"what's the harm in letting him try?"

Ramiel: As my first order as your new God King, all Urashiman series are now required viewing for all living beings. Except for the Excelsion reboot and its associated manga, which is hereby considered 'non-canon' and anyone who argues otherwise will be shot.
"what's the harm in letting him try?"

Ramiel: As my first order as your new God King, all Urashiman series are now required viewing for all living beings. Except for the Excelsion reboot and its associated manga, which is hereby considered 'non-canon' and anyone who argues otherwise will be shot.
Now, imagine if that policy were applied to NGE. Worldwide trauma. Some things arenot meant for mass consumption.
"what's the harm in letting him try?"

Ramiel: As my first order as your new God King, all Urashiman series are now required viewing for all living beings. Except for the Excelsion reboot and its associated manga, which is hereby considered 'non-canon' and anyone who argues otherwise will be shot.
You joke but the world being subject to the crazy whims of teenagers is legit one of the reasons why Ria has no interest in Ramiel's plan.

That and she seriously doesn't believe that they're just going to leave her family alone.
TTGL has/wrecks all three of those.

True, but you want at least SOME appropriateness to the setting. Fog and EVA both play with physics, but its like a firecracker and a sparkler next to the atom bomb of physics-rape that is TTGL.

The Fog also have some nice political drama, some "what is human", some questionable ethics and oddly-born children, and emotional trauma. They are a much better thematic match.

Not to mention being "enemies of humanity" kind of like Ria.
"So, they're fighting..." Mari turned to see Mrs. Suzuhara standing near here, a serious expression on her face. Kodama, Kensuke, and his namesake were in the far corner, looking varying degrees of miserable.

"It would appear so," Mari kept her voice low, doing her best to avoid being heard.

Pattern Blue detected! Bardiel, WTF is your game?

"All cannons open fire!" Misato shouted.

For a moment she waited for what she was certain would be Ramiel's death blow, but nothing happened.

"Sorry, General the Cannons are having trouble accepting the authentication codes! Rebooting the systems now!" Maya explained.

"God help me. My best hope right now is an Angel," Misato muttered under her breath in frustration.

Iruel: "Consider yourselves Spiked, SLUG-HEADS! I am invincible!"

The figure that emerged was massive, dominating the sky, it's wings easily several times as long as an Evangelion was tall. Like Armisael it almost appeared as if it was made out of white light, but unlike the Sixteenth it was a jagged thing of sharp corners. Resembling a giant crystal bird.


Shinji collapsed to his knees. Screaming in rage.

'Not this, not this not this, anything but this. Not again!'

He could see Asuka lying in the hospital again. Her eyes staring blankly at the ceiling. He could see her her curled in a ball after the battle, hugging her knees tightly, the fireball of confidence and energy he'd fallen for utterly broken. He had been too broken himself then to do anything for her then. And now he was watching the same thing start again with Ria.

It's not that bad, Shinji. Arael hit Asuka when she was at her absolute weakest. Traumatized by repeated defeats and in the immediately preceding battle getting her Eva dismembered after everything she fired at Zeruel was completely useless. Rei accomplished more with one arm than Asuka did in that fight. Ria is in a much better headspace with 2 parents who love her to the point of doing everything they could think of to protect her when they found out she was an Angel, including Shinji recently beating the shit out of that security guard that tased her. Ria also has a girlfriend with a great deal of mutual affection.

Hikari watched the scene unfold on screen. None of the people watching understood what was happening to Zeruel right now, not even Mari. Mari looked concerned, but not as terrified as she would have been if she knew the truth.

Hikari kept her distance, making sure no one could hear her or was playing her any attention.

"So this was your plan, Ramiel?" she muttered in disgust. "You really are a sadistic bastard aren't you?"

Pattern Blue confirmed! WTF could Bardiel's plan be? There's got to be a reason it's in that shelter.

Great. I hope this isn't another leftover of Iruel's hacking.

Iruel: "Foolish primate! This is a brand new hack in real time! I am invincible!"

Totally cracktastic idea here, but say that instead of sticking to Eva-verses, Leliel went and found a certain digger to help fight Ramiel?

Will our mystery guest enter and sign in, please!

Simon: "JUST WHO THE HELL DO YOU THINK I AM!?" ::carves his name into Ramiel's vertex::

I'm surprised that they haven't accidentally brought over one of the Rebuild Angels yet.

EDIT: Other than Rei of course.

Won't be anything accidental about it if Ramiel manages to persuade Leliel to do his bidding. Let's hope Iruel was serious about helping Dimitri get her out of the base.

"what's the harm in letting him try?"

Ramiel: As my first order as your new God King, all Urashiman series are now required viewing for all living beings. Except for the Excelsion reboot and its associated manga, which is hereby considered 'non-canon' and anyone who argues otherwise will be shot.

It's not that bad, Shinji. Arael hit Asuka when she was at her absolute weakest. Traumatized by repeated defeats and in the immediately preceding battle getting her Eva dismembered after everything she fired at Zeruel was completely useless. Rei accomplished more with one arm than Asuka did in that fight. Ria is in a much better headspace with 2 parents who love her to the point of doing everything they could think of to protect her when they found out she was an Angel, including Shinji recently beating the shit out of that security guard that tased her. Ria also has a girlfriend with a great deal of mutual affection.
True but it's slightly more complicated than that. Asuka was undeniably in a far worse position mentally then Ria is when she encountered Arael. But honestly I'm pretty sure Arael wasn't deliberately inflicting harm upon Asuka. of the three mental encounters the pilots have with Angels (Leliel, Arael and Armisael), Armisael seemed to be the only one that definitely knew what they were doing where as Leliel and Arael, seemed to be, at least for the purposes of this fic, trying to just figure out who Shinji and Asuka were, respectively. With Arael massively screwing up Asuka because it turns out mental trauma is fascinating.

Meanwhile Arael knows exactly what they're doing to Ria.
Chapter 17 Part 3
The knife is awkward in my hands, I can barely keep a grasp on it with even both hands. This body is clumsy and awkward, even walking can be a challenge at times.

It creep slowly, making sure each step barely makes a sound. The soft carpet makes this easy.

No, stop it.

He's sleeping on the couch tonight; they've had another of their fights. Odds are he'll be gone soon. He's been on the phone a lot with some people offering him a job away from here, away from me. They think I haven't heard the quiet conversations.

Part of me wonders if I should just wait for him to leave. That way he's out of my life without any risk on my part. But then the nightmares wouldn't stop if I just left him alone.

The nightmares...every night, I can see, I can hear, I can still feel him ripping me apart. I live my defeat over and over again every time I close my eyes.

I need peace of mind. I need the nightmares to end. I need justice.

I was young and scared!

No one will know. No one will know. That's what I keep telling myself. It just has to be him, my mother will be unharmed. I have no ill feelings towards her.

I'm close now, meters away from the couch.

He's snoring, one arm draped over the side.

Stop making me see this.

One step, followed by another step. My heart is pounding, I'm sweating quite a bit. My mind is filled with doubts. But I need to do this, I have to do this

No you didn't! You didn't have to do any of this!

I'm at his side. He's fast asleep. This will be over quickly. Once slice across the neck and the Third Child will be dead and I can finally sleep in peace.

I stopped myself, I stopped myself from going too far!

I raise the knife, it shakes in my hand. The damn thing is so unwieldy. I lower it slowly, it's almost touching his neck. So close, so very close...

The phone rings, piercing the quiet night.

In a panic I run away, my feet carrying me as fast as I can. I ditch the knife in the closet, hidden behind dusty storage bins.

No, that's not... No!

I retreat to my room, peering out carefully to watch my father wake slowly. It's only by the fourth ring that he's anywhere close to awake, mom manages to reach the phone before he does. Letting out a sleepy grunt of annoyance as she did.

The scene ends, I'm left kneeling on the concrete.

That wasn't right, I stopped myself. I stopped myself from going too far of my own free will. It wasn't the phone call! I knew I was making a mistake and stopped myself!

Didn't I?

I feel my body and soul fighting, two halves of me waging a war before being ripped apart.

"Liar!" a voice accuses.

I look up to see two people staring down at me. They're me, aspects of me at least.

One's wearing my school uniform while the other has on a black cloak, their face hidden behind the mask Leliel gifted me.

"You wouldn't have stopped willingly. The only reason you did is you knew you would get caught!" the human half accused.

She was right.

"And like a coward you never tried again!" my Angelic half roared.

"I got over it!" I shouted. "The nightmares stopped! I realized I was wrong!"

"You're a monster for trying. A human girl would have never done such a thing."

"And an Angel would have finished the job. So what even are you?"

"I am Ria Soryu!" I declare defiantly.

My angel side leers at me, pressing their mask against my face.

"That's who you are. I asked what you are."

"I am…I…" I can't answer. I don't have an answer. I don't know. I just don't know.

"A human would have told Misato the truth about Okito the day he first attacked," my human side chastises me.

"An Angel would have joined him or killed him!"

I struggle to find words. "I... He was my friend! He said it wasn't him! I... I believed him."

"No you didn't!"

"Yes I did!" I snap back. "I was an idiot for doing so but I honestly thought he was telling the truth. The situation was confused and the Pilots had just arrived. Anything seemed possible."

"Liar," my human side sneered. "You were scared of what would happen if you told. Because there was no way of telling them about Okito without also revealing what you were. And you couldn't have that could you?"

"They accepted me, they love me!" I shouted, trembling.

"Then why didn't you tell them about the Knife?" The Angel questioned.

Words fail me, doubt wracks my brain. Why did I hide it? Why did I ever consider doing it?

The two fade away into the shadows, replaced by a new figure.

"You were scared they would end up hating you, like I do," Kodama Suzuhara said acidly.

Ria stared at Kodama, who was glaring down at her with hateful eyes.

"Of course, it's not like you ever actually cared about me," she said scornfully. "Okito was your friend, I was just along for the ride."

"That's not true!" I say defiantly. "You're my friend! You've been my friend for years!"

She snorts dismissively. "Please, you've already replaced me with that Angel wearing my face."

Rage boils up inside of me.

"You turned your back on me!" I shout. "I was there for you but you abandoned me without even hesitating."

"Because you're a monster and you know it," Kodama sneered. "You didn't even warn me of Okito. He could have killed me you know, killed my entire family."

"But he didn't, did he?" a new voice calls out. "And don't act like you wouldn't have done the same thing if you were in her shoes."

I feel arms wrap around me, soft, reassuring, lifting me back on my feet.

I turn around and see Mari smiling at me.

Kodama looks afraid, as if she had not expected this.

"Ignore her," Mari assures me. "She isn't really there. None of this is real, remember?"

She's right, she's so right.


Rei grabbed the rifle, narrowly avoiding Ramiel's attack.

Shinji watched in horror as the Angels descended on Ria. Shamshel's whips carved chunks out of her sides. The other Angels watched on.

What was Arael doing to her, why wasn't she fighting back?

Asuka was dueling with Israfel, clashing as the Angel danced around.

They weren't trying to kill them. They were just toying with them, with him, with all of them.

Shinji was paralyzed. There were so many here! Angels he had struggled to survive against by themselves, Angels he had never fought, all working together. What could he do?

Another blast from Ramiel nearly hit Unit-00.

"It will not be possible to fire as long as Ramiel keeps targeting me," Ayanami said.

"Shinji!" Asuka's shout snapped Shinji back into Focus. "I'm a little busy here. You need to distract Ramiel!"

"Right!" Shinji replied.

Ramiel was already wounded, if they could get Zeruel, er, Ria, back up and fighting he was toast.

Unit-01 took off, crossbow in hand, firing shot after shot into Ramiel as he strafed around the giant Diamond.

The bolts found their mark, burying themselves inside of Ramiel. Fragments of Crystal falling to the ground as the wounds left jagged scars across his surface.

Armisael broke off and turned towards Unit-01, twisting through the air as it did.

Shinji turned to face it.

That's when he froze, utterly horrified. Part of the Angel had transformed...into a pale copy of Rei.

He grabbed at it, stopping the Angel from reaching him. Thick, distorted veins began to to appear along Unit-01's arms.

And his arms as well.

The Angel looked at him with pleading red eyes.

In the distance he heard Misato screaming at him to do something. What he could not be sure.

'Why do you have her face?! Why are you doing this?!' Shinji desperately wondered.

It took every ounce of strength to keep it from getting to Unit-01's head.

More veins appeared along his arms, thick, painful.

He could hear someone whispering in ears, whispering and giggling.

Then he saw it, something that pulled him away from Armisael, something that filled him with hope.

Zeruel slowly got back up, pushing herself up with her arms. The Angels swarmed her. A moment later, Sandalphon was kicked through the air, flying into a nearby building. The half-finished skyscraper collapsed on top of it, sending out a cloud of concrete and steel.

This was good. Whatever they were doing to her, Ria could endure it. She was beating them, She-

The light around Zeruel magnified to near blinding levels, halting her in place. Shamshel's whip coiled around one of her shoulders and threw her back down to the ground as Shamshel carved more and more chunks out of her.

Sub-Commander Soryu let out of a stream of curses over the radio as she sobbed openly.

Whatever Arael was doing, Asuka was terrified. This Angel had hurt her, as it was hurting Ria.

"Why do you fight? We don't want you dead. Surrender and no one will by hurt. Surrender and you can save her," a voice whispered in his head, smooth and warm like velvet.

He looked at the Angel again. It was still wearing Rei's face. Why was it wearing her face? What did it do to Rei all those years ago?

...This was the Angel that destroyed Unit-00 the first time. Misato said Rei had survived. But this Angel had hurt her.

The voice whispered, "Surrender and you will be spared. No, more than that, you will be a hero. The Pilot who ended a war."

"You hurt her..." Shinji whispered, his body shaking with rage. "You hurt my friends, you hurt my family!"

Shinji pulled a black sword out of Unit-01's left shoulder pylon.


Shinji screamed as he drove the blade into Armisael.


Mari vanished, dissolving into so much dust. I grabbed frantically for her, tried to pull her back up into the forefront of my mind. But nothing... I am alone.

Then Misato stands before me. A fearful expression on her face. Hatred rises in me like bile, I fight it. This is just Arael trying to get a rise out of me.

...Why is she so small?

She's standing in a Command Center, not the one she has now. The original one, the one she used at NERV.

This is the attack, my attack, Zeruel's attack.

She looks so small, so weak. I could just crush her right now.

"Are you ready for your first day of school, Ria?" Misato's voice was so sweet and kind.

"Uh-huh! Got my new shoes and everything!"

The memory hits me hard, happier times, far happier.

"Get out," her voice is now barely more than a hiss, filled with hatred and contempt.

"What is this?!" I shout, demanding answers. I didn't need a reminder of what Misato had done to me. She betrayed me, abandoned me, treated me like I was nothing more than trash.

I see Misato again, this time larger, larger than me. She's looked down at me with a pained expression on her face, but she smiles, trying to hide to hide her fear.

She kneels at my side.

"Your mother... she needs some time to rest," she explains carefully, "as does your dad. But they'll be back in no time, don't you worry. Until then you'll be staying with Grandma Misato! Doesn't that sound fun?"

I scream, wracked by rage... and regret, so much regret.

Now she has gun pointed at my face

"She will betray you!" she shouts at my parents.

Her voice changes. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't involve you in this. There are just so few people I trust these days."

"Why are you showing me this?!" I shout, half begging.

Misato looks older now, nearly as much older as she is now. She's sitting, a reassuring smile on her face.

"Look," she says, "there's always going to be idiots in the world. You can't let them stop you from being who you want to be. If you think this girl is pretty you should ask her out. She may reject you, but hey, you never know until you try. And there will be others."

"Shut up!" I roar.

She abandoned you.

She hates you.

She loved you.

She fears you.

She fears for you.

"Liar!" I shout. "She doesn't care for me at all!"

You despise her.

You want her dead

You fear her

You miss her

You want your grandmother back.


I could feel my mind slipping, thoughts giving way to raw emotions.









Reason for existing

What am I?






Iruel had proven largely true, shockingly enough. The way towards the other Leliel had proven clear, mostly. Mostly being the key word.

A few guards were patrolling near the cell door, armed and armored with surplus Russian and Chinese military equipment. They would have been trouble for any normal person. But for an Angel, even one like Matarael, they were barely more than a speed bump.

They died horrifically, screaming in agony as they melted. Dmitri felt sick at the sight, they were monsters working for a monster. But they didn't deserve that, no one did.

He melted the door down, noxious bubbles appear as the steel dissolved.

The jail was a rather large room, divided into four separate cells with a central corridor running through them.

The first two cells were empty, save for beds and a small bathroom.

Leliel was in the rear left one, strapped to a hospital bed, kept asleep by whatever was in her IV.

The rear right one contained a human prisoner, a battered man strapped to a wheelchair. He looked at Dmitri with an exhausted expression.

For a brief moment Dmitri considered grabbing him as well, but he lacked the time. And considering who it was, he wasn't entirely sure the man should be saved.

He turned his attention towards Leliel, thick armored glass stood between him and her. For most people it would have taken a bomb to get through, though like the door, Dimitri had a far simpler solution.

He spit at it.

The glass dissolved, collapsing in places.

An alarm began blaring. He didn't have a lot of time.

He quickly pulled the various tubes they had in Leliel and pulled her around his shoulders.

'Okay, we need to get to the train station,' he thought. 'Hopefully she'll be a awake by then. Convince her to come with me and then we'll head for Neo Kobe. Oh this is going to be hard to explain to mother.'

He dashed through the bunker, carrying the unconscious Leliel. It had taken a bit of scouting, but he had been able to find the place's entrance. In few moments he would be out of here and on his way to freedom.

...What was Sahaquiel doing here?

Dmitri paused. Sahaquiel was resting against the entrance door. Tossing something between her hands. Her strawberry blonde hair flowing to her back in loose ringlets. An amused expression appearing on her face the moment she saw him.

'Oh, this isn't good.'

"I do apologize for Iruel getting you involved in this, but, well, Iruel didn't have any other way of getting to the Other Leliel without making a whole lot of noise and well...we couldn't have Ramiel finding out about our plans too soon," she said calmly.

She paused, holding the object she had been fiddling with in her hand. It was a ring, some of her hair wrapped around it.

"What are you talking about?" Dimitri said nervously as he prepared to retreat.

"Goodbye, Matarael." She flicked the ring towards him. The hair around it beginning to glow brightly.

A split second later in detonated, hitting Dmitri square in the chest.
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He's sleeping on the couch tonight; they've had another of their fights. Odds are he'll be gone soon. He's been on the phone a lot with some people offering him a job away from here, away from me. They think I haven't heard the quiet conversations.
Poor Ria. Any Angel-related matters aside, she's still a little girl who once had to watch her mother and father have a breakup so bad neither of them could function for a while, and spent 10 years apart. It's got to be horrible for a little kid to have to listen to all the screaming fights that lead up to this, and feel adrift and worried about anyone loving them.

And then add in the fact Ria evidently came within moments of killing her father when she was maybe 5 years old...
I feel arms wrap around me, soft, reassuring, lifting me back on my feet.

I turn around and see Mari smiling at me.

Kodama looks afraid, as if she had not expected this.

"Ignore her," Mari assures me. "She isn't really there. None of this is real, remember?"
Huh... didn't expect this...

Ramiel was already wounded, if they could get Zeruel, er, Ria, back up and fighting he was toast.
It will be hilarious if Ramiel's Great Sneaky Ambush Plan ends up getting him killed.
"Are you ready for your first day of school, Ria?" Misato's voice was so sweet and kind.

"Uh-huh! Got my new shoes and everything!"
Ouuuuch. That cuts...
For a brief moment Dmitri considered grabbing him as well, but he lacked the time. And considering who it was, he wasn't entirely sure the man should be saved.
I wonder who this guy is. No one he recognizes, so not anyone famous from NERV in the War... Mr. Langley?
It occurs to me that there was a slight miscalculation on Arael's part. The problem with trying to break Zureal, is that you're likely to break her rage point first.
Poor Ria. Any Angel-related matters aside, she's still a little girl who once had to watch her mother and father have a breakup so bad neither of them could function for a while, and spent 10 years apart. It's got to be horrible for a little kid to have to listen to all the screaming fights that lead up to this, and feel adrift and worried about anyone loving them.

And then add in the fact Ria evidently came within moments of killing her father when she was maybe 5 years old...
Yeah, Ria's childhood was rocky to say the least. She had nightmares on and off from birth until she was 11 about her death as Zeruel. Then the break up and near mental collapse of her parents. There's a good chunk of her childhood where Misato was her primary care giver.

There's a reason Ria is terrified of losing the people she cares about.
I really hope that rage is still capable of being pointed in a specific direction rather than at all things.
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No he's still alive as earlier in the story revealed that the Angel/human hybrids can only be kill from an attack to the neck, only his chest got blew up.
That's not the only way they can be killed, The only reason Okito isn't dead is because Lilith gave him one more chance to be less of a screw up. And most angels would be dead from the things Okito has endured. A neck slice is the best way to ensure one dies though. They're tough, not highlanders.

Not going to spoil what happens with Dmitri obviously.
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Chapter 17 Part 4
Misato watched as Armisael desperately fought it's way out of Unit-01's grip, trashing about violently as Shinji stabbed into over and over again with his sword with feverous hate.

Half of it was it ruins, shredded and bleeding, before the Angel finally pulled free. Shinji tried to grab it again, then lunged at it with his sword. The Angel narrowly avoided his attacks and took off, flying off far into the distance before crashing into a deserted street several kilometers from the battle.

"The Sixteenth Angel has withdrawn from the battle," Maya announced.

Armisael was out of the fight. Sandalphon seemed to be out as well. Two Angels were down and Ramiel was damaged. Asuka was forcing Israfel on the retreat. They could actually win this.

'No,' Misato corrected herself, 'We will win this.'

Now they had to deal with Arael.

"Have the Turrets synched with Unit-00," Misato ordered. "Ayanami, are you ready to fire?"

"Yes, General," she replied.

Good, just a few more moments.

She looked at Asuka. She was still terrified out of her mind but now her expression was one largely of determination. She wanted Arael dead, something Misato was more than happy to give her.

"Alright, begin countdown," Misato ordered "5, 4-"

"Ma'am!" Ibuki shouted. "The Turrets are retargeting! And they're refusing shut down commands!"

Misato wanted to beat her head against the desk. They had been so careful! How did that bastard get into their system again?!

"Who are they targeting?!" Misato asked.

"...The Fifth Angel?" Maya replied, her confusion apparent.

They were targeting Ramiel? What was going on?

Regardless, Arael still need to be taken down.

"Forget the countdown!" Misato shouted. "Unit-00, you may fire when ready!"


Asuka drove one of her swords into the leg of Israfel's gold half. The Angel pulled away a moment later, doing a cartwheel across the roadway, trailing a ribbon of blood.

A savage grin appeared on Asuka's face. She was winning! Soon she would have this bastard at her mercy. She wasn't exactly sure what would happen if she killed one half of an Angel, but she was more than willing to find out.

That's when she saw the Turrets switching target from Arael to Ramiel, heard Misato voicing her confusion over the comms. A moment later, Ramiel suddenly rose, shifting it's position.

The Turrets fired, two massive blasts of energy coming from the North and West striking Ramiel's lower half.

The impact was massive. Huge gouts of fire erupted out of Ramiel. It's lower half was a broken mess. A large part of it was gone, the rest cracked and blackened. Flames danced around the edges of it's wounds, chunks breaking off and falling to the ground.

It wasn't dead yet, though. Immediately it lashed out at one of the Turrets, destroying it with a lance of energy.

A moment later, Wondergirl fired. A beam of brilliant blue light raced from the Positron Rifle towards the Angel. It's AT-Field flared brilliantly for a moment, but the beam pushed against the field, causing to buckle, bend, and finally break.

The beam cut through one of Arael's massive, jagged wings. The light surrounding Zeruel flickered away a moment later.

"Gott in Himmel," her other self sighed in relief. "Yes!"

Arael slowly fell towards the ground, splintering apart as it did.

That's when things got strange.

As if on cue, Israfel immediately broke off its fight with Asuka, leaping away from her.

Then it turned towards the wounded Ramiel, and fired.


The command room was gripped by a sudden silence. The wound inflicted on Ramiel was small, A jagged scar across it's midsection. But the implications were astounding..

Israfel had attacked Ramiel. Iruel had too judging by the turrets. They had turned on him.

Sure, Iruel had set Okito up, but that had seemed a personal grudge. Misato had suspected Iruel was pursuing an agenda counter to Ramiel's, but this was on a whole different level. They had betrayed Ramiel, along with everything he had planned.


Ramiel collapsed to the ground, the massive diamond crashing into the ruins of a nearby building. Thick black smoke poured from it.

Asuka watched from Unit-02 as Shamshel stopped it's attack on Ria and turned towards the silver half of Israfel. For a moment the two Angels simply stared at each other.

Then Israfel shoved the 4th Angel back and left, rejoining with it's twin before running off as fast as it could towards the south, and leaving Shamshel alone with Ria.

Zeruel rose back to her feet, looming over the comparatively scrawny Angel.

Zeruel was in a bad state. Part of her shoulder armor was missing, a huge scar ran across the right side of her mask, she was bleeding from several dozen wounds, and entire chunks of her were missing. Most of the damaged had been inflicted by Shamshel as Ria lay helpless due to Arael's assault.

Shamshel's whips stopped twitching, the Angel retreating slightly. It was afraid. The Angel of Day was utterly terrified. She would find no mercy from Zeruel.

Zeruel immediately launched her two ribbon-arms, slicing through Shamshel's own whip-arms with almost casual disdain. Blood sprayed from it's sides.

Next she wrapped one of her arms around Shamshel's snake like body, lifting her off the ground as she squeezed tightly. Shamshel struggled in her grip.

"Someone's pissed," Asuka muttered in her Entry Plug. Not that she could blame her.

Zeruel drove her free arm through Shamshel's Core, splitting her cobra head in half.

Shamshel went still in her grip. Zeruel allowed it to drop to the ground, where it collapsed lifelessly.

'Well that kill goes to Ria, I guess.'

Suddenly Zeruel really went to town on the fallen form of Shamshel, tearing into the Angel with savage fury, throwing parts of Shamshel against nearby buildings. Soon the front of Zeruel was soaked with gore.

Asuka felt awkward and disturbed. This was just unnecessary and Zeruel was going about it like a wild animal. Asuka understood her anger but this, this was just too much. She switched on her external speakers.

"Hey, you know they're dead, right?" Asuka called out.

Zeruel looked up, bits of Shamshel hanging from her jaw.

Asuka instantly regretted her decision. "Oh, Scheiße."

There was something immediately wrong about the way she looked at Asuka, her body language, everything. It was feral, animalistic. Leaving Asuka with the distinct sense that Ria couldn't comprehend her anymore.

And that she was now prey caught in the path of an enraged predator.


"Uhh, General?" Asuka said over the comms, her voice tinged with fear. "It looks like Ria might have lost her mind. What should we do?"

As if this situation wasn't frustrating enough as it was.

Sub-Commander Soryu immediately shot a hard stare at Misato.

"Don't you dare," she warned. "Don't you even dare think about it!"

Misato put her hand up defensively.

"To all Evas, Ria Soryu has just suffered severe mental trauma. I can't say for certain what her mental state is but she's likely very distraught and terrified. Do not engage under any circumstances. If she becomes violent, try to restrain her, carefully. Do you understand me? I don't care what your HUD says, she's not a target."

"Understood," Ayanami confirmed.

"Good," Asuka said.

"Right," Shinji replied.

"Oh, Unit-01? It's best if you pull back. Zeruel died to Unit-01, you might just aggravate the situation," Misato added.

Soryu and several other staff members stared at her in confusion.

Ria had just killed an Angel, turning a losing stalemate into a win, and possibly provoked a wave of backstabbing among the attacking Angels. Misato had a lot to think about later when it came to Ria. At the very least right now she was willing to give that girl a whole lot of slack.


Shinji pulled back, leaving Rei to one side and Asuka, staring down Ria.

"Wondergirl," Asuka called out, "here's the plan. I need you circle around. I'll keep her attention on me. If Ria starts another berserker rampage, you grab her from behind and force her to ground, and we'll dogpile her if we need."

"Understood," Ayanami replied.

Asuka holstered her weapons, doing her best to seem not hostile without doing anything that would raise too many questions from the public. More than the situation already did at least. This had been an all-out inter-Angel brawl more than anything. That was going to confuse people enough.

Ria pulled back her arms, looking like she was prepared for another attack, her gaze never leaving Unit-02.

'Come on girl, I know you've had an absolutely horrible day but don't make it worse,' Asuka mentally pleaded.

Rei sprinted around, getting behind Zeruel.

For the longest moment, Asuka and Ria simply stared at each other, neither moving.

"Come on, come on, come on..." Asuka muttered.

Then the armor protecting Zeruel's core opened up, exposing it to the world.

A second later she collapsed, falling onto her back.

Asuka sighed in relief. That was one disaster avoided.

"Operation complete," Maya announced. "All enemy Angels have been neutralized or have retreated."

They should show Okito a video of the last phase of the battle. His anguished scream as his dream of Angel solidarity is shattered will make everyone in earshot think that Misato's actually sent in a pain technician(a.k.a. torturer)
Well it's nice to see Misato can learn from her mistakes. I have to wonder though, what triggered this? Has Tabris been going around talking to them, or is Ramiel just that scary and untrustworthy?
Well it's nice to see Misato can learn from her mistakes. I have to wonder though, what triggered this? Has Tabris been going around talking to them, or is Ramiel just that scary and untrustworthy?

Obviously this is a power play. Iruel and his crew don't want Ramiel to be the one controlling their attempt at Fourth Impact. Maybe they don't want ALL the Angels powered up, just themselves. Maybe they want to make more comprehensive edits of humanity than Ramiel was planning on. Maybe they're just psychos with Chronic Backstabbing Disorder.
Maybe it's just me, but from the word go Ramiel seemed untrustworthy af and a prime target for a knife in the back down the line. Wasn't a question of if, but when. Also, that was a very satisfying end to Shamshel, just casually swatted like a fly. Hope Ria is okay though.
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