C-Class Struggles- A One Punch Man Quest (COMPLETE)

[X] You do mind. You're on a date, and business can wait for later. You hope this doesn't inconvenience Fubuki too much, and that she understands.
[X] You do mind. You're on a date, and business can wait for later. You hope this doesn't inconvenience Fubuki too much, and that she understands.
[X] You do mind. You're on a date, and business can wait for later. You hope this doesn't inconvenience Fubuki too much, and that she understands.
[X] You do mind. You're on a date, and business can wait for later. You hope this doesn't inconvenience Fubuki too much, and that she understands.
I might be able to squeeze an update in around 1:30, but you might want to consider why Fubuki might want to talk about hero business with you before things finalize.
I might be able to squeeze an update in around 1:30, but you might want to consider why Fubuki might want to talk about hero business with you before things finalize.
Clearly, this quest is the sequel of a high-school rom-com visual novel. Fubuki is mad that she wasn't chosen by the studio as the canon best girl, and is now going to try and lure the zany main character away from the actual winners, Psykos.
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I just don't want to bother Psykos, we just told her that this is just about the two of us and it would be kind of rude to leave her to speak with Fubuki, even if it is for a short while.
[X] You do mind. You're on a date, and business can wait for later. You hope this doesn't inconvenience Fubuki too much, and that she understands.

I'm actually surprised we are not dead yet.
I might be able to squeeze an update in around 1:30, but you might want to consider why Fubuki might want to talk about hero business with you before things finalize.
Most likely reason I can think of is her explaining why she crippled Psykos in the first place to us and warning that she's dangerous and she hopes we know what we're doing or somesuch.
I might be able to squeeze an update in around 1:30, but you might want to consider why Fubuki might want to talk about hero business with you before things finalize.
There's a lot of good, valid reasons for such a thing. Not doing so is liable to bite us in the butt, harshly. I fully expect major consequences for not choosing that option.

That...doesn't exactly change the fact that, in-character, we have no reason to know of the importance, and dislikes Fubuki by default. Add in that our girlfriend is right there, after we requested that she not get up because we didn't want to deal with Fubuki while on our date. Loyalty to our friend and lover, not wanting to be someone who'll just ditch their date for personal advancement, there's a lot of valid reasons for picking that vote.

Even so:
[X] Apologize to Psykos, but sometimes business has to come first if you want to keep the job. You'll make it up to her later, promise.
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Add in that our girlfriend is right there, after we requested that she not get up because we didn't want to deal with Fubuki while on our date.
Technically, we asked her not to bring personal business on the date, and this is well, heroing business. Our work business not our personal business so it wouldn't be incredibly hypocritical from an objective standpoint. Just from Psykos' standpoint.
I might be able to squeeze an update in around 1:30, but you might want to consider why Fubuki might want to talk about hero business with you before things finalize.

I've been behind and so I just read the update. I'm not entirely sure what she would want to tell us ...

Other than that our girlfriend wanted to wipe out all of humanity so only espers survived.

You know, kinda important.
I might be able to squeeze an update in around 1:30, but you might want to consider why Fubuki might want to talk about hero business with you before things finalize.
*other quotes on Fubuki/Psykos relationship, and why we side with Psykos*
So, in a nutshell, thanks to voting shenanigans we've changed/we're going to change the actual rival hinted in "The Rival" option/complication/disadvantage from Psykos to Fubuki? Interesting*...

* the type of "Interesting" that appears in "May you live in interesting times".
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[X] Apologize to Psykos, but sometimes business has to come first if you want to keep the job. You'll make it up to her later, promise.

I think this is one of those situations where we might want to take this but first and get it over with.
A Blizzard's Approval
Sorry for the late update, but this was just plain hard to get right, and I'm still not happy with it.

[X] You do mind. You're on a date, and business can wait for later. You hope this doesn't inconvenience Fubuki too much, and that she understands.

"I'm on a date." You explain, choosing your words carefully and observing Fubuki's reaction from behind deliberately casual eyes. "Unless someone's in danger right now, business can wait for a while. I hope that this doesn't inconvenience you too much."

You smile, holding onto your cool by the skin of your teeth as the Blizzard of Hell stares you down. But there's safety in not being a threat, and this is something that you're long used to. You show no aggression, but unlike in your last year of high school Fubuki doesn't overlook you. Her stare only intensifies, daring you to keep defying her.

And you do.

Quietly, softly, with a bead of sweat on the back of your neck, but you don't give in. Tension fills the air, and even the two other B Class heroes goofing off at their table realize that something's wrong and quiet. It's not ESP, but a contest of wills. Alone you would fold, give up and do what the terrifying woman wants, but you're not alone here. You asked Psykos not to not to deal with Fubuki, and though the circumstances are different a stubborn core of guilty loyalty stops you from doing the same.

At last Fubuki blinks, and the spell is broken. "Is that right?" she replies slowly.

"Yes, it is." Psykos says, squeezing your hand.

She turns on your date, thinks to say something, but doesn't. Psykos does though, stopping her before she returns to her table. "Fubuki!"

"Psykos." You hiss.

"I'm only going to say this once." Your girlfriend's grip on your hand tightens to vicelike levels as she draws confidence from your continued presence. "You . . . were right."

Fubuki is visibly shocked by this admission, but then some tension flows off of her face, leaving it subtly happier. "Then enjoy your date. Hailstorm- consider that business resolved. I'll see you around."

She goes back to her table, leaving you with nothing but questions and Psykos, who refuses to explain what she meant.

You end the night with a kiss at your door, confused yet happy. Psykos holds you there for a while. "Thank you." She says.

"For what?" You reply.

"For lots of things." She says into your shoulder. "I . . . I should tell you what happened that day you didn't come to class."

The day you didn't- oh. She's talking about the day when Fubuki crippled her power, the day when the Society for the Supernatural fractured and fell apart. "You don't have to, you know." You say awkwardly while patting her back.

"You must want to know."

"I'm curious, but if it's painful to bring up-"

"Shut up. Just be quiet and let me talk, because you don't know what you're talking about. I want to say this because you're the only other person who can understand." Psykos admits, and then continues without her usual caustic tone. "Can I come inside and explain? I won't be upset if you say no. This . . . isn't something you want to hear, and I don't want to say it, so if you'd like things to stay like this that would be okay too."

Psykos is offering you the opportunity to go through her personal quest. Accepting will upgrade her complication from Rival to Ally.
[] Accept. This will tie you more closely to Psykos, and the secrets she reveals will lead to higher stakes and darker places.
[] Decline. It's not a crime to linger in a pleasant climate, and you can trust Psykos without dredging up the past.
[x] Accept. This will tie you more closely to Psykos, and the secrets she reveals will lead to higher stakes and darker places.
[X] Accept. This will tie you more closely to Psykos, and the secrets she reveals will lead to higher stakes and darker places.

We shall secure our Waifu.
[X] Accept. This will tie you more closely to Psykos, and the secrets she reveals will lead to higher stakes and darker places.
[x] Accept. This will tie you more closely to Psykos, and the secrets she reveals will lead to higher stakes and darker places.
Hmm. Just wondering: is Psykos our second life? Meaning, if we die does that mean that the perspective will shift to Psykos and we start carving a bloody swath bringing fire and ruination to all because the one person who understood her is dead so now all she has left is to light the match and watch the world burn?
[x] Accept. This will tie you more closely to Psykos, and the secrets she reveals will lead to higher stakes and darker places.

[x] Accept. This will tie you more closely to Psykos, and the secrets she reveals will lead to higher stakes and darker places.