C-Class Struggles- A One Punch Man Quest (COMPLETE)

This... doesn't feel like it should be the end, to me it feels like we only managed to get though an introductory story arc.

Agreed and I just found this recently... I thought this would continue until we got to C Class Rank 10-5 or thereabouts and then go into something like B Class Badass in a new thread. Meet more characters, force us to be social with fans and stuff, more training for the girl(love student-mentor stuff), being a good boyfriend for Psykos, interacting more with other C Classes and creating some rivals in the organization(as Psykos has long since ceased to be our rival), etc... I thought we'd see the struggles of climbing up in the ranks and how outclassed we'd be in the more dangerous events and how other B, A, or S ranked heroes operate in small glimpses. I was also hoping to see Psykos including us little by little in her plans to take over the world and us helping her in some way.

It was definitely a good Quest and if the author wishes to end it here, I'll respect it. It's a shame though, 'cause it clearly had so much more potential. And apparently we didn't die, which is a good thing I guess from this author??
And apparently we didn't die, which is a good thing I guess from this author??
Given the fate of some of his other quests (Commit suicide by stabbing self with sword, hang out in the river styx and ignore the warning he put in his sig for days, walk unarmed into an enemy stronghold, etc) this is actually an amazing achievement.
Given the fate of some of his other quests (Commit suicide by stabbing self with sword, hang out in the river styx and ignore the warning he put in his sig for days, walk unarmed into an enemy stronghold, etc) this is actually an amazing achievement.

SERIOUSLY?!?!?! Okay, what the actual fuck?!?! What were they thinking?!
Given the fate of some of his other quests (Commit suicide by stabbing self with sword, hang out in the river styx and ignore the warning he put in his sig for days, walk unarmed into an enemy stronghold, etc) this is actually an amazing achievement.
What quests were these? And what did they expect would happen when they stabbed themselves?
River Styx was Dark General quest, which.. well, self explanatory.

The other two were part of a Bleach quest. The suicide came from some people believing it'd give Ichigo a powerup based on really fuzzy logic. The second suicide was when they were given control of Aizen; they decided the best thing they could do was to trigger an invasion to get all the alarms going, then go marching into the air of the old Kenpachi to try to steal the sword of the new Kenpachi while unarmed and with backup of dubious merit.
River Styx was Dark General quest, which.. well, self explanatory.

The other two were part of a Bleach quest. The suicide came from some people believing it'd give Ichigo a powerup based on really fuzzy logic. The second suicide was when they were given control of Aizen; they decided the best thing they could do was to trigger an invasion to get all the alarms going, then go marching into the air of the old Kenpachi to try to steal the sword of the new Kenpachi while unarmed and with backup of dubious merit.

Don't know what Dark General is or was, so can you explain? I'd really like to know what they were on/thinking in the two Bleach Quests. Also, I love the username.
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River Styx was Dark General quest, which.. well, self explanatory.

The other two were part of a Bleach quest. The suicide came from some people believing it'd give Ichigo a powerup based on really fuzzy logic. The second suicide was when they were given control of Aizen; they decided the best thing they could do was to trigger an invasion to get all the alarms going, then go marching into the air of the old Kenpachi to try to steal the sword of the new Kenpachi while unarmed and with backup of dubious merit.
That just sounds like the players being idiots.
He isn't a hero yet. Canon haven't came around yet so he probably is still training.

Actually, wouldn't this possibly even be before he even started training? Or even before the Crab incident? Like, Saitama didn't start training more than a handful of years before canon I believe?

It's kind of implied/mentioned in series that it takes a very long time to go up in ranks. Like, Saitama's rapid ascension in ranks was never really seen before in such a span of time, which I think is over several months(I think?). So we might even be quite a while away from canon considering the.. Tank-Top Master or w/e his name is still C-Class.

Indeed. TPK initially thought that last one was deliberate so-as to eliminate Aizen in a callback to that first one and cause a "good end" for the Bleach world.

If I remember that right, it was more the player's had the impression Aizen could have handled himself even without his sword considering how utterly he outclassed so many of the other Captains in-show/in-manga and presumed that surely he'd be fine with his skill in Kido/Hado.

The stabbing self in the heart thing if I recall, was TPK took the voters literally with the wording. If I recall, the intentions were to try and pull something to do with the powers being located in the heart around the heart or whatever, and a symbolic thing because we were talking with the Zanpakuto and it took the form of an innocent person and was all "would you kill me for power?", and the intentions were to basically say "I would rather die than hurt someone innocent" and to try and basically get the Zanpakuto's respect for.. not fighting it or something like that.. I think, it's been a while.

TL;DR Voters intended one thing, the wording of the vote was pretty poor, TPK took the vote literally and killed them.

Admittedly the stabbing heart thing was pretty risky even in canon if I recall, so it's a moot point.
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Actually, wouldn't this possibly even be before he even started training? Or even before the Crab incident? Like, Saitama didn't start training more than a handful of years before canon I believe?

It's kind of implied/mentioned in series that it takes a very long time to go up in ranks. Like, Saitama's rapid ascension in ranks was never really seen before in such a span of time, which I think is over several months(I think?). So we might even be quite a while away from canon considering the.. Tank-Top Master or w/e his name is still C-Class.
The incident with the crabman inspired the father of the kid Saitama saved to create the Hero Foundation. And I'm pretty sure he started training right after he beat that guy.
If I remember that right, it was more the player's had the impression Aizen could have handled himself even without his sword considering how utterly he outclassed so many of the other Captains in-show/in-manga and presumed that surely he'd be fine with his skill in Kido/Hado.

The stabbing self in the heart thing if I recall, was TPK took the voters literally with the wording. If I recall, the intentions were to try and pull something to do with the powers being located in the heart around the heart or whatever, and a symbolic thing because we were talking with the Zanpakuto and it took the form of an innocent person and was all "would you kill me for power?", and the intentions were to basically say "I would rather die than hurt someone innocent" and to try and basically get the Zanpakuto's respect for.. not fighting it or something like that.. I think, it's been a while.

TL;DR Voters intended one thing, the wording of the vote was pretty poor, TPK took the vote literally and killed them.

Admittedly the stabbing heart thing was pretty risky even in canon if I recall, so it's a moot point.

Oh, wow. Yeah, I guess there was misunderstanding/miscommunication all around?

The incident with the crabman inspired the father of the kid Saitama saved to create the Hero Foundation. And I'm pretty sure he started training right after he beat that guy.

Yeah, that's what I got out of it.
Oh, wow. Yeah, I guess there was misunderstanding/miscommunication all around?
Here was TPK's response to the Aizen thing:
Nope. Good End got, story over. Aizen was defeated by his own suicidal overconfidence.

I'm not even mad. This is the kind of thing you can't make up.

You're right. I could definitely could have saved you from making the main- wait.

You didn't do this intentionally?

What the hell?
This isn't how I wanted this quest to end, but damn.

I mean, you really weren't making some kind of hilarious callback to accidentally voting to kill yourself by attacking one of the few people that actually scare Aizen (and Kenpachi) while unarmed and accompanied by a man who wants to kill you and the token minority?

I'm not sure if I'm impressed or sad, but I'll get back to you on that.
I thought you all killed yourselves overnight when I saw this completed.
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From what I can recall, the guy who did most of the pushing for the Kenpachi sandwich knew full well what would happen. It was everyone else who thought that it was a wise and proper course of action.

As for the other one, the vote was 'Shank the dude' and 'Do not shank the dude', and someone who shall go nameless managed to BS enough people into going 'Do not shank the dude, but shank yourself instead! Right in the heart! For reasons.' To which TPK basically responded with 'Okay, whatever, you shank yourself in the heart and die.'

You would not believe the amount of salt from that.
Here was TPK's response to the Aizen thing:

From what I can recall, the guy who did most of the pushing for the Kenpachi sandwich knew full well what would happen. It was everyone else who thought that it was a wise and proper course of action.

As for the other one, the vote was 'Shank the dude' and 'Do not shank the dude', and someone who shall go nameless managed to BS enough people into going 'Do not shank the dude, but shank yourself instead! Right in the heart! For reasons.' To which TPK basically responded with 'Okay, whatever, you shank yourself in the heart and die.'

You would not believe the amount of salt from that.

Wow, just wow. I mean, Jesus. Also, what's Dark General?
Wonder how many bullets we've actually dodged and how close we came to getting killed.
I'm thinking the encounter with Fubuki. If we didn't change Psykos' mind about humanity, there might've been a fight and we would've been caught in the crossfire between the two.

Another one, I think, was when Blue Streak called for back up against the jailhouse(?) gang. If we jumped down there with him like any other shounen anime hero, we would've been dog piled.
Wonder how many bullets we've actually dodged and how close we came to getting killed.
Psykos was obviously one.

Fubuki seems like another bullet.

Then there's all the wolf class monsters we beat and the gangs.

Edit: Cite could have been another actually. But that's kind of tricky to tell one way or another.
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This... doesn't feel like it should be the end, to me it feels like we only managed to get though an introductory story arc.
In a way this was the introductory story arc.

The stabbing self in the heart thing if I recall, was TPK took the voters literally with the wording.
It's hard to take this vote figuratively.

[ ] Kill yourself.
--[ ] By stabbing yourself through the heart

The incident with the crabman inspired the father of the kid Saitama saved to create the Hero Foundation. And I'm pretty sure he started training right after he beat that guy.
Correct. You started this quest about two years before Saitama finished his training and set out to become a hero.

Wonder how many bullets we've actually dodged and how close we came to getting killed.
There weren't any voting options that I provided that would have killed you. Some would have gotten you into more trouble that might have ended up with you getting hurt, or in more serious fights, but none that would just kill you. If you want a list of challenges that you passed, here's one.

  1. Trying to take on Jayjay and the Jailhouse Gang on your own would not have been good.
  2. Ignoring your rival would have led to Psykos coming into your life on her terms, and you wouldn't have gotten the romance option.
  3. Taking Psykos to a noodle stand would have been very bad.
  4. Trying to push Psykos into being a hero once would have been okay. Trying again after she rejected the idea wouldn't be good.
  5. There were bad options in the 'make Psykos not be genocidal' conversation.
  6. You would have felt bad if Cite became a hero without training, sparking a crisis of faith.
  7. Abandoning Blue Streak to get laid would have led to a confrontation with Hillbilly Layabout in which he'd probably kick your ass.
  8. Jumping into the brawl in the construction site would not have ended well.
  9. Trying to sneak out the back of the restaurant would lower Fubuki's opinion of you.
  10. Declining learning about Psykos' secret would have led to her trying to break up with you in a later vote, for your own safety. You'd have to persuade her not to.
  11. Trying to Mind Punch the Throw Rugged would waste that round of action and let it attack Hillbilly.