I had a few jokes planned for that part but I cut them out because it felt incredibly weird considering who was talking and I didn't want it to seem like I was kink-shaming Ria.

"How do I get 2 girlfriends"
"how many girlfreinds is 2 many"
"how does reincarnation work"
"how to convince grandma bullets are not the answer"
"how do i kill someone who has no heart and no brain"
"benefits of toilet paper arms"
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Chapter 14 Part 2
Shinji, Asuka and Rei found the school more crowded than it had been, with more students daring to return. The hallway was now choked with teenagers. Most of them were talking, letting Shinji unintentionally hear bits and pieces of various conversations.

"I hear it was her twin brother again…"

"My parents keep wanting to move but they can't find anywhere decent."

"These attacks aren't what we're about. Attacking the Pilots is pretty much the last thing the Church of Lilith wants."

"I don't get what the issue was. We're both 16. But apparently the fact that I came out of the sea a year ago makes it 'weird'."

"You went to school with her Mother."

"That's besides the point!"

"So what exactly is an alternate universe anyways? Would they have shrimp there?"

Shinji ignored them and pushed on.

It was exhausting, have to pretend everything was normal after all that had happened. Still, at least school offered a reprieve from WILLE and Angels, a chance to focus on something relatively normal for once.

"Brace yourselves, people. I get the feeling Kodama is going to be particularly prickly today," Asuka said, her eyes glancing at Shinji as she opened the door to homeroom.

They walked in, the door closing behind Rei as she entered.

Shinji and Asuka froze, nearly jumping in shock. To their great surprise, sitting in her seat, dressed in her school uniform, was Ria Soryu. The Fourteenth Angel was sitting their classroom, like the day before hadn't happened.

Shinji's mind struggled to make sense of it. Why would she be here? Why would she just return to school after everything that had happened. After everything she had done?

She turned and stared at them, her eyes heavy from lack of sleep. Her expression dull and unreadable.

They stared at each other for a long, awkward moment.

"What are you doing here?!" Asuka said.

"I have a pardon," Ria said flippantly.

"You tried to kill Misato!" Shinji shouted, his anger getting the best of him.

Ria glared at him. "She tried to kill me first! And again: Imperial. Pardon. No one at WILLE can touch me."

"So what?" Asuka huffed. "That means you can just walk in and act like nothing happened?"

"Didn't say that. But my dad said not to run away, so I'm not running away."

Shinji flinched at the familiar expression. Asuka simply sneered.

"Well, I guess that explains why you were so quick to defend your father," she said harshly.

Ria's stare narrowed, her hands clutching the desk in an iron grip.

"Really, you're really going there?" she said with barely contained rage.

Asuka shrugged. "Why not? You tried to kill us."

"You were taken before I appeared. I tried to kill my parents, not you. You know, the only people who haven't treated me like a monster? And Rei fought a completely different version of me, but you don't see her giving me grief, now do you?"

"That doesn't mean I trust you," Ayanami said curtly. Well, curtly for her.

"Not like she ever trusted any of us," Asuka grumbled.

Ria scrunched her nose at Asuka's comment, a pained expression on her face.

"It's not that I…" Ria was interrupted by the door opening. Kodama Suzuhara walking in a moment later, Kensuke trailing behind her.

She stopped at the sight of Ria, a wave of expressions washing over her before she settled on a deep, hateful scowl.

She growled as she stomped towards Ria, fists clinched tightly at her side.

Ria stood up, Looking down at her former friend as she approached.

Ria's expression grew even more unhappy. The two glaring at each other.

"Say it," Ria said bluntly. "Just get it over with."

"At least Okito stopped pretending when the truth came out." Kodama hissed

The hatred in Kodama's words was frightening. Shinji was mad at Ria, furious even. But Kodama was on a whole separate level of anger and hate.

"I am nothing like your brother, who was also, I'd like to point out, my closest friend just like you," Ria snapped.

"Really?" Kodama said mockingly "Because from where I'm standing you're exactly the same as him: Monsters in human form who should have done the whole world a favor and just stayed dead! Why couldn't you just leave us alone?!"

"What right do you have to be angry?" Ria's voice was low, shaking with frustration.

Kodama stared at her in disbelief.

"Fine! I lied to you, I lied to a lot of people and that was a shit thing to do. I can own up to that," Ria said. "But I was there for you. I was there for you even as I spent every waking moment terrified out of my mind that WILLE was going to kill me! Because I am your friend dammit! I am still the Ria you knew yesterday!"

"No, you're not!" Kodama said tensely. "You used us, just like Okito did! You're all the same!"

"Okito was…" Ria began.

"He was my brother! My twin brother!" Kodama snapped, tears in her eyes. "I trusted him! I trusted him in way you will never understand. And he turned on me and my parents like it was nothing! You're just using me, that's all you're capable of!"

Kodama's pain was heart wrenching to hear. Okito had broken her in ways that would never fully heal.

The door opened, though no one was really paying attention.

Ria looked at her own feet. "He... he used me just as much as he used you. He's a hateful idiot who dragged us all into this mess."


Kodama's fist slammed into Ria's jaw. Ria didn't recoil, just stood there, taking it. Her expression growing increasingly rejected.

"Liar," Kodama whimpered, tears in her eyes.

She turned to her desk, only to be slapped across the face by Mari.

The room stood there, shocked. Ria looking like she might faint.

"The fuck was that for?!" Kodama exclaimed.

Mari glared hard at her. "Ria is the only reason your brother didn't kill Misato. She saved the life of a woman who wants her dead. She deserves better treatment than this."

Ria grew increasingly nervous.

"She's a monster!" Kodama replied.

"And I saw that monster during the attack. It was terrifying," Mari admitted. "But she's still Ria. If she was the monster you think she was, we would all be dead already."

Kodama fell silent, confused and incredibly angry.

"I..." Ria began, but choked up, unable to say anything.

Mari smiled softly at her.

"Let's talk on the roof in five minutes, okay?" she said awkwardly. "A little more... privacy."

Ria nodded vigorously.


Her heart pounded hard as she traveled up the school. Fear, joy, and desire filling her mind. And sweet, sharp hope.

Mari had run ahead, leaving her alone with her thoughts.

Ria had hoped feverously that she still had Mari. But it felt like an impossible dream. She had lied to her and it felt like everyone outside of her parents had turned their back on her.

She opened the door to roof.

Mari was standing there, sunlight striking her as she smiled widely at Ria.

"Well it's safe to say I have a pretty unique girlfriend, wouldn't you agree?"

Ria ran towards Mari, grabbing her in a hug. Overjoyed, she lifted her up and twirled her around, crying and laughing.

"Okay, too tight! Too tight!" Mari huffed.

Ria let go, only to grab her plant a kiss on her cheek.

Mari blushed.

"So you're not mad?" Ria said.

Her girlfriend shrugged indifferently. "Ehh, thought about it, but I honestly strongly suspected already."

Ria was surprised. She knew? How could she have known.

"How?" she asked.

"Well, I suspected something when an Angel attacked your apartment, but your dad was only slightly wounded. That's like escaping from a submarine and only being a bit wet when you reach the surface. Also the whole agreeing to run away thing, pretty clear there that you were scared of something. But like you said, you would have told me if you could have. "

"Thank you," Ria said, her heart still hammering.

Mari went on. "I must admit though, when I found out the truth, I was a bit scared. Even more so when I realized that shadow I saw during the attack was you. I honestly wasn't sure what to do about that fear. It wasn't that I hated you, or thought you might do something bad. I was just scared. It's why I didn't call or send an email. Sorry about that."

"You have nothing to be sorry about," Ria replied.

"I realized last night though, I liked being scared, the fear was exhilarating. You scare me, even though I know we're safe. That's what's appealed to me about our relationship from the start. Like how you look at other girls but you always ask me first. Anytime you want to do something new or bold you make sure it's okay with me and you never take it too far," Mari explained, a smile across her face.

"You... like being scared?" Ria asked.

She nodded. "Some. In... you know, certain ways. And I... I'm scared, but not scared, if it's you. If that makes sense? So... I like it."

Ria suddenly found her brain filled with all the various things she wanted to do with and to Mari since the relationship began. She had purchases to make.

Ria found herself starting to breathe harder. She pulled herself out of her thoughts, lest she start ripping off Mari's clothes right there rooftop.

"I don't deserve you," Ria whispered as their hands intertwined. "And I was scared. That you'd hate and leave me too, like everybody else."

"Just so you're aware, I am going to make all the 'did you fall from heaven?' and other angel-related jokes I can and nothing you can do will stop me," Mari smirked nervously.

Ria laughed. "You're terrible." She pulled Mari close and breathed her in.

"I know."
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"So what exactly is an alternate universe anyways? Would they have shrimp there?"
This. This is brilliant. At least someone has priorities straight in all this clusterfuck. Shrimps are important.
"Well it's safe to say I have a pretty unique girlfriend, wouldn't you agree?"
And just like that, the sugar level has risen from "beyond salty" right up to "diabetes". You're enjoying this, aren't you?

... I wonder what you can find in Mari's internet history...
How do you keep doing this? It's, what, two thousand words a day? I sure as hell don't want to tell you to stop, but damn...
Alrighty then, that's three people that love Ria unconditionally... Or, as weird as that is, because she is an Angel. So kinky.:oops: ( been waiting for a while to use this )

Shinji, Asuka and Rei found the school more crowded than it had been, with more students daring to return. The hallway was now choked with teenagers. Most of them were talking, letting Shinji unintentionally hear bits and pieces of various conversations.

"I hear it was her twin brother again…"

"My parents keep wanting to move but they can't find anywhere decent."

"These attacks aren't what we're about. Attacking the Pilots is pretty much the last thing the Church of Lilith wants."

"I don't get what the issue was. We're both 16. But apparently the fact that I came out of the sea a year ago makes it 'weird'."

"You went to school with her Mother."

"That's besides the point!"

"So what exactly is an alternate universe anyways? Would they have shrimp there?"

Shinji ignored them and pushed on.

It was exhausting, have to pretend everything was normal after all that had happened. Still, at least school offered a reprieve from WILLE and Angels, a chance to focus on something relatively normal for once.

"Brace yourselves, people. I get the feeling Kodama is going to be particularly prickly today," Asuka said, her eyes glancing at Shinji as she opened the door to homeroom.

They walked in, the door closing behind Rei as she entered.

Shinji and Asuka froze, nearly jumping in shock. To their great surprise, sitting in her seat, dressed in her school uniform, was Ria Soryu. The Fourteenth Angel was sitting their classroom, like the day before hadn't happened.

Shinji's mind struggled to make sense of it. Why would she be here? Why would she just return to school after everything that had happened. After everything she had done?

She turned and stared at them, her eyes heavy from lack of sleep. Her expression dull and unreadable.

They stared at each other for a long, awkward moment.

"What are you doing here?!" Asuka said.

"I have a pardon," Ria said flippantly.

"You tried to kill Misato!" Shinji shouted, his anger getting the best of him.

Ria glared at him. "She tried to kill me first! And again: Imperial. Pardon. No one at WILLE can touch me."

"So what?" Asuka huffed. "That means you can just walk in and act like nothing happened?"

"Didn't say that. But my dad said not to run away, so I'm not running away."

Shinji flinched at the familiar expression. Asuka simply sneered.

"Well, I guess that explains why you were so quick to defend your father," she said harshly.

Ria's stare narrowed, her hands clutching the desk in an iron grip.

"Really, you're really going there?" she said with barely contained rage.

Asuka shrugged. "Why not? You tried to kill us."

"You were taken before I appeared. I tried to kill my parents, not you. You know, the only people who haven't treated my like a monster? And Rei fought a completely different version of me, but you don't see her giving me grief, now do you?"

"That doesn't mean I trust you," Ayanami said curtly. Well, curtly for her.

"Not like she ever trusted any of us," Asuka grumbled.

Ria scrunched her nose at Asuka's comment, a pained expression on her face.

"It's not that I…" Ria was interrupted by the door opening. Kodama Suzuhara walking in a moment later, Kensuke trailing behind her.

She stopped at the sight of Ria, a wave of expressions washing over her before she settled on a deep, hateful scowl.

She growled as she stomped towards Ria, fists clinched tightly at her side.

Ria stood up, Looking down at her former friend as she approached.

Ria's expression grew even more unhappy. The two glaring at each other.

"Say it," Ria said bluntly. "Just get it over with."

"At least Okito stopped pretending when the truth came out." Kodama hissed

The hatred in Kodama's words was frightening. Shinji was mad at Ria, furious even. But Kodama was on a whole separate level of anger and hate.

"I am nothing like your brother, who was also, I'd like to point out, my closest friend just like you," Ria snapped.

"Really?" Kodama said mockingly "Because from where I'm standing you're exactly the same as him: Monsters in human form who should have done the whole world a favor and just stayed dead! Why couldn't you just leave us alone?!"

"What right do you have to be angry?" Ria's voice was low, shaking with frustrating.

Kodama stared at her in disbelief.

"Fine! I lied to you, I lied to a lot of people and that was a shit thing to do. I can own up to that," Ria said. "But I was there for you. I was there for you even as I spent every waking moment terrified out of my mind that WILLE was going to kill me! Because I am your friend dammit! I am still the Ria you knew yesterday!"

"No, you're not!" Kodama said tensely. "You used us, just like Okito did! You're all the same!"

"Okito was…" Ria began.

"He was my brother! My twin brother!" Kodama snapped, tears in her eyes. "I trusted him! I trusted him in way you will never understand. And he turned on me and my parents like it was nothing! You're just using me, that's all you're capable of!"

Kodama's pain was heart wrenching to hear. Okito had broken her in ways that would never fully heal.

The door opened, though no one was really paying attention.

Ria looked at her own feet. "He... he used me just as much as he used you. He's a hateful idiot who dragged us all into this mess."


Kodama's fist slammed into Ria's jaw. Ria didn't recoil, just stood there, taking it. Her expression growing increasingly rejected.

"Liar," Kodama whimpered, tears in her eyes.

She turned to her desk, only to be slapped across the face by Mari.

The room stood there, shocked. Ria looking like she might faint.

"The fuck was that for?!" Kodama exclaimed.

Mari glared hard at her. "Ria is the only reason your brother didn't kill Misato. She saved the life of a woman who wants her dead. She deserves better treatment than this."

Ria grew increasingly nervous.

"She's a monster!" Kodama replied.

"And I saw that monster during the attack. It was terrifying," Mari admitted. "But she's still Ria. If she was the monster you think she was, we would all be dead already."

Kodama fell silent, confused and incredibly angry.

"I..." Ria began, but choked up, unable to say anything.

Mari smiled softly at her.

"Let's talk on the roof in five minutes, okay?" she said awkwardly. "A little more... privacy."

Ria nodded vigorously.


Her heart pounded hard as she traveled up the school. Fear, joy, and desire filling her mind. And sweet, sharp hope.

Mari had run ahead, leaving her alone with her thoughts.

Ria had hoped feverously that she still had Mari. But it felt like an impossible dream. She had lied to her and it felt like everyone outside of her parents had turned their back on her.

She opened the door to roof.

Mari was standing there, sunlight striking her as she smiled widely at Ria.

"Well it's safe to say I have a pretty unique girlfriend, wouldn't you agree?"

Ria ran towards Mari, grabbing her in a hug. Overjoyed, she lifted her up and twirled her around, crying and laughing.

"Okay, too tight! Too tight!" Mari huffed.

Ria let go, only to grab her plant a kiss on her cheek.

Mari blushed.

"So you're not mad?" Ria said.

Her girlfriend shrugged indifferently. "Ehh, thought about it, but I honestly strongly suspected already."

Ria was surprised. She knew? How could she have known.

"How?" she asked.

"Well, I suspected something when an Angel attacked your apartment, but your dad was only slightly wounded. That's like escaping from a submarine and only being a bit wet when you reach the surface. Also the whole agreeing to run away thing, pretty clear there that you were scared of something. But like you said, you would have told me if you could have. "

"Thank you," Ria said, her heart still hammering.

Mari went on. "I must admit though, when I found out the truth, I was a bit scared. Even more so when I realized that shadow I saw during the attack was you. I honestly wasn't sure what to do about that fear. It wasn't that I hated you, or thought you might do something bad. I was just scared. It's why I didn't call or send an email. Sorry about that."

"You have nothing to be sorry about," Ria replied.

"I realized last night though, I liked being scared, the fear was exhilarating. You scare me, even though I know we're safe. That's what's appealed to me about our relationship from the start. Like how you look at other girls but you always ask me first. Anytime you want to do something new or bold you make sure it's okay with me and you never take it too far," Mari explained, a smile across her face.

"You... like being scared?" Ria asked.

She nodded. "Some. In... you know, certain ways. And I... I'm scared, but not scared, if it's you. If that makes sense? So... I like it."

Ria suddenly found her brain filled with all the various things she wanted to do with and to Mari since the relationship began. She had purchases to make.

Ria found herself starting to breathe harder. She pulled herself out of her thoughts, lest she start ripping off Mari's clothes right there rooftop.

"I don't deserve you," Ria whispered as their hands intertwined. "And I was scared. That you'd hate and leave me too, like everybody else."

"Just so you're aware, I am going to make all the 'did you fall from heaven?' and other angel-related jokes I can and nothing you can do will stop me," Mari smirked nervously.

Ria laughed. "You're terrible." She pulled Mari close and breathed her in.

"I know."
Go Mari! Ria really, really needed that.
Mari confirmed as a Mari about this. :D

Edit: Also, the rest of you guys are angry, but you all seem to know Ria is completely honest in that she'd never hurt any of you.

If you weren't, you wouldn't be yelling at and punching the damn angel girl without any fear of reprisal right now.

Also, hope no one else heard that exchange. That'd be problematic for everyone.
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Shinji flinched at the familiar expression. Asuka simply sneered.

"Well, I guess that explains why you were so quick to defend your father," she said harshly.
Is that just Asuka being Asuka? Because that doesn't seem to really point towards her actual beef with Ria:

"That doesn't mean I trust you," Ayanami said curtly. Well, curtly for her.

"Not like she ever trusted any of us," Asuka grumbled.
"Trust is earned"?

She nodded. "Some. In... you know, certain ways. And I... I'm scared, but not scared, if it's you. If that makes sense? So... I like it."

Ria suddenly found her brain filled with all the various things she wanted to do with and to Mari since the relationship began. She had purchases to make.

On that note, I wonder if Maya is still monitoring Ria's internet activity.

Edit: Also, the rest of you guys are angry, but you all seem to know Ria is completely honest in that she'd never hurt any of you.

If you weren't, you wouldn't be yelling at and punching the damn angel girl without any fear of reprisal right now.
I disagree -- it's entirely possible for them to believe, on an emotional gut level, that her goodwill is an act without really grokking the absolute hell that would be unleashed if she were to drop the "act."

I mean, it's entirely consistent with human nature to be upset at someone who's friendship you think is an act. That anger may even push someone to try to get their friend to drop the "act" (in order to prove that their anger is justified) without really considering the consequences of success.
How do you keep doing this? It's, what, two thousand words a day? I sure as hell don't want to tell you to stop, but damn...
I'm not entirely sure myself. Probably slow down soon with school and Horizon Zero Dawn DLC. And thanks.

Is that just Asuka being Asuka? Because that doesn't seem to really point towards her actual beef with Ria:
That was just Asuka being Asuka.

I disagree -- it's entirely possible for them to believe, on an emotional gut level, that her goodwill is an act without really grokking the absolute hell that would be unleashed if she were to drop the "act."

I mean, it's entirely consistent with human nature to be upset at someone who's friendship you think is an act. That anger may even push someone to try to get their friend to drop the "act" (in order to prove that their anger is justified) without really considering the consequences of success.
Kodama believes it's an act. Her brother after all had deceived her completely. So why should Ria be any different?

With Shinji and Asuka. They don't really think it's an act, they're just upset she tried to kill Misato and lied to them.
"I don't get what the issue was. We're both 16. But apparently the fact that I came out of the sea a year ago makes it 'weird'."

"You went to school with her Mother."

"That's besides the point!"
Hahahaa, wow. Sort of like if Kensuke ended up dating Kodama, eh? Touji and Hikari wouldn't know how to react. This can't be the only weird generational mis-alignment relationship out there, too.
"Didn't say that. But my dad said not to run away, so I'm not running away."

Shinji flinched at the familiar expression. Asuka simply sneered.
Ouch. Asuka probably doesn't know it yet, but that phrase has special resonance for Shinji, and hearing that his older self said it to Ria has to be really uncomfortable, since at the same time Shinji is deeply unhappy at being lied to in concealment.
"He was my brother! My twin brother!" Kodama snapped, tears in her eyes. "I trusted him! I trusted him in way you will never understand. And he turned on me and my parents like it was nothing! You're just using me, that's all you're capable of!"

Kodama's pain was heart wrenching to hear. Okito had broken her in ways that would never fully heal.
Double ouch. Yeah, Kodama's got huge trust issues right now, so even if she might be inclined to maybe give Ria some slack based on her actions at defending WILLE and fighting the other Angels on humanity's behalf, she's still going to be deeply, traumatically unable to let go of the pain at Ria lying to her about being an Angel too.

Even worse: Ria being loyal to her family is just going to make it hurt harder that Okito was not, because Ria establishes that yes, an Angel can be loyal. That means Okito's betrayal wasn't 'oh, it's just his nature, he couldn't help it'. It means Okito chose to betray his family and threaten to kill his father. It rips away even the shreds of pretending Okito was not Sachiel, and her brother might still be in there somewhere.

Sadly, it's entirely possible Kodama will resent Ria for not being a traitor, since her being loyal when Okito wasn't means she's around for Kodama to target her pain and anger on, even if Okito's the cause.
"Just so you're aware, I am going to make all the 'did you fall from heaven?' and other angel-related jokes I can and nothing you can do will stop me," Mari smirked nervously.

Ria laughed. "You're terrible."
So, so many puns incoming...
... I wonder what you can find in Mari's internet history...
Twisting the knife, Kodama is Bardiel

Impossible. Angels can tell when someone else present is an Angel, just like how Rei sniffed out Ria in 5 seconds flat. Okito and Ria knew each other were Angels because they each sensed the other. If Kodama were Bardiel, she would've already known and either would've gone with him when he left or tried to fight him when he threatened their family.
Impossible. Angels can tell when someone else present is an Angel, just like how Rei sniffed out Ria in 5 seconds flat. Okito and Ria knew each other were Angels because they each sensed the other. If Kodama were Bardiel, she would've already known and either would've gone with him when he left or tried to fight him when he threatened their family.
But what if, she contracts Bardiel.... dun dun duun
Double ouch. Yeah, Kodama's got huge trust issues right now, so even if she might be inclined to maybe give Ria some slack based on her actions at defending WILLE and fighting the other Angels on humanity's behalf, she's still going to be deeply, traumatically unable to let go of the pain at Ria lying to her about being an Angel too.

Even worse: Ria being loyal to her family is just going to make it hurt harder that Okito was not, because Ria establishes that yes, an Angel can be loyal. That means Okito's betrayal wasn't 'oh, it's just his nature, he couldn't help it'. It means Okito chose to betray his family and threaten to kill his father. It rips away even the shreds of pretending Okito was not Sachiel, and her brother might still be in there somewhere.

Sadly, it's entirely possible Kodama will resent Ria for not being a traitor, since her being loyal when Okito wasn't means she's around for Kodama to target her pain and anger on, even if Okito's the cause.
For the Suzuhara's in general, Okito's actions were the tiniest bit mitigated by them thinking it was just something inherent to Angels. He was always going to betray them because of what he was. But Ria makes it apparent that no, that was entirely Okito's choice. And Kodama can't handle that.
Even worse: Ria being loyal to her family is just going to make it hurt harder that Okito was not, because Ria establishes that yes, an Angel can be loyal. That means Okito's betrayal wasn't 'oh, it's just his nature, he couldn't help it'. It means Okito chose to betray his family and threaten to kill his father. It rips away even the shreds of pretending Okito was not Sachiel, and her brother might still be in there somewhere.

Sadly, it's entirely possible Kodama will resent Ria for not being a traitor, since her being loyal when Okito wasn't means she's around for Kodama to target her pain and anger on, even if Okito's the cause.
Ria not being a traitor doesn't just mean that she's around and Okito isn't -- there's also the resentment that the Ikaris/Soryus "lucked out" by ending up with the loyal angel. Shinji and Asuka ended up with an Angel who loves them in spite of her origins, whereas the Suzuharas ended up with an Angel who discarded them like old gum as soon as they weren't convenient anymore.

There's also the issue that, no matter how severe Okito's betrayal was, there's still a part of her heart that still sees him as her brother:
Ria looked at her own feet. "He... he used me just as much as he used you. He's a hateful idiot who dragged us all into this mess."


Kodama's fist slammed into Ria's jaw. Ria didn't recoil, just stood there, taking it. Her expression growing increasingly rejected.
(Of course, this could just be Kodama getting fed up with Ria's "lies.")
"... I wonder what you can find in Mari's internet history..."

"How to make a living writing ebooks." 0 results.

"How to tell if your girlfriend is secretly an alien/and or superheroine." 313 results.
"How to tell if your girlfriend is secretly an alien/and or superheroine." 313 results.
Step 1: Tell if your girlfriend is wearing glasses. Many aliens and superheroines are disguised as everyday folk through the usage of common spectacles. If your loved one is wearing glasses, there may be more to them than meets the eye.
"... I wonder what you can find in Mari's internet history..."

"How to make a living writing ebooks." 0 results.

"How to tell if your girlfriend is secretly an alien/and or superheroine." 313 results.
What Terrible search engine do you have Mari using?

Also there would be a search for how to get a food truck license in there.
(Of course, this could just be Kodama getting fed up with Ria's "lies.")
It's both. She doesn't want to see him as her brother anymore but despite her efforts, she can't.
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"How 2 convince friends to join race war"

"Is it patricide if it isn't your real dad"

"how 2 play mmo with USB steering wheel"

"kyoto hoodie factory"

"how to destroy annoying voice of doubt in brain"
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"Top Tourist Sites in Seoul."
"Who is Lucy?"
"Videos of Future Police Urashiman."
"Why do my friends keep ruining my plans?"
"Geometry made simple"
"How do I kill spiders without burning down an entire block?"
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Ramiel's last one would go:
"How do I kill that stupid red-headed heifer of an aunt of mine and her equally stupid jagoff of a husband?"
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