal boost it to reach further.
Finally, Lilith spends her time studying the reactions of humans in various states of infestation, helping them along in the process by soft words and softer touches. After a year of that, she's mastered this new Terran psychology to a much greater extent.
High above in space, the observational ship discharges heat suddenly. Zhakarov reports it as some sort of prepared energetic discharge and eventually claims it to be a reactor overcharge threatening the entire world
The Queen of Blades reacts ragefully, reaching above the atmosphere of the world and snatching the vessel in her grip, forcing it through a warp rift and away from the planet.
It settles in high orbit, it's reactor charge stilling as the opportunity to do damage is lost. We are safe. Finally, the Unity is stabilised as it begins to tremble, Kerrigan reaches out again and forces the Unity to stabilise for now, being an anchor of psychic power.
Way too many rolls.
Control Roll
Must exceed 4
Roll=2d8(3, 3)
The Quartet remains.