Oh Gendo's perfectly aware of that. That was deliberating trying to get a rise out of Shinji.
yeah I figure that as Gendo hasn't even meet Ria yet (if you don't count her getting EVA-01 blood on him a meeting:lol)

"We do apologize."Leliel said in a far less arrogant voice "But we didn't feel safe speaking here. And we suspected you would not come willingly. We will talk more once you've reached Yggdrasil."

Ria could only stare at her in frustration and confusion as the shadow consumed her.
So we about to see the counsel of Leilel's?
We got a Leilel who's Ria, we got a Leilel who's still an 100% a Angel who doesn't have a human form, we got a Leilel who looks exactly like Serena Tsukino, and we got a Leilel who's the daughter of Gendo Ikari and Ritsuko Akagi. (that last one is going be WEIRD for the most of the cast.:lol)
I hope they're not as neurotic as The Council of Wells from "The Flash" TV series(Seems the Harrison Wells from Earth 2 got some interdimensional penpals who are all alternates of himself, and in one episode he called a holographic teleconference to try to brainstorm a plan to outfox DeVoe. Hilarity ensued)
Having a council made up of a bunch of different verisons of yourself is rarely a good idea.
"Mom, Dad, I'm robosexual."
Sorry, couldn't resist.

You know what, after all this I think everyone involved is going to need all the therapy. Like, all of it.

If Kyoko had professed robsexuality, Ria would have probably responded with snark. And clumsy unpracticed big-sis teasing.

As for therapy... well, how is that any different from any near-canon EVAverse? :eyeroll:
...Well, there is one key difference. As much utter traumatizing crap that all these characters are being put through, they're still far better off than anyone in canon: none of them are as completely alone as Anno deliberately made every character in NGE.
There's the old saw about breaking a bundle of sticks. And the older characters in BW are mostly people who learned that lesson the hard way (even if Misato forgot for a while), and aren't going to let the younger characters fall into that trap if they can avoid it.
Still gonna need all the therapy. But in BW, every stick is part of at least a tiny bundle, and that can make a huge difference.

OTOH... Ramiel/Andrew's bundle appears to be losing sticks at an accelerating rate. Which is probably going to make things progressively worse for him (with the side effect of making him more irrational, desperate, and violent as things go downhill).
...I wonder how much Langely did to make Andrew isolated (or at least feel that wy) from humanity? That only other Angels could ever be part of his "bundle," and that homo sapiens' much bigger bundle would inevitably crush his unless he was proactive to ensure his bundle was on top of the woodpile....

(I think I've gotten a little lost in the woods with this metaphor. It's all wild and woody in here. Anyone got a match?)
yeah I figure that as Gendo hasn't even meet Ria yet (if you don't count her getting EVA-01 blood on him a meeting:lol)

To paraphrase Biggie:

"You're talking to the beatdown expert;
Step into your wake with your blood on my shirt!
Don't be a jerk and get sliced over being resistant,
'Cause when I file hands, them shits is persistent!"
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Chapter 21 Part 5
Bright, everything was bright white light. For a second it was all Ria could see, bright white light. Then after a few blinks her eyes adjusted to the change.

She was lying in a hallway of sorts, with dozens of paths splitting of from it in every direction, including up and down. Everything around her had the texture of a tree, the thick gnarled bark of an ancient forest. The walls were made of roots woven in and around each other. Everything looked like it had been made from a tree. Ria ran her fingers over the floor. Even the floor felt like it, except it seemed to be made of light as well. It almost resembled a forest made of crystal. The whole hallway glowed softly with white light.

Ria sat up. Kyoko did the same. Before them stood the Mari Leliel, along with a dozen other figures. Most of them were women, with one or two men. Some of them she recognized, some of them seemed vaguely familiar, and others were complete strangers. Each of them seemed to be radiating darkness, like black ink spots upon the plain canvas of the hallway.

"Welcome to Yggdrasil" one of them said, presumably Sayaka Makinami judging by how similar she looked to the other Makinami's at the estate.

"Yeah," Ria groaned with annoyance. "Care to explain what that means, or is Norse Myth real and we're actually Frost Giants?"

"It's just a name," Sayaka admitted, "but it is a fitting one. Yggdrasil is a construct, or rather a series of overlapping constructs made by numerous different NERVs and similar organizations. It is the bridge between universes. It's roots go to a dozen versions of reality, it's branches reach thousands, twisting through the very fabric. Existing at every point in time."

"Okay," Kyoko said. "Why the heck are we here, though?"

"Because we needed a place free from prying eyes to speak," a bottle-blonde haired Leliel replied.

"And you needed be in control as well, I imagine," Ria snarked as she looked over the group. "What is this, anyways? Did you form a Leliel club or something? Because that's hilariously egotistical."

"More of a mutual alliance," Ria flinched as she realized the Leliel talking was another Kodama. "We aid each other, help solve our problems, fix other universes. Protect what can be protected."

'Really starting to get why Lilith hates her so much,' Ria grumbled mentally.

"By throwing other people at the problem so they can fix it for you?" Kyoko snapped.

"Wait, if the tree exists at every point in time, couldn't you just go back and fix things?" Ria questioned. "Seems like you're making this more complicated than it needs to be."

"It's not that simple," Sayaka replied. "Come, walk with us."

Ria and Kyoko reluctantly followed Sayaka and the others to what appeared to be an arched doorway with a door of frosted glass.

"This leads back to your home," one of the Leliel explained. "To when we left, plus however many minutes we've been here. If we were to travel to another door and exit there, we would wind up in that universe at roughly the same time. Time is constant at the doorways."

Ria pinched the bridge of her nose. "But you just said..."

"We are in a space outside of time," Sayaka interrupted. "The doors are bound by the flow of time due to being part way in the other universes they travel to. But Yggdrasil itself..."

She ran her hand along the wall, blackness briefly hiding some of the light.

"Imagine each branch is a river, flowing from the Big Bang of each universe, to its final end," she explained. "The doors are like rafts without oars, carried by the river in one direction, never stopping. But Yggdrasil is an imperfect structure, there are weak points in it that can be used to force an entrance with enough strength."

"So you're not only playing god, you're also intentionally using the massive, trans-dimensional structure that connects to everything that ever existed in a way it was not designed for?" Ria was aghast. "This is why Lilith hates you, you know."

"Well, it doesn't connect to every universe," the Kodama-Leliel chimed in. "'Only' a few thousand universes at best. I mean, theoretically there's an entire omniverse out there. Limitless numbers."

"Not. The. Point," Ria said tersely. "You screwed with Kyoko's life, Koda's life, and all of the Pilots' lives. You never asked if any of them if they wanted to help, you never took an active role, you never came to anyone for help."

"Do you know how many Rias I've encountered?" Sayaka asked. "I've seen versions of 'you' where your mother died in childbirth and Misato formally adopted you. Worlds where you were Crown Princess of Japan, where you were born Arael, Ramiel, Shamshel. Worlds where magic existed. I've seen versions of you eviler than Ramiel. I've also seen versions of you that were kind and gentle people. All of them in universes that would have suffered greatly without our intervention. Our universe would have suffered horribly had I not brought in the Pilots! Ramiel would have had decades to enact his plans-"

"You could have talked to us!" Ria shouted.

"I did!" Sayaka shot back. "None of them listened to me when I warned them of the dangers. And you were too close to Sachiel to risk contacting. No one knew where you stood on anything. You had cut yourself off from everyone save Okito. Every assumed you two were on the same page."

"I wasn't…" Ria paused, calming herself. "We're getting off-topic. We came for two reasons: One, the kidnapped Leliel. Two, making sure you actually get all the people you took back to where they belong when this is all over."

"We're aware of our kidnapped compatriot," the Mari-Leliel spoke up. "We don't know where she is, though."

"According to Dimitri, Iruel has him," Ria explained.

"We figured as much," Sayaka replied. "Ramiel had used her once to grab something, but since then... nothing. That's part of why we grabbed Kyoko Ikari and the other Sachiel so quickly. That threw us into a bit of a panic."

"What did Ramiel grab?" Ria asked.

Sayaka Makinami shook her head. "We're not sure. We couldn't even trace what universe he had been in, just that he had been here," Sayaka replied

Well, that was quite troubling. Ramiel could have grabbed any number of things. And he hadn't used it yet.

"If Iruel has her." one of the other Leliels said. "Then he has to be keeping her in a medically-induced coma. That's the only way to keep one of us locked up. Or he's killed her, but I rather doubt that."

"So look for either medical supplies going somewhere they shouldn't, or someone in a hospital who shouldn't be there. She's genetically the exact same as Himari Yamagishi, Sandalphon's sister. So if you know what she looks like, you know what you're looking for," Sayaka explained.

Finally, some progress was being made.

"So wait, you grabbed an entire city block just because you got spooked?" Kyoko was quite upset at that.

"We had to rush things," Sayaka was apologetic. "We had intended to grab the 'Pilots' of your world as well, the ones we dropped in. Don't worry, everything is safe. Gaghiel and a few other assets are dealing with Zeruel. Your family is safe."

"Oh," Kyoko said with a sigh of relief. "Well, that's good."

"Still, we need you to stay in Ria's universe for the time being," Sayaka replied.

"Could I just go for a visit or something?"

Sayaka shook her head. "We've tried that before. It never ends well."

Kyoko was disappointed, but no longer enraged. Ria still felt like these Leliels were making decisions that they had no business being involved with.

"So, I take it that goes for all of them?" Ria asked.

"We'll return Ayanami when the situation stabilizes, yes," Sayaka replied, looking somewhat nervous all of a sudden.

"What about Shinji and Asuka?" Ria questioned.

Sayaka turned away.

"They have to stay there," she said, eyes turned away from Ria.

"Why?" Ria demanded.

Ria loved those two, despite the ups and downs. They were family, but they had a home, a real home. A home that needed them. People that needed them.

Sayaka still refused to look her in the eyes. "We needed people who would bond with WILLE. People we knew were up to this fight. We didn't use an alternate universe, we traveled back along this branch and found a weak spot during the battle with Sahaquiel. Had we not done anything, those Pilots would have become your parents."

"Oookay?" Ria replied. "That doesn't really answer my question."

Sayaka walked forward, her gaze focused on one of the many hallways.

"You can't alter time, not really," she explained. "Going back, no matter how small the change, just creates another universe."

"So just send them back to the point you altered," Ria said firmly.

Sayaka shook her head again. "That would just create another universe. One where there are two sets of Pilots, and two sets of Evangelions."

They turned down a new hallway, the walls and floor growing noticeably thicker and more gnarled.

"Okay...so just drop them off like five seconds after you took them or something!" Ria felt herself growing increasingly irritated.

"You don't think we tried?" the Mari Leliel replied. "Yggdrasil is thick here. We tried to breach it multiple times. Nothing we did got us close enough to the divergent point."

A wave of hushed talk rolled through the Leliels. And girl looked distinctly like she deeply regretted her last words.

"What do you mean, 'close enough'?" Ria questioned.

"Well, you know... don't want to send them twenty years into a future they know nothing about," Mari said evasively.

Ria glared at her, there was more to this. Dread was starting to boil within her.

"Lady, do not think for a moment that that pretty face of yours is going to stop me from breaking it if you don't start suddenly becoming a lot more communicative. What do you mean by 'close enough'?"

"Exactly what you think," Sayaka said nervously. "We can't send them home because there's no home to send them to."

Ria's stomach knotted within her.

"Gott in Himmel," Kyoko was horrified.

"Without the other two Evas, NERV survived for a while. But when Bardiel came it was a disaster. Unit-00 was defeated and infected. The infected Eva was able to breach Central Dogma and start Third Impact. If you traveled to that universe in the present day, you would see a completely alien landscape, filled with blue skies, blood red sands, and great towers of flesh and glass. We can endure it relatively easily but anyone strictly born of Lilith? Dead in minutes."

Ria felt like she was struck. That mean that everyone, everything they knew before this was gone, dead. And they didn't even have a chance to protect them.

"What... what about the human population?" she asked.

Leliel kept looking away, and said nothing, just shaking her head.

"You... you murdered an entire world..." Ria's voice was shaking with sorrow and anger.

"A world that only existed because of us," the Kodama Leliel said.

"It was regrettable," Sayaka admitted, "but we had no other choice. None of us like it, but it's a call we've had to make before. A world that should have never been or a world that formed naturally? One million vs 2 billion? It's simple math, really."

"What makes you think you have the right to make those sorts of calls?!" Ria screamed. "You're playing god, all of you!"

"We're protecting entire universes, billions of people are alive because of us, because of our powers!" Sayaka argued back.

"And billions are dead because of you! Countless more have had their lives ruined or thrown into chaos!" Ria retorted. "You are messing with the fundamental aspects of reality itself! You're completely out of control!"

"We control ourselves," Leliel-Kodama replied. "Everything we do is decided by group vote. Nothing we do is done without serious debate and consideration."

"We're FUCKING teenagers!" Ria shouted. "A council made Leliels is still a council of kids! What we are doesn't make us better suited to anything! It just makes us more dangerous! You don't get to play god!"

Her rage grew with every second. They were just as bad as Ramiel, merely in a different way.

"So what? We should just let our worlds die?" Sayaka said, growing angry. "Leave this in the hands of Lilith, a neglectful god who uses and abuses us?"

"You've killed billions!" Ria exclaimed. "An entire world is dead, more than one from what you say. No one should have the kind of power you're throwing around. This needs to stop, now!"

The Leliels looked among each other for a moment.

"No," they answered as one.

Ria's eyes began to glow red. Shinji and Asuka had been used, like Lilith had used her. They deserved justice, they deserved... so much more than she could give them now.

"Ria, I know how you feel, believe me, I do," Kyoko whispered, "but if we start a fight here, against dozens of them, we're not getting back."

Ria wanted nothing more than to start ripping heads and beating Leliels with Leliels, but Kyoko had a point. This was not the time for a fight.

She breathed in and out, doing her best to keep her anger under control.

"Thank you for the advice about looking for your missing comrade," Ria said through gritted teeth, "but we're done here."

"Fair enough," Sayaka nodded.

Ria shook her head. What was she going to tell them? How... how could she even begin to explain this to Shinji and Asuka?
And this is on top of the 'your mothers are in your Evas' bomb that's about to be dropped on them. ...Why do I feel this is going to be what causes the two pilots to break, or at least, have a blowout against each other. 'Cause while Shinji has Rebuild Rei, Asuka has no one but her own self to lean on, and I'm not talking about this timeline's version of her.

Either way, this will not end well.
"We're FUCKING teenagers!" Ria shouted. "A council made Leliels is still a council of kids! What we are doesn't make us better suited to anything! It just makes us more dangerous! You don't get to play god!"

While she's adressing Leliel specifically, I can't help but think that if certain other angels had realized this, a lot if this story could have been avoided. Leliel isn't the only one mucking things up due to a superiority complex and a hate-on for Lilith.

Also, now I'm kind of curious, how much individuality does each Leliel have? It's been stated that the circumstances of their human lives take precedence over their angel selves, as the Leliels themselves mentioned in this chapter when talking about AU Rias, but all the Leliels seem fairly similar in personality in this chapter and were occasionally finishing each other's explanations and such. Admittedly the whole "group council" thing would be pretty pointless if they all had the same basic thought process, and the first Leliel in the story and the kidnapped one both had some different personality quirks. Were they just playing up the "united front" thing in this chapter for presence or something?

If they are all individuals who have Leliel's soul, like the other angels, then does that mean there are evil Leliels out there too? Was there a big Leliel civil war over control of Yggdrassil, or did they just get lucky and avoid finding any evil Leliels while building their council? Is there an Okito-Leliel out there that they've stuck in time out because he's still probably an idiot? Assuming they aren't all connected somehow, how long did they all have to practice speaking in sync like they did at the end so that one of them doesn't come in a bit late and ruin it? Did they have to pass over Mari-Leliels to find one who wouldn't be too busy ogling Ria to keep with the group agenda?

I have so many questions.
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Hmm...gotta say, I like the Leliels. They seem to be doing their best, and are thinking things through. Sure, some things are a bit grey, but...what we've seen so far seems respectable, all things considered.

Ria's rage is expected, seeing as she's Zeruel AND an Ikari, but it strikes me as misplaced.
Hmm...gotta say, I like the Leliels. They seem to be doing their best, and are thinking things through. Sure, some things are a bit grey, but...what we've seen so far seems respectable, all things considered.

Ria's rage is expected, seeing as she's Zeruel AND an Ikari, but it strikes me as misplaced.
I wouldn't quite say misplaced. The Leliels are certainly better than Ramiel for the most part, but they did utterly screw over Y!Asuka and Shinji. Plus the whole "Created a universe where humanity was utterly doomed from the point of Divergence." thing. That's...that's a bit much for Ria to handle.
I wouldn't quite say misplaced. The Leliels are certainly better than Ramiel for the most part, but they did utterly screw over Y!Asuka and Shinji. Plus the whole "Created a universe where humanity was utterly doomed from the point of Divergence." thing. That's...that's a bit much for Ria to handle.
Asuka and Shinji are certainly going to live a different life, now, but it doesn't have to be a bad one. Hell, it might end up being a better one, considering.

As for the universe where humanity was doomed...I wouldn't really say that's their fault. Yes, they did take away the pilots, but that world's destruction is still largely the result of the actions of humanity prior to that point in the timeline--placing the weight of that responsibility on the Leliels (primarily) seems very wrong.

After all, the unstable nature of the world (such that Shinji and Asuka were utterly necessary) is primarily due to the choices of SEELE, in choosing to court instrumentality rather than doing all in their power to protect humanity. The Leliels broke the camel's back, sure, but they weren't the ones who loaded it down with lead bricks.
Just to make sure I read it right... Leliel essentially grabbed earlier versions of this universe's Shinji and Asuka?
... Well. Teenagers with power to screw a universe over.
Are you sure you are not a Lovecraftian fan, Teen Spirit.

... I wonder what Daniel would think of this. :V

As far as I understand, Ria is angry with the Shadow Cabal of Leliels for two things: creating and enforcing a possibility of the world murdered and Angels winning; and getting her future past parents effectively stuck in this world, without a possibility of ever coming back.

I think Shinji will get hit by that especially hard.
Mmm. What was that about returning Rei to her universe?
I think he's ge-

Look at what you've done.
Are you happy with yourselves?
"I did!" Sayaka shot back. "None of them listened to me when I warned them of the dangers. And you were too close to Sachiel to risk contacting. No one knew where you stood on anything. You had cut yourself off from everyone save Okito. Every assumed you two were on the same page."

"I wasn't…" Ria paused,
Yeah Ria in hindsight you really shouldn't cut yourself off from the other Angels as most of this could have been avoid had you knew.
"Do you know how many Rias I've encountered?" Sayaka asked. "I've seen versions of 'you' where your mother died in childbirth
Oh yeah there was a short story fanfic made by Glor with that same premise (more or less) in where Asuka dies from childbirth and Shinji has to raise his daughter by himself and while not as bad as a father Gendo or Mr. Langley, Shinji not very good at it.:(

What's it like to be a dad? Is it anything like looking down on your wife's body in the hospital, holding a whimpering newborn in your arms?
Evangelion - Rated: T - English - Chapters: 1 - Words: 2,373 - Reviews: 8 - Favs: 13 - Follows: 5 - Published: Feb 25, 2016 - Shinji I. - Complete

Worlds where you were Crown Princess of Japan,
Who is in my mind lot more genre savvy than BW!Ria.:whistle:

where you were born Arael,
Oh Boy, that version definitely has both of her parents self-loathing/hated Issues... x1000... with good reason.:(
"We needed people who would bond with WILLE. People we knew were up to this fight. We didn't use an alternate universe,
Are you saying throughout thousands of EVA universes you couldn't find one that fit those requirements that the Leliels had resort to time travel which is (usually) not a good idea.
Yeah Ria in hindsight you really shouldn't cut yourself off from the other Angels as most of this could have been avoid had you knew.
I don't blame Ria but yeah, things would have been very different if she was in touch with the other angels.

Oh Boy, that version definitely has both of her parents self-loathing/hated Issues... x1000... with good reason.:(
Yeah, Arael!Ria would legit just be too depressing for me to write.

In part because I really like the parts where the Ikaris have a semi-normal family life despite everything that's happened.

Are you saying throughout thousands of EVA universes you couldn't find one that fit those requirements that the Leliels had resort to time travel which is (usually) not a good idea.
Well they could have but that would have taken far more time.
I just want world where humanity is replaced by Ramielim. Shiny clusters of friendly singing crystals communicating via laser beams!