Beyond the Rift (WHF/FFXIV)

Magic in WHF is based on the Winds of Magic, which is to say what the stuff of the Realms of Magic/Souls/Chaos becomes when it passes through the polar gates and divides into the eight colours.

That magic has some connection to mortal souls and emotions - Aqshy is drawn to those of tempestuous and passionate natures, for example, and creates feelings of rage, lust and zeal in those it touches - but it is important to remember that this is all still happening in the material universe. Wizards aren't psykers, they're not pulling power directly from an alternate dimension, they're using the power that is all around them that most people cannot perceive.

(Notable exception hereby carved out for certain Tzeentchan sorcerers, who do in fact sometimes carve out small localised rifts in order to make use of more raw power, and are consequently regarded as fucking insane)
For one example: Unless a major lore change had been enacted as part of the End Times [or, conversely, this is very old WHFRPG 1E ruminations], Waystones had nothing to do with anchoring Elvish souls to protect them from Slaanesh's predation. The Slaanesh-Elvish tie is more a Druchii thing and specifically due to Morathi running the world's biggest Slaanesh cult with varying degrees of discretion depending on the lore / edition. No the point of the Waystones is to help maintain the Vortex and / or leech the Winds of Chaos to more manageable levels [which is a relative term as, for example, back in 6E it is explicitly stated in the WHFB rulebook that more likely than not were a human from Earth spontaneously pop into the Old World they would mutate promptly].

Now to be fair there have been major metaphysical changes either explicit [see again 1E WHFRPG] or implicit [see the set-up for Age of Sigmar and what it turns out Grail Knights were for]. Likewise the Liber Chaotica has some ambiguity in the nature of WHFB, 40K, and how they interact. Emotion still ripples in some capacity into the Realm of Chaos. And the Eight Winds of Chaos Magic draw from the Polar Gates. But it is distinctly not the Warp. Made apparent by- and drat I took too long the OP stepped in.

Another good example of differences not mentioned are how individuals like Priests of Ulric / Sigmar or the Nehekharan Liche Priests draw their power [and, in older lore, how the Nehekharans divine contract interacted with their mortal Ushabti]. There's... no real capacity for these to exist / work with 40K metaphysical knowledge. Likewise the minor elemental spirits that are explicitly distinct from the Winds of Chaos, and the Forest Spirits of Athel Loren [who pre-End Times at least nobody knew what the hell was their origin / nature].
There's also something to be said about how the Wind of Magic system of casting is kind of a theory like the theory of gravity where it explains a lot of what we see in setting but there's edge cases of magic like Kislev's Ice magic where trying to tie it into the winds theory is a massive headache.

I imagine a big issue the Scions will have with the locals is trying to reconcile how the Winds and Aether are related but also different in ways. Cause there's ice or earth aeather but you have to really stretch the winds to get one that can do ice or earth type spells at least iirc. Like Graha's musings imply that from an Aether perspective Chaos/Magic flooding the world was a 'Flood of Darkness' aether that the Vortex managed to curb to manageable levels if not solve but that doesn't explain what the Winds are from an aether perspective.

Makes me wonder what the Old Ones were in this cross if the world of Malus really is a FF14 Shard like is implied. A group of Ascians? Would certainly fit the creation of races since Creation Magic could 'easily' make an entire race of lizards, dwarves or elves. Even their gods being 'created' by the Old Ones can be explained though not perfectly cause Primals don't exactly fit what say Isha or Thungniare like.
On this note of obscure magical interaction if Maugan Ra is treating the Time of Legends Nagash book as even vaguely canonical it does go a bit of a ways to bring Warhammer Fantasy in line with Final Fantasy XIV style shenanigans. A lot of people fail to grasp how that lore really, really plays up the High Fantasy angle with entire armies whom have magical aim-bot arrows, battle-fugues that turn champions' skin into bronze armor whilst giving strength at times comparable to proto-Vampires, the whole thing going on with the Ushabti / Temple Guard at the City of Priests, etcetera.

Combine that with Lizardmen society and a couple other points, fudge around with the implications of that and how the Nehekharan Priesthood so readily slid into using the Invocation / Incantation magical system, and the two worlds click together moderately well if you're willing to put your foot down on a couple matters as writer fiat.
Also, "beast-paths" (hyphenated, no cap) are literally just fucking roads. Warhammer: Total War makes them into magical Chaos-provided teleportation routes as a game mechanic, but the 2010 army book is very clear that these are just common pathways and roads carved out by the Beastmen tribes over millennia, running down common routes of passage they take through the deep forest. I don't mind arguing against you, but it'd feel a lot less like a waste of time if you'd ever opened an actual book instead of skimming fan wikis.

The Beastpaths are very much described in the Lore as having a magical Element to them by both the things from Human perspectives and that of the Wood Elf's as they go through they should not be able to are almost Impossible for any but the Beastmen to find and go into and through Places like Athel Loren best the Wood Elf's best effort's to find them, the Warheards that use them and destroy them. I was not using the Computer Game as a base but the Way the are talked about in the lore and Armybooks. I will spend some time looking for a good piece of text describing them a post it when I have the chance.

You could do better then just saying I just skimm the Wiki's since you want to go with the Beastmen having great metal working industry which you have no evidence for. I would appreciate a fewer amount of insults when I have not insulted your ability to doe research.

The things that have marked a Tzaangor have changed over the years and the post I was replying to their brought up the AOS Tzaangor's which is not the only way that a allegiance to the Change of ways has been shown. If you want I can go looking fit images I think are Gors devoted to Tzeench a post them, although I still have trouble getting images in my posts on this website, and you could tell me what you think.

Except that we know this isn't the case, because a) these are said to be ridden by the elite warriors of a warherd, who are unlikely to jockey for the chance to die in a humiliating deathtrap that falls apart at top speeds mid-fight, b) literally no story or other lore in the book, which describes whole armies of chariot-riding Beastmen, make any mention of these war machines just coming to bits on the charge, c) directly below that is a stat-block for a chariot which very obviously doesn't just shatter on impact, ever.

If you want to ignore what is in a Beastmen Armybook you can, but some of them falling apart when they hit the enemy does not mean they all do. The Very fact that they could Fall apart while getting Important Gors to the things they want to kill could act as a way for the Gors to show both Courage and Authority over the lesser Ungors and Turnskins by showing they care more about killing then any danger they might put themselves in while getting to grips with the Foe. I would also ask you tone do the insults as I have not insulted you and have also said the Beastmen being able to some metal work is not outside the realm of possibility.

Beastmen chariots aren't made specifically for their burden-beasts, according to you, because they're "each unique". That sure sounds to me like they've been made specifically for their burden-beasts!

I meant unique as in their is no general design or plan Beastmen build Chariots to and that they can be pull as by Tuskgor's as by Razorgors depending on what the Group of Beastmen can tie to the front.

Beastmen don't have their own language... except that you note they have their own distinct version of "the Dark Tongue", which I guess doesn't count because reasons? What's the point you're trying to make here?

They don't have their own Native Language that they came up with themselves because the Dark Tongue came first from Demons and came in to use by different factions connected to or devoted to the Dark Gods. Some have shown the ability to learn Languages as seen with Reikspiel but we have no evidence of a Language they came up with their own. The Dark Tongue is something they use but it is not "their" Language in as much as they use a Language they barrowed/know as servants of the Ruinous Powers.

Wow! I'm actually quite annoyed that I wasted so much time on someone too lazy to read the first ten pages of the book they're arguing about.

Yes they lack the lack baroque armour and resplendent weapons the human servants of the Dark Gods yet you are saying they are fully capable of making that kind of armor and weaponry as you brought up weapons Minotaurs use even though there other being who use weapons of a similar size in the service of Chaos. That the Beastmen look down on the Human servants of the Four for those fancy pieces of weapons and armor

We do have evidence of Beastmen gaining blessing and gifts from the the Dark Gods with things like Taurox's Runetortured Axes to name just two. You are also the one who said that only the Humans of Sigmar's Empire think Beastmen Hate Civilization when we have the Beastmen themselves in their Armybooks talk about how much they hate the cites and towns of the Humans and Dawi and the Elves.

If you could explain what you think the Beastmen are capable when it comes to building and making that would fit with the with their hate of everything the the Humans and other Uncloven make I would love to hear it.
I would ask that we keep this civil I as I said found that post you made actually funny and I don't want to get in a fight with you
I mean I could quite easily see a like Drakwald writ large for most of the Empire in some crazy future of an ultimately Beastmen led Chaos victory, Over-tribes built as Warherds of warherds, encamping in the burnt out ruins of the old imperial forts and in like Sherwood Forest-y guerilla outposts able to touch almost the whole province, building up the material conditions for more elaborately cunning and strategically monstrous Beastlords like Khazrak One-Eye. Beastlords that in a complete victory over the Empire would turn to vying against one another as petty and sometimes not-so-petty kinglets and high chiefs, naturally starting to concentrate where all the mutants and cultists and best slaves are and where the geography comes together to concentrate any population, the Reikherd setting camp in what was once Altdorf, and Reikdorf before that. Essentially, the big overwrought fantasy version of like the Angles and Saxons in Britannia, and also well, the pre-Sigmar tribes all over again just with more goat noises, yet surprisingly comparable rates of human sacrifice.
It's something of an explicit plot point in the old 6E material that the Beastmen get the short end of the Chaos stick and everyone knows it. The Beastmen know it and are obsessed with proving the gods wrong and Hordes of Chaos. The Hordes of Chaos know it and at most factor them in as distractions / useful assets to be spent even more freely than their cultists. The Chaos Gods know it and (comparatively) barely give them any attention outside their Bray Shamans [who even then are closer to Hedge Wizards than proper Chaos Sorcerers]. Beastmen in 6E have a fairly explicit "We do not sow" Greyjoy stance on infrastructure where most of their equipment is scavenged from increasingly effective raids and / or brought along by recruits who... shall we say, have few other options available to them [a Bray Shaman does a ritual and turns your Free Company into a mix of Gors & Ungors as per the WHFRPG 2E Ritual, you don't really have many career opportunities].

7E to my understanding tried to fix this by IIRC stating the Minotaurs are the smiths of Beastmen and fairly competent ones at that, but run into the issue that they still lack anything in the way of mines and so generally either need to rely on raids, 'recruits', or tribute from Chaos cells [and, admittedly, just reusing anything looted off Orcs & Goblins also sharing the forests].

Moving back towards something properly relevant to the story, however, going back a couple chapters the splitting of an Ogre is impressive seeing as how they're 10-12' slabs of muscle whose mere hide is oft comparable to padded armor and are often joined by a giant plate of metal over their gut. Entirely understandable how the Maneaters' reaction was "No we're coo' Ogre works too".
I don't get why you want to throw out the Cannon for the Beastmen when it's not just Sigmar's Empire that says those things about the Beastmen but the Dwai, the Elves and everyone else.
I don't believe you. Prove it. Quote me an elven or dwarfish character asserting that beastmen do not make anything. Not your own assertion, not some unreliable wiki with a history of lying about its own citations - quote me chapter and verse.
So they can't loot shit from Greenskins even though some of their stuff looks a lot like Orc stuff with the Axes being chipped at the Blade edge in similar places and they can't get stuff from Chaos Factions even though Chaos Marauders use similar looking axes and and spiked mace. I don't get why you think they have this giant metal working system when creating the infrastructure need for they in anathema to what they are. I also did not say that they are incapable of working metal just that then can't work it to the same degree as the humans of other species can. Taking stuff from their enemies and then remaking it to a degree that it suits their purposes make a good deal of since to me for some of their stuff at least.
Sure, they could be looting all their gear from greenskins. They're just patently obviously not doing that, because no, their axes don't look like orcish axes. I posted a spread of examples of beastmen models and art, you can't reasonably expect to lie to my face about this and not get called on it.
Like, orcish choppas have a pretty distinctive look to them! They're hatchets or meat cleavers or crude swords, with only the warbosses and their elites toting anything really recognisably battleaxe-y. Beastmen battleaxes might be chipped and worn, but if anything they look better made.

And no, when you say 'the metal armor that they have is stuff that they have looted from those they kill or had given to them by other Chaos Aligned groups not stuff they make themselves which is why no two are armored the same if they have any.', you are saying that they don't work metal. If you want to amend your stance, sure, I'm happy to accept that, but don't play shell games with what you've been saying.
The Beastpaths are very much described in the Lore as having a magical Element to them by both the things from Human perspectives and that of the Wood Elf's as they go through they should not be able to are almost Impossible for any but the Beastmen to find and go into and through Places like Athel Loren best the Wood Elf's best effort's to find them, the Warheards that use them and destroy them. I was not using the Computer Game as a base but the Way the are talked about in the lore and Armybooks. I will spend some time looking for a good piece of text describing them a post it when I have the chance.
Beastmen Army Book said:
The vast forests of the Old World are crossed by a spider's web of paths only the Beastmen know. Where these paths cross, there is to be found a site that is in some way significant to the Cloven Ones. These beast paths are located deep in the forests, far from the towns and highways of Man, yet they are far from hidden. Though native to the deep woods, the Beastmen are not naturally creatures of concealment and guile. When passing through the dense woodlands they simply barge their way through the foliage and trample flat the undergrowth. Over millennia of use, the beast-paths have become deep ruts in the ground, strewn with the bones of the enemy and other detritus. So dense is the undergrowth that grows on the embankments, the chances are that no human tracker or huntsman seeking a beast-path would find one other than by pure happenstance. Any huntsman who did stumble upon a beast-path would be extremely wise to turn and flee, for a warherd might be travelling the path and his own bones may soon be added to those discarded upon it.
Mmm, yes, very mystical, clearly only the tainted energies of Chaos could have trampled dirt tracks through some forests over the course of millennia.
... Yes they lack the lack baroque armour and resplendent weapons the human servants of the Dark Gods yet you are saying they are fully capable of making that kind of armor and weaponry as you brought up weapons Minotaurs use even though there other being who use weapons of a similar size in the service of Chaos. That the Beastmen look down on the Human servants of the Four for those fancy pieces of weapons and armor

We do have evidence of Beastmen gaining blessing and gifts from the the Dark Gods with things like Taurox's Runetortured Axes to name just two. ...
No, we're saying that they patently obviously have a smithing tradition fit to equip themselves with the kind of arms and armour they use (because they're obviously not looting it from their enemies, because none of their enemies have appropriate gear to be looted), not that they're out there making Chaos Armour. In turn, Taurox's magical axes really aren't a point in favour of your argument, because yes, Taurox does have a pair of magic axes, and this is part of what makes him, y'know, Taurox, a famed special character of the faction, an exceptional figure whose panoply says nothing about the average gor or minotaur.
You could do better then just saying I just skimm the Wiki's since you want to go with the Beastmen having great metal working industry which you have no evidence for. I would appreciate a fewer amount of insults when I have not insulted your ability to doe research.
I'm going to be blunt: if you don't want to get called on doing dogshit research, don't do dogshit research. Revlid and I are entirely open in acknowledging what canon is and why we're dismissing it (that is, because it's nonsense), and have put up significant evidence in support of that stance. We're the ones who have been explicitly citing sources like model lines, in-setting art, specific books and pages, as well as broader information like historical perspectives on nomadic peoples and Imperial Rome's contradictory narratives about 'barbarian' tribes, all in service to showing that we know the canon and are interpreting it with a critical eye. You have not done any of this, which is frankly embarassing when your stance is an appeal to the authority of a canon which you cannot even demonstrate you know.
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Beastmen having (relatively) advanced armour and weapons in large numbers while explicitly not having the level of civilisation to make them possible is a hole WHF dug itself into long ago, and they and anyone that cares have been trying to dig themselves out of it to varying degrees of success.

Can we accept this, and move on?

Edit; I have just realised this wasnt the thread I thought it was. Oops.
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They don't have their own Native Language that they came up with themselves because the Dark Tongue came first from Demons and came in to use by different factions connected to or devoted to the Dark Gods. Some have shown the ability to learn Languages as seen with Reikspiel but we have no evidence of a Language they came up with their own. The Dark Tongue is something they use but it is not "their" Language in as much as they use a Language they barrowed/know as servants of the Ruinous Powers.

We watch as Stewart9 makes the bold claim that French is not the language of the French, because it came from a dialectal variation of Vulgar Latin which means the French didn't come up with it themselves, and likewise English is not the langauge of the English because the Old English substrate of English came from invaders and so they didn't come up with it on their own (while the British population is majority of pre-Anglo-Saxon stock, genetically).

Apparently using a language that came from elsewhere and developing your own dialect from it is evidence that you're basically just inferior.
Agreed. Attempt to de/rerail the thread, take 2;

This is Final Fantasy right? How long before Sephiroth pops up?
While FF14's Sephiroth has a theme that is at least on par with FF7's Sephi, he is really unlikely to show up here :V
What with having been dissipated by the Warrior of Light. And there not really being the people to summon it, a Primal, in the specific state of mind it last was.
Maybe if they visit the wood elves? Nature spirits and giant sentient trees are common in the black shroud.
We watch as Stewart9 makes the bold claim that French is not the language of the French, because it came from a dialectal variation of Vulgar Latin which means the French didn't come up with it themselves, and likewise English is not the langauge of the English because the Old English substrate of English came from invaders and so they didn't come up with it on their own (while the British population is majority of pre-Anglo-Saxon stock, genetically).

Apparently using a language that came from elsewhere and developing your own dialect from it is evidence that you're basically just inferior.
I mean, point is fair and all but...
Do you really want to defend status of Beastmen as civilized by comparing them to French and English?
While FF14's Sephiroth has a theme that is at least on par with FF7's Sephi, he is really unlikely to show up here :V
What with having been dissipated by the Warrior of Light. And there not really being the people to summon it, a Primal, in the specific state of mind it last was.
Sephirot and Sephiroth are very different characters. One's a Primal, the other is a mad science experiment who had a mental break.

That said, Sephirot really would fit the belief system of the Wood Elves. I think it unlikely they'd start worshipping him, their pantheon's kind of full. On the other hand, Drycha would probably be all about Sephirot if she found out. Probably a good thing that knowledge of him isn't likely to spread any time soon, nor the secrets of Primal summoning.

Ugh... now there's a scary thought. Knowledge of Primal summoning spreading to Mallus. I'd say it's unlikely but there are a number of Ascians unaccounted for and, since we don't have any information on them, Maugan could give them any motivation he wants.
Bad idea. Those Wood Elves are very hostile to outsiders.
Technically, the Forest Spirits are the ones really hostile if you read between the lines. Especially in that the Wood Elves who tend to be the most malicious to outsiders are either Waywatchers (who are in and of themselves antisocial outsiders that take The Health Of Athel Loren seriously enough to impress the occasional Branchwraith) or groups like the Wild Riders who are less hostile from ideological perspectives and more that they're nigh-mortal embodiments and agents of the Spirit Of The Hunt.

This isn't to say they're super friendly and lovey dovey with people. But more often than not if you don't go causing problems you can literally walk through a Wood Elf town without realizing it in Athel Loren and not be plugged full of arrows / spears. The trouble is getting there and back again without a Dryad using your intestines like garland.
Honestly, Primal summoning is probably better for Malleus than daemon summoning. Tempering would be a problem, but I think the Primals would be a great help in the fight against Chaos, and their aether-draining effect would supplement the Waystone network to reduce the spawn rates of beastmen, undead, apparitions, and daemons.

A whole new set of problems would arise if they got corrupted somehow by Dhar or Chaos-juice, of course, and you'd need some way of convincing them to travel to avoid over-draining any particular area, but assuming no corruption happens they would probably be a net benefit.

In fact, I think I know just the Primal for the job! The gang should go take down Alexander's stasis-field and send him through the portal!

Just need make sure the hatches are all locked and set some traps so he doesn't get a Skaven-infection.
Honestly, Primal summoning is probably better for Malleus than daemon summoning. Tempering would be a problem, but I think the Primals would be a great help in the fight against Chaos, and their aether-draining effect would supplement the Waystone network to reduce the spawn rates of beastmen, undead, apparitions, and daemons.

A whole new set of problems would arise if they got corrupted somehow by Dhar or Chaos-juice, of course, and you'd need some way of convincing them to travel to avoid over-draining any particular area, but assuming no corruption happens they would probably be a net benefit.

In fact, I think I know just the Primal for the job! The gang should go take down Alexander's stasis-field and send him through the portal!

Just need make sure the hatches are all locked and set some traps so he doesn't get a Skaven-infection.
A plan worthy of the empire of Garland.
I wonder how much thinking of Demons as Voidsent will work cause if Chaos is Dark Aether than the dark aspected and aether sucking Voidsent seem to be the closest equivalent. If so would that make the Chaos Gods just bigger Voidsent like Cloud of Darkness or are they something more like Primals cause I don't remember if Voidsent can do corruption type memes but Tempering and Chaos Corruptions are similar enough.

There's also the thing about how the Chaos Gods seem to be attracted and empowered by emotions even by those who oppose them which in FF14 terms would imply some connection to Dynamis aka the non-aether energy that responds to emotions.

Edit: Actually are the Winds of Magic related to Aether at all or are they aspected Dynamis? Cause the winds aren't exactly elements even if Aqusy is easily thought of as the fire wind and the Scions barely know Dynamis as a concept exists and its invisible to them so them finding out it has different aspects is very possible and doesn't break any FF14 understanding.
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