I've heard of him. I just don't think trying to emulate someone who tries to swordfight with his mouth is a good idea.
Ditto trying to emulate Killer B.
Going from bad planning to actual stupidity is hardly a step up.
Zoro's bullshit works in One Piece because it's One Piece. This isn't One Piece, this is Bleach. The intentionally absurd and impractical style from a completely different franchise is a horrible thing to try and emulate in combat.
Holding a third sword in your mouth is valid if you need to carry it but your hands are full with other things (and you don't have a sheath like a normal sane person). Actually trying to fight with the sword in your mouth is just really dumb.
Because my thoughts keep circling back to this I'm gonna talk some more about it and hope that if I do it'll stop bothering me.
Okay so the thing with triple wielding is it... can't be done by humans. Like straight up, we don't have enough prehensile appendages to support it. And if you're trying to wield a weapon
without a prehensile appendage you've either physically strapped it to one of your limbs or you're just an idiot (although those aren't mutually exclusive possibilities).
"But Zoro holds a sword in his mouth," you say. "Zoro is notable for somehow making that work despite it being basically impossible to do so," I reply.
See, if you don't have a prehensile tongue, there's no way to adjust your grip or angle with the thing. So it's basically strapped in place for all the positioning variance it has, except you have to continuously strain your jaw muscles clamping down on it. Also it'll jar like a bitch whenever you actually hit something with it because teeth are not designed for shock absorption.
But what kind of sword are you using? A katana, you say? Well, that sucks for you, because katanas are slashing weapons, and unless your head is mounted on a 360 swivel, you straight up don't have the range of motion in your neck to make use of it. And if you try to turn with the rest of your body, you're interfering with your
other two swords to make what will always be a subpar slash, in addition to telegraphing your everything. (Or you could try spinning like a top or something, but if you willingly present your back to an opponent like that you
deserve whatever happens to you.)
What about a stabbing weapon? Well, stabbing weapons have to have thrust behind them, but since you're holding the sword in you mouth it's sticking off to the side, so the only way you're gonna
get that thrust is by leaning sideways, which runs into the telegraphing issue above and really wouldn't be that strong anyway.
Why does telegraphing matter? Because while it may be easy to miss behind all the biggatons and bullshit, combatants in Bleach generally know what they're about. Late series Ichigo would absolutely
destroy early Ichigo, even if they were put on even grounds biggatons wise, because he has more skill and experience. And honestly, compared to almost literally everyone else? Ichigo's technique ain't great.
So, big flashing neon signs that tell the other guy what you're trying to do are something you want to avoid, which rules out using your entire upper body to wield a mouth-sword, which
in turn rules out having the power behind your hits to do anything with it.
I am completely serious when I say that Killer B, the guy in the Naruto pic from a page or so back, would be a batter choice to emulate for the purposes of multi-weapon fighting than Roronoa Zoro. B's fighting style may be ridiculous and impractical, but unlike Zoro's it's
not as ridiculous and impractical as it looks at first, due to the fact that once he starts, most or all of his weapons are flying through the air at any given moment. Combat juggling is still really dumb as a fighting style, but at least it's not physically impossible to pull off.
TL;DR: Holding your sword in your mouth and trying to fight like that is
really freaking stupid and you should never ever do it. If you want more than two swords, either accept that numbers three and up are backups for the first two, learn to juggle
really good, or get some swords that can fly so you can use them hands free.