Chapter 18 Part 3
Shinji stared at the invitation Rei had handed him. Asuka sat near him in the WILLE break room, holding her own invitation, still in it's white envelope.

They were invitations to Ria's birthday party, which was being held at Ayanami's apartment.

Asuka was clearly somewhat dumbfounded by the fact that it had been Rei who had given them the invitations. Rei hosting a birthday party did feel like Shinji running in a Triathlon, theoretically possible but so very unlikely. But this was the kind of person this Rei was, it was easy to forget that she was someone else sometimes.

Shinji found himself staring at his invitation nervously for a multitude of reasons. The first was quite simply the fact that he had, rather cowardly, avoided speaking to Ria for quite a while. She was owed an apology. He still felt he had been justified with his anger; she had lied to them and nearly killed Misato after all. But he had overreacted. She had undeniably good reasons for keeping that secret and Misato had attacked first.

The fact that Ria had consented to him being at the party was a very good sign. Perhaps she had forgiven him as well. Still, he owed her an apology. Next time he saw her, he would give it to her.

The second reason was very simple: They were going to be at the party. And he really, really didn't want to be anywhere near them right now.

'Them' of course being his and Asuka's other selves. They, particularly the older Asuka, had chewed both of them out after the last attack. Claiming they had no right to judge what their older selves had done, that they had not suffered like they suffered the first time, and what they had done, what the other Shinji had done, was because they had been "broken" at the time.

Part of him wanted to dismiss it out of hand, say they were cowards trying to justify what happened after the fact. But then he thought of what Arael did to Ria, and Armisael's transformation.

'Why did it have her face?' Shinji wondered for the hundredth time. 'Why did it have Ayanami's face?'

"Maybe we shouldn't attend. We might cause a scene," Shinji said quietly.

"Oh, no," Asuka protested loudly. "If we don't show up we're just going to vindicate what they were saying. I will not allow that weak woman to think she has a victory over us."

"Weak?" Shinji questioned.

"'Oh, it broke me!'" Asuka mocked. "'Nearly made me kill myself!' Please." She snorted in derision. "Oh sure, Arael hurt Ria, and for that they're gonna die. But she's not broken, she's just traumatized. If Ria was able to handle it, I can too!"

"Well, I mean they are getting therapy for her. We never would have gotten that in our time," Shinji pointed out.

The few therapy sessions that Shinji had been able to get to had helped, though talking about his issues with a strange was incredibly uncomfortable.

Asuka frowned scornfully. "Doesn't justify them acting so superior to us. We're fighting multiple Angels at once! That's far worse than anything they dealt with! Plus, you heard that woman. They're still lying to us. She outright admitted it!"

That part of the conversation had been playing over and over again in Shinji's head. They were still lying to them, keeping secrets. What was left for them to cover up? What was so bad they didn't want the two of them to know about it even after they already knew what the other Ikari did. Was it related to Rei? The Evangelions? Their parents? What Asuka went through with the Angels?

Whatever it was, they were all lying about it. Misato, the other Shinji, Asuka, maybe even Ria. It was hard to grasp, really. With his father, learning that he had lied and used them made sense. It fit everything he had seen of the man. But Misato clearly cared for them, the same with Ria, despite of what she actually was. And their counterparts, despite all the bad things they had done, they were in most other regards trying to be good people. So why did keep acting like this? Why were they hiding and lying as much as his father had?

"Maybe we can't handle it," Shinji said meekly. "Maybe they're right to keep it from us."

"Don't be stupid," Asuka snapped. "They clearly handled it eventually and we're certainly far better off than they were at our age. They just don't want to own up to any more of their mistakes."

Part of Shinji found himself agreeing with her. They certainly had made a lot of mistakes. But something about that rang hollow. He kept his mouth shut though, unable to articulate the thought.


"Dr.Akagi, I need to speak with you."

Ritsuko looked up to see Ayanami standing in her doorway, two white envelopes held in her right hand. This was quite the surprise considering Rei wasn't schedule to see her again until tomorrow.

"Okay, what can I help you with?" Akagi replied, too taken by surprise to say anything else.

"I need to get invitations to the two arrivals from the other universe. Ikari and the other Suzuhara. I don't know the address though, so could you have them delivered?" Rei said as she held out the invitations.

Ritsuko stared at the letters like they were on fire, her brain trying to make sense of the situation. She had heard the First Child was planning Ria Soryu's birthday party, which in itself sounded like madness. But why on earth was Ayanami asking her of all people?

"Why come to me with this?" Ritsuko asked as she took the letters. "I mean, I can have it done but why not ask Misato or Sub-Commander Soryu?"

"The Dr. Akagi of my universe was able to help me arrange the dinner party I had planned," Rei explained.

Something inside Ritsuko's stomach lurched. She felt sick and uneasy.

"W-what sort of relationship did you have with the Dr. Akagi of your world?" she asked, dreading the answer.

"Dr. Akagi oversaw most of my medical care and was largely in charge of managing my daily affairs when Commander Ikari was too busy. We were close, I think. Were things different between you and the Ayanami of this universe?"

"...Yes, quite so." Ritsuko stammered, visibly shaking. "I'll make sure these inivations get out. Now if you'll excuse me, I have quite a lot of work to do."

Ayanami left the room. Ritsuko slammed her head into her desk the moment after the door closed.

Retiring and pursuing a career in alcoholism seemed incredibly tempting at this very moment.

It wasn't that she was completely surprised by this. She has suspected there was something different, perhaps drastically so, about the Akagi of Rei's Universe. Ayanami had been so much more emotive and the lack of medication made that clear. But suspecting and knowing were vastly different things.

'I could have been so much better,' Ritsuko realized.

Almost everything she had done back then was for selfish reasons or madness like the destruction of the Dummy Plug System. Even her attempt to kill Gendo Ikari during Third Impact had been born out of her own selfish anger and jealousy. She had never truly made up for what she had done. And she could have, Ayanami was proof of that. She could have done so much more.

"Have I actually even improved?" she wondered out loud, "Or am I the same selfish monster I was back then?"


"Do think this party is a good idea?" Shinji asked as he prepared a cup of coffee.

It just him and Asuka at the kitchen table. Ria was still in her room.

The birthday party had caught them off guard, particularly since it came from Rei. They had agreed to it at first expecting that it would only be them, Rei, Kyoko, Koda, and Mari. Then the RSVPs began coming in yesterday. Everyone they had expected had said yes, plus both of their younger selves were going to attend, as was Hikari, though it seemed Kodama was a very firm no still, and most surprisingly, Misato had also said yes.

"I don't know," Asuka admitted. "Ria's not doing horrible but I worry if she's too fragile right now."

Things were going somewhat better than Asuka had expected. Her daughter was recovering fairly well from what happened. Though she could barely look Shinji in the eyes most days and she was having trouble sleeping.

"Maybe we should wait until Ria's sees a therapist. See what she says about the idea," Asuka added.

Of course that would mean putting off the party until three days after her birthday at the earliest. Tracking down a psychologist with both the clearance they needed and a willingness to help someone who was more than human had been difficult. The woman they found had been attached to Bethany Base of all places before Third Impact.

"Yeah but…" Shinji was doubtful. "We could use a break from all this. It seems like every time we try to plan for vacation, something comes along and dashes it against the rocks. I think we're allowed at least few hours of fun."

"How much fun is it going to be with Misato there?" Asuka pointed out.

Misato's apology, while clearly heartfelt, had left them more confused than anything. Now she apologies? Now, after the damage has already been done? The mood in WILLE since the battle had been odd, most of the staff still clearly disliked Ria, but a few of the guards had come forward to apologize, not to her though, but to Asuka and Shinji. And it was clear they were only doing it because they had been friends with the guard Shamshel had killed.

"She's trying," Shinji pointed out. "Which is more than either of us expected."

"We're looking at a birthday party with three Angels, two Pilots and a woman who until a week ago was shouting about how much she wanted every Angel dead," Asuka pointed out.

"Things change," Shinji replied. "I guess we have to figure out how to change with it."

Asuka's phone rang, pulling her out of the conversation.

The caller ID displayed 'KIRISHIMA RESIDENCE' in big bold letters.

"Hello, Mari," Asuka greeted warmly.

"Hi... Miss Soryu," Mari sounded nervous, and still a bit tired. "So, quick question: Is Ria going to school today?"

"She said she was but I wouldn't call it a certainty," Asuka explained.

Personally she thought it was mistake, but Ria had claimed she needed the stability and familiarity. Asuka figured if anything went wrong she could just withdraw her and start preparing to enroll Ria in college come fall. That way she had months to recover from the horrors she had suffered with Arael.

"Okay. So, could I ask you to-" Mari paused mid-sentence. "Actually could I ask a favor? Would it be alright if I took Ria out on a date tomorrow?"

"You know she's not exactly in the best mental state right now?" Asuka replied.

Ria was doing extremely well all things considered, but Asuka knew what Arael was like. That monster had dug into her hard. What it did in moments could take years to heal.

"I know I know. I just want to give her an early birthday gift, take her mind off things, show her a good time," Mari explained.

"What sort of good time?" Asuka questioned, her voice growing icy.

Asuka actually liked the girl. She was kind but not spineless and was far more understanding than almost anyone she knew. And Asuka was fully aware that that night happened because she and Shinji had been hilariously careless. But that didn't mean she wasn't going to give them free reign.

"NothinglikethatIpromise!" Mari spat out nervously. "I just... I mean just some time on the town. Take out to eat, go to the bookstore, maybe take her to the botanical gardens, or that museum on Mount Hiei. And I'll have her home by a respectable time."

"By ten," Asuka corrected.

"Of course," Mari quickly conceded.

Asuka looked at Shinji, who simply nodded in approval.

"That sounds like a lovely evening. You have my approval. I'll bring it up to Ria if she decides not to attend school today."

"Thank you," Mari replied. Asuka could almost hear the bow on her end. "And if she's not up for it I completely get it."

"Well, I'll either see you tomorrow or at the party then," Asuka said.

"Actually speaking of the party. I noticed the invitation said bring a dish. But I was a bit confused, do we bring snacks or desserts or main courses?" Mari asked.

Asuka still wasn't sure why Rei had added that. Or had asked to host the party in the first place. But when it came to this Rei she just learned to roll with the surprises.

"I don't know, so assume it's just bring whatever you want," Asuka replied.

"Okay good!" Mari replied cheerfully. "I'm bringing tacos. Have a good day!"

She hung up the phone.

"Well that was nice of her," Shinji said. "I don't know many kids who would even bother asking the parents."

"True," Asuka said, suddenly feeling rather skeptical. "It was almost... too respectful."

Shinji looked at her in confusion. "What do you mean?"

"It's probably nothing," Asuka said as she took a sip of coffee. "Just make sure to check the credit cards afterwards."
"Oh, no," Asuka protested loudly. "If we don't show up we're just going to vindicate what they were saying. I will not allow that weak woman to think she has a victory over us."

"Weak?" Shinji questioned.

"'Oh, it broke me!'" Asuka mocked. "'Nearly made me kill myself!' Please." She snorted in derision. "Oh sure, Arael hurt Ria, and for that they're gonna die. But she's not broken, she's just traumatized. If Ria was able to handle it, I can too!"
I'm very much loving this bit, that Asuka of all people is the one most resistant to getting along or even trying to understand herself, because she's still pre-downfall Asuka, who can't even admit the possibility she's a fragile mess inside. So she's lashing out at her older self insisting that not only is that the case, but she fell apart under strain when the test came.

That part of the conversation had been playing over and over again in Shinji's head. They were still lying to them, keeping secrets. What was left for them to cover up? What was so bad they didn't want the two of them to know about it even after they already knew what the other Ikari did. Was it related to Rei? The Evangelions? Their parents? What Asuka went through with the Angels?
'Why did it have her face?' Shinji wondered for the hundredth time. 'Why did it have Ayanami's face?'
There's a limited number of things those protective lies could even be, Shinji. You should probably be thinking hard about that, or even demanding answers. Like 'The Angel turned into other Angel's shapes... including Ayanami. Now why is that?'
"Have I actually even improved," she wondered out loud, "Or am I the same selfish monster I was back then?"
At least you're recognizing that you were a monster, and feeling guilty about it? I mean, this is exactly why you turned Maya's confession down, isn't it?
"What sort of good time?" Asuka questioned, her voice growing icy.
Hahaha, Mom Senses tingling!
"True," Asuka said, suddenly feeling rather skeptical. "It was almost... too respectful."

Shinji looked at her in confusion. "What do you mean?"

"It's probably nothing," Asuka said as she took a sip of coffee. "Just make sure to check the credit cards afterwards."
Asuka's still the sharp one. She can sense Mari's up to something. Possibly related to the shenanigans from before. Mari planning another 'raid on Ria's Central Dogma'? :V
I'm very much loving this bit, that Asuka of all people is the one most resistant to getting along or even trying to understand herself, because she's still pre-downfall Asuka, who can't even admit the possibility she's a fragile mess inside. So she's lashing out at her older self insisting that not only is that the case, but she fell apart under strain when the test came.
Yeah. Young!Asuka has progressed considerably since her arrival but she's still very self confident. Her dislike of her future self only future compounds it. She doesn't want to accept she could be a mess because that would be admitted she could be like her.

There's a limited number of things those protective lies could even be, Shinji. You should probably be thinking hard about that, or even demanding answers. Like 'The Angel turned into other Angel's shapes... including Ayanami. Now why is that?'
The problem is if he asks and they refuse it's going to be very awkward. Shinji doesn't want to have older Asuka yelling at her again.

Asuka's still the sharp one. She can sense Mari's up to something. Possibly related to the shenanigans from before. Mari planning another 'raid on Ria's Central Dogma'? :V
That metaphor is horrifying on multiple levels.

5 to 1 odds she tries confessing to Ria only to be interrupted by Hikariel committing grand theft Okito.
"Now Kodama I know I just killed your mom and that's bad but in my defense. She was an abomination and she interrupted my date. "
Actually, there's a very good reason for Armisael to have Rei's form. She attacked Rei last time around. Why WOULDN'T she have Rei's form? That seems to be the most likely explanation to me. And given that they were briefed somewhat on the subsequent Angels, I would think that Shinji would think of that too.

It honestly seems a little odd to fixate on the one issue that has a reason readily at hand (and I feel is probably the right one), given everything else that DOESN'T have an explanation.
Actually, there's a very good reason for Armisael to have Rei's form. She attacked Rei last time around. Why WOULDN'T she have Rei's form? That seems to be the most likely explanation to me. And given that they were briefed somewhat on the subsequent Angels, I would think that Shinji would think of that too.

It honestly seems a little odd to fixate on the one issue that has a reason readily at hand (and I feel is probably the right one), given everything else that DOESN'T have an explanation.
Shinji is starting to wonder how much Rei was hurt. Because Armisael died and was reborn and she was still able to do that. Plus it's one of those situations where if Shinji asks this he's probably going to start asking other questions like "What is an Evangelion really?" And "What else were you lying to me about?"
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I'm sorry, but I really don't see how the severity of Rei's injury relates to Armisael being able to mimic her form. For all he knows, Armisael could develop and retain the ability after just a brief amount of contact.
Chapter 18 Part 4
Despite everything, Ria found herself to be quite glad to be going back to school. It provided stability, peace of mind, routine, a chance to escape from the craziness that had become her life.

It was even not horrifically hot out for once, so the walk from where Mom had dropped her off wasn't horrible.

"What the Hell?!" Kodama's scream filled the air.

Yep, nothing like the peace quiet and tranquility of school to take her mind of things.

Ria found Kodama outside of the front entrance to school, glaring at... herself.

Well, at Koda specifically, who was sitting on one of the benches. Dressed in a white, collared shirt and a pair of black dress pants, which stood in stark contrast to her dark blue hair.

The two were glaring at each other, though Koda was grinning as she did. Of course the two were gathering a fair amount of onlookers. The small population of people from another world was common knowledge but there was a very distinct difference between knowing and actually seeing two of the same person interacting with each other.

Ria sighed in exhaustion.

'Really Koda, really? What part of this seemed like a good idea?'

Reluctantly, Ria approached the group. She knew nothing good could come from getting involved in this. Koda still had Kodama's inherent problem of thinking that being an ass was funny, whereas Kodama...

She couldn't fault Kodama. She was angry at her and upset that she had turned her back on their friendship, but if there was anyone who had any right to be pissed off at Angels on principle it was Kodama. Okito had betrayed her, Bardiel was out there somewhere, and now here was Koda serving as a stark reminder that her brother didn't have to be a giant idiot.

"Koda, what the heck are you doing?" Ria sighed as she approached, pushing her way through the crowd.

Kodama jerked her head away, refusing to even look at Ria.

Koda stood up, smirking at her counterpart before handing an envelope to Ria.

"'Was waiting for you, wanted to give you this. It's important," she said.

Ria shook her head "There were fifteen better ways of doing this."

"I know," Koda shrugged dismissively. "This was more fun."

Ria liked Koda, but man could she be a real asshole sometimes.

Koda walked away, ignoring the various students staring at her as she did.

"Sorry about that." Ria said as she stuffed the envelope into her backpack. If it was 'work related' it definitely need to wait until she was somewhere more private.

Kodama just ignored her.

Part of Ria knew she should just walk away there, that nothing she could say would make things any better. But she couldn't help herself.

"So how's your Aunt doing?" she asked.

She'd heard some good things, that Sakura was becoming more responsive and showing increased signs of activity. But she wanted to hear it from Kodama.

"Like you don't already know," Kodama kept her back to Ria.

"I'm asking you."

Kodama turned towards her, her face twisted in rage. "Why? You already found my replacement."

'Please, you've already replaced me with that Angel wearing my face.' Arael's words pounded in Ria's head. Anger rapidly rose within her and her fists shook at her side.

A thousand comebacks came to mind, but she bit her tongue. Most of them would have been too revealing to say in public. Instead, she simply walked away.

'If Kodama just wants to wallow in her own misery, that's her problem,' Ria told herself as she put her backpack in her locker.

Ria opened the envelope that Koda had given her and glanced at it briefly before stuffing deep within her backpack. It was list of names and addresses, specifically the names of all the candidates for the T-RIDEN-T program. Ria wasn't sure how the Empress got a hold of that but she was grateful.

"Uhh..." a voice came from behind her.

Ria turned to see Shinji standing behind.

"Hi." Ria said blankly, trying to force the various images Arael had forced her to see back out of her mind.

'The Knife is heavy in my hands... No, no dammit, not now.' Ria shook the memory away.

"I'm sorry I didn't visit you in the hospital," Shinji said apologetically.

"It's fine," Ria replied. "Don't worry about. I'm not really mad at you, at all."

Shinji was surprised. "Really?"

"Yeah," she nodded. "I know lying is a big deal with you, so I get it. You know at the time I was pissed but I understand why you acted how you did. So I'm willing to say that's all water under the bridge."

Maybe it was guilt caused by memories of what she once nearly did, maybe it was because she was so much more upset with Misato, WILLE in general and Kodama, maybe she just wanted to focus on normal stuff for once, but she didn't actually feel upset with Shinji anymore.

He may have turned his back on her. But she had lied to him. That was one of the things that made both her father and Shinji really upset and she knew it.

'And I'm still sitting on the fact that my grandmothers are in the Evas,' Ria realized.

Shinji didn't know how to react, he had clearly been working up to an apology and she had cut him off.

"I... so we're fine?" Shinji asked.

"As fine as we can be," Ria replied, trying to hide her guilt.

"Oh... okay." he replied.

"See you in class," Ria said, patting him on the shoulder as she walked away.

'Just focus on the normal stuff,' she told herself as she walked through the hallways. 'Tests, Math, science, history class, The Battle of Sekigahara, October 21st, 1600, Homework... oh, I am so behind on homework. Maybe I should just go to college. At the rate I'm going to lose that chance and have to retake this entire year.'

"Ria!" Mari's shout pulled her thoughts back to reality.

She turned to see her girlfriend running up to her with a big smile on her face. Now there was a sight that could put her mind at ease.

"Hey," Ria said, smiling slightly.

"Get yourself something fancy to wear tonight," Mari ordered in a surprisingly bossy but playful tone, "because tomorrow I am taking you out on a date."

"A date?" This was a surprise, though not an unwelcome one. Ria was normally the one to ask Mari out.

"Yep. Lunch, a movie, a trip to Mt. Hiei. Whatever you want to do tomorrow, my treat," Mari said happily, blushing hard.

Ria was very tempted to say just 'a couple of hours at a hotel', but that would rather kill the mood.

"Sounds wonderful." Ria replied.

"Great!" Mari all but squee'd. "I'll pick you up tomorrow."


"So hypothetically, you can merge with another person, right?" Arael asked.

He and Armisael were sitting in the front seats of an old four-door that would have been out of date when their parents were born, but it had minimal electronics, which meant it was safe from Iruel. Most of his face was hidden by glasses and a large brimmed hat, being albino he burned incredibly easily, healing wasn't an issue, but the pain was something he did his best to avoid.

They were more or less stalking Sandalphon, parked some distance away from his house, waiting for his parents to leave. Ramiel needed everyone he could get right now.

Armisael turned towards him, a look of absolute disgust on her face.

"Why on Earth would you ask that?!" she asked.

"Could you?" he said evenly.

"Yeah but I'm not going to!" Armisael was indignant. "I have standards!"

"I'm just saying, any plan that depends on us allying with Bardiel is a bad plan." Arael still couldn't believe Ramiel had sunk to it. Even Sachiel had made it clear he wanted nothing to do with that freak. And considering even Ramiel seemed afraid of what they had now become, this seemed like a really bad idea.

And now Ramiel had allowed Bardiel to play utter havoc with Sachiel's family just to get Sachiel back. There was a disturbing irony to it all.

"Ramiel said we needed to play it cautiously. He doesn't want any of us going into WILLE itself, he doesn't want to risk the 'asset' he got from Leliel, whatever the heck that is, and Bardiel or Hikari or whatever the heck they are now is the only one who could get anywhere close enough without being found out. I really don't like it," Armisael spat in disgust, "but we don't have a lot of options."

"True enough," Arael reluctantly agreed.

He focused on the home. Still no signs of them leaving.

"So, what do you remember of your first life?" Arael asked, more to pass the time then anything.

"Pretty much everything, plus some weird jumbled stuff that I think belongs to the First Child." Armisael replied.

"Really?" He was taken aback. "I can barely remember half of it."

Blurry, impossible to grasp memories were part of the reason he had never realized he had actually hurt Asuka Langley Soryu as bad as he had. That... that was something he had some considerable misgivings over. He didn't like what he had done to Zeruel either, but that had been in effort to end the war. From what he could piece together of what happened to Asuka, it had been careless, horrific cruelty. Ignorant fumbling around inside of her brain until she shattered.

"I was fully sentient and sapient back then," Armisael explained. "So most of the memories feel just like every other memory."

"Huh, interesting," Arael replied.

Arael scanned the horizon, checking for any threats. He froze, a chill running down his spine.

"Abort the mission. We need to go, now," he said as he started the car.

"What, why?" Armisael protested.

"Because of that," Arael jabbed a finger directly ahead.

Several of the homes had cameras installed on their front porch, scanning back and forth in front of their homes in a predictable manner. Until a few moments ago, that is. Now three of them were focused directly on their car. On them.

Iruel was watching them.

Arael backed up the car and drove out of there as quick as he could. Whatever Ramiel had planned, they would have to do it without Sandalphon.


Ria had lost almost all her clothes in the fire Okito had started, and she couldn't really muster the energy to really care about what she wore after that. So everything she was wearing was new. Mari deserved her looking her best.

Ria looked herself over in the mirror.

Dark pants, a black beret firmly planted atop her head, a caramel colored top with a dark unbuttoned jacket over it.

She nodded in approval at her reflection.

A knock came at the door.

"Ria, Mari's here," her father called out.

Ria rushed towards the door, heart hammering nervously in her chest.

She opened the front door.


Mari had dressed in almost all white, save for the pink ribbon tied around her large-brimmed sun hat and the blue purse at her side. She was wearing a sleeveless one-piece dress that reached her knees, trimmed with a ruffle all around the bottom. It was simple, but on Mari it looked so incredibly lovely to Ria.

"You...look amazing," Ria stammered.

"Thank you," Mari blushed.

"You two have fun, now," Shinji called out.

"But not too much fun," her mother warned.

Ria suppressed a groan.

The two walked out, Ria's hand draped over Mari's shoulder.

"I think your mom wants to kill me," Mari said quietly.

Ria chuckled. "No, no, if she did you would know. She's just being overprotective."

Mari smiled and lead her to an awaiting cab parked just outside.

The next few hours were nothing short of magical. First they ate at a surprisingly fancy restaurant that was wonderfully private and cozy. They had barely eaten their food, too busy lost in conversation. Next, after a brief stop at bookstore that caught their attention, they made their way through the art museum.

Only once did some recognize her as Ria Soryu and that person had just asked for a photo. There were one or two people who gave them disapproving looks for being two girls clearly on a date, but Ria barely even noticed them. There were no press hounding her for answers, no cultists mobbing her, no freaking Angels crashing her night. It was just her and Mari.

Her only regret is there had been no dancing. Ria danced like a Scud missile, so she probably would have just stepped on Mari's feet repeatedly anyway, but still... She considered getting lessons after this. Mari deserved a dance.

The two of them were now in the Garden Museum on Mt. Hiei. The domed museum was a relatively new place, built upon the ruins of a botanical garden from before Second Impact. The museum was a preservation, a snapshot into what the ecosystem of Japan looked like before the mass die-offs and the thirty plus years of harsh climate change caused by that event.

The two walked through a path lined by maple and willow-leafed magnolia trees, Mari holding tightly onto Ria's arm.

Ria could sense something was up. Mari, as happy as she had been this evening, was also nervous, occasionally fidgeting, looking around, clenching and unclenching her hands. At first Ria was confused, even slightly worried. Then she thought back to when Mari had been trying to say back at WILLE before Misato barged in, and it clicked. She couldn't stop a smile.

Mari paused at a secluded spot along the trail, letting go of Ria's arm.

"Ria, there's something I've been wanting to tell you," Mari said nervously as she stood in front of Ria, her eyes focused on the ground.

"I know," Ria said as she caressed Mari's cheek. "I love you too. I'm sorry I didn't tell you earlier."

It was the truth. None of the other girls had ever been more than physical attraction, but with Mari it was that and so much more. Mari was her friend, her lover, and her rock in this terrible storm.

"Oh," Mari blushed deeply, "I... I oh my."

She backed away, much to Ria's confusion.

"A few days ago, that had been what I intended to tell you," Mari admitted. "But then I talked to my mom, and I got to thinking."

She paced by the trees, trying to build up the courage to say... something.

"I love you, Ria," she confessed. "I loved you before I knew what you were. I loved you even more after learned the truth. You scare me, you thrill me, and you comfort me. I don't know what I'd do without you. I know I'm being young and stupid and...we've barely been together more than three months but I… but I."

Ria froze as she realized Mari was reaching into her pocket.

Could this be real? Was this actually happening?

Mari got on one knee and pulled out a small felt covered box, opening it to reveal a white gold ring with two diamonds spiraling around each other.

"I know it will be years before we can do this and I know I'm rushing this like crazy but I just can't wait," Mari said in a rush. "Ria Ikari Soryu, will you marry me?"

In that moment, Ria feared one of any number of things would happen. An Angel would attack, a group of cultists would try to get involved, someone would say something crude, or her phone would ring. But nothing happened, it was just them. Just the two of them in one perfect moment.

Ria knelt next to her. Mari was shaking. For a moment there was hesitation, then...

"Yes," Ria said right before kissing her.

After a moment they broke the kiss. Ria was laughing, Mari was crying, and both were smiling.

"I know a three year engagement is a lot to ask," Mari said as she put the ring on Ria's finger, "but I didn't want to wait."

"Three years?" Ria scoffed. "You think I'm waiting until I'm twenty for our wedding?"

"Well... we kind of have too, it's the law," Mari replied. "And even then it's only going to technically be a civil union."

Ria smiled. "Please. I have direct access to the Empress. If anyone can get special approval, it's me. So let's say we get married shortly after you turn eighteen? A year and a half engagement is far more reasonable, don't you agree?"

"Yes." Mari replied, smiling more broadly. "That sounds far better."
Author's Note: I wasn't expecting this update to be ready so soon but I was on a roll.
Koda still had Kodama's inherent problem of thinking that being an ass was funny, whereas Kodama...
Yeah, Kodama's sitting on a huge amount of pain at Okito's betrayal and Ria's hiding her nature. I'd have thought Koda of all people would understand a bit more, here. Kodama is literally an alternate version of herself, and she too has had to deal with her best friend going Evil-Angel back home.
"I know," Koda shrugged dismissively. "This was more fun."

Ria liked Koda, but man could she be a real asshole sometimes.
Yeah, this is really a pretty dickish move, Koda. It's not funny to torment people in the kind of pain Kodama's dealing with.
Kodama turned towards her, her face twisted in rage. "Why? You already found my replacement."
Ouch... it must look so much worse from Kodama's side... to not just be replaced by a copy of herself, but one that's an Angel just like her betraying friends.
'And I'm still sitting on the fact that my grandmothers are in the Evas,' Ria realized.

"I... so we're fine?" Shinji asked.

"As fine as we can be," Ria replied, trying to hide her guilt.
Er... yeah... Ria, you really should have made it clear 'You know there's still stuff I'm not saying right now that you got upset about before? And I'm not saying it because my parents know how much it hurt them to learn?'
Several of the homes had cameras installed on their front porch, scanning back and forth in front of their homes in a predictable manner. Until a few moments ago, that is. Now three of them were focused directly on their car. On them.

Iruel was watching them.
Iruel was damn well waiting for them, if he was effectively lying in wait for someone on Ramiel's team to make a try at talking to Sandalphon.
"But not too much fun," her mother warned.
I think Asuka is remembering just how much she and Shinji were all over each other back at that age. Of course, they were probably trying to use lots of sex to drown out their traumas, and it only lead to a breakdown when they put it off that way, so I can sort of see why that might have left her leery of teenage shenanigans in bed.
Ria smiled. "Please. I have direct access to the Empress. If anyone can get special approval, it's me. So let's say we get married shortly after you turn eighteen? A year and a half engagement is far more reasonable, don't you agree?"
Eat, drink, and be merry, ladies... :(
She proposed!
Yeah I was a bit surprised someone called that so easily.

Yeah, Kodama's sitting on a huge amount of pain at Okito's betrayal and Ria's hiding her nature. I'd have thought Koda of all people would understand a bit more, here. Kodama is literally an alternate version of herself, and she too has had to deal with her best friend going Evil-Angel back home.
Err, no. Koda very specifically didn't have that problem. Her Ria is human and She wasn't friends with Zeruel in her world. That's part of the problem, Koda's been through very different stuff and didn't suffer betrayal. So she doesn't have context for what her counterpart's going through, she just sees Kodama as being a dick to her friends so she decided to antagonize her.

I think Asuka is remembering just how much she and Shinji were all over each other back at that age. Of course, they were probably trying to use lots of sex to drown out their traumas, and it only lead to a breakdown when they put it off that way, so I can sort of see why that might have left her leery of teenage shenanigans in bed.
Yeah, Asuka was a couple months older than Ria is now when she got pregnant. She also knows what a stressful situation can do to a relationship, both pushing it forward way too fast and causing a lot of strain. Now Ria and Mari's relationship is in a far different place than what Shinji and Asuka went through but Asuka wants to make sure Ria doesn't start using Sex as a way to drown out the pain she went through. As much as Shinji and Asuka's first relationship was based on feelings, there were some seriously unhealthy aspects that Asuka does not want to see her daughter repeating.
Err, no. Koda very specifically didn't have that problem. Her Ria is human and She wasn't friends with Zeruel in her world. That's part of the problem, Koda's been through very different stuff and didn't suffer betrayal.
Ah, my mistake, then. I thought her Ria was still Zeruel, and went evil the way Okito has here. Then again, I should have remembered that Ria was using the fact that alt-Ria was not an Angel but still just like her as a comparison point.
Yeah I was a bit surprised someone called that so easily.
The "stop acting like we're already married" with the subject basically being making choices so you don't have regrets and the way that Mari was acting too respectful for it just to be a date made me think, 'this sounds like getting a blessing from the bride's parents'.
The "stop acting like we're already married" with the subject basically being making choices so you don't have regrets and the way that Mari was acting too respectful for it just to be a date made me think, 'this sounds like getting a blessing from the bride's parents'.
She wasn't really asking for a blessing so much as making sure it was actually okay just to go on a date considering what had happened a few days ago. Though yeah, Her conversation with Mana pushed Mari from "I should tell Ria I love her" to "You know what, this is crazy but our entire relationship is kind of crazy, and I know how I feel about her, so why not get married?"
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She wasn't really asking for a blessing so much as making sure it was actually okay just to go on a date considering what had happened a few days ago. Though yeah, Her conversation with Mana pushed Mari from "I should tell Ria I love her" to "You know what, this is crazy but our entire relationship is kind of crazy, and I know how I feel about her, so why not get married?"
It might not have been what it was supposed to be interpreted as but it allowed me to guess what was going to happen.
Chapter 18 Part 5
Author's Note: What's this, a third update in as many days? Well to be fair it's a short one to close out the chapter, and yes I am kind of nuts.


"You realize you're absolutely crazy for doing this," Ria teased as she and Mari walked hand in hand down the hallway towards her hotel room. Both of them were grinning nearly ear to ear.

"Well, I have to say I like being crazy, then," Mari replied with a chuckle.

Part of Ria realized this was insane, if not plain stupid. They were too young, there was a war going on, a war Ria was very much apart of. She was damaged, a burden Mari was going to have to put up with. But in truth, she didn't care. It wasn't like Mari was in any more or less danger because of it. And it made them happy.

"You know my mother is going to insist on a Christian Wedding," Mari pointed out.

Ria shrugged. "I'm fine with that. Mom and Dad aren't particularly religious, but they shouldn't have much an issue with it."

Telling her parents was going to be awkward.

"So you're okay with it even though you're... you know..." Mari said, looking a bit awkward.

Ria stared, then laughed. "You do realize physical Angels and Biblical angels are two very different things, right? I won't burst into flames when I step into a church."

Ria had her faith in Adam, though that was deeply complicated as of late. But that wasn't the same thing as Lilin faiths. More the faith of a follower in their leader than worship of a deity. She didn't expect, or even want, anyone else to follow what she believed. Mari's faith was her own but she had no issues with it.

"Well, awesome," Mari said as she snuggled closer to Ria. "I'm so glad you talked me into only waiting a year and a half. I think I would scream in sheer frustration if I had to wait any longer to call myself Mari Soryu."

'Mari Soryu,' Ria couldn't deny how much she liked the sound of that. 'Though if Mom and Dad get married before us, would that make me Ria Ikari? On second thought, probably not. I doubt they want my paternal grandfather's name on them.'

They approached the door. Ria felt nervous, downright terrified. Did they tell them now or later? How would they even tell them? "Oh, hey, Mom and Dad? I got engaged before I was even seventeen."

This was certainly going to make the birthday party interesting. And that was only two days away.

Ria opened the door.

"We're home," she announced.

"9:16. I did well," Mari said quietly.

Mom was waiting in the kitchen, and father was in the living room tuning his cello.

"Oh, hey, how was it? I... You two look incredibly happy," Asuka said, noticing how both were grinning like complete idiots.

She rushed over and grabbed Ria's left hand, inspecting it closely.

"Actually it's in my pocket," Ria said as she pulled out the ring. "How the heck did you even figure that out so quickly, Mom?"

Dad got up from his chair, rushing over. Both stared at the ring in blank shock.

"Holy crap," her dad said finally.

"You... you actually..." Asuka seemed stunned.

"I know it's a little sudden-" Ria began.

"A little?!" Her mother was incredulous. "You've been dating a hundred days! I've had trial subscriptions that have lasted longer. Where do you even get a ring?"

"It was my grandmother's," Mari explained. "It's sort of a family heirloom."

Ria could see her mother was torn between pride, happiness, confusion, and sheer, utter frustration.

"You're too young!" Asuka protested. "You should have been in college before you even started thinking about something like this!"

"So let me start college. Work's taking me out of school enough as it is and I'm clearly just making Kodama miserable by being there," Ria countered.

"You're missing the point!" Asuka groaned.

Shinji put his hand on Asuka's shoulder reassuringly.

"Asuka, look at how happy they are together," Shinji said.

Ria smiled, the guilt she felt every time she looked at her father wavering for a moment.

"Of course they're happy. But they're sixteen!" Asuka countered. "They're making the same mistakes we did!"

"Our only mistake was trying to make things work when we were both far too damaged. They're both stronger than we were back then." He rubbed her shoulder gently. "And I think we both regret now that we didn't manage to find the help we needed and not spend 10 years separated."

Asuka smiled a bit at the comment.

"I love your daughter," Mari said defensively. "I know we're young and this is crazy. But I want to spend the rest of my life with her and she feels the same."

Asuka looked at Mari, more confused than anything.

"I don't really understand you," she admitted. "But you were there for Ria when it seemed like everyone else had turned their back on her. I can tell just how special you are to each other. I... personally I do think you should give this more thought, but you have my blessing."

"Ours," Shinji added.

That was far better than Ria had expected.

In excitement she grabbed her mother in a tight hug.

"I suppose a 'welcome to the family is in order'," Shinji said as he shook Mari's hand.

"T-thank you, sir," Mari replied.

"You know we're going to have to do this Germany right?" Asuka said.

"Actually I was thinking of asking the Empress for special permission. Figure we'll tie the knot a week after Mari turns 18," Ria explained.

"Ahh, so you'll be engaged longer than you dated," her mother said sardonically. "Yes, that makes perfect sense."


An hour later, after they had sent Mari home and Ria had gone to bed, staring at her ring the entire time.

Asuka was in the kitchen, a glass of red wine in hand. She had suspected Mari was up to something with her phone call, but even still she found herself thrown off guard.

Ria was getting married. Her little girl was getting married. There was someone out there who looked at all the baggage marrying into the Soryu family carried, realized that Ria was a human with the soul of an Angel, and still said "Yeah, I want to be her wife."

She was going to have a daughter-in-law when she was 35. That made her feel way too old and not old enough all at once.

Shinji sat down across from her.

"Well, today certainly caught me off guard," he said as he poured himself a glass.

"Yeah," Asuka agreed. "Say, did you mean what you said back there? About how our only mistake was trying to make it work when we were both so broken?"

"Well... yeah," Shinji replied. "I mean let's face it, wouldn't we probably have married around the same age those two are planning for if either us had been able to get the help we needed back then?"

"You really think so? I mean, even besides our problems we were young and stupid. It could have fallen apart for any number of reasons," she said pensively.

"Look at how we're doing now," he replied, a small smile on his face. "We're in the middle of a war and I'm still enjoying everyday I spend with you a thousand times more than any day I spent by myself in Europe all alone."

Asuka smiled as she placed her hand on his.

"I love you, Shinji," she said.

He nodded. "I love you too."
'Mari Soryu,' Ria couldn't deny how much she liked the sound of that. 'Though if Mom and Dad get married before us, would that make me Ria Ikari? On second thought, probably not. I doubt they want my paternal grandfather's name on them.'
Gendo is like the worst cooties ever. And Ria's going to feel even ickier when they figure out what Grandpa Langely's been up to.
"Ahh, so you'll be engaged longer than you dated," her mother said sardonically. "Yes, that makes perfect sense."
Asuka is going to be a very sarcastic mother-in-law. :V
Well I wouldn't say that, I mean Rei seems to have a fair idea of how to throw a party.

HOW to throw the party is not the problem. Rebuild!Rei has a bad track record for throwing parties. The last time she had one arranged, Big Z dropped in and caused Shinji touch off an Impact Event. I suspect that if the party goes to hell, it will be due to a party crasher(note: the invitation was for Hikari, not Bardiel, making part of Hikariel a party crasher)
While Hikariel may be an abomination made of a space goop monster and the world's unluckiest housewife, ruining someone's birthday party is just beyond the pale.

I mean, what would Kenny think?