Bleach: Derailed

Could you two, especially you DarkKing, just stop that? If you have nothing that could be considering polite, then just don't write anything. I wouldn't surprised if some voters were contrary just to not be associated with your preferences.

Try to be constructive with your posts, please. DarkKing, you gave an apology that mentioned you have a problem with being aggressive with your arguments and that you are aware of it. Don't lean on that excuse. It gets tiresome after the second time it's used.
...I thought the :V symbol was to show someone is joking.

Have I been using it wrong this whole time?
Could you two, especially you DarkKing, just stop that? If you have nothing that could be considering polite, then just don't write anything. I wouldn't surprised if some voters were contrary just to not be associated with your preferences.

Try to be constructive with your posts, please. DarkKing, you gave an apology that mentioned you have a problem with being aggressive with your arguments and that you are aware of it. Don't lean on that excuse. It gets tiresome after the second time it's used.
Uh, the :V is indicative of dry humor or sarcasm and such.

Like, it's the symbol that indicates one is joking, for people who don't want to use the :D:lol:rofl::):evil::p symbols.

I don't know what you're on about.
Uh, the :V is indicative of dry humor or sarcasm and such.

Like, it's the symbol that indicates one is joking, for people who don't want to use the :D:lol:rofl::):evil::p symbols.

I don't know what you're on about.
I think I've left such a bad impression he can't tell I'm joking.


Edit: Sorry for getting you yelled at chocolate.
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There are 142 total votes, but this is what the vote looks like if I discount everyone who isn't voting properly. No write ins, and please don't leave your vote incomplete.
##### NetTally 1.9.9

[66] Let Zangetsu stay released
[63] Keep Zangetsu unreleased

[84] Admit you have it if asked
[21] You can tell your friends
[24] Only tell Kukaku about it

Total No. of Voters: 129
Okay, since no-one has done it yet, best guess analysis of previews.

[] Let Zangetsu stay released
-"told you, Takako, doubt is a waste of time. I just have to look at what I need to do, and do

Takako warning Ichigo about something and him ignoring it. Bad option.

Do you want to make bestfriendTakako cry? You monsters.

[] Keep Zangetsu unreleased
-"actually wondering how you reduce the size of your zanpakuto. I'm trying to look a bit less

Possibly hint as to improving chakra control and managing the size of his sword.

He has mentioned it's somewhat awkward getting through doors atm, so just for basic quality of life that'd be nice.

[] Admit you have it if asked
-"special training. If you're going loud, then you need to go loud."

...okay, don't have much of a clue here.

[] You can tell your friends
-"You're letting anticipation build." Kukaku guesses. "Making them curious, invested in

Kukaku guessing we're trying to start a Gotei 13 bidding war over Ichigo when he graduates. I mean, freedom of choice would be nice.

[] Only tell Kukaku about it
-"on in the Gotei Thirteen." Kukaku says. "And my cousin isn't going to be the one caught off

Kukaku defs believes he's related now, and presumably does in all options, which is good.

Beyond that maybe something about being cautious of the Gotei 13? Kukaku not the fondest of them.
Okay, since no-one has done it yet, best guess analysis of previews.

Takako warning Ichigo about something and him ignoring it. Bad option.

Do you want to make bestfriendTakako cry? You monsters.

Possibly hint as to improving chakra control and managing the size of his sword.

He has mentioned it's somewhat awkward getting through doors atm, so just for basic quality of life that'd be nice.

...okay, don't have much of a clue here.

Kukaku guessing we're trying to start a Gotei 13 bidding war over Ichigo when he graduates. I mean, freedom of choice would be nice.

Kukaku defs believes he's related now, and presumably does in all options, which is good.

Beyond that maybe something about being cautious of the Gotei 13? Kukaku not the fondest of them.

Actually, that first part is bullshit.

If I remember correctly, a couple of updates ago, Takako showed doubt that Ichigo will be able to graduate within a year, or become succesful despite rejecting a captain's(Gin's) sponsorship, or something.

Ichigo answered by telling her that he can't afford to doubt himself. He wants to do it, so he'll DO it. Period. Full stop. No other option is allowed.

If we choose to have our Shikai released, she'll recognize that we managed to obtain it in a spectacularly short time, because she's spent a lot of time around us, and knows what our Zanpakutou normally looks like. That's especially true if we combine it with the "Answer" option, because it'll have Ichigo confirm it. In the preview, Ichigo reminds Takako(probably after an outburst of disbelief and questions from her), that he can't afford to half-ass things, or let doubt stop him. He wanted to get Shikai, so he DID. He wants to graduate within a year, without a captain helping him but also demanding things in return, so he WILL. Period. Doubt and hesitation is a waste of time.
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Adhoc vote count started by SouvikKundu on Sep 3, 2017 at 3:50 PM, finished with 2864 posts and 143 votes.
Ichigo answered by telling her that he can't afford to doubt himself. He wants to do it, so he'll DO it. Period. Full stop. No other option is allowed.

Remember Zangetsu's motto. Don't let fear or doubt, cloud your path, move forward.

Sounds like a good thing to live by.

And he isn't. Either way he's successfully achieved shikai.

He's graduating at the end of the year no matter what we do, and since that's the case we can avoid ruffling feathers pointlessly.

There's a difference between not holding back and getting in people's faces. Ichigo has got no issue knocking someone down if they try and cause trouble with him, but he doesn't try and start things himself.


don't make Takako sad

you monsters
Takako warning Ichigo about something and him ignoring it. Bad option.

Do you want to make bestfriendTakako cry? You monsters.
That isn't my read of it. It sounds more like:
"How did you get shikai so fast? That's impossible!"
"I told you, Takako, doubt is a waste of time. I just have to look at what I need to do, and do it!"
Oh shit, did I somehow not vote?

[X] Keep Zangetsu unreleased
[X] Only tell Kukaku about it

Unreleased rather than released, because:
  1. The [RELEASED] teaser doesn't seem to indicate anything new, just a reaffirmation of Ichigo's 'don't doubt, DO' mindset, which I don't feel would really benefit from further doubling down, ala level grinding at max level (not really but the analogy's good enough to make my point I think).
  2. Conversely, [UNRELEASED]'s teaser seems to explicitly reference Ichigo going harder on Spirit Pressure/Reiatsu/Power Level control lessons, and as that's in line with my hope he'll become a master Kido user/sword wizard.
  3. Less catching HUGE SWORD on doorways, which was already acknowledged as a thing, and cool guy impact or no I have to figure it's annoying to keep catching you shit on shit - and hence think Ichigo'd prefer to stop that.
  4. Hopefully fasttracking Ichigo learning one of the most important absolute lessons of ghost-stuff; when two spirit masses clash, the one with the higher density at the point of clash pretty much always wins. It'd be fun to see 'cut through their sword' be Ichigo's MO in combat over 'jesus christ so much power keeps seeping out of him'.
Only tell Kukaku, because:
  1. It's got the explicit protective-of-family angle in the teaser, and relative to Kukaku my goal is to get as much family stuff going as possible, over anything else.
  2. This option plus the unreleased option appear to point at Ichigo getting more informed prior to going louder on X, Y or Z - and so far learning more about shit a priori's been pretty helpful for Ichigo (Learning about his pop's lineage and then going to the clan itself for it).
I won't claim it's the one true option, but I would claim that it looks like the most Shiba-family-centric option, as well as the option most in line with the Kido master outcome, both of which I value highly.