10:15 PM
Another meeting with familiar faces, wrinkled and ageing as they are, discussions are slower and calmer, years weighing on everyone here. It takes a bit of time, but finally, an action plan is concocted and set into motion, letting everyone disperse.
Next Generation Space Habitation and Industry-150PF+20 (Private Investment)+30 (European Union Grants)
Roll=8 (Critical Success)
The initial broad-spectrum foray into the matter is fairly eventful, general technologies developed, space-suits that are more form-fitting, designing habitats to incorporate constantly rotating sections, simple exercise regimens and drugs to take. It is only when European grants come in that this project acquires a peculiar success.
The grants are given to projects based on arcane criteria by the Union, however, most of it seems to land directly on the laps of drone programmers and space-resistant computing designers.
In a few years, vast strides are made in the field, developing more and more intelligent AI's and computers to house them until the entirety of space is revolutionized, drone-piloted mining vessels able to carefully manoeuvre asteroids far more precisely, only watched by a technician rather than a team of them, asteroid miners being funnelled towards the newly built Lunar colony. The sheer success was only possible due to the cooperation of both the National Science Association and private teams.
This cascades into a dozen other fields as factories are far more easily automated and every household computer seems to hold a new Intelligent Assistant.
Finally, the military effects are cascading, with the intelligence displayed by the AI, drone warfare becomes incredibly viable and sees spreading adoption across PMC's as a cost-saving measure.
Advanced AI was created with European Union aid, compounding critical on both sides.
General Improvements to Space Habitation also acquired, zero-gee health issues mitigated.
Orbital Industry Profit Factor Increased by 30.
Civilian Product Sale Profit Factor Increased by 20.
Military Product Sale Profit Factor Increased by 15.
Earth-based Space Training Facilities-150PF+30 (European Union Grants)
Roll=50 (Critical Success)
This new decade seems full of developments, as the idea of training individuals on Earth balloons into a far more successful operation than intended. With the promise of space-job certification, many millions quickly funnel into facilities, causing a great expansion of efforts, quickly growing into a vaster and vaster organization until finally, "Space Universities" are pushing out tens of thousands of graduates a semester each, all entering the rapidly growing sector of lunar colonization.
The European Union seems particularly fond of this, offering hundreds of thousands of scholarships to its own citizens and even extending military service benefits to cover it.
Space is being flooded with personnel, all trained to a similar standard of service. The lunar population expands massively.
Pro-Corporate Media Manipulation-100PF-50 (European Union Pro-Nationalist Rhetoric)+30 (European Union Grants)
Roll=91 (Failure)
The media corporations attempt to start a new series of ads, statements and movements towards the glory of space travel and the can-do attitude of going out there yourself and carving out a place in the universe.
However, this encounters several issues, first of all, no one agrees on how exactly to spin it, then a new story about a colossal brawl between the Legion and terrorists takes over the news for a few months, afterwards, upon returning to the issue at hand, no one has any real idea how to pick it back up naturally.
Even with those drawbacks, a plan of action was forged and set into motion, only to run directly into state news espousing directly opposing messages in Europe, globally espousing them at that.
All told, very little progress is made, and in some ways, the enthusiasm for space is reduced, though the lunar colony more than makes up for it.
Action failed, nearly reduced Lunar immigration rate, having a moon colony overcame it.
Lunar Colony-100PF+100 (European Union Co-Colonization Efforts)
Roll=1 (Okay then)
The Lunar City forms quite rapidly, the combined efforts of training hundreds of thousands of trained personnel at once, developing space-safety and artificial intelligence as well as the frankly absurd amount of effort the European Union puts into building a military base and shipbuilding centre on the moon, giving all those people immediate jobs causes the population to skyrocket.
It goes from a collection of vacuum-proof huts in a dip on the lunar surface to a three-kilometre wide city in the span of five years, construction methodologies adapted, local materials used and incredible amounts of practical experience collected.
The Unions shipyard sees completion in roughly the same time, a colossal space, capable of fitting the largest habitats in its maw of construction equipment inset in a canyon, the primary source of jobs other than mining and construction.
Luna colonized, the dice gods demanded this.
New Income Source Acquired.
Civilian Product Sale-70PF
Military Product Sale-30PF
Orbital Industry-50PF
North America
The Legion, sitting in disuse, sees fit to engage the North American Terror Cells before they can properly assault anything, earning their pay. Using European Union and Corporate intelligence, they hone in on command centres and engage opponents all across the continent in violent police actions that see tens of thousands dead. Mostly civilian.
At the end of it all, the Terror Cells have been forced into hiding once more with minimal damage to the Legion, and your control of media stops this from developing into a scandal.
South America
Experiencing the greatest economic boom it has ever had, South America is a heavily urbanizing continent, increasing in wealth, happiness and development.
This is causing some worry about the food supply of the world, but for now, it is stable.
In the broadest terms, Europe has officially become the sovereigns of the planet in the eyes of everyone else. The only stable governments, the greatest happiness of citizens, the largest militaries, the world looks to the continent once more with eyes of wonder.
Be that as it may, internally, the Union seems far more worried. Military actions are spreading throughout it, practicing and drilling whilst tremendous amounts of money seems to disappear into "black projects", worrying your agents intensely, any questions about these projects are met with threats of investigation and firing.
The other event is the lockdown of all observatories, telescopes and any other long-range space-observation tools in European land. There is something up there they don't want their people to see?
The industrial explosion from the development of carbon nanotubes continues as Asia continues to be the leader in materials sciences globally. Following the development of advanced AI's, independent researchers banded together with the unifying goal of putting them to use.
With their silicon minds used in conjunction with creative biological ones, vast strides are made in the fields of myomer-robotics. Robotic arms in factories are replaced with cheaper, smoother and easier to maintain myomer-limbs as the technology is put to immediate use.
Talk of militarizing this remains, but no one has pushed the matter just yet.
In Africa, the first all-Drone PMC's are deployed, corporations hiring people from all across the world to pilot aircraft and ground-craft from the comfort of their homes in the African War-Zones with the intent of enforcing peace.
Paid as if they were an office worker, the job is cheap, easily trained in and has revolutionized warfare. Now remote controlled tanks, aircraft and ships ply the rivers in Africa, annihilating enemy forces with no risk whatsoever to trained personnel. A new era in warfare has come, a cheaper, deathless era.
The invention of AI's has led to amassed mining efforts taking place, the drones are able to perfectly calculate the distance and speed of each asteroid to not interfere with any other mining endeavour earth-side. But otherwise, the spaceways are much the same, except for the constant stream of rockets going Earth-Luna.
Lunar City is a massive thing, drilling deep into the moon itself for safety from regolith, it currently houses just under half a million people, most of them working to mine valuable minerals, crack oxygen and grow plants in its enormity.
Breaches are a daily reality, deaths occur on the regular and few people are safe, however, there are always more immigrants to replace the dead.
The Union Space Vessel Yard is a curious sight, lying unused but teeming with workers in its bowels, affecting minor repairs and maintenance as they await orders.
Profit Factor-755-25 If Ascalon is kept, -30 if Légion is kept.
What even was this turn? I have no idea, the rolls were insane and it went somewhat off the rails for a bit.
Now I have to write all of the new mechanics for drone armies.
And also the Union is acting freaky.
As always, congratulations on your successes and better luck next time on your failures.
Feel free to ask for clarification on whatever you need, I did sort of spit this one out fast.