Sci-Fi Blood of a Warrior (A Battletech Quest)

Blood of a Warrior (A Battletech Clan Quest)
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Welcome to Blood of a Warrior: A Battletech quest set in the pre-invasion clan homeworlds.

For over two hundred and fifty years the descendants of the Star League Defence Force, who left the Inner Sphere rather than help burn it down in the fires of the Succession Wars, have lived in the seclusion of the deep periphery. Here under the guidance of the Great General Aleksandr Kerensky's son, Nikolas Kerensky Founder of the Clans, they have built a new society dedicated to erasing the divisions and weaknesses of the great houses that destroyed the dream of Humanity united under the Star League.

Divided into twenty Clans , they have adopted a caste system that places the military in control, and dedicated to the axiom that 'might makes right'. Social standing and rank amongst this warrior elite is determined by prowess in combat, decided by live fire trials. The Clans have made shaping themselves into the greatest fighting force the galaxy has ever known their one and only priority. To this end they have constructed a rigorous eugenics program that produces individuals who will be trained from birth to fight and die for the glory and honour of their Clan. Any who falter in meeting these exacting standards are relegated to a lower caste.
This is where you come in, you are a trueborn (the Clan term for someone who has been born from their artificial iron wombs) who has been born at a key turning point of Clan society. Since the turn of the millennium a fierce debate has raged amongst the clan councils between the factions of; Crusaders who believe they should invade the war torn nations of the Inner sphere to finally return humanity to the peace of the Star League under the leadership of the Clans, and the Wardens who believe it their place to stand watch and guard the the rest of Humanity from any exterior threats. Reconnaissance missions have been sent to better understand their long lost cousins, and plans are in motion. Soon events will come to a head, and you will be placed in the middle of the war to come.

Oh and big stompy battle mechs, there will be big stompy battle mechs as well.

This quest will use the Battletech: A Time of War roleplaying game as it's mechanical foundation.

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