Better Living Through Random Summons! (Worm/Wiki Warrior)

Finally, we have the fucking Holy Grail War. Is it an absolutely ridiculous thing to summon this early in the story?
The Holy Grail War is a ridiculous thing to summon. It's epic enough to require its own story and not just be a sub-plot.

I'm kind of hoping Amy will summon someone, either a servant or normally, who can be a mother figure for her. She needs someone to standup to Carol for her.
Undertale probably has some monster that would fit the bill.

It's undermine in the source list, not undertale. but there are quite a few that would such characters.
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So, is there a chance Amy won't be selected as a Master for the Grail War? That could be awkward.

I'm kind of hoping Amy will summon someone, either a servant or normally, who can be a mother figure for her. She needs someone to standup to Carol for her.

She felt a burning sensation in her hand, so i'm prtty sure she has command spells.

as for summoning a better mom, in Fate summoning without a Catalyst gets you a Servant who mirrors some part the summoner, so i wouldn't get my hopes up.

or at least that's what i have read, anyone who knows more about Fate feel free to correct me

Also. "ahem" all in favor of locking Carol in a room with chibi Amy and the bag of bombs? (let the little one vent some stress:drevil:)
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I really hope Hero is one of the summons for the grail war!
He's a legendary hero on earth bet and he's dead so technically he fills all of the criteria!
Plus he's from the Golden Age of modern heroics.

It would make a lot of things better if Hero was revived to He was one of the two members of cauldron with a conscience.

Plus I imagine the Triumvirate would immediately throw their hat in the ring if Heroes life was on the line.

Also he was Armsmasters mentor, and probably something of a father figure for him. (I can't remember if that's fannon or cannon though...)
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I really hope Hero is one of the summons for the grail war!
He's a legendary hero on earth bet and he's dead so technically he fills all of the criteria!
Plus he's from the Golden Age of modern heroics.

It would make a lot of things better if Hero was revived to He was one of the two members of cauldron with a conscience.

Plus I imagine the Triumvirate would immediately throw their hat in the ring if Heroes life was on the line.

Also he was Armsmasters mentor, and probably something of a father figure for him. (I can't remember if that's fannon or cannon though...)

Remind me, was Hero a Blaster or a Tinker? if he was a Tinker he could be either Caster or Archer, if he was pure Blaster then just Archer.
Remind me, was Hero a Blaster or a Tinker? if he was a Tinker he could be either Caster or Archer, if he was pure Blaster then just Archer.

He was a Tinker with the wavelength specialty, made him very good at laser tech presumably, his power was one of the earliest cauldron vials and he was famous when he was alive for being both extremely flexible, and powerful with his tech.

He was given his vial because he was dying from a number of health conditions including diabetes and cancer.

He was also considered to be the first real tinker.

His ability to stretch his specialty in unnatural ways existed probably because it was an unrestricted vial power, and because his shard is said to be Edens "Stilling Shard".

The "Stilling" is one of the Entity's primary and most effective weapons also refered to as their golden beam.
Below is a wiki a copy of the wiki on the Scion's copy of the Stilling Shard.
The Stilling

Scion's primary ability is the power to negate any kind of wavelength using manifestations of golden light. This effect is extremely versatile; among its uses are the cancellation of heat and sound, the disintegration of molecular bonds, slowing or stopping motion, negating the effects of virtually any parahuman ability,[3] and disruption of electronics.[33] At its deadliest, Scion's "stilling" can simply stop all bodily functions in a human, essentially killing them instantly.[34] Scion's light can be fired as beams, orbs, or area bursts, and can be used as a force field or transmitted by touch; essentially, he can shape his light into any form he wishes.[3] All of Scion's "stilling" effects are completely silent, including his movements and his attacks.[35]

Thus Scion's offensive blasts can range greatly in power, from pencil-thin cutting beams[36] to continent-destroying blasts.[37] He has practically infinite range as he can shoot across oceans;[38] his blasts can track targets by curving in mid-air.[39][40] The detrimental effects of Scion's light lingers, continuing to eat away at any damaged targets.[41] This lingering effect can kill a man all on its own.[42] Scion can also use his power defensively, using it to create physical barriers or cancel out the effects of offensive powers.[3] His stilling can also close portals and even stop the Simurgh's song.[43] Finally, Scion's light can have healing abilities, such as when Scion cures a man of cancer[44] or when he uses his light to heal the capes around him upon his arrival in the battle against Behemoth.[45]

Weakness of the Stilling

Understandably it's considered to be possibly the most powerful tinker power, infact it's primary weakness is that it manifested as a tinker power severely limiting it effectiveness to what ever Hero can build. Which takes time, resources, money, and the creativity of it user.

Quick history of Hero

In 1988, Hero was introduced to Alexandria and agreed to her idea of forming a government-regulated superhero team with Cauldron's backing.

It's said that Hero and Alexandria where in a significant romantic relationship. (Not sure if fannon or cannon)

Hero was present when Behemoth emerged for the first time in 1992.

In 1993, he was sworn in alongside Alexandria, Legend, and Eidolon as one of the founding members of the Protectorate.

At some point in his career he was a mentor to Armsmaster, and something of a father figure. (Not sure if cannon or fannon)

On September 15, 2000, Siberian bisected him in a confrontation between her and the core Protectorate. Eidolon attempted to heal Hero, but he ultimately died.

Understandably if the grail summons forth legendary heros throughout history, Hero was one of the most powerful and famous of the modern golden age of heros, "the First Tinker" as it where.
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Understandably it's considered to be possibly the most powerful tinker power, infact it's primary weakness is that it manifested as a tinker power severely limiting it effectiveness to what ever Hero can build

Believe it or not this is kinda similar to how some Servants work, since some can fit into multiple classes, but some of those classes make them weaker.

the biggest example i can think of is Cu Chulainn, he can be a Lancer or a Caster.

As a Lancer he is a powerhouse both in terms of sheer power and his Noble Phantasm, a special attack that Servants can use, as a Lancer he has his Legendary spear Gae Bolg which CANNOT miss when thrown at an enemy.

While as a Caster his physical power Plummets, he does gain the ability to use magic and three Noble Phantasm that aren't weak by any means, but even the Cu himself agrees that he is much stronger as a Lancer.
I'm kind of hoping Amy will summon someone, either a servant or normally, who can be a mother figure for her. She needs someone to standup to Carol for her.
While I do agree, in this chapter Carol is being fairly reasonable considering how dangerous powers really are. I mean, Amy's power just started a super powered war in Brockton which is going to result in the powder keg of a city exploding.
While I do agree, in this chapter Carol is being fairly reasonable considering how dangerous powers really are. I mean, Amy's power just started a super powered war in Brockton which is going to result in the powder keg of a city exploding.

Fair enough, but while her statement about powers is sensible, Carol is kind of the problem here. Specifically the fact she's making things worse and hasn't so much as consoled Amy about what happened at the mall. Amy is panicking summoning any time Carol just speaks to her, and Carol is basically treating anything Amy summons as her fault, despite the fact almost all of Amy's summons have more autonomy than any projection should have. Honestly, the one thing that will help Amy control her powers a bit is just some emotional stability.

If the PRT cottons onto that, they might decide the best thing is for Amy to simply not live under Carol's roof anymore. And I very much doubt she'll take that well.
Believe it or not this is kinda similar to how some Servants work, since some can fit into multiple classes, but some of those classes make them weaker.

the biggest example i can think of is Cu Chulainn, he can be a Lancer or a Caster.

As a Lancer he is a powerhouse both in terms of sheer power and his Noble Phantasm, a special attack that Servants can use, as a Lancer he has his Legendary spear Gae Bolg which CANNOT miss when thrown at an enemy.

While as a Caster his physical power Plummets, he does gain the ability to use magic and three Noble Phantasm that aren't weak by any means, but even the Cu himself agrees that he is much stronger as a Lancer.

I imagine that means if any earth bet exclusive heroes are resurrected, they will have minor beneficial changes and improvements to their power? Based on class they are resurrected under?

I wonder if and how many earth bet exclusive heroes might be revived? I imagine some of them will be ancient historical heroes, but it would be really cool if a few where earth bet exclusive.

The only figures that I can think of are,
(That are both dead and famousish?)

Hero (Most likely in my opinion, fits criteria best see earlier info post a few before this one)

Fleur (Amy and Vicky's aunt. Not really legendary or particularly famous or powerful. but her death led to the end of the new wave movement.)

(Professor) Haywire (technically he's a villain, so he falls short of that requirement. but he is super famous for punching litteral holes through the multiverse, and is responsible for earth bets connection to earth Aleph. He even was in contact with several alternate versions of himself. Basically the worm version of Rick from Rick and morty. I think cauldron probably had him killed, for obvious reasons. Being an unstable highly capable threat to the multiverse.)
I imagine that means if any earth bet exclusive heroes are resurrected, they will have minor beneficial changes and improvements to their power? Based on class they are resurrected under?

Yep, if Hero gets summoned as an Archer he's guaranteed to have,

The Magic Resistance Skill (although probably not very high in rank since Magic doesn't exist in Worm)

The independent Action Skill (That makes it so he can exist without a master for a longer period of time and allows him to use more powerful attacks in a row without needing to drain his Master of energy)

Plus Archer is one the Three Knight Classes so that means he gets the Riding Skill for free, even if at low rank since again, low magic setting however even at low rank that skill will allow him to drive most mundane vehicles and animals like an expert.

He was also a Leader so he might get the Charisma Skill which makes anyone that fights alongside him stronger and make it easier to convince people of stuff without prior proof

(Professor) Haywire (technically he's a villain, so he falls short of that requirement. but he is super famous for punching litteral holes through the multiverse, and is responsible for earth bets connection to earth Aleph. He even was in contact with several alternate versions of himself. Basically the worm version of Rick from Rick and morty. I think cauldron probably had him killed, for obvious reasons. Being an unstable highly capable threat to the multiverse.)

From what i understand the whole "no bad guys" rule was something specific to the Fuyuki Grail War, since in other Wars Servants like Moriarty and Jack the Ripper could be summoned, and considering the guy is well known on two (and potentially more) Earths, yeah he fits the bill to be a Servant.

There's Vikare and potentially Challenger.

Maybe but to be summoned you have to be in the Throne of Heroes, and to get there you have be Legendary by the time you died.
Legendary, not merely famous, think of figures like King Arthur, Achiles and Da Vinci, their histories, actions, ideals and works remained in the minds of the people long after they died. That is why they can be Servants.

though there is a way for people not in the Throne to be summoned, in Fate Thomas Edison couldn't be summoned on his own, so he literally fused with the spirits of every (dead) US president and a lion (for some reason) to become a singular Servant with his mind as the dominant one.
Maybe but to be summoned you have to be in the Throne of Heroes, and to get there you have be Legendary by the time you died.
Legendary, not merely famous, think of figures like King Arthur, Achiles and Da Vinci, their histories, actions, ideals and works remained in the minds of the people long after they died. That is why they can be Servants.

Well, if the Throne of Heroes peers into the future like it did with Archer..., Khepri is a prime example of legendary. Definitely heroic in the greek sense at least. Could even nab Antares.
Well, if the Throne of Heroes peers into the future like it did with Archer..., Khepri is a prime example of legendary. Definitely heroic in the greek sense at least. Could even nab Antares.

Again i'm not an expert on Fate but from what i been told, what happened with EMIYA is that as a Counter Guardian he could be sent anywhere, so long as Alaya willed it, so it's not that he was picked from the future it was that Alaya detected a threat and sent EMIYA to the past by hijacking Rin's Summoning, EMIYA replaced whoever Servant Rin was supposed to summon in the original timeline.

So in order to summon Kephri (Taylor) and Antares they would need to have sold their souls to Alaya and become Counter Guardians

the only other way would be to Summon Kephri (the actual God) and have said god choose to use Taylor's appearence or fuse with Kephri's (Taylor's) Legend. (i understand there's aparently a precedent for that sort of thing with Ishtar and Sakura)

Yep, if Hero gets summoned as an Archer he's guaranteed to have,

The Magic Resistance Skill (although probably not very high in rank since Magic doesn't exist in Worm)

The independent Action Skill (That makes it so he can exist without a master for a longer period of time and allows him to use more powerful attacks in a row without needing to drain his Master of energy)

Plus Archer is one the Three Knight Classes so that means he gets the Riding Skill for free, even if at low rank since again, low magic setting however even at low rank that skill will allow him to drive most mundane vehicles and animals like an expert.

He was also a Leader so he might get the Charisma Skill which makes anyone that fights alongside him stronger and make it easier to convince people of stuff without prior proof

Something i forgot to mention is that ALL Servants come with a Brute package, even if a Servant was a baseline human when they were alive, the moment they become a Servant they become stronger, faster and more resilient than any normal person.
So if Hero gets summoned he's gonna be more powerful than he was in life (though he's probably not gonna be winning a fist fight with the Siberian)
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I just had this thought.
Imagine how mad myrddin is gonna be if he doesn't get chosen as a Master for the Earth Bet Holy Grail War.
So, apparently I mentioned this in the SB thread but forgot to do so here, but I'm only going to use canon Fate Servants in the grail war. It's just easier for me to use pre-existing servants rather than stat out new ones. Also, it'll be awhile before we actually get to the grail war, at least an Arc or so. I'll slowly show who's gonna participate over the first arc of the story and then we'll get to the grail war proper in arc two.
I'm only going to use canon Fate Servants in the grail war. It's just easier for me to use pre-existing servants rather than stat out new ones.

Awwwww, that's so boring.... :(
I was really excited too....
You got my hopes up, and then proceeded to crush them....
At least the writings been pretty good.
I was just super excited cause I assumed you'd be using Earth Bet characters since it takes place in Earth Bet. (Sounded so original)
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