Better Living Through Random Summons! (Worm/Wiki Warrior)

Soo, has Amy saved Nagisa? She can essentially just be a baker and not fight until she dies, right?

I can't remember if it's Fanon or Canon that getting a job that closely relates to your powers is insanely dificult in earth Bet, lots of laws against it aparently
I can't remember if it's Fanon or Canon that getting a job that closely relates to your powers is insanely dificult in earth Bet, lots of laws against it aparently

NEPEA-5 bill. The details of it in canon are kept incredibly vague, so we don't know the specifics. That's up to the author really on how draconic they can get. There are some Parahuman businesses that are NEPEA-compliant, given the Elite isn't entirely just criminal enterprises, but without details on what the bill specifically states, it's hard to really speculate.
Soo, has Amy saved Nagisa? She can essentially just be a baker and not fight until she dies, right?
If by saved you mean dragged from PMMM-verse before she witched out, no. The blurb states that she's a messenger of the Law of Cycles, so it's post Madoka's ascension.

Also, I think it would be worse if Amy summoned a pre-LoC meguca. They'd be dependent on grief seeds and Bet doesn't have witches.
Chapter 5: "At Least the Panpans Won't Be Able to Steal This One, Right?"
Chapter 5: "At Least the Panpans Won't Be Able to Steal This One, Right?"

"Are you sure you're up to take care of them, Dad?" Amy asked. "The other two seem fine but the one based on me is a menace."

"I took care of you and your sister when you were kids, I can handle this." Mark answered with a bemused smile. Amy felt her stomach squirm but didn't mention that his depression had gotten worse since then. "Besides, they seem just fine with watching TV for now."

It did seem to be the case. All three panpans were on the couch, seemingly content to watch some animated movie and eat cookies provided by Nagisa's panpan. Still, Amy couldn't say she trusted them to stay that way.

Unfortunately, there wasn't really a better solution, at least not on the time frame they were working with. Carol was insisting they test Amy's powers straight away and even though Amy could hear Victoria arguing against it, Amy knew that Carol getting her way was inevitable, especially with Aunt Sarah backing her up.

Which was why Amy was over in the living room saying goodbye rather than joining in the argument at the front door. With the panpans handled, she crouched and pet Wanyamon's head. "Hey, you'll be good for Dad and behave, right?"

"But I'm not staying with Dadmon, I'm coming with you!" Wanyamon protested.

Amy wanted to sigh. Or maybe groan in frustration. Why did she have to get a power that made her responsible for others? Amy wasn't responsible, she hated being responsible, all she wanted to do was crawl somewhere small and comfy and listen to her music all day. "Sorry, you can't come. Victoria's going to be carrying me and that means I can't carry you."

"Sure you can!" Wanyamon insisted. "C'mon, c'mon, take out your digi-phone!"

"It's a DragonPhone." Amy corrected him but she was curious and did what he wanted. It was from a couple generations ago, the New Wave families weren't quite rich enough to replace everyone's phones when a new model came out, but considering most people still used flip phones, Amy was just happy she had something she could play music on.

"Hm… hm…" Wanyamon hummed to himself as he bounced around Amy's outstretched hand, examining her phone from every angle. After a few seconds of that, he nodded to himself. Somehow. "Yep! This'll do."

And then he jumped face first into her phone, somehow squeezing his body through the touch screen until he disappeared.

Somehow, Amy didn't panic. Maybe after everything that had happened today, she just didn't have any panic left in her. She shared a look with her dad, who looked as baffled as Amy felt, then turned back to her phone. "Wanyamon?"

"Yep, I was right! A little snug, but I fit!" Wanyamon's voice came out the speaker and Amy noticed a little pixel art version of Wanyamon bouncing on the corner of her screen. "Ooh, you've got a lotta files here! Can I eat them?"

"I… Uh… Sure?" Amy answered, confused as all hell. "You can eat my old emails and text messages. Do not touch my music."

"Kay!" Wanyamon answered happily before bouncing across the screen and into her email app. Amy blinked and decided to just not question it. Instead, she slipped her phone into her jacket pocket and double checked she zipped it shut. It was a precaution she always took before flying and now she really didn't want her phone to fall out.

Without anything else to distract her, Amy made her way to the front door, where she found Nagisa sitting on the stairs to the second floor, watching the argument. She certainly didn't look happy, so Amy sat down next to her. "Hey. You sure you want to come with us?"

"Yep, I'm sure! I want to see what magic is like in this world." Nagisa gave her a big smile. Amy wondered if the younger girl really was cheered up by seeing her or if she just had practice hiding her discomfort.

"And you're sure you can keep up?" Nagisa had said she could earlier but Amy still had her doubts. "The rest of us will be flying, remember?"

"I'm pretty certain, yes." Nagisa nodded again. "Magical girls such as I are quite good at jumping."

Amy thought back to the magical girl shows Victoria had made her watch as a child and how those magical girls were always jumping between buildings and leaping off skyscrapers. If Nagisa could move like that, maybe there was nothing to worry about. With a sigh, she turned her attention to Victoria and Carol, just in time to catch the end of their argument.

"-can't just make her keep going after what happened! She needs a break! She needs to relax!"

"She can relax when we know how her powers work and when we know she won't accidentally blow us all up in the middle of the night! We have no idea what activates her summons, Victoria! She can't control her power for God's sake! This is final!"


[Sappan Veg Juice - Juice made from Sappan vegetables. Like most vegetable juice, it's healthy but an acquired taste. Promotes healing as well as improves coordination between allied parahumans for an extended period of time. Comes in a travel tankard.]

Amy winced and barely caught the brass tankard that just appeared in front of her, proving Carol right. Thankfully, both her mom and her sister were still in a stare down, so they didn't notice.

Victoria ground her teeth before finally giving in. "Fine!" She shouted before turning her back on Carol and floating over to the stairs. "Sorry Amy," she said, quieter, "I tried my best."

"It's fine." Honestly, Amy could have told her it was a waste of effort. Carol did not change her mind. Ever. "I'm not tired, I can keep going. Better to just get this over and done with."

"If you say so…" Victoria said, clearly worried, and then she noticed what Amy was holding. "What'cha got there?"

Amy took another look at the tankard, which had a lid and a wire clasp on it. It even had a rubber seal, so it was definitely made to keep whatever was inside from spilling. Popping it open, she saw a dark liquid inside and took a sniff. "I think it might be some kind of juice? Doesn't smell alcoholic."

"Do not drink that!" Carol shouted, suddenly marching over and holding her hand out. "Give it to me, Amy. Any food or drink you summon, we're sending to the PRT to check for poison."

Amy and Victoria both nodded numbly as Amy handed over the tankard. Carol resealed it, marching over to the kitchen to keep the juice in the fridge until they could deal with it. After a second, Amy relaxed and noticed Victoria looking unsure or at least thinking hard. But before Amy could ask about it, Carol came back, demanding they leave now before something else could delay them.

Amy stood up with a huff and the group of five headed out the front door, Amy grabbing the bag of mouse toys on the way. Amy wasn't entirely sure why they weren't taking the car, maybe they just weren't supposed to use it for cape business, but Victoria scooped up Amy while Aunt Sarah did the same for Carol. Or maybe she should say Glory Girl, Lady Photon and Brandish? Her mom and aunt were still in costume and Victoria had changed into hers but it wasn't like they were going out in public. Amy would have to ask what the rules about cape names were. She'd ask Victoria, just in case she had been told before, to avoid another lecture from her mom.

Whatever the case, Amy clung to Victoria as best she could with one arm occupied as they rose into the air. Victoria had taken her flying multiple times since she got her powers five months ago and even before that, Crystal had taken her up in the air a few times, but while she trusted her sister not to drop her, Amy still wasn't used to flying. Normally she'd just shut her eyes and focus on the comforting feeling of Victoria's arms around her but this time she glanced at the ground, just to check if Nagisa was keeping up. She was and Amy was impressed to see her pulling off jumps just like those old cartoons. "Vicky, look."

"I see her! So cool!" Victoria answered with a grin. "I mean, flying is cooler but still, very cool."

"I dunno, I think flight might be kinda boring. Just flying from one place to another in a straight line? Pretty lame." Amy teased.

"Want me to do some tricks then?"

Amy gripped Victoria tighter, even though she knew her sister was just teasing. "Please no."

Victoria's laughter was their sound track for the rest of the flight.

They eventually made it to the bad side of town. Well, one of them at least. The Docks weren't directly controlled by one of the gangs but that was because the economic slump Brockton Bay went through hit the area so hard, there was basically no point in claiming the territory. Everything was run down, beat up, and depressing in the Docks, including the people.

The fliers landed in the street in front of what seemed to be just one abandoned warehouse out of many to Amy, where they waited for Nagisa to catch up. With the distance she could cover in a single bound, she was by no means slow, but she still wound up trailing behind a little. Once she landed next to them as well, Aunt Sarah brought out a key to open up a side door and led them inside.

The inside of the warehouse was just as ramshackle as the outside looked, with old pallets and metal junk shoved to the sides, creating a clear area in the middle. As they walked in, Nagisa tugged on Amy's shirt, speaking quiet enough that Carol and Sarah wouldn't hear. "Are we really going to practice here? It looks like the sort of place a Witch would hide."

Victoria answered instead of Amy, leaving Amy to wonder what a Witch was in Nagisa's world. Maybe the monsters she mentioned having to fight earlier? "I know it looks kinda crappy but that's why it's so cheap to rent. Mom doesn't want to borrow PRT facilities since she wants to be as independent as possible, so Aunt Sarah found this place. The owner has no use for it, so they don't care if we smash it up a little while training."

Nagisa nodded along "I see. What's the PRT then?"

While Victoria gave Nagisa an explanation on how parahumans fit into society, Amy listened to Carol and Sarah deciding on a plan of attack. After a bit of discussion from the adults, it was decided that Amy would demonstrate the powers she could control first before trying to figure out how her main power worked or what the toy mice did. But when she took aim at some of the junk and fired her first laser…

"Panpan! Panpan pan panpan!"

All five women were surprised when all three panpans came scrambling out of the junk pile, running every which way. Their sudden appearance even distracted from the rather terrifying array of tiny lasers fired in addition to the big one from the absolute swarm of wisps that were floating around Amy by this point.

"Amy-" Aunt Sarah recovered first.

"I didn't do anything!" Amy protested instantly. "I have no idea how they got here."

Carol glared at Amy for several seconds before giving up. "…I'm calling Mark."

A short phone call later and they had their answer. Or rather, their non-answer. "Mark says they all just disappeared when he turned away for a moment. He looked around the house but couldn't find them. He was about to call to tell us when I called him first."

"I don't suppose you three can tell us how you got here?" Amy asked the panpans, who'd stopped running around screaming and had lined up in front of her.

"Panpan." They all shrugged.

Amy sighed. "Of course not. Look, just stay out of the way for now, alright?"

The panpans agreed, even if the Amy-Panpan grumbled about it, and then it was back to testing. What followed was a rather boring series of tests where Amy just fired off her three blaster powers again and again. They did learn two important things, that Amy's wisps copied all three blaster powers she had and presumably would do the same for any other powers she summoned, and that her laser attack could only fired every twenty seconds at its fastest. It also dug into her stamina in a way that the other two attacks didn't, leaving her pale and panting after a few blasts, so they didn't experiment too much with that one.

Eventually, Carol and Sarah let Amy stop. It was a good thing too, since most of the scrap was either melted to slag or covered in rotting meat. "Did you really have to make me use that one? More than once even?" Amy complained, holding her nose and trying not to gag. She wasn't the only one, with only Amy's Panpan looking unaffected by the smell.

"Yes." Carol insisted.

Sarah, at least, looked like she wanted to say no. "Sorry everyone. I think we can move on now. Amy, can you grab one of those toys you got?"

"…Sure." Picking up the bag from where she set it down, Amy pulled out one of the mice, only to get a small surprise. Instead of the blue and yellow from before, the toy she grabbed was now solid gold. "What the hell?"

"Language, Amy. Let me see that." Carol said, plucking it from Amy's hand. As soon as she did so, the colors reverted to what they had been when Victoria held one. "That's odd. Did you pick up some sort of Striker power as well? But why hasn't it happened to anything else you touched…"

Carol handed the toy back to Amy and it instantly turned to gold again. "Well Amy? Any insights?"

Amy scowled because how the hell should she know. She didn't see any buttons on it and she tried squeezing but there was no give (but maybe that was just because it was made of gold at the moment). With no other idea, she set it in the ground, flat side down. To her surprise, it made a sound like an RC car and shot forward, zooming across the ground with a small zigzag movement, right towards the scrap pile. A few seconds later, it started to flash red and Amy realized what was about to happen. "Oh fu-"

It exploded.


[PvP/Transcript —> PvP - Episode 9 of RWBY Volume 3. In this case, the plot manifests as a single-use card representing the climactic scene of the episode. When activated, the card unleashes an instant-kill attack where multiple ultra-thin wires wrap around the target and tighten until the target is sliced into multiple pieces.]

"Is everyone okay?" Aunt Sarah called out and Amy opened her eyes to find the familiar sight of one of her aunt's forcefields between everyone and the new crater. There was some burnt meat splattered against it and some sparkly debris at the base but that was it for damage.

As everyone called out affirmatives, Sarah dropped her shield and they could all see the results of the explosion. There was a decent sized crater near the scrap pile but more interestingly, there were a lot of chunks of something shiny and yellow strewn about that weren't there before. Aunt Sarah picked up one of the smaller pieces and rolled it between her fingers. "Gold?"

"Oh! Maybe that's what Amy's striker power did!" Victoria spoke up eagerly. "I bet those mice are just regular bombs and Amy turning them into gold is what made that one transmute the debris into gold! I mean, her power had to have done something, right?"

"It's a good theory Victoria, but we're not testing another bomb in here. That's beyond what the rental contract allows for." Carol decided. "Let's grab a few samples of the gold, we'll get that tested by the PRT too. Amy-"

"I know, I know. Secure the bombs, don't let the panpans get at them, I got it." Amy bent down to pick up the bomb bag she dropped, ignoring Carol saying something disapproving abound her attitude. As she did, however, she found Nagisa's panpan holding a card towards her with a smile.

"Thanks?" Amy took it, confused, and the panpan nodded before scuttling away. Was this what she just summoned? Looking it over, on one side it simply said 'PvP' on it in slightly stylized letters. On the other, though, was a disturbing scene. The black silhouette of a girl, laying on the ground, dismembered with red highlighting where her arms and the lower half of her body had been cut off. The worst though was the eyes. The wide, blank eyes staring at nothing. The dead eyes.

Nagisa's eyes.


[Green Irontrunk Tree - A decor item used to furnish a Serenitea Pot. Due to the peaceable nature of the item, this manifests as a single-use card that Amy can activate to summon the tree at her choice of location within line of sight.]

"Amy? You okay?"

Victoria's sudden voice made Amy jump. "Yeah! Yeah, I'm fine. I'm fine."

"You sure? You look a little pale… Aaaaand you're glaring at me. Alright, you're fine. Here, I think you just summoned this." Victoria handed her another card, this one thankfully just showing art of a regular, normal tree and nothing else. The back of the card confirmed it, saying 'Green Irontrunk Tree' in a different font for some reason. Amy put it over the other card before pocketing them.

"Even more summons, Amy? We'll be here all day if you keep bringing in more things to test." Aunt Sarah teased.

Amy shook her head. "I don't think we need to. The cards somehow felt like my summoning power? I don't know why my power gave me something to activate it if it was still going to go off automatically anyway, but unless you want a tree sprouting in the middle of this place, we can skip it."

"You're sure?" Carol asked, sounding doubtful. "The last thing we need is you making the wrong assumptions and-"

"Yes! I'm sure!" Amy cut her mother off before she made Amy summon something yet again. "Are we done yet? The smell isn't getting any better."

"No, we still need to figure out what causes your power to activate." Carol insisted, scowling over being interrupted. "We're not leaving here until we've figured that out. Now, do you have any idea why it happens? Any at all?"

"Why don't you ask Victoria?" Amy grumbled. "She's the power nerd and she seems to understand it better than I do."

"Victoria? Is that true?"

"Me? No, not at all." Victoria replied but was unable to meet anyone's eyes. But under the weight of Carol's stare, she eventually cracked. "Okay, I had a hypothesis but it's wrong and there's no reason to bring it up so let's just skip it."

"Even if it's wrong, we still need to start somewhere. Share with the class, Victoria, then we can fill in the gaps together." Aunt Sarah gently insisted.

Victoria sighed and slumped in place a little. "Alright, fine, but like I said, I was wrong. At first, I was thinking about Sechen ranges and maybe it activated in circumstances where Amy or someone nearby was in danger." Victoria explained hesitantly before becoming oddly insistent for her last sentence. "But it's also activated when there was no danger, and everyone was completely safe, so I really have no idea what's going on."

Sarah rubbed her chin, thinking. "Hm. Amy, is that true?"

"I mean, it went off when I got shot at. And when I thought I was going to get shot. And when the bomb-mouse exploded. So yeah, I guess danger activates it." Amy shrugged. She glanced at Victoria, who still looked nervous, and wished she knew why her sister was being so weird.

"Right, that makes sense. There are plenty of defensive powers out there. There may be other trigger conditions that we haven't figured out but physical danger seems like a solid bet right now." Sarah nodded.

"We should probably confirm it though." Carol agreed. "Now the question is, how do we safely test that?"

"Umm…" Victoria spoke up, bringing the attention back into her and looking like she wished she hadn't. "I may have one or two ideas on that front?"

"Alright, what do you suggest?" Carol asked.

"Right, well, back at the mall, Volume did actually shoot at Amy. Amy wasn't hurt and we kind of assumed she just missed at the time, but now I'm wondering if he wisps blocked it somehow. I mean, it was just an idea but we could test that and the danger trigger at the same time?"

"We're not shooting any more guns at me." Amy declared instantly.

"Oh, I know!" Nagisa spoke up from the stairs, where she'd been sitting and watching the whole time. She'd been so quiet while she observed, the parahumans had forgotten she was there. She raised an oversized piping bag filled with white icing. "I can shoot you with this! It won't hurt if I don't want it too."

Amy gave the girl a soft smile. This entire afternoon had been crap but at least Nagisa was still smiling. "No offense but that's not exactly intimidating."

"Actually, that's a good thing to test." Aunt Sarah countered. "We should see if your power activates in response to true danger or just if you feel in danger. For the first test… Amy, are you okay with me firing a laser at you? At the lowest strength, it should feel like a solid punch at worst."

"Uh, yeah, sure. I should probably…" Amy stepped away from the rest of the group, getting some space just in case. "Alright, ready. I guess."

Aunt Sarah held out her hand and light began to gather in her palm. "Okay, I'll count down. Three… Two… One!"


[Castlevania II: Simon's Quest - The second game in the Castlevania series. The plot follows Simon Belmont, now cursed after defeating Dracula seven years ago, as he fights to collect Dracula's missing body parts in order to revive the vampire lord and kill him properly this time. Amy now has a similar ability to Dracula. In the event of her death, Amy's body parts will be scattered and if brought together again, she will be magically brought back to life.]

Amy flinched as the laser shot towards her but felt no pain. Opening one eye, she looked around. "Did it work?"

"I think so!" Victoria confirmed happily. "It didn't look like the laser reached you and, well, you didn't get hurt, right? Although, it was a little hard to tell if a wisp actively blocked the short or just happened to be in the way. You, uh, you have a lot of them."

Amy breathed a sigh of relief and straightened up. "Alright, good. I felt my power go off too but I guess it was a new power or something? Nothing appeared, right?"

"Not that we could see." Aunt Sarah confirmed. "Alright, I guess that means it's Nagisa's turn."

"Yay! Alright, here goes!" Nagisa jumped up and aimed her icing bag at Amy. A blot of icing shot out at a surprisingly high velocity, only to run into the swarm of wisps flying around Amy and wink out of existence. When that didn't work, Nagisa started to fire a continuous stream of icing which was also blocked but after a few seconds, more and more gaps in the swarm started to show and it became clear that the wisps were deliberately moving into the line of fire.

"It looks like we can get rid of them. Good." Carol's statement got everyone to stare at her, with even Nagisa stopping her icing assault on Amy. "What? She can't go to school like that, she looks like the center of a firefly tornado. Such obvious power use will disrupt classes, not to mention it will get the PRT on our backs."

Amy's jaw dropped slightly as she stared at her mom in disbelief. Then she wordlessly spread her arms towards the panpans. The boxing-dog panpan was punching a piece of sheet metal and leaving small dents, while Amy-Panpan was showing something red to Nagisa-Panpan, only to quickly hide it behind her back when she noticed everyone looking at them.

"If they really do teleport to follow you around, we'll deal with that later. For now, we'll just handle what we can." Carol continued. "Victoria, didn't you have a second idea you wanted to try?"

"Oh, yeah. Uh, I wanted to see if Amy's hover boots would let her stay in the air if I let her go mid-air. Or at least cushion her fall."

Amy gave her sister a flat look. "You want to drop me out of the sky."

"Just a little bit!" Victoria winced. "I mean, just from high enough to, like, twist your ankle or something and just to test it out. What if someone like Purity attacked while I was carrying you and I dropped you? I'd want to know if I needed to catch you, wouldn't you? And if you do get hurt, Panpan's here and she can heal you."

She did have a good point, annoyingly enough. If Amy was going to be a cape, she should probably start thinking about stuff like that and wasn't that just awful. "Fine. But this is the last test for the day, I'm exhausted."

"Fair enough. Alright, close your eyes." Victoria said as she put her hands under Amy's arms. Normally when they flew, Victoria princess carried her but this made sense if Amy needed to land on her feet.

"Why?" Amy asked.

"We're confirming how your summons work, right? Closing your eyes means you won't see how high we go and it'll scare you more." Victoria explained. With a sigh, Amy accepted her reasoning and closed her eyes. Then they started to rise.

Victoria was right, as usual, as with her eyes closed, Amy could only guess how high they were. Were they just a few feet off the ground or had Victoria flown them all the way to the ceiling? After a minute or so where Amy's heartbeat steadily rose, Victoria spoke again. "Alright. I'll let go on three, okay? One…"

And then she dropped her.

Weapon Trait Activates!

[Burning Disaster + 1d16=13, Gloom Toll - A bayonet style weapon, modified to launch white-hot fire. It's more of a flamethrower than a rifle, making it quite heavy. It has two fire modes, the first firing a blast of fire that acts like a grenade and the second unleashes a torrent of flame, while the blade on the end can be used for slashing and stabbing. In order to fire, it drains the blood of its wielder. In addition, the weapon is cursed with Gloom, increasing its damage but draining the health of the wielder with every attack.]

Amy screamed as she suddenly fell, only to find herself coming to a safe stop a moment later, the hover boots slowing her decent enough that there was no damage. And then Amy screamed again as something fell right beside her, plunging into the concrete with a horrible screech.

"Shit! Amy, you okay?" Victoria asked in a panic as she dropped to the ground.

"Y-yeah." Amy nodded as she caught her breath. "Just… what the hell is that thing?"

'That thing' looked to be some sort of weapon, just one designed by a particularly mad Tinker. To Amy's inexperienced eye, the grip or stock or whatever looked like it was from a shotgun or a hunting rifle but the rest was weird, with a cylinder sticking out right in front of the trigger, red tubes going down the the length of the big barrel and a huge, wicked blade slung under the end of gun, which was currently sticking into the ground like the sword in the stone.

"Oh, cool, we're back on the disturbing summons." Victoria joked, as she grabbed the gun and pulled it out of the ground. "Huh, this thing's actually pretty heavy. Like, relatively. At least the panpans won't be able to steal this one, right?"

"Amy, try not to summon any more firearms." Carol said. "Especially not ones like this."

Amy sighed, feeling a headache coming on. "Can we please just go home?"

AN: Oh god, this chapter. Not only did the entire idea of a power testing chapter feel like a massive cliché, I honestly though this would be a quick chapter to run through, since I only had one or two ideas on what could trigger Amy's power. But as I was writing it, more and more opportunities for summons kept popping up and new things kept happening and I felt like I was writing a chapter of Brockton Bay's Celestial Forge. But my beta readers assure me that it's good, so here we go.

Anyway, onto discussing summons. First up, the vegetable juice. Xenoblade has a lot of items that are used to make something or do something but don't have any actual description, so I have to do my best. I wasn't entirely sure how to translate the in-game effect of the veg juice into something less game-y but once again my awesome boyfriend @Lazurman figured out how it might work. So we'll show that later on.

As for PvP, can I just ask what the fuck my rng is doing? First I roll Fate/stay night and put a Grail war in my story, just like Super Randomizer Lux, and now I got the episode that led to the dismembered Penny gets summoned in A Realm Randomized. I know it's just pattern seeking brain seeing connections in the chaos, but it's still fucking weird.

For the tree, my main motivation in making a card was just that I was tired of writing the chapter and didn't want yet another thing for the characters to react to when I could just save it for later.

Next, Castlevania 2! This was actually, like, the second thing I rolled I think? I was going to save it a bigger milestone than just summon number twenty but I realized I can plant it now and set up for plot lines later. Chekov's gun. And yes, I did just make Amy basically immortal. I gave it to her because Nagisa is kinda, maybe immortal as well and Wanyamon wouldn't leave a body behind if he died.
EDIT: I totally forgot that Burning Disaster counted as a melee weapon and so Weapon Trait would activate for it. Fixed and hooooo boy, this weapon is dangerous now.

Finally, the Burning Disaster. It's got some really wore and gross details on it but since my PC is currently packed away and I'm doing all my writing on my phone, all I had to go off of were blurry screen shots instead of just checking it out in game. So I couldn't really describe it properly but there's a reason why Victoria calls it a creepy summon.
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"I took care of you and your sister when you were kids, I can handle this." Mark answered with a bemused smile. Amy felt her stomach squirm but didn't mention that his depression had gotten worse since then.

Sure hpes something fixes that, there has to be someone in this family apart from Victoria that can argue with Carol without bending like a wet noodle right after.

It did seem to be the case. All three panpans were on the couch, seemingly content to watch some animated movie and eat cookies provided by Nagisa's panpan. Still, Amy couldn't say she trusted them to stay that way.

Smile and wave boys, smile and wave.

Amy wasn't responsible, she hated being responsible, all she wanted to do was crawl somewhere small and comfy and listen to her music all day


"Yep, I was right! A little snug, but I fit!" Wanyamon's voice came out the speaker and Amy noticed a little pixel art version of Wanyamon bouncing on the corner of her screen. "Ooh, you've got a lotta files here! Can I eat them?"

Stay away from the Homework folder!!

"Are we really going to practice here? It looks like the sort of place a Witch would hide."

i'm sure Carol hangs around the place from time to time, so yes, a witch does hide in there

[Burning Disaster + 1d16=13, Gloom Toll - A bayonet style weapon, modified to launch white-hot fire. It's more of a flamethrower than a rifle, making it quite heavy. It has two fire modes, the first firing a blast of fire that acts like a grenade and the second unleashes a torrent of flame, while the blade on the end can be used for slashing and stabbing. In order to fire, it drains the blood of its wielder. In addition, the weapon is cursed with Gloom, increasing its damage but draining the health of the wielder with every attack.]


At least the panpans won't be able to steal this one, right?"

oh you sweet naive summer child

As for PvP, can I just ask what the fuck my rng is doing? First I roll Fate/stay night and put a Grail war in my story, just like Super Randomizer Lux, and now I got the episode that led to the dismembered Penny gets summoned in A Realm Randomized. I know it's just pattern seeking brain seeing connections in the chaos, but it's still fucking weird.

RNJesus must be a fan of those fics.
Panpan Prime technically can do brains, and she seems a little less... controlled than Panacea was, so I wouldn't be surprised if they return to find his Depression at least slightly dealt with.
Well, when the Holy Grail War starts, and Amy inevitably gets a Servant, her being essentially immortal is going to be a god send.

Not sure if the Servant would pop on her temporary death, but if they don't, having a Fate Servant around to reclaim her bits is going to be good.
[Castlevania II: Simon's Quest - The second game in the Castlevania series. The plot follows Simon Belmont, now cursed after defeating Dracula seven years ago, as he fights to collect Dracula's missing body parts in order to revive the vampire lord and kill him properly this time. Amy now has a similar ability to Dracula. In the event of her death, Amy's body parts will be scattered and if brought together again, she will be magically brought back to life.]
People die when they are killed :V
"Yess... yess carol argue more... muahahahaha"
"Wait... who are you again? And why do you look like Jesus with d20 for a head?"
"Im uhh... one of your summons?"
Carol: We don't know what triggers her power!
Victoria: My mother in christ, you've caused more summons than the villains that caused her trigger event
Oh wait, I just noticed something cool about the summons!
[PvP/Transcript —> PvP - Episode 9 of RWBY Volume 3. In this case, the plot manifests as a single-use card representing the climactic scene of the episode. When activated, the card unleashes an instant-kill attack where multiple ultra-thin wires wrap around the target and tighten until the target is sliced into multiple pieces.]
[Castlevania II: Simon's Quest - The second game in the Castlevania series. The plot follows Simon Belmont, now cursed after defeating Dracula seven years ago, as he fights to collect Dracula's missing body parts in order to revive the vampire lord and kill him properly this time. Amy now has a similar ability to Dracula. In the event of her death, Amy's body parts will be scattered and if brought together again, she will be magically brought back to life.]
The randomizer gave Amy a counter in case PvP gets flipped on her!
Carol: We don't know what triggers her power!
Victoria: My mother in christ, you've caused more summons than the villains that caused her trigger event

Carol: There is no evidence of that!

Victoria: What about the giant talking jar that appeared in the living room after you started yelling at Amy? Is that just a coincidence?

Iron Fist Alexander who is a panpan standing him: Hello *waves in a friendly manner*
Last edited:
Hmm Elden ring got added right? All sorts of juicy bosses to summon. Are summons always loyal to Amy?
No and she won't summon anything that's immediately dangerous to her, so most bosses are right out (for the moment.) Even if she does summon a reasonable person, there's nothing stopping them from wandering off and doing their own thing if they want too.
Chapter 6: "Why Did I Let You Talk Me Into This Again?"
Chapter 6: "Why did I let you talk me into this again?"

The next week passed without incident. Things still happened, of course. Amy and Victoria went to school, which was already awful enough for Amy when she was just Victoria's wallflower little sister, but it became ten times worse when she became popular herself. Which was inevitably what happened once the panpans got spotted and got all the girls and a few of the less self-conscious boys squeeing over how cute they were. And that got even worse when Wanyamon popped out of her phone in class. After that, she couldn't take two steps without someone asking to pet or cuddle him.

It was bad enough that cape training after school was a relief and that involved exercise. Amy had already hated it and wanted to die the few times Victoria had managed to drag her out jogging before but now not only did Uncle Neil have her running every day for cardio but he insisted she do weight training as well. And that was between learning self defense, mostly how to throw a punch without breaking her thumb and how to break free from certain grabs, and practicing with her powers.

They also discovered that sometimes Amy just produced wisps for no seemingly no reason, always just one at a time rather than the groups she got when she summoned something. Nagisa had this theory that it happened when Amy did good deeds, which Amy thought was ridiculous, but Victoria thought maybe Nagisa was onto something so what did Amy know?

But as horrible as popularity and working out were, neither were actually dangerous enough to activate Amy's power and between her job, helping Aunt Sarah with the PRT bureaucracy and marketing of Amy becoming a cape and handling Nagisa's whole situation, Carol had been too busy to pay much attention to Amy herself.

Amy had the feeling that would change pretty soon. "Why did I let you talk me into this again?"

"Because you were bored and frustrated and I wanted to show you the fun parts of having powers." Victoria answered with a winning grin.

Amy let out a frustrated groan. "Mom's going to kill me."

"No, she won't. She'll kill me because this was my idea." Victoria joked and made Amy groan again. Because Carol would definitely find a way to blame Amy, probably because 'she should know better' or something.

Amy wasn't sure why Victoria thought going out on patrol was fun anyway. Sure, walking on air as she crossed between buildings was pretty thrilling but Amy could do without all the people below shouting and pointing. Victoria may be willing to smile and wave but Amy just felt like she was dying inside.

Amy also could have done with a different costume. Admittedly, she did like the robe, which was based on her panpan's costume except open down the front so it was less restrictive in combat. It was big, flowy and came with a hood Amy could hide in, which was enough to even make up for the cringe factor of 'invoking the image of Eidolon' like Carol had said.

No, the robe was good. It was the standard New Wave white bodysuit underneath Amy hated. It made her feel exposed, fake and as uncomfy as possible. She'd tried to argue against it, saying that her old leather hover boots completely clashed with sleek, futuristic aesthetic but Carol had insisted, something about team unity and belonging. Nevermind that Victoria didn't have to wear a stupid bodysuit, she got to wear a skirt. Not that Amy wanted to wear a skirt either but it was the principle of the thing.

The other thing Amy couldn't complain about was choosing her wisps as her symbol/crest/motif/whatever it was they slapped on the chest of her body suit. Besides the ball of blue flames she had as a chest emblem, there were blue flames around the opening of her hood and the ends of her sleeves, as well as around her waist like a belt. The blue was lighter than the shade used to accent her cousin Eric's costume, although he had declared them 'blue buddies' once her costume was delivered. Amy didn't love the whole theme but she didn't hate it either, this was something she was firmly neutral on. It wasn't like any of the other powers she had were that marketable.

In any case, she was out there and she was in her costume and she could at least try to enjoy what parts of the day out that she could. Mostly Victoria's company. But then Victoria put a hand on her shoulder before Amy could step off the next roof, with a look on her face that Amy had learned to dread this past week. "Amy…"

"Victoria." Amy said, trying her best to keep her voice neutral. She'd been busy enough this past week that she'd been able to avoid Victoria's attempts to talk but now there was nowhere to run. "Shouldn't we keep going? Patrol isn't going to finish itself."

"We have time enough to talk a bit." Victoria insisted softly.

"Well, maybe I don't want to talk about it." Amy answered hotly, losing control of her tone. She wanted to throw Victoria's hand off her shoulder but she knew it wouldn't do any good.

Victoria's eyes were filled with something Amy couldn't identify. Pity, probably. Fear, maybe. Still, she let go of Amy on her own. "I know and I get that. I… I never really talked to you about how I felt when I triggered either. But Amy, please! You summon things when you're scared and you summon things when Mom talks to you! Please, just tell me I'm wrong…"

Amy's eyes went wide when she realized what Victoria was implying. She immediately shook her head. "N-no.. No! It's not like that! Mom isn't… She's not… I'm not scared of her, Vicky. Yes, you're wrong. Whatever you're thinking, you're wrong."

"Okay. Okay! That's good! Thank god…" Victoria relaxed as her worst fears were denied, before she gave Amy another worried look. "Then why-"

"I thought I just had to tell you you were wrong." Amy cut her off. "I still don't want to talk about it, Vicky."

"I… Okay." Victoria said gently and wrapped her arms around Amy, hugging her softly. "If you don't want to talk, that's fine. But you can, okay? You can talk to me. I just want to make sure my sister is safe."

If Amy could have chosen the place to have a deep heart-to-heart conversation on the edge of a building, wind whipping through her hair, in full view of anyone that looked up would not be her first pick. That would have been nowhere and never. But standing there in Victoria's arms, the scent of her sister in her nose, surrounded by care, Amy's walls dropped. She felt safe. And she talked. "…You were right. A-about being reminded of how it felt… then. That's what sets it off. But there's a third, um, component, I guess. Because when you got shot a-and you were bleeding and going to d-die, I… I… I couldn't do anything! I couldn't stop it! And when I remember how it felt, how it felt to be useless, powerless, unable to help-"


[Flame Amulet - An amulet that boosts the damage of fire attacks and the burns they leave behind.]

"-that happens." Amy finished as there was a tinkle by their feet and a new group of wisps sprung to life around her. With Carol's insistence on popping them so she could be 'normal', Amy found she'd missed having them float around. She certainly felt safer knowing she had five bullet blockers floating around.

Victoria gave Amy another comforting squeeze before breaking away to check on her summon, leaving Amy feeling cold. She crouched down and when she came back up, Victoria was holding an orange-red gem carved in the shape of an open flame, hanging from a golden chain. "Looks like you lucked out and got one the pretty side this time." Victoria teased softly.

Amy gave her a wobbly smile in return. "Careful. It probably sets you on fire if you put it on."

Victoria chuckled at that but it was clear neither girl was really in a joking mood. Victoria gave the amulet to Amy, who shoved it in her pocket, before her expression hardened. "I'm going to talk to Mom."

"What? No, Vicky, you can't do that!"

"Why not?" Vicky demanded, looking furious. "She can't make you feel like that, Amy! It's not right, she shouldn't-"

"Victoria, I'm already mad you tricked me into coming out here just because you wanted to talk." Of course, Amy's own anger was starting to build. "Just fucking listen to me-"

Luckily, in some ways, their argument was interrupted by a horrendous crash, the tearing of metal and the screams of a woman.


[Armus Gone Astray - A simple quest to return some lost Armus, large, armored herbivores, to their owners. Here, three Armus are summoned and run amok.]

In the aftermath, they heard car horns honking, an engine revving and, most oddly, what sounded like sheep bleating but deeper and more rumbly. Looking down at the street, they found a car crash had happened, with a small compact car having apparently been smashed by a moving truck, which was now attempting to flee the scene. Oh, and also there were-

"Dinosaurs?" Amy blinked. "Why did I summon dinosaurs?"

"They're anklyosaurs." Victoria clarified. "I think? Their tails are kinda stubby and the don't have the mace on the end, but they're clearly not triceratops, no horns…"

Amy wanted to call her sister a fucking nerd but she didn't think she had the time. The hit-and-runner was getting away, whoever was in the car was probably injured and the large, armored dinosaurs were clearly in distress from the unfamiliar environment and all the noise. They'd cause some damage if they were allowed to panic. "Vicky, what do we do?"

"You check the car for victims, call me if you can't get the doors open. I'm going to try to calm the anklyosaurs. Hopefully my aura will help." Victoria decided quickly and flew ahead.

"Yeah. Okay. Sure." Amy nodded dumbly. Carol had been right, Amy definitely wasn't ready for this. But at least checking on the car… Amy could do that. That was simple. Taking several deep breaths, Amy backed up a few steps then ran to the edge of the building and jumped off.

This was another thing they'd figured out in the week of training. If Amy stepped off a ledge while wearing her hover boots, she'd just keep walking straight forward. But if she deliberately jumped off, then she'd fall like normal until the hover boots caught her right before hitting the ground. Amy hadn't tried jumping from a height as tall as a building yet but the training paid off. Although her heart was in her throat as she fell, she wasn't quite scared enough to trigger a summon. Progress.

After landing safely in the street, Amy ran to the crushed car in the middle of the intersection. Peering inside, she saw there was only one person in the vehicle, the driver. It took a lot of effort to pull the door open, with Amy bracing one leg against the side of the car and pulling with all her might, but she got it open.

Amy thought the woman inside probably would have been quite beautiful, in a stern librarian sort of way, if not for all the blood. Long, wavy black hair, pale skin, a smart suit that was unfortunately rumpled and torn in the accident and broken glasses on her face. She was slumped against the wheel, blood dripping down her face… and her arm… and her legs. There was a lot of blood. Maybe that was why she was so pale.

Amy shook her head, telling herself to focus, and shook the woman's shoulder. "Hey, can you hear me? Are you awake?" No response. "Fuck! Panpan! Get out here, I need you!"

"Panpan." Came the bored-sounding response and Amy looked down to find her panpan there, flanked by the other two. Amy still didn't know the mechanics of how the panpans traveled but they were always somewhere near Amy.

"Good, you're here. I'm going to get her out of the car, you save her life." Amy ordered. Despite being a pain in the ass, Panpan generally listened to what Amy had to say, gun safety aside. When it came to the other two, Amy barely had to ask, they usually were eager to help. Like right now, as they ran off to help Victoria with the dinos.

With several grunts of effort, Amy managed to lift the woman out of the trashed car and lay her on the pavement, where Panpan could touch her and do her thing. Although not before Panpan gave the woman an odd look.

"Is she going to be okay?" Amy asked, only to get a flat look from Panpan in return. It seemed her mini-clone didn't like her questioning her skills.

Amy got the message, even if she still felt like freaking out. Trusting Panpan to do her job for now, Amy looked up to check on how Victoria was doing. It seemed she was doing well, managing to herd the dinos into the center of the intersection, Nagisa's panpan was feeding them sweets, of course, while the punch-dog panpan was riding on one of them, looking like he was having the time of his life.

With Victoria handling her summons, and thank god she was because Amy couldn't handle shit, Amy looked back down just in time to see the woman's eyes flutter open. "Hey, are you okay? How do you feel?"

The woman groaned in pain and tried to rub her head, only to get her hand smacked back down by Panpan. "Ugh, I feel like I got run over by a truck. What happened?" She blinked again and her eyes widened when she saw Amy. "Who…?"

"Uh, right. I'm Evoker, I'm new but I'm with New Wave." Amy just barely remembered to use her new cape name. Her family had struggled a lot to come up with something that wasn't too generic, villainous or taken. Amy hadn't had any ideas and wound up just going with what Victoria had suggested. "Anyway, you're not far off from the truth. You've been in a car accident. Try not to move as my… projection heals you."

"Panpan." Her mini-clone gave her a flat look, insulted at being called a mere projection. Amy sensed annoying shenanigans in her future.

"Hey, Evoker." Victoria suddenly appeared, floating over the wrecked car and giving Amy a minor heart attack. "The anklyosaurs are pretty much taken care of and waiting for a PRT pick up, so I came over to check on how you're doing."

"Anklyosaurs? What?" The woman blinked in confusion.

"Don't worry about it." Victoria brushed off her question with a smile. "What's your name by the way? You're feeling better, right? Don't worry, you're in good hands."

"Yeah, it hurts less." The woman nodded, although her voice still sounded strained. "I'm Annette-"

She was interrupted by sudden… Amy could only really call them roars with how loud they were, even if the sound was more like something a cow would make than a predator. Crashes and smashes soon followed. Amy and Victoria looked up to find the dinosaurs had gone berserk, charging at other cars and attack anything in front of them.

"Shit!" Victoria swore and started flying away again. "What's gotten into them? Evoker, you good to say here with Annette? I need to take care of this."

"Yeah, you go Vi- I mean, Glory Girl." Amy nodded but Victoria was already gone, leaving Amy to sigh and kneel beside Annette again.

"What in the world is going on?" The wounded woman asked.

"Don't worry about it." Amy answered. "Just an unrelated coincidence. Just try to relax and let Panpan do her thing."

Annette did not do that. "Shouldn't you be helping her?"

Amy glanced over to where Victoria was wrestling with a pissed off dinosaur and grimaced. "My power's wouldn't really be helpful there…" Especially since she caused the problem in the first place. Better for her to stay where she was, out of the way, doing nothing as Panpan did all the work…

Amy was jolted out of her doldrums when Panpan was punted out of nowhere, squeaking like a dog's chew toy and letting out a pained "Panpaaaaaaaaan!" as she went flying.

Unfortunately, Amy could do nothing about that, since the one who kicked her was flanked by two members of the Chorus Gang toting fully automatic weapons. As for the kicker himself, he was dressed unusually for the Chorus Gang, wearing black shoes, pants and a leather jacket with nothing but his bare chest underneath. Instead, the color came from blood-colored hand print on his face, the rainbow skull painted on his chest and the color-shifting paint dripping from his hands.

Fear seized Amy's heart and she forgot how to breathe. She hadn't even been ready for a basic patrol, how was she supposed to deal with a violent villain with a grudge?

"Hello, Amy." Splatter grinned down at her with a smile that promised violence and revenge. "Imagine meeting you here. Lucky me."

AN: Not much to talk about this time, only two summons, both from Xenoblade. Like I mentioned earlier, there's so much stuff in Xenoblade, most of them don't get actual descriptions, just stats. So I made up the Flame Amulet's appearance and also extending it's effect, technically. It's only supposed to increase the damage of burn status but I figured it just made it less gamey and more real life to have it increase fire's power as well, since pretty much all fire would leave burns. As for Armus Gone Astray, I try to base the summons from quests and episodes and other events I roll on what happens during them, rather than actually giving Amy a quest.

Probably the big thing here is rescuing Annette. And yes, that is Taylor's mom. Isn't that a rather big coincidence? Yes, but I at least have some in story justification for it happening. In canon, the times are vague enough that Amy could have triggered around the same time as her death, so the timing is fine. Here, I figured that since Amy can't fly, Victoria would adjust her patrol route to compensate, going a different route, on a different day. So why not have her go near Annette's car crash?
Victoria's eyes were filled with something Amy couldn't identify. Pity, probably. Fear, maybe. Still, she let go of Amy on her own
No Amy, that's not fear….it's concern about when, not if, she needs to throw hands with Carol.

Panpan was punted out of nowhere, squeaking like a dog's chew toy and letting out a pained "Panpaaaaaaaaan!" as she went flying.
A Panpan is down! I repeat a Panpan is down! Somebody contact Nobu for reinforcements!!