So is this world a almagation of the MCU and DC comic?
Or is it Marvel Cinematic + TVSHOW DC
So is this world a almagation of the MCU and DC comic?
Or is it Marvel Cinematic + TVSHOW DC

Primary sources are MCU and Arrowverse, and one other that has yet to be discovered. Anything in those two up to the summer of 2016 is all-in canon, and would have definitely happened as shown if SI wasn't there interfering. Secondary sources that are heavily drawn from in modified form include Supergirl Season 1, among others. The gaps in general Marvel/DC lore that aren't covered elsewhere are filled in with semi-original adaptions. For example, Victor van Dyne is the brother of Janet van Dyne, and the dictator of Latveria.
Primary sources are MCU and Arrowverse, and one other that has yet to be discovered. Anything in those two up to the summer of 2016 is all-in canon, and would have definitely happened as shown if SI wasn't there interfering. Secondary sources that are heavily drawn from in modified form include Supergirl Season 1, among others. The gaps in general Marvel/DC lore that aren't covered elsewhere are filled in with semi-original adaptions. For example, Victor van Dyne is the brother of Janet van Dyne, and the dictator of Latveria.
Smallville is not arrowverse right? cause that guy in smallville beat even movie superman
Smallville is not arrowverse right? cause that guy in smallville beat even movie superman

Smallville isn't canon at all. Some characters look and behave like their Smallville versions, because the casting was the goddamn best thing about that fucking show. But pretty much none of the events of that series took place in this universe. Kryptonians aren't that powerful. Kryptonite isn't a do-anything mutation drug.
Just curious does she have Raava inside of her somewhere?
I keep forgetting how much does she know of Avatar and Korra?
Just curious does she have Raava inside of her somewhere?
I keep forgetting how much does she know of Avatar and Korra?

Yes, Raava is the spirit of Light that Shazam saw inside her. She's never technically seen Avatar, so her memory of it is completely reliant on the times Alex thought about it after I was created. Which, admittedly, is a lot, but not nearly as much as still active fandoms like the MCU or RWBY. So she remembers most of the basic events of the original series, but might forget intricacies. Her knowledge of Korra is basically a shotgun blast. She remembers specific individual scenes much better than the overall narrative, which means she might be able to logically reconstruct some of it, but she'll never know it as well as the Legend of Aang. Which is inconvenient, since a lot of what she's dealing with was covered better in Korra.

And none of that is indicative of myself, anymore. I've watched both series since and while Alex gets all nostalgic I will say that Korra is my favorite of the two. Deus Ex Giant Spirit Korra aside. Book 3, with Zaheer, has got to be my favorite. On SI's jolly multiversal jaunt I'm definitely sending her there.
Fire, Water
Two days later, I've healed my whole body, piece by piece. I've been experimenting. It's not the same energy I use to make fire that I use for healing. But it travels along the same paths. When I Bend the two at the same time I can sometimes feel the conflicting energies colliding inside my body, like antimatter explosions too tiny to even cause pain. If I redirect, tell it to take different paths through my body, both become almost as strong as if I were using them independently.

I'm the Avatar. I haven't tried Bending earth or air yet. But it's the only thing that makes sense. Fire, water, healing, and that trip to the Spirit World. I pulled up the report. It happened on the Summer Solstice. I looked it up, and Avatar never existed on this Earth. It all adds up.

That energy I'm using must be Chi. I've been flailing my way through fire training ever since that day at the New Mexico crater when they first took me to a shooting range. Now that I actually know what I'm doing, like really actually what my body is doing, how powerful can I become? Avatar Kyoshi created an island. Avatar Roku fought a volcano.

I'll have to start seriously studying martial arts. Not just the small stuff Mike's been drilling me on. The real art of the martial arts. I think I'll be able to recognize the movesets for the four elements if I just watch footage of masters at work.

This was lucky. This was really lucky. I stumbled into two different elements by accident in about as much time as it took Aang to master three. He had trainers. He had a mission. All I've had is desperation.

But I know now. I know what I am. I know what I can do! I'm powerful. I'm a badass!


The droplet of water I've been suspending falls back into its bowl. I rub my back and look behind me. Ike hands Barton back his arrow.

"You know, I could Bend the blood in your veins."

Ike laughs, "You can barely float a thimble."

"I can't exactly float anything. It's not like fire, where I just give it the energy and it does what I want. It flows on its own, always. I have to
... nudge it in the right direction, every second. Like a dam against the tide. I guess both operate on the same basic principle. Just make sure the easiest place for it to go is where I want it to be."

Mike walks in with a candlelighter, "You said you wanted this? I thought you could only control your own fire."

I nod, "I thought so too. But maybe not."

I take the lighter, and light it. The far end produces a tiny bead of yellow. I turn out toward the firing range.

I reach out and feel the heat. It's not mine. I can feel that it's not mine. It's harsh. Hostile. It would kill me, given the chance.

But it still burns. And it still burns with energy. Not the same as my energy. Not Chi. But it burns. And that makes it my domain.

I feel the heat. And in my mind I follow it back, to its source. I can almost taste the petroleum fuel that keeps it alive. It doesn't like that energy. So I give it mine.

It grows, bigger, bigger. It's several centimeters tall now, and has graduated from yellow to orange at the center. I'm feeding it through my outstretched hand. I move my hand to the left, and it follows. I move to the right, and it follows.

I pull, giving it more energy all at once, making a path for it to follow from where it is back to my hand. It follows the path and I feel the harsh heat come closer, until it's painfully floating just centimeters above my fingertips.

Okay. "I can control other fire, but it doesn't feel like I'm immune to it, even after I'm the only thing fueling it."

It still carries the signature of its source. The first fuel that ignited it. Physically, there's no reason this should be any different from any other fire. But if I'm the Avatar, then this is spiritual. Literally, the spirit of the fire is the only thing that decides whether it burns me or not.

Mike asks, "So, there's some cartoon back on Earth Prime that has someone who can control fire, water, and heal. Is that right?"

I stop feeding the flame and it goes out. I nod, "I'm the Avatar. The master of all four elements. The bridge between the human and spiritual realms. The protector of the earth."

Ike murmurs, "Don't let it get to your head…"

I laugh, "I'm a terrible Avatar. I'm worse than Aang was when he was twelve years old. I'm starting late. I was supposed to have been trained since birth."

Barton asks, "Hang on. You said the Avatar is fictional on your Earth. So how the hell were you born into it?"

I shake my head, "I wasn't even born. Must be recent, since I got here. Maybe the last Avatar died at the exact moment I came through, and the universe got confused or something. It's a reincarnation thing. But I'm pretty sure that doesn't exist on my Earth either." Alex believed in reincarnation. Maybe I'll have to reconsider that he may have been right.

"You said everything before's been from movies and tv shows on Earth Prime, all based on comicbooks. Now cartoons are real too?"

"Barton, I don't know. I don't know the rules anymore. Avatar wasn't even based on a comicbook. It was original. It was adapted into comicbooks, but no-one even liked those."

Wait a minute. What Shazam said, about my soul. That wasn't him seeing Alex, or where Alex used to be. That was the Avatar spirit. Does that mean I have Aang and Korra in my head? That might help me learn the proper forms easier if I can contact them somehow. But, has this world had previous Avatars, or is the Spirit from another universe too?

"I think whatever pulled me here fused me with a preexisting spirit. I don't know what that means for the reincarnation cycle, but I wasn't selected naturally. I was chosen. Someone, something powerful removed me from Alex, from Earth Prime, hijacked the Bifrost, abducted Thor, obtained and contained the Avatar Spirit, and then stitched it onto me well enough that it took a god and a wizard powered by gods to see it."

Barton frowns, "What could do all that?"

This is scary. This is big. This is bad. And I'm right at the center of it. Something strong enough to simply remove Thor has personally invested in me, specifically. Something with access to Earth Prime.

Thanos? Too small. He couldn't pull it off. Which is downright terrifying to consider. A fifth dimensional imp, maybe? If they exist, maybe. What was space Jesus called. The Living Tribunal? But what's the motive? Why? Who would do this? What do they want?

"I have no idea."
I have a hypoteshesis who it was - Doctor Doom! With God`s Powah!
or Deadpool with full Infinity Gauntlet. Or some geek with Eternity Gauntlet.


P.S. You are wonderfull))
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Dearly Departed
It's Alex's birthday.

I sigh and drag the covers back up over my head. It's Alex's birthday.

I haven't left my room all day. I dunked my comms unit in the bowl of water I've been using for Bending practice. Then I melted the wall panel so no-one could get in. The cameras are still on, so they know I'm not doing anything. I just can't do anything today.

It's Alex's birthday.

I hear something. I peek out and see that they're trying to cut the door open with a blowtorch.

I've only tried this a few times, but maybe… I reach out with my mind and feel the flame of the blowtorch. I give the energy a nudge, and it flares backward into the fuel chamber. Now they'll have to get a new torch.

I huddle back down and wipe the tears away from my eyes.

It's Alex's birthday.

Ugh. I'm starting to become sober again. I stick an arm out from the blanket and feel around until I find the bottle of tequila I stole from the kitchen last night. I bring it to my mouth and start swallowing. The glass knocks against my teeth painfully.

It's Alex's birthday. It's Alex's birthday.

I set the bottle on the floor next to my bed. Maybe some sleep would make me feel better.

Probably not.

It's Alex's birthday.

That's a really weird sound. I poke my head out and open one eye. There's a big blue blur in the middle of the big black blur. Is something glowing? It's definitely a lot brighter in here.

I rub my eyes and give them a second to adjust.

Jack is standing by the lightswitch.

I glare at him, "How did you even get in here?"

He sighs, "We're worried about you. I'm here to find out what's wrong."

I grab the tequila and sit up, "It's Alex's birthday."

It takes him a second to recall the name, "Your… creator, back on Earth Prime."

I take another big drink, "Creator, brother, headmate… There's no normal relationship that's close enough to compare it to."

He walks over and sits on the bed next to me. I offer the bottle of tequila, and he takes it. But I suspect he's just trying to keep me from finishing it off.

He asks the question everyone always asks, "Do you want to talk about it?"

I'm about to reject the offer outright, but, actually, that sounds kind of nice, "Yeah. Okay."

And then we both stay silent for a few minutes.

After a while I realize I'm not saying anything, "Sorry. Thought is my first language. Sometimes it's hard to put things in words." I sigh, "Alex was… a pain. He was naive, and lazy, and optimistic, and he smelled bad." I grab the bottle out of his hands and take a swig, "I actually miss that smell, can you believe that?"

"Yeah, I can."

I look at him, a silent request for answers.

He puts a hand behind his head and leans back against the wall, "Before I joined SHIELD, I had a team. We worked out of this underground base, inside a mountain. It always had this really rancid sulfur stink. But, after a few years, I didn't care. I didn't even notice it anymore. That base was home."

I down the rest of the bottle.

"But, that base isn't my home anymore. Classified story short, it got blown up, I got recruited, and now I have a different secret underground base to call H.O.M.E.."

I chuckle, "Alright, I got it. So you're saying there's no use in brooding on the past because it's gone now."

He smiles, "Right."

"So I should just forget all about the only person I've ever really loved, the only person who would have given their life for me. Not just because I'm an asset. Just because they care about me. I should forget that, forget him, because I'll never see him again."

He backs off a little in shock, "No! I-"

"GET OUT!" I throw the bottle across the room and it shatters, "I don't know how you got in and I don't care. Get the fuck out. Now. Leave me alone." I take a deep breath, olive branch, "I'll come out tomorrow."

I lie back down and curl into the sheets, making a cocoon. I hear that same weird noise again muffled through the blanket. I'm going to assume he's gone.

It's Alex's birthday. It's Alex's birthday.
Meet the Bartons
As the jet lifts off, I ask over the blare of the engines, "So Barton, where are you taking me that's so secret you had to dismiss my bodyguards."

I see him switch off the tracker and take out his comms, "There's someone I want you to meet. Several someones, actually. But one in particular I think you'll want to meet too."

I'm surprised he's taking me this soon. His family is super secret. So secret Hydra doesn't know about them. So secret, as far as I know, only he, Natasha, and Fury know they exist. And I guess Coulson, thanks to me. Oops. Didn't really think that through at the time...

We touch down not long later, and Barton switches off the engines.

I ask, "Why did you bring me here?"

He looks me straight in the eye, "To meet my son."

I can't remember his kids names. Shit. His wife is Laura. Took me a while to dig even that out of my head. She won't be pregnant with Nathaniel for a few years. If ever, now that I'm here. I can't remember the other two.

He walks out of the jet and I follow, feeling stupid for not having Alex's encyclopedic recall.

"I'm honored that you trust me enough to bring me here."

He laughs, "You already knew all about it. Either I had to trust you, or I had to kill you, and I didn't wanna make Coulson mad. He has plans for you."

"Great. Maybe I'll learn what they are some day."

A few minutes later I see the house. It's a lot bigger than I remember it being in the movie. At least three stories, an attic, a basement. I think I see a storm cellar.

And there's a young child on the roof.

Clint casually strolls closer, "What are you doing up there?"

The boy dangles his legs off the edge, "I was watching you land! I could see the whole thing once I got up the chimney."

Clint smiles, "You climbed up the chimney?"

He coughs, "Yeah, but I got all covered in black stuff on the way up. I think I might need a new shirt."

Clint nods, "And a bath. Your mother's not gonna be happy about this." He beckons, "Come on. Get down, Johnny."

Johnny? I don't remember their names, but I don't think that was one of them.

Johnny hangs by his fingertips on the edge of the roof and then swings off, and catches himself on a vertical storm pipe with his foot on a windowsill. That kid has some serious arm strength. I don't think I could do that. Then he just drops the remaining three meters and lands expertly into a roll that I remember Mike showing me.

That kid has a future. As what, I don't know. But as something. That's really something he just did there.

He runs up to us and hugs his father tightly.

Barton flinches at the cloud of ash that billows out at the impact. He stands stiffly as if he's trying to stay clean, and then gives up and returns the hug.

Johnny looks over at me, "Who're you?"

Clint laughs, "This is a coworker of mine. Xavier Bronze." He looks me in the eyes, "And this is my son. Cooper John Barton. But because of stunts like that," He points at the roof, "We call him Johnny Blaze."


Wait, what? "Johnny Blaze?"

He nods, "That's right." He picks up his son under one arm, "Our little devil."

Oh you have no idea.

I nod, "Okay, Clint, we need to talk. Like now."

He starts walking toward the house, "Yeah, I figured as much. Come on in. Laura'll make us something."

Once we're seated in the dining room with bowls of truly delicious smelling leftover lasagna, Barton tells his son, "Johnny, why don't you go wash up. You've still got ash all over your face." The kid runs off and Clint calls into the kitchen, "Laura, can you come in here. I think Xavier wants to tell us something."

I wait patiently for both parents to be present.

Laura comes in and sits down next to her husband, "What is it she wants to talk to me about?" To me, "Is it something about an old mission?"

Clint turns to me and his face is almost as serious as when he was pointing an arrow at me, "Spill."

I look between the two of them. Laura's nervous. Clint is steeled for whatever I might say.

"Johnny Blaze. When I first arrived on this Earth that's one of the first names I looked up."

Laura asks, "Now, remind me, you're from another universe, where this one is a movie series where we're all fictional characters."

I nod, "Yes. And those movies are based on comicbooks, and Johnny Blaze is a character in the comics. He's not your son in the comicbooks. In fact, he's probably about the same age as you. And Johnny Blaze is his real name."

Laura asks, "So he's an adult? Who is he?"

I try to gather what I can remember into a cohesive format, "Johnny Blaze is a world famous stuntman. A motorcyclist. He has a touring act, works at circuses, the whole gig. Then, either he," I look at Clint, "Or his father, gets hurt. Badly hurt. A demon, or devil, or spirit, or angel, something offers him a deal. And he takes it. He becomes a host. And not the mutually beneficial kind."

Clint says, "You don't know that happens. That's what happened in the comicbooks, but you haven't seen that far ahead in this world."

"No… I haven't. But there are enough similarities between the worlds that we can assume something similar would have happened."

Laura asks, "Would have? If you weren't here, you mean."

"Exactly. But I am. And I can warn you. If he takes that deal, he becomes something else. He transforms. His skull catches on fire and his flesh burns away. He becomes a spirit of vengeance, with only one goal: To punish the wicked. He literally burns the sin inside people's souls."

Clint asks, "He burns the sin? Or the souls?"

"I don't know. But it kills them. The Ghost Rider, that's what he's called, is a mass murderer. The only reason he's considered a hero is because most of the people he kills are criminals, and the comics are kind of fucked up." I take a breath, "We have a long time before we have to worry about preventing anything. In every version of the story I can remember, he's an adult when it happens."

There's a stretch of silence. The clock ticks on the wall.

Cooper John Barton runs full-speed down the stairs and into the kitchen. In under five seconds he has a plate and is serving himself, sitting next to me.

I pick up my fork and start eating my lasagna, "So how did you two meet each other?"
Say when she's meeting supergirl?

She's giving Kara some distance, letting her live out the civilian dream while she still can. In part, because she doesn't see an urgent need to pull her in before she's ready to make that decision on her own. But also because she's Superman's cousin, and SI really doesn't want to do anything that might risk getting on his bad side.

She'll probably meet her once Superman gets comfortable enough to introduce them. So 2012-2013-ish.

Edit: Does anyone know how the archive word counts are calculated? It says that my fic is more than half as long as With This Ring, and that's simply not possible.
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which version of Supergirl and the Flash will you be using?? Will it be the CW?(probably not since your Jimmy is not "call me James" Olsen).
which version of Supergirl and the Flash will you be using?? Will it be the CW?(probably not since your Jimmy is not "call me James" Olsen).

Lois sums up, "Jimmy knows. We brought him up to speed."

Clark waves, "Hey Jim."

He sighs, "I've told you both, I'm going by James now."

Clark looks apologetic, "Right, James. Sorry. Still getting used to that."

Any character that appeared in Supergirl Season 1 is that version of the character. You may have been confused by Ultraman on Earth 3, who used to be a more traditional redheaded Jimmy Olsen, before he became Ultraman. And if SI hadn't arrived, the first two seasons of The Flash would have taken place almost exactly as depicted. Now? Star Labs is still under construction. Oliver Queen is on the island.
Arrival: The Age of Heroes
My comms unit tells me, "Clairvoyant to briefing room three. Clairvoyant to briefing room three. Copy."

I respond, "Copy. On my way."

When I get there, I see Fury, Coulson, Barton, and Romanoff. There's a camera, so it's not an Order thing.

Fury answers my curiosity, "Yesterday, in light of the information you've provided, the World Security Council approved the Avengers Initiative for proactive development."

I grin, "And you want me on the team. My Bending might not be all that powerful yet, but I promise to keep training."

Coulson smiles, "Oh, I'm sure you will. But we don't want you on the team." Dramatic pause, give him time to finish… "We want you to help us build it. ...And, also be on it."

Romanoff continues, "We have your list of recommendations, but no-one knows them as well as you do. We want you to talk to Constantine, Murdock, and Jones personally."

Barton sums it up, "Your recruits. Your pitch. If it goes wrong, your problem."

I nod, "Makes sense. Can I make a request?"

Fury responds, "Depends on the request."

"I want in on Banner's recruitment too."

The others look between each other.

"I have
... a personal interest in Banner's condition. You all know, I didn't always have a body to myself."

Barton nods, "And neither does Banner."

Coulson agrees, "You can go with Romanoff."

She jerks up to look at him, "What? I'm recruiting Banner?"

"I've already got Rhodes and May."

I stop myself from raising my hand, "If I can, one more suggestion?" I have everyone's attention, and no objections, "Thor's hammer, Mjolnir, is still at the crash site. Right?"

Coulson nods.

"The enchantment reads, 'whoeverso holds this hammer, if he be worthy, shall possess the power of Thor.' Notice anything about those parameters?"

Romanoff comments, "They're sexist?"

"More importantly, it means someone other than Thor can claim it. I want everyone we trust" Meaningful pause, meaningful looks, "to try and lift that hammer. The power of an Asgardian would be a major asset to the team."

Fury says, "Write up a list of candidates."

My grin returns in full force, "I'm an Avenger. Thank you, Director. This is... Thank you. This is the best thing that's happened to me since I got here."

He smiles, "It won't be easy. Higher clearance, more responsibilities, more danger."

Coulson expands upon that point, "You'll be under some scrutiny. It took a lot to convince the Council that you were trustworthy enough to involve to this extent."

I say, "One more thing, I'm not leading the team. I'd make a terrible leader."

Fury actually bursts into laughter, "Didn't you just hear him? We barely talked the Council into even putting you on the team. On what Earth could you be chosen to lead it?"

I shift awkwardly on my feet, "I mean, if there's an infinite number, probably one of them. But who will lead?"

Fury answers, "Romanoff and Barton will act as joint field commanders. They have the most experience of anyone."

Hmm. Not ideal, but maybe until Rogers gets pulled up out of the sea it's the best we've got.

"We want to begin candidate evaluations right away. We'll bring 'em in, get their signatures. Make sure we can call them when we really need to."

"I won't let you down, sir. I'll get started on the prep work right away."