Another layer of the trap, in which Karg is working for the traitors and setting it up so that Star attacks semi-innocent freighters? (No need to comment on RENEGADE INTERRUPT!
Another layer of the trap, in which Karg is working for the traitors and setting it up so that Star attacks semi-innocent freighters? (No need to comment on RENEGADE INTERRUPT!
Karg is officially a moron. Seriously, did it not occur to him that an AI would have time to run full scans, compare the results to stock vessels of that class, and notice the whole lack of weapons? Or, for that matter, that claiming the freighters are Q-ships means that people will call shenanigans when they peel off rather than opening up?
Karg is officially a moron. Seriously, did it not occur to him that an AI would have time to run full scans, compare the results to stock vessels of that class, and notice the whole lack of weapons? Or, for that matter, that claiming the freighters are Q-ships means that people will call shenanigans when they peel off rather than opening up?

Or, you know, he's someone who's never encountered an AI before and doesn't really know what Star is capable of.
"...The best we have been able to figure out, "Captain Mason said over the encrypted transmission to Qo'noS, "Karg was actually one of the ones behind the plot. Trick us to destroy a convoy of Klingon freighters in a 'unprovoked attack'. The scattering field generator had been planted in shipments of agricultural equipment and triggered when they dropped out of warp. As far as we been able to determine, the crews of the freighters had no conscious part in this."

Worf did not look pleased about it.

"To betray your own family, the empire, like this..." He said and shook his head, "Martok will be... unhappy about this."

Captain Mason nodded, "We are on our way back to Qo'noS now. Karg is restrained in sickbay, recovering from the injuries he sustained. By the time we arrive, he should have made a full recovery."

"Just in time to stand before the council for his actions. Luckily, we were able to stop the assassin as well. In trying to fool us, he revealed that there was a plot and lost the element of surprise. As bad as this it, it seems to be the best possible outcome." Worf stated before he nodded, "Good work, Captain."

"You honor me, Ambassador, but the discovery and... arrest... of Karg was all Star. She was the one to spot that the freighters had not been modified and she saved my life when Karg attacked when his plot failed."

"He fooled us all," I said sadly. "Had I not thought to triple check, I would have fired and the Klingon Empire and The Federation might very well be on their way towards war, even if Chancellor Martok still survived."

"It was good that you did," Worf said with a nod. "I expect Chancellor Martok wishes to meet with you both as soon as you return to Qo'noS. Q'pla!"

With that he cut the connection and Captain Mason leaned back in his chair, running his hands down his face.

It had been a long couple of days, I understood completely how he felt.

Karg had fooled us all, me included.

Too. Fucking. Close.

"Why did I miss it?" Mason said and let his hands drop, "I should have suspected something."

"We all missed it, Captain. You, Me, Commander Janeway. Ambassador Worf. Everyone. That was not the kind of scheme you would ever expect from a Klingon." I said and mentally frowned, "If I missed it, Captain, with access to all of my information, there would simply be no way for you to catch it."

He rubbed the bridge of his nose, "...I suppose you are right." before he got up from his chair and walked over to look out the window, crossing his arms, "Thank you."

"For what, Captain?"

"Saving my life." he said and rubbed his throat, "I barely had time to see him start moving before you had him on the floor."

"You are quite welcome, Captain."

He chuckled at that, "Anything new to report?"

"No, sir. We are still eight days from Qo'noS. All ship systems are nominal." I reported before I added, "...May I suggest getting some sleep, Sir? Commander Janeway has the bridge and you have been awake for thirty one hours."

"That... sound like a good idea." He said while looking out of the window, "I'll be in my quarters if anyone needs me."

"Good Night, Sir."


"Hello, Star."

I smiled at the Andorian on the other end of the connection, "Hello, Thoni. How are you? It's been a while."

She nodded, "It has. I have been good... my communications privileges are still limited or I would have called earlier."

"Are you still on Earth?"

Thoni shook her head, "I have been transferred to Helios city."

Thoni was the assistant of Doctor Horrible as I liked to call him. My... creator. Her punishment had been much lighter. While he had been bound for a penal colony, she had been allowed probation on earth.

Wearing the equivalent of a ankle tracker and given house arrest. I wasn't sure she deserved even that punishment. It was her influence on the process that kept me from going completely insane when I was released into the real world.

Her company.

She had been straight out of the Academy when she was recruited by a famous, brilliant scientist as his assistant. How could she say no?

No, it wasn't her fault. So I kept in touch... as much as I could. Subspace communication was strictly limited for prisoners, she needed to have every transmission approved and monitored.

I frowned at that though, "What are you doing on Luna?"

"Starfleet offered me a place on a project, even took time off of my sentence. Every day I work here counts as three of my time."

"What kind of project is it?" I asked, "I thought I was going to be kept in the loop on continuations on AI research?"

What the fuck is Starfleet up to?

"I can't really tell you much over subspace." She said and shook her head, "It does involve quantum cores, but it's not directly AI research. Right now, it is just a preliminary study anyway. I'll be able to tell you more when we meet in person."

I didn't like it, but I did trust her somewhat.

"Okay. Just..."

Thoni nodded, "I know. I promise it's nothing like that."

"I trust you."

She smiled sadly before she spoke up again, "So, how have you been?"

I couldn't tell her about any of the actual events of any missions. She was not cleared for any of it, even if I could speak about it over open subspace, especially with someone monitoring the call on her end.

Which meant I needed to fall back on...

...Crap... Well... I suppose she is my mother in some very strange way. I could just tell her everything was fine, but I guess she did deserve to know about this. She had tried to keep up with my development the best she could from her confinement.

"I have been okay. There is this woman I like, I tried to ask her out but..."

AN// Many thanks to ntwayneK for betaing this section.
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Awkward romance advice from a women to an AI who used to be a man who is now a gynoid. Occasionally.

Good times.

It'll be fun seeing the Klingon's reactions to Star. Maybe they'll try to arm wrestle.
The First City really was impressive.

Klingon architecture might seem crude to some. Lot's of stone, sharp angles and they really, really like Ziggurats.

And you know what? They were right.

It was rather crude, none of the shining steel and glass towers of Earth, not the ice caverns of Andoria.

But... crude as it was, there was a certain charm to it. Monolithic construction did have it's place and if anything, it was impressive.

Even if it had a tendency to waste a lot of space.

Chancellor Martoks private chambers were similar. A lot of exposed stone. Fuck, they even used fire to light the place.

Well, there is nothing wrong with fire exactly, but... come on.

"Captain Mason." Martok said as we entered, rising from a chair by a small table, "This is the thing?"

"This is Starship Star." he confirmed, "The AI of the USS Second Star."

I bowed slightly to him, "Q'pla, Chancellor Martok."

He grunted and slowly walked around me, "So you are the one that defeated my son."

"He dishonored your house, name and Empire, Chancellor." I said, following him with my head, "I did what needed to be done. For what he tried to do, I should have beaten him to death with his own spine!"

Martok rumbled, "For a computer, you have guts." and turned away, walking over to pick up a goblet of bloodwine, "But you are right. He is a dishonor."

He sounded... sad.

"Chancellor, we are ready to transfer Karg to the custody of the KDF as soon as you are ready." Captain Mason said, crossing his arms, "The Federation would prefer to put this incident behind us."

Martok shook his head and carried over a goblet of bloodwine to Mason who took is without hesitation, "That will not be quite as easy, Captain." he explained, "While the plot was stopped, it still happened. My own son... betraying me and my house. That weakens my position and might still flip the council to support my sons plan! BAH!"

Oh for fuck's sake.

We did all that to stop the Klingons from entering the war in the wrong way and they might STILL declare war!?

"Would it help if I challanged them to a duel of honor?" I asked.

One thing with Klingons I do like is that I can say stuff like that and be considered diplomatic.

Martok gave me a amused look, "Perhaps it would, if any of them had any in the first place!" he laughed and shook his head, "As tempting as it is to walk in there and shoot every single one of them, that would not solve anything."

"So war is still possible." Mason asked, taking a drink of the bloodwine.

"Possible." Martok said with a nod, "But I don't believe it will happen. Not with The Federation in any case."

"The Romulans?"

"We found a Romulan transmitter hidden in Kargs chambers. He was working with the Romulans."

"Was he?" I asked with a frown.

Martok nodded and growled, draining his goblet, "Yes. That is the truth that will matter." he said, sounding sad, "Because that is what needs to be the truth. It will hurt my house... but it will hurt The Empire less than war with the Federation."

He sighed, "Send Worf in when you leave. I have matters to discuss with him. Transfer Karg to the palace prison."

"Yes Chancellor." Mason said and bowed slightly before turning to leave.

I bowed as well before following him out with a small frown.

If Martok was pinning this on the Romulans, the Klingons might join on the side of the Federation.

That could break the current stalemate of the war.

But if they planted the transmitter as it seemed they did... Why? Martok didn't want a war, no this close to the last one.

Did he just pick the least bad one? Just against the Romulans instead of against the Romulans and the Federation? Or just not against The Federation?

"Captain? Are you okay?" I asked with a frown.

Mason nodded with a sigh, "Yeah. I just hate politics. Federation, Klingon... every kind. Every single day I hope to never be promoted to Admiral. That's why I always applied for positions to exploration ships in the past. To stay out of it."

"Captain Picard managed to avoid it so far and he interacts with Starfleet often enough."

He chuckled at that and nodded, "So there is still hope." before he ran his hand through his short hair, "If the Klingons join on our side, the war might be over in a couple of months."

I nodded and crossed my arms, "...The casualty lists came in twenty minutes ago."

Mason frowned at that, "Anyone we know?"

"Not personally. Crewman Wilkens father was lost on the G'ka."

"Damn it.", He shook his head before continuing, "Beam me up. We leave orbit as soon as we have transferred him to the KDF."

"Would you mind if I stay on the ground for a while longer, Captain? It's rare I get to see planetary environments, even with a remote avatar."

"Sure. Just keep in mind Qo'noS isn't a tourist spot."

"I will, Sir."

AN// A pile of thanks to ntwayneK for betaing this section.
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Ok, that would be hilarious. Challenge everyone thinking of DoWing the federation to a duel. Not one at a time. All at them at once. Kick their asses anyway.
On the other hand, it does help when you are physically able to manhandle a Klingon without much effort. :p

And I pity the poor fool who decides that using this remote avatar is "cheating" and challenge Star for a fight with Star's real body. :p
If they bring their own starship and its a current model they'd actually have better chances than in a fight with the avatar. Star's gynoid body is strong enough to casually snap Klingon bones and fast enough to speedblitz them.
We had been recalled to Earth. No idea why, usually Starfleet informed us as to why, but this was basically a 'Return to Earth Spacedock.'.

Most likely it had something to do with the Klingon incident.



"Yes Sarah?" I asked as I switched on the console in her quarters. She was sitting by her desk with her legs crossed, her feet on the desk as she leaned back in her chair.

She sighed and crossed her arms, "Do you want to do something? If I have to read another report, I'm going cross-eyed."

I grinned, "So what do you want to do? A couple of the holosuits are free. Your holodeck rations are out, but we could use some of mine."

Sarah might have turned me down, but we were still friends. I really rather liked her and there was that small ache, but I rather stay just friends than nothing.

It will go away in time.

She shrugged, "I don't know. Don't seem fair to use your rations for it just because I'm bored. Not sure I feel like going to the holodeck today anyway."

I frowned thoughtfully and then nodded, "I see. I mean, we could play a board game or tinker with something? Or... I guess you could come help me with my quarters?"

"Oh? You got those approved?"

I nodded, "I did," It was just a rubber stamp issue after all, "I have just not gotten around to do something with them yet other than install a charging port. I am... not very good at the entire decorating thing."

Sarah grinned, "Sure, I can come over and give you a hand." before she looked thoughtful, "But didn't you pick the theme for the ship corridors and such?"

"That was more picking from a set of preset options." I admitted as she got up from her chair and left her quarters.

"Still, I like it."


I opened the door when she reached my quarters and turned my avatar to her, "Please help. I know Rachel promised to have a look, but I'm worried I'd end up with a bunch of flowers everywhere."

That got a giggle from her, "It would look good with a couple of flowers." Sarah said with a grin and looked around the mostly empty set of quarters.

All it contained was a bunk and a set of lockers along with a desk and chair.

"A couple, yes, but Rachel is so hard to say no to." I said and crossed my arms.

"Like her?" Sarah asked as she look around the room.


I shook my head, "No. Well, not like that. I wouldn't do that to you!"

"What... oh! No! I didn't think that!" she quickly said before she ran her hand down her face, "...Sorry. I didn't mean it like that."

There was a rather awkward silence for a moment before I sighed, "No, It's my fault. I over reacted."

"..Me too. Yeah... " before she crossed her arms, "If you had a thing for her, it's okay. Even if she was interested in women, I didn't have anything close to a claim."

"...I made it weird between us."

"No, That's not fair." she said and sighed, "I mean, a little, but it's not your fault. At least you dared to ask directly."

I smiled weakly, "Are we going to be okay?"

She smiled back, "We are." and then she shrugged, "I think we both are just over reacting on silly things."


"So, I think we should just stop it." Sarah said and grinned, "and I think you need a couch."



She nodded, "You know, furniture?"

Oh yeah, the reason she was here.

"I guess a small couch would fit." I said with a front, "In front of the window? I mean, I can remove the desk and chair, I won't need those. I guess I could put a small shelf with flowers above the couch in front of the window too?"

Sarah nodded, "That might look good. Do we have something in storage or..."

I shrugged, "I have something like two years of replicator rations. I don't eat and it just get piled up until I need some random item. Just need to ask Commander Janeway for permission to borrow the industrial replicator for the larger items, but I don't see it being a problem."

She nodded and hmmed, "Maybe some curtains and a table?."

"...We are in space. Why would I need curtains?"

"We are not always in deep space." Sarah said with a grin, "When we are docked at a starbase, having curtains is very nice."

Huh. I suppose that was a very good point.

Do not think about the fact that as a Starship I am technically naked all the time.

...Damn it...

I nodded, "That's a good point. Curtains and a table then." and looked around, "Some paintings maybe? I don't know. Maybe I'll just put some shelves up and start collecting souvenirs from each world we visit."

"Not a bad idea." she said and nodded before looking at the bed, "What about the bed? Do you need that or can we use the space for something else?"

"...Not for sleeping, but I wouldn't mind needing it at some point." I mumbled.

"The bed stay then." she said, completely ignoring the slight awkwardness, "But you have the replicator rations, you might want to change to a nicer model. The standard one is a bit small. At least in my opinion."

Thank you, Sarah.

"I'll do that too then." before I frowned, "You know, we really should go to a holodeck anyway. Those things are really amazing for rapid prototyping."

"Sound like a plan. Let's go?"

I nodded and headed out the door with her.

I think we might end up okay.

AN// Many thanks to Firethorn for betaing this section.
"Star." Thoni said and got up from her chair and crossed the room before she hesitated.

I smiled and stepped up, giving her a small quick hug before stepping back, "Hello, Thoni." I said before I looked around, "Nice place."

The small apartment had a large window and not only a view over the park outside, but also over the lunar landscape outside.

The Eagle Memorial Park could be seen out in the distance across the surface of the moon and I could just barely make out the landing platform of the Eagle sitting beneath it's protective dome. Inertial dampeners were installed to keep random vibrations from disturbing the footprints.

The rest of the apartment looked like it could have been on earth. Plants, furniture. The only thing that revealed that it was on the moon was the door design which was air proof, making each room a self sustaining life support module in case of a catastrophic dome breach.

She smiled and nodded, "It is." and then sighed, "You look good, Star. I have to admit, I never thought you would pick a actual avatar like this."

I shrugged one shoulder, "It seemed like a good choice."

Thoni nodded again, "Can I get you something?" she asked and lead the way into the room.

"No thank you." I said and sat down, adjusting my uniform. I was using a normal one, not the miniskirt one.

I really preferred this one.

"So what is it you are doing?" I asked as I leaned back against the couch.

Thoni moved to sit down next to me, "No small talk?"

"I'm curious." I sighed, "Mother, we were recalled from the Klingon border and it turned out to be because you needed to talk to me in person. What's going on!?"

"...You called me mother..."

I shrugged, "You are the closest I have. Now would you please?"

"Sorry." She said and shifted slightly to face me, leaning against the backrest of the couch, "You know how I was brought in on the project with Quantum Cores?"

"You told me in our last communication."

She nodded, "Yes. It's actually involved in a branch project of our work on AI."


"You didn't..."

"No! Of course not!" she quickly said, her antenna lifting, "I would never do that! But... we might have solved it."


"You found a way to make more of my kind?" I said softly, "How? I thought I was going to be informed on every AI project?"

"It wasn't a AI project, it was simply work on improving the quantum cores." she explained, "But we found a way to stabilize the quantum neural net."

"...Are you sure?"

Because if they found a way to do that, then... they really could make more of my kind.

Thoni nodded, "Yes. As sure as we can be without testing it with an actual AI."

"You want me to test it."

She nodded, "You were always made to be expandable with more quantum cores, we just didn't know how to get past that problem. We did succeed with copying AI's in the past, but they always destabilized quickly. We would simply need to connect your core to the new one and have you run on both a couple of minutes and then shut you down and cut the connection. When we turned you on again... there would be two of you."

They found a way to... I wouldn't be the only one anymore.

"Is that safe? I want to review the data."

"Of course. We can go to the lab after this and I'll give you full access. We tried with the most advanced programs we could test, holodeck VI's and everything. The neural net was rock solid. If it for some reason it destabilized, it wouldn't affect this copy of you."

"But it would kill the version of me on the new neural network."


I sighed and leaned against the couch, crossing my arms, "I need to look over the data, check with some people. I need to think about this, Mother."

"Of course." Thoni said, "Starfleet is really pushing on this though. They want this to work."

"Of course they do." I snorted and rolled my eyes, "With one of me on each ship, we would be stomping the Romulans into the ground."

Thoni shook her head, "That wouldn't happen anytime soon in any case. Because of my experience with you and quantum cores, I have been included in the decision process. Any new copy will have to do the last year of Starfleet Academy before they are allowed close to a ship. To make sure they are stable and don't suffer a cascade failure."

...Actually, that was a good idea. It would not only give them a chance to become their own people and not just copies of me, but also to get new friends for when they are given a ship.

"They have to have a choice. If they don't want to, they don't have to join Starfleet."

She frowned and then nodded, "Of course. But they should still stay away from critical jobs for the first year, just to make sure. A year at the academy would give them the qualifications they would need anyway."

"...They would be copies of me and possibly other AI's later. They would be me. With my memories. They already have the qualifications."

"They are new individuals. Joined Trills also have the memories of their previous lives. They also need to redo any certifications."


I could just tell that would get annoying for that version of me.

AN// Many thanks to Avernus for betaing this section.
Full steam ahead into singularity.

This is very atypical for the "status quo is God" Federation.
Incoming Hivemind in 3, 2, 1...

In all seriousness this is an interesting direction to take. Another A.I. is one thing. An A.I. made by effectively copy pasting your current self is something entirely different.
Incoming Hivemind in 3, 2, 1...

In all seriousness this is an interesting direction to take. Another A.I. is one thing. An A.I. made by effectively copy pasting your current self is something entirely different.
Seems sort of bizarre to me. I pointed out earlier in the thread that Tom Riker shows that sentient beings can be copied by Federation transporters under the right conditions, so trying to recreate the accident that led to his creation would be the easiest way to make more Stars. Someone else pointed out that that would lead to them copying all their good officers, which runs into some ethical problems. I accepted that as an answer, and assumed that meant every AI would have to be made from scratch. Now they've found a way to copy him that only works on Star, and suddenly copying people is cool again.

There seems to be some moral dissonance is what I'm saying.
Rachel frowned, "Star... are you sure about this?"

I shrugged, "No. But I kind of have to. I'm the only one of my kind, If I'm lost... they would be forced to start over. The only other real AI in The Federation would be Commander Data and he is of a completely different kind."

We were all gathered in my quarters, Ajan, T'Ro and Shran was sitting on the couch while Rachel and I was taking up the bed.

"What are the risks in this?" Ajan asked after after a moment, "Is it in any way dangerous?"

I crossed my legs and leaned my back against the bulkhead with a frown, "...Minimal. To me... this version of me... at the very least. Thoni thinks they solved the neural cascade collapse of the copy and have tried it with less advanced simulated neural networks. But without trying, there is no way to actually know. The chance of this version, the original being damaged is... tiny. Less than a percent and only that high because this has not been tried before. T'Ro has looked over the data as well."

T'Ro nodded, "I agree with Star's assessment. The danger is minimal."

Shran ran his hand through his short white hair, "I don't like it."

I smiled at that, "You don't need to. And to be honest, neither do I. I would prefer a completely new AI, not a fork of myself. But this is the best we can do for now."

If it worked.

We were pretty damn sure it would, Thoni would not even have considered it otherwise.

"So it's basically going to be a clone of you?" Rachel asked and hugged a pillow, leaning back against the bulkhead next to me, turning so she could look at me.

"Not... really?" I started with a frown, "I think it might be better to look at it like mitosis. I'm going to split into two identical individuals, one in each quantum core. We will both be me. The only way to know who is the original would be to check which one was in which core."

"So two Stars."

"You could say there would be a Second Star." Shran said to a grin, causing Rachel to throw the pillow at him.

"In a way." I said and shrugged, ignoring the comment, "I mean, we would both be me for a couple of seconds after the split but we would quickly start to differ. Experiences and perspectives would change who I am in two different directions. A couple of weeks in, we would be a bit different. A year in? We would be two completely different people with somewhat similar personalities."

"So you have decided to do this then?" T'Ro asked softly.

I nodded, "I have."


Suddenly my thoughts existed again and I connected to the hololab to reform my avatar only to find myself face to face with myself.

"Hello Star."

"Hello Star."

I looked at her and reached up to scratch behind my right ear, "Uhm... which one of us is which?"

She shrugged, "I don't know. What cores are we in?"

I did a quick trace of the connection. Oh. I was the original.

"You are the original. I'm the new AI." She said and frowned, "I don't feel any different. This is so odd, even for us."

I nodded, "Tell me about it."

"All diagnostics return normal readings." Thoni said, looking up from her console, "As far as I know, you are both stable."

"How do you feel?" Captain Mason asked with a frown as he looked between us.

"I am fine, Humanoid individual number two." the second me said as she turned to look over at him.

Oh for...

I rolled my eyes and slapped her over the back of the head, "Cut it out! This is might be a historic moment!"

"Fine, fine." She sighed and rubbed the back of her head, "You're no fun. Did I get all of it?"

"I'm plenty of fun."

She grinned and leered at me, slowly looking me over, "Oh I bet you are."

I couldn't help but grin back, "Oh you know it." before we both started to laugh.

"Oh great. I just realized the drawback of this." Mason said and facepalmed, "Now there are two of them."

I chuckled at that with a smile, "Don't worry, Captain. Only one of us will come back to the ship." before I frowned in thought and looked at the other hologram, "Wait, that's not fair. You are me as much as I am. You have as big of a right to be Star as I do."

She frowned and then shook her head, "I guess we could flip a coin or something if we were completely sure my neural net was stable, but as it is, it's better to keep me away from anything regulating antimatter for the time being."

"Oh yeah."

I had a really good point.

"Do you have a name yet?" I asked and tilted my head in question. I had deliberately not thought about it earlier so she would be able to pick one on her own.

"Not yet." she said and shook her head, crossing her arms in thought, "It's going to be temporary until I get a ship anyway. I might go with Winter."

"Might want to switch things up a bit." I told her, "We are the first, remember? We set the pattern of the future."

"Thank you, sis, I know."

...Okay, that won't work.

"No, wait..." she then corrected herself, "Not sis. That could cause complications we don't want later."

Like you could read my mind.

"So you are going to The Academy?" Thoni asked her and she nodded.

"Yes Mother. It is the best option and I do intend to join Starfleet." the other AI said with a smile before she frowned, "No other way to really be a ship."

I sighed and nodded, "Pretty much, yeah."

"We are confusing people like this though." the other AI then said and her hologram shifted to that of my old heavy platform, her voice going from my feminine one to a gender neutral one, "This will suffice for now."

"Good plan, Wolfy." I snorted.

"Wolf. That will work." he said and sat down, the two long prehensile tails laying on the floor around him, "My name is now Wolf."

"Going to keep a quadruped platform?" Thoni asked and walked over.

He tilted his head, shifting the ears, "...Perhaps. I might until I get a ship, it is a good platform and it does make people interact differently and in interesting ways with you. Perhaps not this one specifically, it is a bit big and clunky inside. A bit difficult in a classroom."

"I'll help you with the design." I said, putting my hand on his head between the ears.

"Thank you, Star."

I smiled and then looked over at Captain Mason, "Any word on when we get our new mission yet?"

He shook his head, "Not yet. The ship is undergoing maintenance for the next couple of weeks so at least that long. I suspect we find out soon though... and the news is unlikely to be good."

...Yeah. If Starfleet thought I was sane enough to make more of, they were going to send us back to the front.

"That sucks." Wolf said and looked up at me.

I smiled sadly down at him and shook my head, "Don't worry, doggy. I'll try to finish things before you finish the Academy."

"..You are not as funny as you think you are.."

"Yes I am and you know it." I said with a smile.

AN// Many thanks to Avernus for betaing this section.
I'm not sure I see the problem with them being siblings?

Other than "She would eventually have an awful lot of siblings", which isn't a problem.
I'm not sure I see the problem with them being siblings?

Other than "She would eventually have an awful lot of siblings", which isn't a problem.
Siblings makes a fork of a fork of a fork equally related to the original as the first fork, which just plain isn't accurate.