We left K-7 as soon as the Herald arrived and we could drop off the rescued slaves.

At least we were done with that depressing business. However, the Herald brought a surprise with it.

"We should have you at Qo'nos in a week or so, Ambassador." Captain Mason said as he walked alongside Ambassador Worf through the corridor towards the VIP quarters.

"Good. You run an efficient ship, Captain." the Klingon answered with a nod.

Mason smiled. "Thank you, Ambassador, but that might be more due to Star and the crew than me. I just tell them what to do, they are the ones that are good at it."

Worf shook his head. "Star. I met the AI once before on the Enterprise. It was called Winter then."

"We did, Ambassador." I said with a smile in my voice. "It is good to see you again."

Worf rumbled and nodded. "You as well, Star. I admit, I was dubious about the concept of a ship-controlling artificial intelligence. However, your record speaks for itself."

"You honor me, Ambassador."

He chuckled at that. "That, Captain, is how you accept a compliment from a Klingon."

Mason nodded and smiled, "I'll work on it." before I opened the door when they reached Worf's quarters. "Here we are, Ambassador."

"Thank you, Captain. I'll let you return to your duties."

The Captain nodded and headed back towards his readyroom as Worf entered his quarters.

"Ambassador, I would like to advice you that you can turn off my internal sensors in your quarters with the switch either next to the door or next to the bed for increased privacy."

He nodded. "Thank you, Ship. You may return to your duties."

"Yes, Ambassador. I hope you will enjoy your journey."


"Wait, wait, wait... are we getting shoreleave on Qo'noS?" Rachel asked. "Star, do you know?"

I shook my head. "There is nothing specifically planned, but if you like, I could ask Captain Mason." I answered.

"The Klingons have a really interesting history." Ajan stated and frowned in thought, looking up at the fake sky. "There are a lot of landmarks I would love to see on Qo'noS, but... they are on Qo'noS and Klingons are not the friendliest people."

We were in the beach program. The tradition of an 'open holodeck day' from back at the Andromeda was one I also talked Captain Mason into introducing both here and back when we were posted on the Saber. Once a week, holodeck one was running the same program for twenty four hours and anyone could come and go as they wanted when off duty.

There was a rotation on programs. Beach one week, forest one week, pre-WW2 Paris one week followed by a program voted up by the crew during the previous three weeks. Then the rotation restarted.

Being the beach, Shran didn't want to go anywhere near it, too warm for Andorians to be comfortable. Something he kept complaining about.

Not that it bothered me, I wasn't a real Andorian. Not as much as the bikini anyway.

I really should know better than giving Rachel permission to pick out clothes for me to choose between for my avatar, but it was likely for the best that I didn't pick completely on my own.

Though... I might have been a bit too generous in the the chest area when I made the avatar in the first place. It was made to look good in uniform but in a bikini it... might have been a bit much.

And while it was more revealing than I was really comfortable with, I couldn't argue it didn't look good on me.

Sadly, Sarah was currently in the hangar deck as we were working on trying to find an error in her fighter's flight control systems with a couple of engineers.

"I wanted to see Qo'noS for a while too. My parents' freighter never went this way." Rachel said with a thoughtful frown as she sat up, resting her arms on her knees, her chin against them.

Sighing, I put my arms behind my head, looking up at the sky as I nodded. "It would be interesting. Captain Mason says that there might be shoreleave, it depends on the Klingons."

I just checked with him.

"Going to come down with us?" Rachel asked and looked over at me.

I shrugged and sat up. "I might remote my mobile platform. Should be easy enough to rig up a remote control for it. Normally I wouldn't bother, but I really want to see Qo'noS too. Not sure the Klingons will allow it though."

Sadly, my actual avatar wouldn't be done in time. T'Ro and I were currently working on it, but we were still on the internal mechanics. I still had the floaty one though.

Soong androids were really, really, complex and this one was a modified design. Keeping it secret slowed us down even more.

I had to let Captain Mason know though. It was his ship, after all. He found it really amusing but agreed to keep it secret as well.

I owed T'Ro big for this. I needed to do something really nice for her.

"If nothing else, you could eject and pilot the platform manually." Ajan suggested.

"No. Well... yes I could, "I said before I shrugged. "But I'm a starship. Limiting myself to a mobile platform is uncomfortable. Besides, it would leave the ship and everyone on it vulnerable."

Rachel poked my arm at that. "You are taking everything to seriously." She got up and continued, "I'm going for a swim, you guys coming?"

"Not a fan of swimming." Ajan answered, looking down the beach. "But I think I've found something else to spend my time on."

I looked over there at the volleyball game going on. But somehow, I doubted that it was the actual game he was interested in rather than Crewman Erislia, a Caitian, jumping around in a small swimsuit.

He had expressed an interest in her before and I wished him all the luck. She was rather cute.

"You do that." I said with a grin and got up, brushing the sand of me. "Sure, Rachel. I'll give swimming a try... I have not done it in years, though, and never like this."

She grinned. "I never learned until the academy, not much opportunity to learn on a freighter. It's fun though."

I nodded and grinned, following her into the ocean.

I had to cheat though. Andorians sink in saltwater, so I changed my simulated mass a bit to be closer to human levels.

It's no wonder Shran hated the beach program.

AN// Many thanks to the one and only Grey Rook for betaing this section.

The Heart of the Klingon Star Empire. I floated in a standard planetary orbit above the First City, their capital city and the seat of the Klingon Council.

A thousand kilometers directly behind me, a Vor'cha battlecruiser was floating in the same orbit. No doubt keeping a very close eye on me. Their shields were up and while their weapons were not powered, I did not doubt that somebody over there was constantly sitting with their finger on the button.

The Federation might be a semi-ally of the Klingon Star Empire, but I was also a heavy warship armed with antimatter warheads sitting in orbit right above their capital city and all their leaders.

So I kept my metaphysical hands to myself and kept to passive scans whenever possible.

I really did not want to cause a diplomatic incident if I could help it.

Still, watching the other ships in orbit, I couldn't help but admire Klingon engineering. A lot of people think of them as brutes with little finesse.

To some degree, that is right. It's the way they evolved... they were not persistence hunters like humans. Nor did they strike hard and fast like the Vulcans and leave the enemy unable to retaliate after a single hit.

Klingons were Krogans. They waded in, took hits and hit back hard until the enemy stopped moving. Their biology supported this, almost everything had a backup to keep them going while the first one was healing. Worf did enjoy some of my holonovels, especially 'Predator'. It was an 'honorable fight'.

Their ships followed this design philosophy to their biology.

They were not built for finesse. While Klingon science and technology were not as advanced as the Federation, their design philosophy more than made up for it.

Where Federation ships were made for efficiency, Klingon ships were meant to be rugged and tough. Multiple redundancies on basically all systems.

Their sensors were worse than ours. So what did they do? They mounted more sensor clusters and ran them in parallel for higher resolution. Their weapons were weaker, so they mounted larger ones on smaller hulls.

That battlecruiser might match me in power and size, but it had a much smaller crew, most of the room inside was made up of redundant, larger systems and armor.

You could drop that thing from orbit while completely unpowered and a good engineering team could get it flying again in a week.

Do the same with a federation ship and you would still be looking for all the parts after a month.

So yes... while their approach to engineering was very brute force, I simply could not help but admire it.

Klingons were not stupid brutes. Stupid brutes do not build an interstellar empire, nor do they travel in starships.

...Well, unless they were the Pakleds, I guess, but they stole their tech from the Ferengi...

"Star, three to beam up."

A signal from the surface drew my attention and I deposited Captain Mason and the two closest Klingons, Ambassador Worf and one my database labeled as Krag of House Martok. Youngest son of Martok, the current Klingon Chancellor.

Captain Mason stepped of the transporter pad. "Welcome on board the Second Star, Commander Krag."

"Thank you." The Klingon said as he walked off the transporter pad with Ambassador Worf. "We should continue this in your ready room."

Mason nodded. "We should. Ambassador, Commander?" he said and motioned towards the door.

Wonder what was going on... Captain Mason had a meeting with Ambassador Worf on the surface, but that was all I knew about it.

There had been no mention of either Ambassador Worf or anyone else returning to the ship with him. Yet alone somebody as important as the Chancellor's son, youngest or otherwise.

They made what passed for small talk on their way to the ready room as I kept studying the block of armor and weapons floating behind me.

"Star, would you join us, please?" Captain Mason asked as soon as the door closed behind them.

I turned on the large screen on the wall. "Of course, Captain." I nodded at the Klingons and continued, "Ambassador. Commander."

"Star's input might be valuable. She would find out anyway when I did my report to Starfleet." Captain Mason explained.

Karg hmm-ed and then nodded. "Very well." He crossed his arms and turned back to Mason and Worf. "I am not here to simply view the ship. We needed a completely secure location for this meeting and it is... dubious... whether one of those can be found on Qo'noS at this point in time."

Worf frowned. "Surely the chancellor's chambers..."

"Are most likely under surveillance. This involves your war against the Romulans. My father intends to hold a vote on the subject. On joining the war on the side of the Federation. Whether the vote goes through, though, is up for debate."

Mason frowned. "The Klingons joined in the battle against the Dominion."

Karg nodded. "We did. However, several of the houses viewed it as being used by the Federation against their enemies. What the result of the vote will be... What's the human expression? Up in the air?"

"With the Klingon Empire joining the war, we could finally start to push the Romulans back." Worf sighed. "They have to see that if the Romulans win, they would turn on the Empire next!"

"Some do. Others believe that the fighting will deplete both Federation and Romulan forces, making both easy to conquer."

"How close is the vote, Commander?" I asked and frowned.

Fuck, this was bad.

Karg looked over at the screen. "From what we have found out, it is even. Anything could tip the favor in either direction. All it would take would be for a single house to change its vote."

"...You believe somebody is going to try to convince one of the pro-Federation house representatives?" the Captain asked.

Karg grunted. "My father believes that somebody is going to do worse. To push the issue in the favor of the Romulans."

"What!?" Worf barked. "The Romulans have no honor! No Klingon would ever..." he started before he stopped. "... No Real Klingon would ever work with the Romulans."

Oh yeah. House of Duras before they were dissolved.

"Some believe the Federation will win the war. With the Romulans defeated, the Federation would be... untouchable. Even by the Empire."

"They want to keep the war going. Forcing the Federation and Romulans to deplete each others' forces before they strike." I said. "That's... a most un-Klingon plan."

Also, hilariously effective. The Klingons had very good cloaking devices, rivaling the Romulans. If used right, they could strike at both Romulan and Federation supply lines and stay neutral, blaming the attacks on pirates and slavers.

When one side looked like they were winning, they would focus more on them than the other.

"It won't work. We know about it now." Captain Mason said and frowned.

"Yes. But we have very little direct proof, just words." Karg said. "My father wanted to be sure that you did know. But it would take very little for that faction of the council to gain power and force the issue. If my father was to die... especially in combination with an attack on the Klingon Empire that could be traced back to the Federation..."


Worf looked like he wanted to punch something. "They scheme like Romulan cowards! How can we prevent this!?"

"We know where and how they will strike, but not exactly when and who. A Colony close to the Federation border, using freighters armed with old Federation weaponry. But if they find out we know, they will simply change targets. So we can't transfer additional forces to defend the colony."

"Does the colony have any defenses?"

"Not currently. However, it would not be unheard of that a KDF patrol ship would stop at a colony for resupplies and shore leave. That was our plan until the Second Star arrived with Ambassador Worf."

Worf frowned. "What do you propose?"

Karg turned to him. "It would look better if a Starfleet ship stopped the attack."

"When is the vote?" Mason asked with a frown.

"In one month." Karg explained. "We expect the attack to happen a couple of days before to have maximum impact in the vote."

AN// Many thanks to Grey Rook for betaing this section.
So, am I the only one who is picturing at least one House arguing that the whole thing was a set up to get the vote to side with the Federation?

It would be rather amusing if said house was not the one actually planning the assassination.
There's no way this isn't a trap. Oh look at the heavily armed Federation ship illegally entering our space and firing on unarmed freighters!
There's no way this isn't a trap. Oh look at the heavily armed Federation ship illegally entering our space and firing on unarmed freighters!
You really think Star is dumb enough to shoot first? You can't put enough weapons on freighters to let them win a blastout with a comparable tech base warship.
If they have enough federation weapons to supposedly arm the freighters, I'm sure they could score the hulls to make it look like the big bad AI controlled Federation heavy cruiser did the damage; Especially once their sensor nets see it moving at military speed into their territory uninvited.
If they have enough federation weapons to supposedly arm the freighters, I'm sure they could score the hulls to make it look like the big bad AI controlled Federation heavy cruiser did the damage; Especially once their sensor nets see it moving at military speed into their territory uninvited.

Uninvited? Why, the CONVENIENT military exercise with Star practicing against an entire battlecruiser squadron to see just what kind of odds a properly AI controlled Akira can take on had nothing at all to do with the suspected attack, and the attending battlecruisers can clearly state that the mysterious freighters fired first and that there was no communication at all with them despite their best efforts! Star valiantly defended against the odds as he-she was the first to arrive, but the battlecruisers (who were in no way intentionally lagging behind to let Star take the credit) can confirm with their mid-range scans that the honorable AI proved to be a worthy ally of the Empire that day!

Seriously, not hard at all to defuse this 'trap'.
The plan was relatively simple. We were to pick up Karg to deliver to Earth for a meeting. But instead of doing that, we would head back to Federation space and then loop down and head back into Klingon space to the He'rgQ system.

Once there, we would be spending two weeks floating in the asteroid fields with dampening fields up, pretending to be a rock until the false flag freighters showed up.

Karg came with as a observer, in case we were discovered to talk us past patrols even if it shouldn't be a problem.

Worf on the other hand, stayed on the Klingon homeworld. The entire thing was very hush hush. If somebody in the conspiracy found out, all they would need to do would be to change targets and we would never be able to stop them.

Hence why I was now crawling through Klingon territory at warp five, trying my best to match the warp signature of a Klingon freighter and kept to passive sensors.

I did keep control of the ship this time though due to the danger, which sadly meant the helmsmen were pretty bored.

Nothing to do about it though.

"There." T'Ro said and closed the hatch on the back of the head, "The final diagnostic read clear. You are clear to try to connect."

I nodded and looked over the avatar. When we had not been working on it, I had beamed everything to one of the boxes in the corner of the cargo bay set aside for my stuff.

We were working on it one of the holosuites which meant I was able to actually do work on my own instead of needed to rely completely on T'Ro.

Everything did look like it should.

Canceling the hologram avatar I connected to the avatar and opened my eyes.

"Iiiii." I said and twitched, starting to go through a full diagnostic cycle.

Soong androids were insanely complex. A lot of it was biomimetic, like the skin and muscles, not servos like on other platforms I used.

It was actually the closest thing I had to my 'real' body from back in the sim I had since I was pulled into reality.

Which considering it was shaped as not only a different species, but also a different gender was kind of funny.

I stopped twitching in the diagnostic and then tried to sit up.

The movement was slow and jerky, but after a couple of minutes I was sitting up, "There are variables that were not properly translated into the holographic training program." I told T'Ro using my ship voice, not trusting the tongue of the avatar yet. It didn't actually have a voice processor, instead talking with a pair of 'lungs' vocal cords, tongue and lips like anyone else.

It might have been the most advanced piece of technology either of us ever put together. The space that was normally filled with a positronic computer core in the head was now filled with a subspace link and a normal computer core. If needed to, there was the possibility to open a hidden hatch in the stomach area with fittings for my AI core if I ever need to transfer fully into the avatar.

Even without me remote controlling it, it was capable of following oral instructions up to the complexity of 'pick that up and move it over there' and 'force this door open'.

I slowly raised my arm, looking it over. It was a bit jerky, but I was getting better at it quickly, deciding to give my tongue a try, "Thisss isn'p ash esy ass I haght."

Damn it, I used to have a tongue for over twenty years! I should be able to do this.

T'Ro held up a tricorder, taking a full scan of me, "Your platform is working according to specifications. I believe it is simply a case of practice. Do you wish to try standing?"

I nodded jerkily, "Yass."

Damn it.

She put the tricorder down and stepped up to help me onto my feet, supporting me.

At least I was wearing Starfleet regulation underwear so it was less embarrassing than it could have been.

Which was a incredibly silly thing to think as she helped put the avatar together.

I wobbled on my feet so I formed a holographic avatar as well, helping T'Ro keep my physical one on it's feet.

"I can't thank you enough for this, T'Ro." I said as I made the new avatar take a careful step as I let go of it.

She simply nodded, "It was a interesting challenge. You are... welcome.

During the next couple of minutes I simply practiced moving.

Really, the holographic training I did helped a lot even if it wasn't perfect. Five minutes in and I didn't look like I was drunk even if it wasn't completely smooth.

Another couple of days and I might be able to....

I canceled the hologram avatar again as I carefully turned to T'Ro, "Sill. Tank yo. Upting Ponge!"

It was the lips too. Who would think lips would be harder to control than arms and legs?

I was so glad she was a Vulcan and that I only involved her into this. Shran would have been rolling on the floor.

...Rachel would have been too. So would Ajan.

Actually, I bet almost everyone would have. It was kind of funny.

T'Ro shook her head and actually looked somewhat pleased, "Perhaps a speech impediment training holo program would be helpful? Your vocal components are almost identical to those of a Andorians, it should be of assistance. There should be one in the medical database."

I nodded and carefully crossed the holographic lab again as I beamed in a uniform set on the workbench.

"Iii better gat drassed fist. Can'p l'leave it like thiis." Hey! I managed two of those words right!

I picked up the pants and lifted a leg to step into them, causing me to promptly topple over.

...Stupid bipedal design...

If there is such a thing as creator entity, I want words with him.

AN// Many thanks to Zebrin for betaing this section.
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I fidgeted as I walked along the corridor and into the turbolift. Closing the doors I frowned and adjusted the uniform for the hundredth time.

Not for the first time in the last ten minutes I regretted picking the miniskirt version of the uniform. Since it was 'revealed' as a valid choice... well, to say that it became popular would have been a lie.

It wasn't any more practical for crawling around in jefferies tubes now than when it fell out of favor.

But you did see people wearing it from time to time.

I wanted to look my best for this, but considering that I never worn a dress before, this was likely a bad idea.

Reaching up I adjusted my rank insignia, a silhouette of a Starship, in this case a Akira class, checking that it was straight with the camera of the turbolift.

Why the hell was I this nervous about asking a woman out?

I mean, being nervous was natural... but... I'm a Starship. A warship even. I have fought slavers, battles against superior Romulan forces.

Attended banquets with admirals, diplomats and leaders of entire planets.

Why am I so nervous about this?

Stepping out of the turbolift I started towards Sarah's quarters, adjusting my uniform again. Yeah, definitely a mistake with the miniskirt... but I wanted to look my best for this and my legs were amazing.

I should know, I made them.

At least this was very good practice to compartmentalize things. Being this nervous while keeping a calm conversation with a third of the crew at once, including Sarah, while fidgeting like this was kind of surreal, even for me.

Taking a deep breath I stopped outside her door and, closed my eyes, quickly running my fingers through my shoulder length hair.


It will go just fine. You like her, she is a good friend. She might like you as well.

I reached out to press the button, making the door chime.

She looked up from her console and I gave her a smile, "You should answer that." before I canceled the picture on her monitor.

I waited until she got up and pressed the button, causing the door to whoosh open.

She stared at me for a long moment before she blinked as things connected, "Star! But... how!?"

I smiled slightly, "It's a avatar based on the design of Doctor Soong. Remote controlled."

"I... wow. You look just like your hologram." Sarah said, "Come in! When did you do this? Why haven't I heard anything about this?"

Walking inside I shrugged, "I wanted it to kind of be a secret. T'Ro helped me, I owe her big for it."

"What made you decide to get one now?" She asked as she followed me, the door closing behind us, "Last I heard, you didn't see a point to get a mobile platform."

Here it come.

"...You, actually." I said, my antenna flicking slightly, brushing my hair behind my right ear.

She looked surprised, "Me?"

"I... discovered that I have feelings for you. I wanted to... ask you out. On a date. I couldn't do that with a hologram. It wouldn't feel right."

"...O-oh..." Sarah stuttered.

Stuttered? She never stutter.

"Star... I..." She started and shifted slightly, "I-I'm sorry, but..."


"I don't feel like that about you." she continued, looking sad, "I like you as a friend."

Swallowing I nodded, "I understand. I'm sorry, I..."

"No! No, it's not your fault." She said quickly and sighed, "I like you, just not like that."



It's funny, really. I don't have a heart. I wasn't even actually in that body. How could I still feel like that?

"Star, I..."

I have her a small smile, "Sarah, It's fine. I thought it was worth risking, If you don't feel the same way... that's life."

Sarah looked uncomfortable and nodded, "Yeah.... Are we okay?"

"Of course!" I said and smiled, for real this time, "It's going to be slightly awkward for a while, but... I had to chance it."

She nodded and frowned slightly, "...Are you sure you are okay? I don't want to lose my friend."


I hesitated for half a second before I nodded, "..I will be. My time perception is a hundred times normal, remember? I'll be fine in a couple of days."

It didn't work like that, but I didn't want her to know that.

Sarah looked dubious but nodded, "I'll try to give you some space for a while." and walked over to her bed, flipping the privacy switch.

...Thank you... Not that it will really work with you kind of living in me.

I nodded, "Thanks... I should get going."

Walking out, she followed me to the door, "Star... I'm sorry."

"I know, but you don't need to be. Good night, Sarah."

I continued along the corridor and around the corner before I let my back hit the wall, my head falling back against the metal.


That didn't go well.

I ran my hand through my hair and took a deep breath before I quickly stood up, straightening my uniform again as a crewman would pass through here in the next thirty seconds.

Didn't want anyone to see me like that, especially a non-officer. Never let them see you sweat.

I needed to talk to somebody. Rachel would get to involved, Shran might actually be able to relate as often as he get turned down, Ajan was on a date with that Caitian. It seemed like it was going well and there is no way in hell I would ruin that for him.

The Captain and the Commander... would feel wrong. Those where the people on board I would theoretically feel comfortable talking about this with as they knew me well enough.

Turning down the corridor, I started towards T'Ro's quarters. She had helped me a lot already and I hated to heap this on her too, but... I needed somebody to talk to.

AN// *Rolls many Thanks into one to be easier to carry before handing to Chase92*
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I was surprised that Star was approaching anyone but T'Ro. There's been a lot of foreshadowing in that direction.

@Hiver, thanks to the Glorious @Xon, all threadmarks have Previous/Next arrows automatically add to the top and bottom of threadmarked posts, and @Firnagzen has a bulk threadmarking tool available. It would help greatly for people archive bingeing your stories.
I was surprised that Star was approaching anyone but T'Ro. There's been a lot of foreshadowing in that direction.

@Hiver, thanks to the Glorious @Xon, all threadmarks have Previous/Next arrows automatically add to the top and bottom of threadmarked posts, and @Firnagzen has a bulk threadmarking tool available. It would help greatly for people archive bingeing your stories.

I will consider using it in my next story, but the threads here on SV never get that long.
I chimed T'Ro's door when I got close.


I opened the door and walked inside. "Hey... have a minute?"

T'Ro looked up from the PADD she had been reading at the small desk to look at me, putting the PADD down. "Of course." she said and got up. "She turned you down?" she asked.

I blinked in surprise. "How did you know?"

"You brought your avatar here instead of simply speaking up. If things went well, you would not have been here yet."

Yeah, that was pretty simple logic, wasn't it.

"I was stupid."

She sighed and shook her head, said, "You are many things, Star. Stupid is not one of them." and then she really surprised me.

"Uhm, T'Ro. What are you doing?"

"You are familiar with the concept of hugs, are you not?"

I held her a bit closer, resting my face against her shoulder. "Yes. But... I didn't think Vulcans did hugs."

"As a rule, we don't. However, if you spend several years sharing a room with Rachel you get used to it.... and you needed one."

...Thank you.

I squeezed her softly and rested my head against her shoulder. "Thank you. Not sure what I would do without you, you are my best friend."

"I believe you are mine as well." T'Ro said as she let go. "So, what are you going to do now?"

I sighed and did the same. "Continue like normal. My friendship with Sarah will be awkward for a while, but... I had to try."

T'Ro nodded. "You should also visit the others. They don't know about your avatar yet."

"Yeah, I should. I'll do that after I leave here."

Well, two of them, Rachel was in her quarters and Shran was in the Lounge. Ajan was in the quarters he shared with Shran but according to the lifesigns sensor, he was not alone.

So I think I'll skip him until tomorrow. Good going, Ajan.

"Want me to come with?" T'Ro asked and I hesitated for a moment before I shook my head.

"No, It's fine." I reassured her. "I'm just going to go talk to them and then go talk to Captain Mason about a set of quarters. Now that I have an avatar, there is actually a use for it. There are a free set of officer's quarters at the end of the corridor, but I want to check with him first."

Then I looked down at myself. "But first... I'm changing into a different uniform style with pants. I'm not sure skirts are my thing."

"The style suits you."

"Really?" I asked before I hesitated. "I... guess I could keep it for now."

If I'm keeping a female avatar, I'm going to need to get used to skirts sooner or later anyway. I knew going to T'Ro would make me feel a bit better.


"Hey Rachel." I said as she opened the door.

She stared at me for a long moment. "You... what... huh?"

I grinned at that. "Surprised?"

"How!?" she asked and reached out to grab my hand, pulling me into her quarters.

"T'Ro helped me. Wanted it to be a secret until it was done." I laughed. "As it turn out, with enough transporter work and with the ship's computer on your side, it is actually possible to keep a secret on this ship!"

Rachel grinned. "You look good. Soong basis?"

I nodded and did a spin for her. "Modified Soong Android chassis and mechanics."

"What made you change your mind? I thought you didn't want a mobile platform?" Rachel asked as she looked me over.

I blushed slightly white at that, simultaneously getting annoyed. Avatar emotional responses matched mine as standard. I could turn it off, but it gave it a realism Data lacked.

At some points, though, it was embarrassing.

"I... wanted to ask a girl out on a date. She turned me down."

Rachel frowned. "Oh... Anyone I know?"

I shrugged. "Not well. We will both be fine, I don't think I damaged anything." I said before I quickly changed subject. "So... now that I have an avatar, I'm going to need some quarters as well. I'll talk to the Captain in a bit, but I was wondering if you wanted to help me decorate the place?"

"...And help you with your wardrobe?" Rachel asked with a grin.

I looked at her for a moment before I sighed and nodded. "...And I might regret this, but... and help me with my wardrobe."


I made sure to enter the Lounge from the door facing away from Shran's seat so he wouldn't see me.

"...That's so not the point, Star!"

"It is perfectly twist to the story."

We had spent the last hour or so discussing the outline of one of my future holodeck programs. Which was not only interesting, but allowed me to keep him in one place where he would be easily surprised while I talked to Rachel.

But I wasn't really in a pranking mood. Spending time with my friends always cheered me up, but... yeah. Still not exactly the best day ever.

"Hey." I said and dropped down in the chair next to his, crossing my legs.

Bloody skirt.

"Hey..." Shran started to say as he turned to be and stared for a long moment before he took a sip from his drink. "Never thought you would be one for short skirts, Star."

...Not the reaction I suspected.

"I was hoping for some more surprise than that."

He grinned. "Well, I am. How the hell did you manage to build an avatar without anyone knowing about it?"

"T'Ro helped me."

Shran nodded. "Ah. Well, I'm more surprised that you managed it without anyone finding out than that you did it. I saw that coming a lightyear away."

"...You did?"

He nodded again. "Yeah. Have you asked her out yet? Lieutenant Hansen? I saw how you looked at her when you introduced her to the group."

I really don't give Shran enough credit. Nobody else spotted that.

"She shot me down. Wanted to just stay friends."

"Oh. That sucks." he said, putting his drink down with a frown. "Sorry, that's a rough one."

Maybe I should have talked to him about this earlier instead of heaping it on T'Ro. He was actually kind of good at this.

"Don't worry about it, Star. In that skirt, you will find somebody else fast."

...or maybe not...

I'm never wearing this uniform style again.

AN// Many thanks to Grey Rook for betaing this section.
Your gender issues will get out of hand if you're not careful.

At least Shran didn't try hitting on you :p
"I understand that this machine is effective, Captain, but there is no honor in letting it fight for you. No spirit!" Karg exclaimed, waving his hand towards the viewscreen. "No real warrior would let a computer do his work for him."

We were on the bridge, Captain Mason was sitting in his chair with Karg sitting in the guest chair to his left, similar to the layout of the Galaxy class's three 'command' chairs. The XO's chair to the captain's right, the guest chair to his left and his chair in the middle.

Commander Janeway was currently dealing with a matter of crew morale. A couple of crewmen got into a fistfight over left over dishes in their shared quarters of all the stupid things. Still it was her job to handle such matters and she was ripping into them something fierce.

It was most amusing to watch, really.

So I had my avatar sit in her chair, my arms crossed as I idly scanned the skies.

It was getting close to the time limit, the raiders should arrive soon. Even on passive sensors, there would be no way for them to sneak by me, especially with the probes spread around the system, expanding my passive range.

"Klingon vessels also use computer targeting." Captain Mason stated. "What Star does is effectively less computer assistance than a Klingon weapon officer. She handles it manually."


Okay, that's enough.

"Karg, if you wish to challenge me, do so so that I can hand you your own arse on a silver platter. If not, keep flapping your mouth and I'll shut it for you!" I barked at him with a snarl.

The entire bridge crew stared at me for a moment before Karg started laughing. "Maybe I was wrong about the spirit!"

Mason and Shran looked way too amused and I just rubbed my forehead. Klingon culture might be fascinating, but actual Klingons should best be taken in very limited doses. Karg had been onboard for weeks.

They get tiring rather quickly. Or maybe it's just Karg.


A signal, quickly approaching from the outer system brought my attention. No, four warp fields. Slow, warp four.


"I have four Klingon freighters on scanners. They are heading towards the colony... and they just dropped out of warp. They will be in weapons range of the colony in fifteen minutes."

Karg nodded, sitting up straight in his chair, his hand resting on the hilt of his dagger. "It's them."

Mason let out a slow breath and gave me a nod. "Red Alert. Star, you are free to engage. Disable if possible but stop those freighters at all costs."

"Yes, sir. Engaging."

Bringing my power up to full, I initiated the shields and powered up weapons, rounding the large rock and heading towards the freighters under full power.

Reaching out with my active sensors, I noticed something off about them.

"The freighters are running scattering fields. I can't get a clear reading."

"Likely to keep the colony from getting a clear scan of them to discover the weapons." Captain Mason said and frowned. "Engage and disable."

"Acknowledged. Beginning my attack run."

Opening my torpedo tubes, I got a target lock on all four freighters. I'll rather go for overkill at this point than risk one slipping through, as unlikely as it was.

Something kept me from firing, though.

What if they were just normal freighters in the wrong place at the wrong time? But the scattering fields indicated that they were not. Why would they have scattering fields if they were innocent merchants? Especially in Klingon space?

As I dove on the freighters like a hawk on a couple of fat chickens, I zoomed in with my optical sensors to maximum magnification. Those were not bothered by scattering fields.

I couldn't detect any weapons other than the two disruptor turrets Klingon ships of that class was equipped with.

Even if they were hidden, at this range I should see something tacked onto the hull.

They were reacting to my attack run now, turning and trying to accelerate away. Even the limited navigational sensors on a ship like that could spot me at this range.

If they were the raiders... even through the scattering field, I should be able to detect the difference in power levels at this range. But they only charged their turrets.

I closed my torpedo tubes and powered down my weapons as I rolled away, heading away from the freighters.

"What is this!?" Karg demanded. "Destroy them!"

"Star?" Captain Mason asked. "What's going on?"

"Those freighters are not armed with Federation weaponry. Other than their scattering fields, I detect no anomalies in their behavior nor their design. They are not our targets."

"Captain! Your computer is defective. You need to destroy those ships now or risk war!"

Mason looked torn before he shook his head and leaned back in his chair. "I trust Star's judgment on this matter. Star, hail the freighters. We need to clear this u-"

That's as far as he got before Karg pulled his dagger and turned in his chair, starting to move to either stab or put it against my Captains neck.

Option one: Manipulate grav plating or internal dampeners.
Negative, too hard to focus on just one person.

Option two: Transporters
Negative, too slow. While it might beam either of them out before the dagger struck, it might not.

Option three: Physical override.
Oh fuck yes.

I burst out of my chair faster than anyone else could react, catching the wrist of the hand holding the knife and I gave it a sharp twist, squeeze and pull.

The bones snapped and shattered as I pulled him onto his feet, kicking forward, catching his left knee straight on and it bent the wrong way with a nasty snapping and grinding sound as I pulled him close, headbutting him straight in the face before I let go, letting the unconcious Klingon drop to the deck. "I'm a warship, you idiot. What did you think would happen?"

I was quickly coming to the conclusion that I didn't like Klingons very much.

AN// Many thanks to Grey Rook for betaing this section.