So the Tally System has been very finicky for me recently regarding both "plan" style votes a few months ago and regular voting, where it had trouble reading full plans as a single vote and more recently seems unable to read the new votes. It just seems sort of finicky for me and I'm not sure why. I don't think it's a threadmark error, nor do I think it has to do with formatting because I've seen other quests use the same vote formatting just fine.
There is an option that disables vote-overriding behaviour, and it seems that this was disabled for the votecount done there!
You can check this by inspecting the configuration of any given tally; click the button at the top right of the tally display here to pull up the configuration.
There is an option that disables vote-overriding behaviour, and it seems that this was disabled for the votecount done there! View attachment 3723
You can check this by inspecting the configuration of any given tally; click the button at the top right of the tally display here to pull up the configuration. View attachment 3726
Check the tally. I don't know where it's getting messed up, but the plan that being counted has an error in the EXP section. NO PERMISSION TO POST TALLY
This is a vote split into three tasks, [Life Support], [Style], and [Location]. [Life Support] and [Style] share a vote option, Standard. Under [Style], the tally is labeling the Standard option incorrectly as [Life Support] Standard, not [Style] Standard.
The vote seems otherwise correct--this is merely an aesthetic concern.
So... I've chatted about this in discord's #quest-discussion, including mentioning it a little back, too, but I've noticed that the built-in preview is behaving a little odd, especially when previewing it pre-posting while the vote is not yet closed. I did some minor testing.
The tl;dr version is this - when calling vote, clicking "close vote" checkbox in the reply box under the the thread and letting it automatically append the vote tally id to the bottom of the post seems to be the way to get accurate results, including edited votes.
So, one of the things I hoped I could use the built-in tally for, is to click the vote button (left side) under the thread and review the current vote totals, to quickly check if the draw is still persisting. However, the last vote, people have been editing their votes a few times, and I've quickly noticed a disrepancy from what the preview can show me, to the actual vote (I was using manual re-checking and comparing to NetTally downloadable version - which always seemed to be counting correctly).
Thus, before calling the vote, I tried to take some screencaps, and check what was going on and why. Next time, I can try to be even more rigorous, but this is enough to showcase at least some of the mismatch. (I'm using Task vote division, for these)
So, I've clicked the tally button, and chose to open the full reply window. However, there, I noticed the close-vote checkbox was missing. (this is a smaller, unrelated issue - the last time I posted and called the vote via full editor, the "open voting" tag didn't disappear until I made a follow up, informational post, but maybe there is a way to stop it without a new post in the thread)
So I ended up copying the id provided to me to a reply under the thread. (changed [] brackets into () since I lack permission to link the action vote here, obviously.
I was typing away at the vote closing post, and clicked post preview. This is how it looked:
First of all, the count is wrong (the more important issue), as it doesn't account the multiple edits made by people. The correct count for the Action task should have this, as per NetTally (matching real life) - clear mismatch on top options.
Second of all, the actual votes aren't displayed in the post preview at all, just the (wrong) vote numbers. That is weird, but I did notice much later, that when post previewing, the vote options are there... just at the very bottom, even if they don't appear there on the final post:
actual end of the post:
I am more interested in the actual final vote count being correct rather than the correct preview display, so the missing text options do not matter for the rest of the post.
So, I've completed the post, clicked "close vote" checkbox, and posted it.
Suddenly, I notice that an extra vote result has been appended at the end of my post. And it's correct, this time, accounting for all of the vote eddits, and matching the expected result of the NetTally:
I go to edit the post and see that it has a different tally id than the first one I got.
So... I replaced the old voteresult id with the new one and reposted and it looks like that worked correctly, including all of the edited votes!
So, the lesson I learned is the same one from tl;dr summary above - use the little checkbox under the reply and hope for the best. My vote is now closed, so I don't have an example screen-cap, but it's here when when vote is open:
I assume it has to do with actually closing the vote, instead of generating a voteresult id while its onlgoing.
I guess me wanting to have a longer vote closing post has worked against me, maybe in the future I will close the vote and then double post the comment I want with the vote result calculations right after. I'll think on how to better handle it, but I have a better understanding now.
Thanks for reading, hope it helps someone else too.
I don't know if the built-in tool is actively supported, but I love that it does work, even if getting the accurate final result took me a bit of guesswork. Thanks for having it. 💙💙💙
@InaNewmoon I believe what you're running into here is a common problem with the vote tally. When you open the tally window, it does not run a new vote tally. It instead displays the last vote tally that someone has run. You have to hit the 'New tally' button for the tally to do a new count. You can check the time someone last run a vote here:
Second of all, the actual votes aren't displayed in the post preview at all, just the (wrong) vote numbers. That is weird, but I did notice much later, that when post previewing, the vote options are there... just at the very bottom, even if they don't appear there on the final post:
The tally's never worked properly in the post preview, unfortunately.
Edit: I should've highlighted the User as well, darn it. You can see in the first image "Adhoc vote count started by Leo13" to the left of the timestamp, and also below under "Date:" here it has "User: Leo13". Then in the second image it's a tally I ran. Going to the image of your incorrect vote tally, you can see the user was 'chellewalker' and not yourself.
I'm trying to do a vote with with different parts - one is [Deploy], the other is [Loadout]. But I've realised I don't actually know how to set it up properly. Any help?
Edit; Okay I've gotten it working - somehow. But now it's not displaying the correct votes.