BlazBlue: Fracture (OOC/Interest Check)


It is the the 25 of December 2199. It is five days until the fated end of the world. For time immemorial, you have watched this sorry little play continue again and again and again.

Enough is enough. Rachel is not the only one who possesses the power to Observe.

This is a BlazBlue RP where players will be controlling, in essence, two characters, a character in setting, and a Observer who has chosen to watch over them. Your character has entered the Hierarchical City of Kagutsuchi within the last few days. perhaps your on business, perhaps your hunting the SS-Class Criminal Ragna the Bloodedge. Perhaps you are simply in the wrong place at the right time.

You objective, however, remains the same.

On new years day, 2200, the world ends. Time is set back 100 years, and this tragedy resumes.

Prevent it. Enough is enough.

Takamagahara can simply rot in hell.

The following rules are in effect:-
  • All standard site rules apply.
  • In the event where a situation requires opposition between two characters, a dice roll will be used with a success system, garnering 1 success for each 10 rolled below the target DC. This will be explained in depth later as necessary. Each letter grade represents a threshold of 10, therefore, E = 10, B = 40, S = 60.
  • Godmodding will not be tolerated. You have been warned. Cheating, likewise, will not be tolerated. There is no strikes system. Doing either will call Hakuman on your location and you will simply die.
  • A minimum standard of knowledge on BlazBlue is expected. If you are unaware of what a term means, ASK. That's what I'm here for.
  • A minimum standard of writing is expected. In general, if I can't read it and discern the correct meaning, then it is not good enough. As this is a RP, direct writing is preferred. If you have actions you wish to keep from the other players, bring it up with me beforehand.
  • Any player who is temporarily unable to post, either in this thread or in the forum in general, for a period longer then 3 days, is considered to have surrendered their spot in this RP. Any user who, for whatever reason, brings down the mods unduly in this thread are likewise considered to have surrendered their spot in this RP.
With all the nasty stuff out of the way, the following is the minimum standard I require in a character sheet. You do not submit a sheet for your Observer, your Observer, in order to maintain the power to Observe, will never directly interact with the characters.

Race: Human or Beastkin. If Beastkin, please specify which race you are crossed with.

Drive: Please describe in as much detail as possible. A Drive is a special power granted to your character based on Personality and closeness to the Azure. Remember, Drive's relating to Time are completely prohibited, this is solely the domain of Observer's.
Overdrive: A Overdrive is effectively a Super Mode. Again, please describe in as much detail as possible, again, Time powers are completely off limits.

Strength: E-S
Agility: E-S
Endurance: E-S
Ars Aptitude: E-S
Luck: E-S

Known Ars:



Current Occupation:

Other Relevant Information:

All categories except 'Other Relevant Information' are mandatory.

If you wish to start with a Nox Nyctores, you may. However, it must be a 11th or later Nox Nyctores; meaning it was recently created. The original 10 Nox Nyctores are NOT available for player use.

You may play a canon character with permission. Yes, this includes a Murakumo unit. Ask me in a PM.

No. You may not start with Burning Red. In fact, don't make any attempt to attain it. Burning Red is a level of hax that is simply going to get a 'lolno' in response.

Please let me know if you are interested.

Thank you.
Name: Lucuis cClvina
Age: 25
Height: 180 Centimetres
Weight: 74 KG
Race: Human

Drive: Art is a blast!
Using his unstable magic Lucius is able to create 5 energy orbs that look like miniature suns, with a thought and wave of his hand he can direct the spheres to fly away at targeted enemys, attacking and striking in any direction he chooses.

When an orb touches an opponent, it burns badly enough to leave part of ones body mummfied, and if hit enough the enemy body will become a completely mummified husk.

But this is after 3 mintutes of charge up until it reaches that stage, until it does there just orbs of fire.

Need some explation on what a drive is and Ars, I only just started getting into Blazbue.

Strength: E-S
Agility: E-S
Endurance: E-S
Ars Aptitude: E-S
Luck: E-S

Known Ars:



Current Occupation:

Other Relevant Information:
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Any player who is temporarily unable to post, either in this thread or in the forum in general, for a period longer then 3 days, is considered to have surrendered their spot in this RP. Any user who, for whatever reason, brings down the mods unduly in this thread are likewise considered to have surrendered their spot in this RP.
As a corollary to this, because I realise it's not particularly clear, this refers to any sort of suspension or ban specifically. If your avatar hasn't gained the relevant banner, this doesn't apply.

Gonna read a bit more/watch that vid series you sent tomorrow and I'll see what I can do...
Tis fine, ask if you have questions.
Need some explation on what a drive is and Ars, I only just started getting into Blazbue.
Ars refers to Ars Magus and Ars Armagus. The former is magic spell, the latter is magic armament. That is the simplest explanation.

Ars Magus
Ars Armagus

Wiki links for you.

Drive is a power granted through reaching for the Azure. Examples include Ragna's Soul Eater, which allows him to use eldritch fire to devour vitality and add it to his own, Rachel's Gale, which allows control over wind, Hakumen's Zanshin, which allows him to negate anything approaching him with a field of force and counterattack, and Nu/Lambda's Sword Summoner, which allows her to summon black swords and fling them at the target out of thin air.

Using a Drive saturates a area in Seithr from the Azure, so overuse lets someone track you. It's distinct from normal fighting or even using Ars. Generally, possessing a Drive means you are special, people who aren't special don't have one.

Use of Nox Nyctores or certain Ars Armagus can replace a persons normal Drive with a Drive relating to that Nox Nyctores or Ars Armagus. As a example, anyone who possesses a Azure Grimoire WILL have Soul Eater, and the Nox Nyctores Yukianesa grants a Drive that allows the rapid formation of ice.
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It's been a year since I last touched anything regarding BlazBlue. Still kinda pissed at the game system changing and forcing me to relearn combos. Lore is wonderful though.

Anyhow... thinking of a Drive, Overdrive, and possibly an Astral Finish is hard.
Can we get a sample of what you're hoping for in terms of stats? I don't know how special an S rank in, say, agility is.
Also, is luck something special, like Nasu, or is it literally just how lucky you are?

Finally, I'll be unable to make a backstory until I know enough about the setting. How long are applications going to be open?
Also, is luck something special, like Nasu, or is it literally just how lucky you are?
Literally luck. It's what's used when all else fails and we still need a roll.

Can we get a sample of what you're hoping for in terms of stats? I don't know how special an S rank in, say, agility is.
Um... S-Rank in the physicals is basically Azrael. Casually flash stepping, your fist smashes down a wall and casually breaks bones, and you shrug off things that hit you.

S-Rank Ars Aptitude is pretty much Noel tier. Ars are abnormally cheap for you to use. Unless your a Beastkin or a sorcerer, you probably shouldn't have that.
Literally luck. It's what's used when all else fails and we still need a roll.

Um... S-Rank in the physicals is basically Azrael. Casually flash stepping, your fist smashes down a wall and casually breaks bones, and you shrug off things that hit you.

S-Rank Ars Aptitude is pretty much Noel tier. Ars are abnormally cheap for you to use. Unless your a Beastkin or a sorcerer, you probably shouldn't have that.
I don't know who these people are~! :V
Interested, and writing a character. The background will probably have... flaws, since I'm still a noob when it comes to Blazblue.

I'm a little bit concerned on drives and overdrives.

I was thinking of making a drive that's all about 'going real fast and fast reflexes,' and the overdrive combining that with outright teleportation without slowdowns. Is this acceptable, or needs significant nerfing?