Exactly this. No tallies will expand for me no matter how much I reload or fiddle it settings. I plain and simple just do not get a Click To Expand box at all. I've tried both my tallies, the tallies others do in the thread, and going into random other quest to see if it works there to no avail.I dunno what's gone wrong, but tally doesn't expand if I logged in.
Behaves as normal if I log off/go into Incognito mode, but independently from theme it doesn't snow the expand button.
Tried on Vivaldi and Firefox.
I have Quote Expand Disabled turned on.
for example.
Thank you for the bug report, I'll look into it.I did a tally here, and it is running into problems.
(A) "Rest of the Votes" is repeated both before the votes and after. Is it supposed to do that?
(B) "Rest of the Votes" should really be called "All Votes", since it includes the winning vote.
(C) Most substantially, it seems like one of the results was swallowed by the tally. In particular, under the Focus section, "Grow Tranquil Tree" does not appear, even though it is the most popular vote. (Not to be confused with "Grow Tranquil Tree x2" and "Grow Tranquil Tree x3", which do appear as they should.)
Thankfully, that's just a cosmetic thing (or should be!) - I'll fix it in the next update pass.![]()
No, SV, You Are the Forest! (Riot Quest) Original
In which SV tries not to get their forest burned down, fall into any swamps, or sucked into a black hole.forums.sufficientvelocity.com
There are a handful of "[Focus]" actions showing up under the [Action] block, and vice-versa.
Dude, that was posted last Wednesday. The issue was resolved.The tally defaults to the latest threadmark as the start point, and no one has voted since the latest threadmark "Crisis: Kataclysm- Claws for Alarm" there.
You can change which threadmark to start from by clicking on it at the top under 'start and end options'.
Oh sorry I just saw it as the latest post on the front page. I'll delete it.
VII. Categories
Categories are a more advanced version of voting by task, as detailed in Section III. As the vote runner, you may create any number of top level categories. In the context of a vote about game awards, for example, you might create categories of:
Game Genre
Game Platform
Game Studio
Within each category, you can then list specific options, separated by commas:
Game Genre
-Platformer, Roguelike, Racing
Game Platform
-PC, PS4, Switch
Game Studio
-Nintendo, Sony, Supergiant Games
Voters can then tag each entry with all appropriate options, both multiple within a single category and spanning multiple categories. For example:
[x] [roguelike] [pc] [switch] [supergiant games] Hades
This also incorporates the rules from Instant Runoff Voting, so a complete vote might look like:
[x] [roguelike] [pc] [switch] [supergiant games] [1] Hades
[x] [racing] [switch] [ps4] [sony] [3] Sonic Team Racing
[x] [platformer] [switch] [nintendo] [2] Super Mario Odyssey
When tallied, vote results will be determined across each category: in this example, the highest rated game of each genre, for each platform, and from each studio.
You're using structured voting, which seems to be broken.![]()
I believe this vote is seeing cross-task confusion between the Forest and Action tasks.