Heat is useful to support healing, sweating out a fever and such. But as a cure alone? Only for people who suffered hypothermia, other than that heat isn't that useful.

Of course, if you look at the metaphorical flame of life, then you could probably find a way. After all, a Spirit did it is in full effect.
There's always the option of cauterizing your wound in case there aren't any better medical options around.
How do you heal with water anyway? The discipline one should steal from water benders is not healing anyway, being inspired by blood bending and going full Regent is much more awesome.
I guess one can use it to "heal" in the sense of;
Studies show that those who spend the most time outdoors have the lowest risk of melanoma.
(aka the whole Vitamin D thingy that improves DNA repair.. though healing cancer dunno)

edit: did a bit more reading, it seems Vitamin D can actually diminish existing melanoma.
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How do you heal with water anyway? The discipline one should steal from water benders is not healing anyway, being inspired by blood bending and going full Regent is much more awesome.
That was one of the things that annoyed me most about Avatar, the water bending healing. It was both increadibly stereotypical and didn't make much sense. It felt like they wanted to play up Katara's nurturing nature and went, ooooh I know, in games water magic always has healing let's do that! It also removed a big chunk of the consequences of Aang's actions, which was annoying, but still, it's a kids show, what can ya do.
Basic stuff with heat would be cauterizing wounds, disinfecting wounds, stuff like that. Theoretically you could go the fire of life route and use that conceptually or 'burn' away the wounds, though Fishzilla doesn't seem the type to go that route.

Something you could do, is you fire-bending to replicate water-bending healing. Water bending healing works by guiding chi in the injured persons body to re-vilatise dead cells and promote rapid healing.

It's canonically possible to use fire bending to sense the qi flows in human body and interpret it. The example being this shaman. Now, the reason people can't replicate water bending healing is because they have no way to guide the qi, but if you can use heat-bending to manipulate the water or substitute the water entirely and guide it with heat you may be able to replicate healing.

Also, If you manipulate another's qi directly, through the way Fishie seems to be able to manipulate Azula's that may be a way to Energy Bending.

That was one of the things that annoyed me most about Avatar, the water bending healing. It was both increadibly stereotypical and didn't make much sense. It felt like they wanted to play up Katara's nurturing nature and went, ooooh I know, in games water magic always has healing let's do that! It also removed a big chunk of the consequences of Aang's actions, which was annoying, but still, it's a kids show, what can ya do.

Actually, it was explained exactly how healing works, and why only water benders can do it. Here's a previous post I made on this topic.
Quoting from the wiki: "Healing is a sub-skill of water-bending which involves healing wounds by redirecting energy paths, or chi, throughout the body, using water as a catalyst." It can be used to promote cell-growth and heath in general.

It also makes a lot of sense, given that the body is 70% water though I imagine other than the above there is also a direct manipulation of the body's water involved ala blood-bending. It has also been shown in story that healing does not work on someone who's chi has been blocked, somewhat invalidating the idea however.

IIRC there's a version of this in fire-bending where fire can be used to sense the qi flow and any spiritual damage, however it doesn't have any physical healing affect.
IIRC, there is research into using infrared radiation to accelerate healing...
Maybe not direct healing, but accelerate the body's natural healing process? Might have gotten this wrong, but maybe heat can help stimulate blood flow thouout the body.

It should also do nice in purging infections in wounds without having to cauterize it. Maybe a localized fever to kill viral infections that's stuck in just one part of the body?
"Jin, stand here."
"1) Just because I allow you to speak doesn't mean that you're allowed to question my every action. 2) I'm going to try and heal your body with fire."

==Time Skip==

"Okay, that didn't work too well. Time for the second plan."
"Second plan, princess?"
"Instead of healing you with hot fire I'm going to try Cold Fire. Tie her to the mast!"
It has to do with chi and chakra paths in the body.

Just think of acupuncture.
Fire healing, as mentioned before, depends on how conceptual and spiritual you are taking the idea of bending. In the end, honestly, it all depends on what the author decision. It might even be possible, but Azula/Fishie be completely unable to do it, at least not without being trained by someone who already knows it well.

Of course, that isn't any reason not to experiment. Ethical concerns are, but then, it's Azula and it's for a good cause, so... BRING THE TURTLEDUCKS! :p Or prisoners, but that's a bit distasteful to start with and breeds far too much hate unless going after the scum of the scum like rapists and such, and those are not quite that common*.

* And speaking of using prisoners, in another interesting factoid, the Fire Nation is likely to have far more cultural, social and legal hangups of doing so than the Earth Kingdom, although it's not certain. There's some evidence that they do not only take prisoners, but treat them better than you'd expect for the time period they are supposed to be in and how long the war they have been. Captured non-benders seem to actually be sent to prisons, not merely killed out of hand, and their prisons, from what we've seen, are better than you'd expect, even against foreigners who they have been at war for a hundred years.

Benders have it worse, mind you, but even so, most of the mistreatment seems to be mostly focused on removing their benders as a major threat, and let's be honest here, there's little way to do so without it either being cruel, prohibitively expensive or both. Take that platform they took Haru for example. The worst systematic case (that is, not a particular singled out individual, like they did with Bumi), would be the water benders, but then, really, there's little way of making sure they don't have water to bend and are able to do so at the same time. I suppose they could keep just about every bender drugged unconscious, but that's ridiculously expensive and ridiculously dangerous, specially if it had to be standardized and without far too many physicians to keep track of the prisoners.

And even all that? They are still taking a risk, with how broken master benders can be. See Bumi, or even Hama, even if she's not quite a master at it for example. In all, for what the standards of the world seem to be, they seem to be pretty humane in their treatment of prisoners. The air nomads might have been better, but I have a feeling that their major punishment for those who wouldn't be willing to follow their social contract would be banishment or something like that.
Well, the only way I know of that uses heat to heal is this one company when thought about investing in a while back that used heat therapy or something to supplement cancer treatment. We thought it was bogus, so we didn't buy the company.

You aren't being creative enough.

Radiation therapy for cancer comes to mind, as does cauterization in battlefield wound treatment. Surgery also commonly has used various forms of cauterization to prevent the patient from bleeding out (although modern procedures typically use electrocautery for smaller vessels).

Then you get into things like electrosurgery... and the assorted other applications of electricity to things like physical therapy.
You aren't being creative enough.

Okay, I think you're missing the point of an SI. This isn't a quest game where she's trying to create an 'optimum' character. Fishzilla doesn't have a wikipedia handy and she's certainly not experienced in electrosurgery or whatever so why would she try to figure it out? If she doesn't think of something after a bit of pondering, chances are the SI shouldn't either unless Azula would for some reason.

Add to that, while knowing something CAN be done is nice, it's still not always enough to make learning it practical. If Fishy doesn't know how to perform a surgical procedure, trial-and-error is a bit of a messy way to pick it up. And realistically, no way is Deviatefish the kind of monster who would suggest her and Azula basically torture a few hundred people to death with her bare hands just to pick up a substandard skill she'd be better off picking up a different way in any case.
How the hell would you heal with heat anyway?

How the hell would you heal with water?

Chi-fuckery and bullshit magic, that's how.

It's not terribly difficult to say that Life is fire (such as the Sun Tribe in TLA believed) and if any form of bending should be able to manipulate the Chi in another person's body to promote growth and healing, then it should be fire.

Actually, the human body is definitely formed from all four elements, so I suppose you could use any of the elements to heal, though some elements would be better at some things than others.

it's probably just easier with water because letting your concentration slip for a second won't result in burning your patient.

I'd fluff it as Wind being able to fix a lot of respiratory problems, earth being good at poultices and setting/mending broken bones, fire being good at burning out infections and promoting cell-growth and water being good at cleaning open wounds and stuff.
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also, poisons i guess.

If fire healing involves ramping up the metabolism--which "burning out infection" and "promoting cell-growth" would have to be pretty much by definition--then it would probably be good at dealing with overdoses / alcohol poisoning. Instead of flushing the toxins, it just forces the body to break them down faster.

Needless to say, using fire-based healing on cancer. . . *shudders as visions of twisted sacks of grotesquely bloated flesh dance through her mind*
*switches from Econ hat to amateur Bio hat*
Well, the only way I know of that uses heat to heal is this one company when thought about investing in a while back that used heat therapy or something to supplement cancer treatment. We thought it was bogus, so we didn't buy the company.
What about laser based therapy?

Not heat therapy at all, but related to using heat for cancer treatments, from March:
"Researchers at ETH Zurich have demonstrated that gold nanoparticles, in combination with near-infrared light, can turn up the heat on cancer cells enough to kill tumors." Essentially, cancer cells have a predilection for gobbling up gold nanoparticles, and special shapes of gold nanoparticles can absorb infrared "heat" radiation without the healthy body parts becoming too heated.

Gets a lot more complicated, but that's the gist of it. Has been a fairly promising area in the past few years, though not well-tested at all, is very expensive, and other cancer-killing methods involving gold nanoparticles may be more promising (not to mention the vast array of other approaches).

One article: http://spectrum.ieee.org/nanoclast/...earinfrared-light-kill-cancer-cells-with-heat
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I think we can safely say that if there is going to be any firebending healing in this story we'll be aproaching it from the mystical Chi side of things rather than the scientific. Neither Azula nor Fishy (I assuming here, I could be wrong) have the requisite background in medicine and biology to be able to apply what could potentially be done effectively. Nor do they have the time to learn, even for geniuses it takes years of research to figure out just one workable treatment.

Azula and fishy have other things on their plate, especially when there are already people with healing abilities and knowledge that they can can use instead of figuring it out on their own.