Better Living Through Random Summons! (Worm/Wiki Warrior)

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Amy Dallon triggers when her sister is shot in the stomach. However, instead of unlimited bio-manipulation, her power is to summon random powers, items and even people from across the multiverse. Now she has to deal with all that while doing her best to clear the gangs out of her city and getting dragged kicking and screaming into being a better person.

Somehow, this is still better for her mental health.

Inspired by Super Randomizer Lux and A Realm Randomized
Chapter 1: "I don't want to get shot at all!"


Title Incoming. Please Hold.
Somewhere else.
Chapter 1: "I Don't Want to Get Shot at All!"

This was a nightmare. This was definitely a nightmare, no way could it be real. Getting dragged to the mall by Victoria? Normal. Her day out getting interrupted by armed criminals and violent capes making a scene? Depressingly normal. Kneeling over her sister, hot, sticky blood soaking her hands as she tried to keep pressure on the ragged hole torn into Victoria's chest after her sister, her stupid, annoying, beautiful, supposedly invincible sister impossibly got shot while protecting her, struggling to remember what to do, desperate to keep the blood inside, tears streaming down her face while Victoria made dumb jokes she couldn't actually hear because Victoria didn't want her, weak, useless her, to be upset? A nightmare. It had to be. Amy wanted to wake up.

But she didn't. She kept on pressing on the wound and blood kept leaking out. Victoria's voice kept getting weaker and her breaths more ragged. In the distance, people kept screaming and gunshots kept going off. Amy couldn't wake up, she couldn't stop this, this was real and-


[Fate/GUDAGUDA Order - A gag manga drawn in a chibi art style starring Oda Nobunaga, Okita Soji and other Servants from Fate/Grand Order. Grants Amy a Meta ability where she and any Companions summoned also come with small, chibi-shaped copies that have their canon abilities (summoned abilities will not be added to them) and exaggerated but simplified versions of their personalities. Their vocabulary is limited.]

Amy flinched as she felt more than heard another gunshot, like the one that got her into this mess. But when she looked up, there were no gang members with firearms in the clothing store Vicky had flown them into before she collapsed. She felt no pain and Victoria wasn't repeating the scream she'd let out when she was shot the first time, so for now, at least, they were safe.

"Uh, Amy?" Victoria's terrifyingly frail voice got her attention. "What is that?"

turned out to be a small figure, maybe two feet in height, which looked like a living stuffed doll, with a big head, short, stubby arms and legs and huge white eyes that looked eternally surprised. It also looked like Amy, with the same pale skin tone, the same bushy brown hair, the same mass of freckles splashed across her face and the same annoyed scowl. The only difference was that the mini-Amy was wearing an adorable little white robe with red crosses that looked like they were made for a healer out of one of Victoria's weird video games from Japan with all the stats. That, somehow, was the most baffling part to Amy, because who in their right mind would ever trust her to be in charge of the well-being of others. She certainly wasn't doing a very good job of it now.

Amy was so stunned, she'd stopped putting pressure on Victoria's wound and she only noticed that when the mini-Amy scuttled over, grabbed her hands and pushed them back down Victoria's bullet hole. "Panpan panpan panpan!" The little-her shouted, apparently chastising her for her mistake, or maybe just insulting her. It was a little hard to tell from the angry but squeaky tone of voice but the way she was waving her arm at Amy like she was wagging a finger at her made Amy think it was the first.

Amy continued to be surprised when the smol-Amy placed her own arms on Victoria's shoulder and a moment later, the blood started to flow backwards, back into Victoria's body. Slowly Victoria's breathing evened out and her color returned to normal. Both Amy and Victoria stared wide-eyed at the miracle being performed.

Amy spoke up first. "Is… Is she-?"

"Healing me?" Victoria finished, then nodded slowly. "Sure feels like it."

"Panpan!" The little Amy grunted, sounding annoyed and like she was trying to focus. Both sisters feel quiet after that, not wanting to interrupt.

Unfortunately, others weren't quite so polite. "What the fuck is that thing?!"

Amy spun around to face the rough, angry voice to find that one of the gang members had found them. Tall, with a biker helmet over his face and an assault rifle in his hands, he was wearing a jacket made of a garish mish-mash of bright, random colors, the identifying 'uniform' of the Chorus Gang, the ones who had taken over the mall.

"Hands over your head! Now!" The gang member shouted at them and Amy complied immediately, too scared to consider otherwise. But Victoria was still too hurt to sit up, let alone lift her arms and the mini-Amy just straight up ignored him, continuing to heal Victoria while muttering under her breath, annoyed.

"I said hands up! The little freak too!" The gang member repeated, lifting his gun for emphasis. Again, the micro-Amy didn't pay him any attention and the bottom fell out of Amy's stomach. They were going to die. Vicky was still too weak to fight, the mini-her didn't seem to care how much she was pissing off the violent, armed criminal and Amy herself couldn't do anything. They were going to get shot-


[Twilight - A wide, piercing laser attack. Amy can now fire Twilight on a twenty second cooldown, costing her some stamina]

Again, Amy felt rather than heard a gunshot to go off but this time there was a sudden rush of adrenaline, an electric tingle going down her arm and then there was a blinding light. Amy, Victoria and gunman all screamed in surprise as a laser beam fired from Amy's outstretched hand, as wide as a beach ball and looking like white fire wrapped around a core of dark purple energy. It went screaming past the gangster's body, barely missing him as it melted through clothing racks and the glass windows at the front of the store, lasting several seconds before dissipating.

"Panpan panpan." The mini-Amy muttered angrily, rubbing her eyes with one arm as she continued her healing.

The Chorus member seemed to be staring in shock afterwards and thankfully, Amy was adrenalized just enough to take advantage of the situation. "G-get on the ground!"

"What?" The gang member jumped a little, startled out of his state of shock.

"Get on the ground! Throw away your gun!" Amy shouted, slightly hysterically as she got to her feet on shaky legs and pointed her palm towards him. "Do you want that to be you? Do you want a hole instead of a torso? Get on the ground!"

Luckily, the gang member complied, getting on his knees, putting his gun down, then continuing to lay face first on the ground, hands behind his head. Amy rushed forward to kick the assault rifle away from him and swore when her toe made contact, she hadn't expected the gun to be so heavy or so hard.

However, as the gun rattled across the store floor, another voice rang out from outside the store. "Hey, Jay! You dead? The fuck was that light show?"

Amy's eyes flicked down to the surrendering gangster, who thankfully kept silent, but when she looked up again, she saw another assault rifle pointed in her direction as another person in a randomly colored outfit stepped into the store, this one sans biker helmet but with a huge, tie-dye headband instead. Without thinking, Amy swung her hand towards the new enemy and tried to pull on that electric, tingly feeling again.

Nothing happened.

Time seemed to slow down as the lazer failed to fire and Amy watched, helpless as the new Chorus member's eye went wide in surprise and his rifle began to lift. Again, she was in the same position again, she was about to get shot again-


[Rotten Flesh - A rare, enemy only attack with a wide range. Amy can now summon a mass of rotten flesh and immediately throw it in an arc in front of her, dealing damage.]

Amy's arm jerked, swinging it in an arc and something red and brown and green and disgusting flew out. The mass of red slammed into both Chorus members hard, sending Headband flying backwards into the front wall of the store and Biker Helmet skidding across the floor like his gun had a moment before. Neither of them moved afterwards, simply laying in a splattered pile of what Amy realized was rotten, semi-liquid meat.

Amy clasped her hands over her mouth as she gagged and spun away, almost falling to the ground as the smell hit her. She found Victoria looking green as well, even though almost all of her blood was gone from her clothes, hopefully back inside her where it belonged. "A-Amy? You okay?"

And that was just like her sister, wasn't it. Always looking out for her, even at a time like this. Amy wanted nothing more than to fall down and hug Victoria until everything was fine. So she did, ignoring the angry noises from little her as cuddling up to Victoria disturbed the mini-Amy's work. "Vicky… I… I…"

"Amy." Victoria's voice was soft and comforting as she wrapped one arm around Amy. "You have powers." She sounded stunned.

Amy nodded into Victoria's shoulders, barely holding back tears. "Really weird, random powers, yeah."

"Still, you have powers!" And now Victoria was grinning at her. It looked a little shaky but considering she'd just been shot, Amy thought that was pretty normal. "This… This is awesome, right? You have powers and you're okay and- Oh, this makes this so much easier."

"Makes what easier?" Amy asked, not sure she was going to like the answer.

"Clearing the rest of these guys out, obviously!" Vicky was still smiling as she sat up, pulling away from the mini-Amy, who let loose a few more offended 'Panpan's. Amy was offended too. She was perfectly fine with laying there forever as long as Victoria kept holding her close.

Sitting up as well, Amy thought Victoria was still looking a little pale but at least she was up. Victoria opened her mouth, paused for a moment and started again. "I mean, we can't just let them terrorize the rest of the mall!"

Amy blinked at Victoria a few times before grabbing her by the shoulders and shaking her. "Victoria Sarah Dallon, what the utter fuck! You were just shot! Furthermore, I am not bulletproof! You are not bulletproof and now people know that! If we rush out there, we are just going to get shot again, especially since I have no idea how my power fucking works!"

Little-Amy was also joining in on berating Victoria's recklessness, although she just shouted "Panpan!" again and again while jumping up to smack the back of Victoria's head since her stubby arms couldn't properly reach even when Victoria was just sitting straight up.

"But we have her around!" Victoria argued. "Tiny you! She can just heal us if- She can heal us."

"I don't want to get shot at all!" Amy yelled at the top of her lungs. "Also, her healing takes time, time in which we could get shot! Like what almost just happened! Also also, she can't heal dead, Vicky, which is what happens if we get shot somewhere important, like in the face!"

Amy then paused her rant and looked over and mini-her. "You can't heal people back to life, right? Dead is dead?"

"Panpan." The strange little copy in the healer robes nodded.

"Exactly! See, she can't fix it if you die, Vicky!"

Victoria raised her hands in surrender, her smile turning sheepish. "Okay, okay, we'll try not to get shot. But we have to do something, we can't just stay here. Uh, how about we just figure out your powers first. Can you shoot that giant laser again? I like that one a lot more than, uh, the other thing you did."

Amy grimaced, then gagged as being reminded of what she did also reminded her that the smell was still there. Looking a little green, she shook her head. "Uh, no. I tried to use it on the second guy when he came in, but it failed and then I was throwing rotten meat for some reason."

"Hm…" Victoria frowned and got up, pulling up Amy along with her. "Well, could you try it one more time anyway? Just make sure? You've clearly got some sort of Trump power, maybe like a less powerful Eidolon or-"

"Eidolon?!" Amy shouted, surprised at being compared to someone widely considered the most powerful cape on the planet.

Victoria blushed and shrugged. "I mean, he's the first one that came to mind. There are a few others but- Anyway, just try it."

Amy shook her head, turning away to hide her blush. No way was Victoria right. Her power had failed and she wasn't anything like Eidolon. Her power was just weird, random bullshit. Useful bullshit, apparently, but still Amy was willing to bet most of it was going to be more stuff like the rotten meat than the laser. Nevertheless, she never could argue with Victoria when she was determined and this was still better than actually going out into the mall and fighting, so Amy held out her hand, aimed her palm at a low angle towards the floor away from them just in case and tried to remember that electric, adrenalizing tingle from earlier.

To her absolute shock, another white and purple beam screamed through the air and punched a perfect circle into the floor of the store, digging through several feet of tile and concrete before fading away. She stumbled, suddenly feeling like she'd run around her school gym a few times, but Victoria caught her.

"I did it…" She muttered to herself, before shifting her aim and trying again. This time, there was nothing, making her frown. "But I can't do it one after another."

"Still, that's awesome!" Victoria clapped her hands together in excitement. To Amy's surprise, she found herself smiling, swept up in Victoria's enthusiasm. "I told you power testing could be fun but you never believed me, did you! Okay, now see if you can do the other thing again."

Amy's shoulders slumped and she groaned. "Do I have to?"


"Uuugh." Amy let out a groan. This was going to smell terrible. There was no exact feeling Amy could recall for this one, not like the laser, but when she thought about what she wanted to do and flung her arms out in an arc, a wave of rotted, pungent meat flew out, knocking over several racks of clothes. Then she did it again and also unlike the laser, she got the same result right after.

She turned back to Victoria. "There, are you happy now?"

Her sister's huge grin was her answer. "Very! Alright, let's go fight them bad guys! Don't worry-" She cut off Amy before she could argue. "-I do actually have a plan. I know you're worried about, er, things not going well again but I can still take hits as long as I don't get unlucky again."

Yes, 'unlucky'. That's what getting the attention of a whole gang at once and then having to stay still in order to be a human shield for her vulnerable sister was. That was what they were going to call that.

"So, it looks like they're spread out across the mall now, which means we can take them down one by one. I'll distract them, you blast them and if anything goes wrong, we can hide out with your adorable little mini-you while she takes care of us. Sound good?"

Amy really felt like slapping her own face right then. Or maybe her sister. "No! No, that does not sound good! Vicky, that laser blasts holes in concrete. I can't use that on people, they'll die! And if I kill someone, Mom's going to ground me until the rest of time!"

"Okay, so just use your other ability." Victoria shrugged.

"That would get me grounded for even longer!" Amy was going to start shaking Victoria again, she swore to god. "Can you imagine the PR disaster? Here we have a bright, shiny family of superheroes, who fly and make force fields and shoot very pretty lasers and literally turn into shining beacons of light and what does that one daughter do? Oh, yeah, she throws diseased, festering meat at people!"

"Okay, you may have a point about Mom at least…" Victoria admitted and Amy breathed a sigh of relief. Then she saw Victoria shifting from foot to foot, unable to stand still, and Amy knew they weren't staying put. "But we still need to go out there and help. I'm probably not the only one who got shot, people could be dying right now and those guys need to be stopped. Is there anything else you can do? Eidolon can switch his powers and most Trumps have a lot of variety if they alter their own powers, so I doubt you're stuck with just the three you have now."

"Three?" Amy asked, confused, and Victoria pointed down at the mini-her, who scowled back up at her. Right, Amy hadn't even put together the fact that she was probably responsible for that, too much had happened too quick. "Huh, right. I don't know. I know what it feels like when it happens, I think, but-" she quickly recalled that gunshot feeling, like how she activated her laser by remembering the tingle, but nothing happened, "-no, I don't know how to make it work."

Victoria nodded, frowning. "Huh, that's too bad. Maybe it's an automatic function? But we can't rely on it… Look, Amy, I'm going out there. I'm going to help people, like I've been trained to. You can come with if you want or… or you can stay here, keep safe, maybe figure out your powers some more. Or, um, maybe you should find a different hiding spot. But I'm going to take tiny-you along with me just in case anyone else needs healing."

"You've been 'training' for like five months!" Amy shouted, before pushing her worried anger back down. Victoria… She wasn't going to change her mind. Not only could Amy see it in her eyes but Victoria was an honest-to-God, capital-letters Good Person. Not like Amy. Victoria was never going to leave something well enough alone if she could help people.

With a sigh, Amy nodded. "I'll come with you." After all, someone needed to keep Victoria from getting herself killed.

AN: Starting a new project, because why not. Might as well test the ADHD meds on something, right? Not much to talk about here, besides the fact that getting GUDAGUDA Order first thing ensures this is a comedy story no matter what else I do.

For those who haven't read A Realm Randomized and
Super Randomizer Lux by donutdodongo, go give 'em a read and you'll both have a good time and see what I'm doing here. I'll post a full explanation of my rules for summons in a bit, but basically I've got twenty sources, I roll to see which is used for a summon, then I hit random page on thier wiki to see what Amy gets. I've removed the power level rolls other Wiki Warrior fics use so everything is permanent and accurate to their canon level of strength.

Anyway, please enjoy!
Source List and Summon Rules
Source List:
  1. Pokémon
  2. Binding of Isaac
  3. Type Moon
  4. Code: Vein
  5. Castlevania
  6. Digimon
  7. Megami Tensei
  8. Honkai Star Rail
  9. Genshin Impact
  10. Enter/Exit the Gungeon
  11. Madoka Magica
  12. Fire Emblem
  13. Reverse: 1999
  14. Nier
  15. Sonic the Hedgehog
  16. Legend of Zelda
  17. Xenoblade
  18. RWBY
  19. Dead Cells
  20. Dark Souls
  21. Elden Ring

Summon Rules:

Every time Amy Dallon experiences emotions similar to what she felt during her trigger event (threatened, in danger, terrified for someone close to her), her power activates and something is summoned. First, I roll on the source list, then I use the random page function on the wiki of the result, with Amy summoning whatever page I land on. Amy cannot summon something that presents an immediate and clear danger to herself or Earth Bet. Amy cannot summon gods or anything of similar level of power to Scion. Pages that break those rules will be rerolled.

Summons are moderated by myself beyond the reroll rules. Sometimes a summoned power is useless without another summon to help it activate or its simply inappropriate for a summon to appear at the moment in the story I roll it. For example, meta summons will only happen on round numbers or significant milestones like summon number 10, 25 or 100. In this case I 'store' the summon for a better moment and roll a new one for the current summon.

Other Wiki Warrior stories roll a second d20 after rolling for a source in order to determine the power/duration of a particular summon. I've discarded this step from my summons. All summons are permanent and their power level is accurate to their source canon.

Summons are categorized in the following ways. Passives are permanent upgrades to Amy or a Companion that doesn't need to be activated. Actives are the opposite, being spells, powers, techniques and similar summons that grant Amy or a Companion a new ability they need to activate in order to use. Companions are characters that Amy summons, usually with a proper name, sapience and a unique existence. Equipment covers any items Amy summons, including single use items such a potions or food. Meta summons affect Amy's summons in someway, adding to or changing the rules for how they happen and what they do. These classifications are mostly for my personal use and may or may not be used in summon descriptions.

These rules are subject to change as the story progresses.
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Character Sheets
Amy and Her Companions

These sheets are for clarity and informational purposes for those reading this story. These sheets aren't available in story in anyway and the characters in story will be working on incomplete information and whatever they can test/deduce in story. Just making that clear. Also, the powers of Amy and her companions will be classified using PRT power classifications, although numbers won't be assigned to the powers and some powers may belong to multiple classifications. It's not accurate, it's fun.

Name: Amelia 'Amy' Dallon
Species: Human (Parahuman)
Gender: Female
Age: 14

  • GUDAGUDA Order - Chibi copies of Amy and her Companions two feet in height known as Panpans. New Panpans automatically appear when a new Companion is summoned. Panpans come with the canon powerset of their relevant Companion but weaker. Panpans will not gain new abilities when their relevant Companion gains new abilities via Amy's summons.

  • Twilight - A electric-type attack that launches a large, piecing laser. Costs Amy some stamina and comes with a twenty second cool down.
  • Rotten Flesh - A wide ranged attack that hits all enemies with rotten meat.
  • Beth's Essence - Wisps with the appearance of light blue flame that orbit around Amy's body, blocking attacks and firing minor versions of Amy's other Blaster powers. Amy gains five new wisps on every summon and has a minor chance to gain a single new wisp when she does a good deed.
  • Bat Volley - Summons a swarm of bat projections that attack nearby enemies. The projections become more vicious after attacking their first victim and only last a few seconds.

  • The Hollow Shrine - Within Amy's metaphysical make up, there is a 'Hollow Shine', an empty space waiting for a second personality. The first Invading mind, possessing spirit alternate personality or similar entity to enter Amy's mind/soul will harmlessly slot into this empty space, safely integrating into Amy rather than damaging or taking over her.


  • Fatal Falls DLC - Adds a 21st source for Amy to summon from: Elden Ring
  • Weapon Traits - Melee weapons summoned by Amy have one of 16 random traits applied to them, conveying passive benefits to the weapon.
  • PvP (Card) - A single-use card that summons a one-hit kill attack where wires wrap around the target and tighten until they slice through their body.
  • Dusty Book - A single-use summon item that lets Amy pick a familiar from one of several.
  • V1.0.11 - Swaps out UnderMine for Dark Souls as a source of summons.


  • Hover Boots - Boots that make you hover, even over pits, liquids and empty air. Also protects from fall damage.
  • Bombchus - Mouse-shaped bombs that move forward in a slight zig-zag pattern, blowing up after a short time or if they hit an enemy.
  • Sappan Veg Juice - Vegetable juice that promotes healing and coordination between parahumans.
  • Flame Amulet - A necklace that increase the damage of fire attacks and the pain of inflicted burns.
  • Hard Board - A shield that can be used as a melee weapon. Upgraded for better stealth attacks.
  • Shellegun - A pistol carrying a minor curse, capable of switching to a laser shooting skull and back when reloaded.

  • Golden Powder - Explosives that Amy touches turn into gold but remain functional. When the golden explosives detonate, they turn any stone debris left over into pure gold.

  • Dracula's Curse - In the event of Amy's death, several of her body parts will be dispersed. If these body parts are retrieved and returned to her body, she will be magically revived from death

Name: Nagisa Momoe
Species: Human (Magical Girl), Angel
Gender: Female
Age: 10

  • Soul Gem - Nagisa's proper body is now her soul gem, with her human body being little more than a puppet. As long as her soul gem remains intact, it doesn't matter how much damage Nagisa's body takes, she will not die.
  • Sweets Magic - Nagisa's magic lets her create sweets and deserts from nothing. Her main method of attack is icing shot from two oversized piping bags



Name: Wanyamon
Species: Digimon (Wanyamon)
Gender: Male
Age: 1 Week


  • Smile Fang - Wanyamon smiles cutely before surprising the target with a sudden bite
  • Beast Cyclone (Locked) - An extremely powerful attack than involves launching into a forward spin while striking with a lethal blade. Wanyamon does not currently have the strength to use this move.


  • Frothy Spit - Wanyamon shoots mildly acidic bubbles from his mouth.


Name: Victoria Dallon/Glory Girl
Species: Human (Parahuman)
Gender: Female
Age: 14


  • Fragile One - Victoria's Shard grants her a personal forcefield that can block any attack but significant force can cause it to drop and need a short time to reform. She can also fly and has an aura that causes allies to view her as beautiful and admirable, while enemies feel terror.

  • Burning Disaster - A heavy, bayonetted flamethrower that drinks the blood of the user in order to fire. Also durable enough to be used as a dedicated melee weapon.


[Power Classification]

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Summon List
  1. Fate/GUDAGUDA Order: Amy gets little Nobus of her and her companions
  2. Twilight: A giant electric laser attack.
  3. Rotten Flesh: An attack that throws rotten flesh.
  4. Beth's Essence: Amy gets little wisps that protect her and copy her blaster powers with each summon and some good deeds.
  5. Kara no Kyoukai - The Garden of Sinners Movie 4: The Hollow Shrine: Amy has a space in her heart for a second personality.
  6. Bat Volley: The ability to summon bats to attack enemies.
  7. Super Space Turtle (Gun): A tiny little gun. Claimed by Panpan prime.
  8. Nagisa Momoe (Valentine Version): Summoned Valentines Nagisa as Amy's first Companion.
  9. Wanyamon: Summoned Wanyamon as Amy's second companion.
  10. Fatal Falls DLC: Added Elden Ring to the source list.
  11. Hover Boots: Boots that hover.
  12. Bombchus: Mouse-shaped bombs that move forward on their own once set, detonating after a short time or when they hit an enemy.
  13. Golden Powder: Explosives Amy uses turn stone to gold.
  14. Weapon Trait: Melee Weapons Amy summons gain an additional random trait.
  15. BT3-106 (DCG): Beast Cyclone, Cres Garurumon's signature attack. Wanyamon can use it once he's digivolved a few times.
  16. Fate/stay night: The Fuyuki Grail War starts in Brockton Bay.
  17. Sappan Veg Juice: Vegetable juice that boosts healing and coordination between parahumans.
  18. PvP: A single use card that dices the target like Penny Polendina.
  19. Green Irontrunk Tree: A single use card that summons a tree.
  20. Castlevania II: Simon's Quest: Bring the Amy bits back together, bring her back to life.
  21. Burning Disaster: A flamethrower that drinks your blood with a big knife on the end.
  22. Flame Amulet: A necklace that increases the damage of fire and burns.
  23. Armus Gone Astray: Three large, reptilian herbivores called Armus, with a tenancy to wander off.
  24. Hard Board: An industrial spark shield, used for bashing heads. Adapted for stealth.
  25. Dusty Book: Let's Amy pick one familiar to summon from several.
  26. V1.0.11: Swapped out UnderMine for Dark Souls on the source list.
  27. Shellegun: A golden revolver that turns into a skull that shoots lasers and back. Slightly Cursed.
  28. Scene 0 Film 10: A vision of a past timeline.
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Chapter 2: "How the Fuck Do My Powers Work?!"
Chapter 2: "How the Fuck Do My Powers Work?!"

Of course, Victoria immediately pointed out that mini-Amy wouldn't be able to keep up with them, what with her short height and even shorter legs. "You're going to have to carry Panpan, Amy."

Amy gave her sister a look of utter disgust. "Panpan?"

"Yeah!" Victoria nodded, brightly ignoring Amy's expression. "She needs a name, doesn't she?"

"First of all, no she doesn't. Secondly, you can't just call her the only thing she knows how to say. I'm fairly certain that's, like, discriminatory or something…" Amy argued, frowning as she trailed off.

"Alright, let's just ask her then." Victoria kneeled down in front of the mini-Amy, giving her a smile. "Well? Are you okay with being called Panpan?"

"Panpan!" The little copy dropped her scowl for once to smile up at Victoria and nod before jumping up and latching her stubby arms around Victoria's neck. "Panpan panpan panpan."

For a moment, Amy was worried that her power… minion? Were things summoned by powers called classified as minions or projections? She couldn't remember, she wasn't a parahumans nerd like Victoria. Anyway, she was worried that the little her had suddenly decided to attack her sister but then Victoria straightened up and laughed, patting 'Panpan' on the back. "Aw, look! She wanted a hug! Yes, thank you, you did a very good job healing me, yes."

Amy felt like retching and that was only partially because of the rotten meat splattered around the room.

"Alright, here you go!" Victoria said after a moment, prying Panpan off of her neck easily and handing her off to Amy to carry. Immediately, the smol Amy clone let out an irritated "Panpan." and went back to scowling. Victoria simply booped her nose. "Now now, you need to stay with Amy. I can't exactly be carrying our little healer into battle, now can I? That wouldn't be very responsible."

"Can we just go? She's kinda heavy." Amy complained, already having enough of this situation. Judging by the offended cry of "Panpan!" and the way she threw her head back against Amy's chest, Panpan wasn't happy about it either.

Victoria burst out laughing. "Oh my god, the two of you are exactly the same! So grumpy!"

"No, we're not!" Amy protested at the exact same time Panpan shouted "Panpan pan!" Which of course only made Victoria laugh even harder.

"Weren't you the one who said people could be dying right now? Let's go already." Amy insisted with a groan, which thankfully got Victoria to get serious again. The trio headed for exit, on high alert for more bad guys, and that unfortunately meant passing by the two Chorus members Amy had already defeated, along with the huge mess of fetid meat they were laying in.

"So, uh… We should probably make sure you didn't kill them." Victoria pointed out, stopping at the edge of the meat puddle. Both girls were looking rather green, the smell was much worse standing this close, but Panpan looked completely fine. In fact, she started to wiggle in Amy arms with much more energy than Amy herself had at the moment and after a moment, Amy wound up dropping her squirming little clone. Landing on her feet, Panpan marched through the rotten meat seemingly without a care in the world so she could check on the two gang members. It took a bit of tugging and digging to get done, something that confused Amy until she realized Panpan was looking for bits of bare skin on her targets that weren't covered by clothing. She poked Biker Helmet, then Headband, who wound up spitting out some meat that had gotten in his mouth (ew), but he didn't wake up.

"So, they're just knocked out, right? We're good to leave them here?" Victoria asked as Panpan made her way back, still not caring that the bottom of her robe was getting stained with rotten, partly-liquid meat. The little Amy nodded and gave an affirmative 'panpan', so Victoria breathed a sigh of relief. "Alright, good, now we can-"

"I'm not carrying her." Amy said vehemently even as Panpan lifted her arms above her head for 'uppies' with a deadpan expression. "You're covered in filth! No!"

"And whose fault is that?" Victoria asked and Amy just knew she was teasing her.

"Not mine! If she wants to skip through a bunch of butcher shop reject slop, that's her problem."

"We can't just leave her behind, Amy. C'mon, we're wasting time." Victoria said, more serious this time.

"Ugh, fine." With a disgusted groan, Amy bent down and grabbed Panpan under her arms. When she lifted the little clone up, she held Panpan as far away from her body as she could, doing her best to not smell anything too strongly. Panpan, naturally, gave her a grumpy scowl.

With that, the three finally left the store, Victoria hovering above the ground while Amy did her best to follow as quietly as possible behind her. Victoria kept her head on a swivel, constantly looking around, checking behind them and trying to spot any villains before they saw her. Amy mostly watched her sister. It was clear to her that, five measly months or not, Victoria had been trained for this by their parents and she hadn't. The best she could do was follow along.

Progress wasn't exactly fast, as Victoria insisted on checking on every store. They only found a few people, none of whom needed healing thankfully, and the one bad guy they spotted patrolling the hallways was easily taken out by Victoria silently flying up behind him and putting him in a sleeper hold. They were making their way towards the food court when-

"Hello out there, you pathetic little worms!"


[Beth's Essence - A trinket that grants orbiting wisps when entering Angel rooms or donating to Beggars. Here, it grants a Meta effect to Amy, granting her five wisps upon each Summon and a 1 in 4 chance to summon an additional wisp whenever she does a good deed, no matter how minor. Wisps will fly around Amy, blocking attacks to protect her, as well as firing off extremely minor copies of any ranged attacks she makes.]

Amy jumped and would have screamed if it weren't for Victoria slapping a hand over her mouth. She barely even noticed the tiny blue flames that started to fly around her, she was too distracted by her heart pounding in her ears and Victoria whispering in her ears, barely audible over the screams up ahead. "Shit, that's Volume. Do you remember Mom and Aunt Sarah's briefing on the Chorus gang?"

Amy shook her head. Sure, she was old enough to come to New Wave planning meetings now, but she never really paid that much attention. It wasn't as if it was relevant to her. Or so she had thought. Of course, it was a little hard to think back that far, given how close Victoria was right now. Did she have to press her chest up against Amy's arm like that? Amy was already jealous, Victoria didn't need to literally rub it in too.

"Thought so." Vicky didn't sound disappointed but Amy felt like she'd let her sister down anyway. Then she scowled as Vicky patronized her. "It's okay, it was a lot, I know. It's cool."

After reassuring Amy that, yeah, it was totally fine that she couldn't remember basic fucking info, Victoria explained things. "Chorus only has two capes, their leader Splatter and Volume, his second in command. She, uh, basically makes things louder. That's pretty much it. Crazy bitch though." That last bit was muttered under Victoria's breath before she smiled reassuringly at Amy. "We'll be careful, yeah?"

Amy wanted to tell Victoria that she was the one who needed to be careful but even after Victoria let her go, she was too frightened to say anything. Instead, she let Panpan down and finally paid attention to what her power had given her this time.

There were little balls of blue-white flames slowly floating around her body. Amy couldn't count any that were behind her of course, but she was pretty sure there were five in total, each about the size of a dollar coin. She tried to reach out and touch one but it just changed course to float around her outstretched finger.

Soft giggling drew her attention to Victoria, who was watching her with twinkling eyes that made Amy frown. "And we're back to getting the cute powers. They suit you better." Victoria whispered before turning back towards the front. Amy scowled. Panpan wasn't cute. And Amy certainly wasn't either.

Victoria started floating forward again, hugging the wall as they drew closer, and Amy followed, with Panpan sullenly bringing up the rear. Shortly after that, Victoria stopped and Amy peaked over her up sister's shoulder to see what was ahead. The food court was in disarray, with the various tables and chairs shoved aside to create a large open area in the middle, which was filled with people. Everyone was on the ground, most sitting, some laying down, but everyone looked afraid and most of them were making noises to that effect. Sniffles, shouting, attempts to bargain, one baby was loudly crying as its mother tried to shush it. Surrounding the gathered hostages, because that's what they clearly were, were several more members of the Chorus gang, each one armed with a gun of some sort although only two had assault rifles, thank God for small mercies.

And there, sitting on a chair perched on a pyramid of stacked chairs like it was a throne, was Volume. Amy couldn't remember what description she'd heard at the New Wave meeting but she certainly looked like a super villain. Long hair dyed in a variety of colors pull back into twin tails, large goggles over her eyes with one lens colored blue, the other red, a leather vest made from swatches in different colors stretched together, while the shirt underneath had a picture of a megaphone shooting out skulls. Her white jeans were stained with paint in a variety of colors, while her big black boots only had one additional color on them: blood red. It was a weird, chaotic parody of casual clothes, nothing like the sleek, professionally made costumes New Wave and the Protectorate used and it paired well with the intimidating sneer that was only growing worse on Volume's face.

"Shut it!" Volume suddenly stood up and screamed again, her power boosted voice overpowering every other noise in the vicinity. Amy was left with her ears ringing and dead silent, just like all the hostages. In the sudden silence, Volume didn't need to use her power to be heard. "That's better. Now, I don't like to repeat myself but I'll say it again. Shut up, sit still and be good little trade-em-ins and you'll be fine. Of course, that is if the mayor is smart and actually coughs up the cash. Otherwise we might need to start making examples, just to show we're serious. Oh, and don't think any heroes are going to show up to save you. I already shot that 'invincible' brat, Glory Girl, dead, so the rest of the cowards are going to stay out of our way."

"You know lying is in poor taste, right?"

[Kara no Kyoukai - The Garden of Sinners Movie 4: The Hollow Shrine - The fourth movie in the Garden of Sinners series, the plot of which follows Shiki Ryougi as she awakens from a coma following the 'death' of her split personality, leaving her feeling empty and her heart a 'Hollow Shrine'. Amy's heart is now a 'Hollow Shrine' in a slightly different way. There is now an empty space in Amy's internal metaphysical structure, which any invading personality/spirit/similar entity can easily slot into, safely integrating said entity as a separate personality rather than having her be taken over.]

Amy damn near had a heart attack as Victoria floated out of cover, into the air above the court, and every gun in the vicinity snapped up in her direction. What is she doing, she's already been shot once, how can she be this stupid, this reckless, this brave, this amazing, this heroic! She look amazing, golden locks fluttering as she floats there, above it all, untouchable, invincible, utterly beautiful-

Amy smacked herself. Right. Victoria's aura. She still wasn't used to that. Thankfully, it was doing its job and keeping all the bad guys focused on Victoria rather than just shooting the hostages. Panpan probably couldn't save all of them if that happened. That still didn't mean this was at all smart and Victoria was still an absolutely amazing hero for going out and- "Damnit."

"How're you-? No, it doesn't matter." Volume recovered well enough from the surprise of Victoria's sudden appearance and sat back down. It was probably to look unconcerned at Glory Girl showing up but Amy was willing to bet her legs had actually just collapsed from fear, given the strength of aura Victoria was pumping out, she seemed so powerful she was almost glowing with- Could she just be allowed to concentrate, please! Volume was still talking. "I don't know how you got around the whole gaping hole in your guts thing but it doesn't matter. See, I still remember how to make you bleed."

And with a cruel grin, Volume pointed her stupid-big pistol at Amy rather than Victoria and pulled the trigger.



[Bat Volley - "Quick, throw them before they fill your pockets with guano!" An attack that launches a swarm of vampire bats at the enemy. Once they've tasted the blood of one enemy, the bats grow stronger, dealing increased damage to any other targets caught in the attack. These bats count as projections and disappear after a few seconds.]


Amy was surprised when she was still alive to hear Victoria scream, was less surprised when Victoria flew forward and slammed Volume off her perch and was back to being surprised again when she instinctively thrust her hand forward and a dozen screeching bats flew out her sleeve, joined by little tiny bats that flew out of the little wisps of flame that flew around her. But not as surprised as the Chorus members were when the bats descended upon them and began to attack. Many of the gangsters dropped their guns in a panic as they tried to flail at the bats while others just fell to the ground and screamed in fear and pain.

A moment later, the bats all disappeared, leaving the criminals covered in torn clothes and bloody bites. The temporary attack might not have done much damage but it was enough for Victoria to take out Volume, who was lying unconscious on the floor from what Amy could see. Not that Amy looked too closely, the woman had shot her and Victoria after all. Amy didn't particularly care too much if she had broken bones or even if Victoria had accidentally killed her.

Instead, Amy thrust out her hand again and was happily surprised when more bats flew out to attack. Why was the laser the only attack she couldn't use again right away? Not that she needed the answer at this moment. "Vicky! Take the rest out while they're being swarmed!"

Victoria looked up and dropped her jaw at the swarm of bats screeching and biting the gangsters (but leaving the hostages alone, that was good). She was only surprised for a moment though, before shooting Amy a thumbs up and shooting forward through the air. Victoria was a fast enough flier and a strong enough brute that all the criminals were taken out by the time bats disappeared again.

With the danger gone, Amy slowly walked into the food court, ready to duck for cover if she was wrong. That gave Victoria time to gather up all the guns and put them in one large, easily monitored pile. When she saw her sister approaching through, Victoria flew forward and scooped Amy into a big, flying hug. "Amy! You're okay! And you shoot bats now!"

"Yeah… Did you see what happened? Did she just miss?" Amy asked. She was glad she didn't get shot, but she was really confused about why it didn't happen.

"No, I didn't see, I… I'm so sorry, Ames, I really thought everyone would be totally focused on me and it was such a perfect moment to call that bitch out but she shot at you and-" Suddenly Victoria was crying and hugging Amy even harder.

Amy probably should have been mad. Maybe she would be once the adrenaline had worn off and she actually had some time to reflect on the insanity of the day instead of just having to deal with it. For now though, she was perfectly fine with having her sister hold her close, she was so soft and kind after all, just amazing. Groaning slightly under her breath, Amy instinctively nuzzled into Vicky's shoulder. "Mm, Vicky, did you know you smell amazing? Let me borrow your shampoo…" Amy mumbled, half-dreaming.

"Amy? What're you- Shit, aura, sorry! Sorry sorry sorry!" Victoria repeated again and again as she set Amy down and reeled her aura back in.

"Panpan…" Both girls looked down to find Panpan sulking up at them. Almost immediately, Victoria was scooping her up into her arms.

"Aww, did you want a hug too, Panpan? I'm sorry, I didn't mean to ignore you! You were a big help today too!" As Victoria continued to press the tiny-Amy into her chest and gush over her like she was a beloved pet, Panpan looked over her shoulder at Amy, giving her the smuggest look Amy had ever seen. Amy was annoyed on principle but confused until Panpan turned back and started rubbing her face into Victoria's breasts. Then she was furious.

"Okay! Enough hugs!" Amy shouted, pulling Panpan out of Victoria's hug and unceremoniously dropping her to the ground. "Go check on the hostages and heal anyone that's hurt. Now."

Panpan started to complain but stopped when Victoria nodded. "Oh, right. Yeah, you should do that. Thanks Panpan!"

As the little clone approached the civilians, grumbling under her breath, Victoria turned to Amy again with a smile. "So! How was your first time being a superhero?"

"It was terrifying and I hated it." Amy replied instantly.

Victoria put a hand on Amy's shoulder and gave it a comforting squeeze. "Yeah, It's always a little scary. But once we've told the rest of the family and you've gotten some training, it won't be so bad. Then you'll start to see the fun side."

Amy highly doubted that. But something Victoria said struck Amy as important. They were going to have to tell their family. They were going to have to tell Carol.


[Super Space Turtle (Gun) - "Hero From Space." A tiny red gun with a gold muzzle, once wielded the legendary Super Space Turtle, a hero from beyond the stars. Besides its small size though, it's a fairly ordinary firearm.]

There was a clatter as a bright red gun with a gold tip fell to the ground right in front of Amy. Both girls stared at it for a moment, nonplussed, as they tried to figure out why the gun was so tiny and whether or not it was a toy.

"Panpan panpan panpan!" Then Panpan ran back over, scooped the gun up happily and ran off with it, laughing chaotically.

"Should we do something?" Amy asked.

Victoria shook her head. "No, no, it's probably a toy, right? And besides, I'm sure she's based on you and you wouldn't just fire a gun for no reason."

Victoria was answered by a very real sounding gunshot and Panpan's maniacal laughter.


[Nagisa Momoe (Valentine version) - The messenger of the Law of Cycles, although this time she's gotten a little distracted by the thought of chocolate cake. Nagisa Momoe is a magical girl with a tragic past but nevertheless is bright and cheerful thanks to her childlike innocence. Always a fan of sweets, this Nagisa's magic has shifted slightly to fit Valentine's day and so she wields chocolate as a weapon.]

Victoria instantly swore and flew after Panpan before she could cause any damage. Amy was left standing there, overwhelmed, when she felt something tugging on the side of her shirt. Looking down, she found a young girl with pure white hair done in long braids, dressed in a outlandish version of a baker's outfit, looking up at her in uncertainty.

"Excuse me Miss Big-Sister, but could you kindly explain how I've come to find myself in this place?" The girl asked.

Amy blinked at the girl, stunned, before throwing her head back and screaming. "How the fuck do my powers work?!"

AN: Had a bit of debate whether holiday versions of characters should be their own thing or just link to the normal version with my beta readers, but I stuck to my guns. Also... actually, that's about all I can think of for this chapter.
Chapter 3: "What Do You Mean, Your Power Kidnapped a Child?"
Chapter 3: "What Do You Mean, Your Power Kidnapped a Child?"

"Um, are you okay Miss Big-Sister?"

Right, of course. Amy didn't have time to freak out because apparently her power decided what she needed right at this moment was a small child to look after. And Amy was pretty sure her power did this, the kid did show up right after she felt her power went off and she fit the pattern of either really cute or completely horrifying on the cute side of things.

"Right, sorry, I just- I'm fine, what about you?" Amy said, shoving her own problems aside, something she was fairly skilled at, so she could make sure the child was okay, something she was not. Looking down though, she froze as she noticed Panpan standing next to the kid, holding onto her skirt the same way the kid was tugging on Amy's shirt, and for some reason wearing an exact copy of the girl's weird, fancy patissier costume, complete with big, white braids. Except no, Amy looked up and saw Panpan still running around the food court like a menace, waving her new gun around as Victoria flew after her (and the little shit could definitely keep up with them given Victoria still hadn't caught her, there was no reason why Amy had to carry her around earlier, damnit!) So now there were two tiny clones Amy had to deal with and-

"Panpan?" And where had the new Panpan gotten a piece of cake and why was she offering it to her?

"Oh, yes. That is indeed a good idea." The baker girl nodded at her smaller self and there was a brief sparkle around her hands. Then she was suddenly holding a steaming hot mug of what looked and smelled like hot chocolate out to Amy. "Would Miss Big-Sister like some sweets? Sweets always help to deal with stress and pain."

"That- That's not-" Amy grimaced. She had no idea how to deal with strangers being nice to her out of nowhere. It just wasn't something that happened. And besides, she was a superhero now, just barely, so she was pretty sure she was supposed to be taking care of the kid, not the other way around. "Look, forget it, I'm fine. Let's worry about you first. What's your name, where did you come from?"

"I'm Nagisa Momoe, from Mitakihara City. I'm in your care." The girl introduced herself with a bow. Wait, where did the hot chocolate- "Oh, but I was in Kamihama City before I wound up here. Um, where exactly would that be, by the way?"

"Mitaki… Kamihama…" Amy frowned over the unfamiliar words. Now that Amy looked again, the girl did have Japanese features, Amy just hadn't noticed, what with the white hair and strange orange-yellow eyes and western-style costume. "Those sound Japanese. Were… Were you in Japan before this?"

Nagisa tilted her head to the side, looking curious. "Yes? Is that not the case anymore?"

Amy just barely kept herself from swearing again in front of the child. Instead, she did what she always did when she was panicking and didn't know what to do. "Vicky! My power kidnapped a child!"

Victoria, who had finally caught Panpan and was lecturing the small clone gun safety while Panapan rolled her eyes, looked up and saw Nagisa, as well as the new Panpan. Picking up the old Panpan and flying over, Victoria gave the two newcomers one of her usual, charming smiles. "Hi there. I'm Victoria, nice to meet you. I'm Amy's sister. Amy, what do you mean, your power kidnapped a child?"

"I mean, my power kidnapped a fu- freaking child!" Amy waved her arms in a panic as Nagisa politely introduced herself to Victoria. "So, like, the Panpans are pretty clearly projections or whatever they're called, right? Simple little copies of real people? But Nagisa here remembers being in Japan before my power somehow brought her here! What do we do?"

"Huh, okay. First of all, take a breath and calm down, Amy." Victoria said, making Amy want to snap at her. But this wasn't the first time Victoria had had to calm Amy down and so Amy started taking deep, angry breaths as her sister crouched down to get face to face with Nagisa. "Okay, so you live in Japan, right? Can you tell us the name of your mom or dad? Or where you live? You must want to get back home, right?"

To the surprise of both sisters, Nagisa shook her head. In fact, she was taking being suddenly teleported to somewhere entirely new very well for a young girl. Amy was sure that if she found herself randomly on the other side of the world with no warning, she'd freak the fuck out right now, let alone back when she was ten years old. "It's fine," Nagisa said, "I've never been to America. This is America, right? I've heard a lot about all the amazing sweets and candies America has!"

Amy and Victoria shared a look. A very concerned look. "What about your parents, won't they freak out?" Victoria asked.

Nagisa shook her head. "No. I don't have a dad, or rather, I just never met him. And Mommy is-" A pained look flashed across her face before her smile snapped back into place, "A-Anyway, I usually stay with friends at home in Mitakihara City, but like I said, I was visiting Kamihama City on my own before this. I can take care of myself, so you don't have to worry about me!"

And suddenly the concerned feelings were doubled. It was a fairly unique sensation for Amy, who normally didn't give a crap about the problems of others. That was what Victoria was for after all. But there was a world of difference between her fellow teenagers bitching about homework and getting dumped, and a clearly orphaned child putting on a brave face.

Unfortunately, they didn't have the time to deal with that because that was when one of the hostages, a harried-looking middle-aged man, approached the sisters. "Um, excuse me, but can we go now? Are things safe?"

"What? Oh, sure." Victoria replied, switching gears faster than Amy did. Honestly, she'd forgotten the hostages were there at all, just more evidence that Victoria was better at the whole 'good person' thing than she was. "Head right out the building in a calm and orderly fashion. The cops and PRT are probably already on the scene, so listen to their instructions and give your statements to them, okay?"

"Of course. Uh, thank you." The man awkwardly nodded at them, then returned to the crowd of civilians. The word was spread pretty quickly and soon everyone was standing up and heading for the main entrance that stood nearby.

"Should we go too?" Amy asked, desperately wanting to just go home and sleep for the next month or two.

She despaired when Victoria shook her head. "We gotta wait here and guard the guns and bad guys until the cops come in and pick them up. Plus, it gives us time to figure out how we're going to help Nagisa."

"We can just leave her with the cops and let CPS figure this out?" Amy asked weakly. She already knew what the answer would be, she just hoped she was wrong.

"Your power, your responsibility." Oh joy, she wasn't wrong. "You summoned her, Amy, you gotta help her get home or at least help her stay safe and comfortable until-"

"I really can take care of myself, you don't have to-"

"Vicky, you know that's a terrible idea, you have to. I can barely take care of myself-"

All three girls started to argue and talk over each other. Victoria insisted on doing the right thing, Amy insisted that she was incapable of doing the right thing and Nagisa insisted they didn't need to burden themselves over her. It was a fairly balanced stalemate until a new voice joined in, louder than any of them.



[Wanyamon - A small, adorable digimon made from data on pets like dogs and cats. Just like a real pet, it can be a pain to deal with but is very friendly when shown affection and knows how to use its cuteness to get its way.]

Amy flinched at the sound of her mother shouting. Turning around, she saw Brandish in full costume striding across the food court towards them, the other adult members of New Wave in tow. Striding, not running. Brandish never ran and it was more trouble than it was worth for Amy to ask what. The answer was probably something about image and impressions or something.

"Victoria!" Brandish repeated once she was close enough that she didn't have to shout. "Are you okay? You didn't do anything reckless, did you?"

"What? No, of course I didn't, I'm fine. Totally fine." Victoria answered while refusing to meet Brandish's eyes and Amy settled in for another round of Victoria trying and failing to avoid getting a lecture while Amy was ignored.

At least, that was what usually happened and it wasn't like Amy wanted to go through a hour long lecture on responsible power use and public reputation and whatever else. So Amy wasn't sure what possessed her to speak up. "I'm fine too, you know."

"Of course you are, there's no reason for you to have been in danger." The dismissive tone stung, even as Brandish turned to look at her for the first time since entering the mall. And now that Brandish was actually looking at Amy, her eyes went wide. "Wait, what're all those-"

Amy felt her cheeks start to burn and wished she hadn't let Victoria convince her to leave her hoodie at home. As all adults focused on her, she really wished she could retreat into her oversized hood and hide, even if Bradish did wind up lecturing her about it. And Victoria didn't help things by explaining. "So… Amy miiiight have triggered and she has powers now and she took out a bunch of bad guys and-"

"What?!" Came four simultaneous shouts from the New Wave adults. Amy watched Brandish carefully but she just seemed stunned. Instead it was Flashbang, her dad, who stepped up and pulled her into a crushing hug.

"Oh god, Amy. Are you okay? Are you safe? What happened?" He asked, distraught, and Amy thought it was the most emotion she'd heard from him in weeks. It made Amy squirm. She should have enjoyed the attention but the hug was too tight, she couldn't breathe, everyone was looking at her…

She struggled and pushed Flashbang away, getting some much needed space to breathe. "I'm fine! I'm fine, Vicky is the one who got shot-"

"What?!" Brandish shouted again, whirling back on Victoria. "You said you were fine!"

"I am fine! Panpan healed me!" Victoria shouted back, pointing down at the Panpans and why were there three of them now? And why did the new one look like a blue dog with boxing gloves?

"Panpan!" The original Panpan stopped trying to steal the cake from baker Panpan while blue dog Panpan tried to stop her in order to introduce herself and wave. Then she ran up to Brandish, punched her in the shin and ran away again to hide behind Victoria's legs. "Panpan Panpan pan!"

"Okay then!" Lady Photon clapped her hands and got everyone's attention while Brandish swore in pain. "I think we all need to calm down for a moment, then we can listen to Victoria and Amy explain what happened from the beginning."

No one objected, so while the two husbands righted a table and chairs so they had somewhere to sit, Victoria lectured Panpan on appropriate behavior again and Lady Photon convinced Brandish to put the knife made of light away, no she couldn't stab the strange little creature that punched her, it probably wasn't truly dangerous, Nagisa approached Amy again. For some reason, she was holding a fuzzball. "Excuse me, Miss Big-Sister, but you appear as if you could use something to cuddle. He materialized from nowhere right when your, uh, family started heading for us, so I assume you called him, the same as I? I managed to convince him to keep quiet until now."

The fuzzball kind of looked like a cat, just one without any legs and with a body that was entirely round and a single long tail and was blue. Its eyes were a bright yellow and its fur was light blue with dark blue stripes and rings around its tail, as well as a dark blue letter M right above its eyes. It somehow squirmed and jumped out of Nagisa's hands towards Amy, who instinctively caught it and gasped at just how squishy, soft and ridiculously fluffy it was. And then, just in case Amy thought anything about this was normal, it talked.

"Hi! I'm Wanyamon! You're my human, right?" It asked in a child's voice, sounding even younger than Nagisa.

Amy really wanted to scream about her powers again.

Instead, because she couldn't just start screaming when her mom was right there, she shrugged. "Sure. Why not? Let's go with that for now."

Wanyamon immediately cheered and started to happily bounce in her hands. "Woohoo! I got a human! I got a human!"

"Amy! If you'd find the time to join us?" Brandish asked, making Amy's jaw tighten as she turned to face her mother. The rest of her family was sitting down, the original Panpan held tight in Victoria's lap, and they were all waiting on her. Brandish raised an eyebrow when she saw what was in Amy's hands. "What in the world is that?"

Amy flinched but Wanyamon was too innocent to be intimidated. "Hi! I'm Wanyamon! Amymon is my human now!"

Between being called 'Amymon' and the nonplussed look on Brandish's face, Amy had to choke down a laugh. Her mom wouldn't appreciate it, Superhero time was serious time. (All the time was serious time.) So Amy cleared her throat and nodded. "Uh, that's part of the story? Lemme come explain…"

As it turned out, her family had only set up enough chairs for, well, her family. So Amy wasted a few more seconds grabbing another chair so Nagisa had somewhere to sit. It was mostly just so Amy could avoid talking about herself for just that much longer but Nagisa still gave her a big smile anyway. Amy told herself that Nagisa wouldn't feel so grateful once she learned what dealing with her family actually meant.

"And who is this?" Lady Photon asked as they sat down. She sounded politely curious, like Amy was bringing over a friend no one had met before, but Amy still flinched. She had no idea how she was going to explain that she kidnapped a child. Sure, her power just did random crap without her asking but her power was still her, right?

Hopefully she'd think of something by the time she got to that part. "Uh, right. Everyone, this is Nagisa Momoe. She's, uh, part of what happened?"

"It's a pleasure to meet you. Would anyone like some cake?" Nagisa offered with a smile that looked polite but also nervous from where Amy was sitting, again producing a plate and full chocolate cake from nowhere with just a few sparkles. It looked decadent as hell and Amy's body was delighted to inform her that she missed lunch and was starving, but Amy also felt sick to her stomach at the moment and she knew there was no way the adults were going to eat something an unknown parahuman handed them randomly. (Was Nagisa a parahuman? She kept producing chocolate out of the air and she had a costume but what kind of power was desert generation…)

"Not right now, Nagisa." Amy shook her head and ran her hands through Wanyamon's fur under the table. He really was incredibly fluffy…

"Thanks though!" Victoria added with a sunny, reassuring smile. Right, politeness. Amy couldn't even remember to be polite to the lost, possibly traumatized-but-covering-it-well little girl. She really needed to just get this over with so she could go home and stop failing at being a superhero.

And so Amy and Vicky explained what went down at the mall, starting with Victoria's questionable tactical decisions leading to her getting shot while protecting Amy, to Amy triggering and Panpan healing Victoria, to various takedowns of gang members (and arguing over who technically got more, with both girls insisting that the other was more effective in the hostage rescue), to the clean up when Nagisa and Wanyamon showing up.

It took them a while and they were interrupted a few times when the police came in to arrest all the criminals, but they got through it. In the silence that followed, Amy was left wondering why no one was saying anything and with nothing to do but stroke Wanyamon's fur as he purred. His presence was… something, at least. The purring was cute, Amy could admit that.

Eventually, Lady Photon spoke up. "Well, that's certainly a lot. I think what's best for now is if we head home and test out Amy's powers, see if we can't figure out what makes her trump power activate. We'll contact the PRT and see what the process of getting Nagisa home involves. Until then, she can stay with the Dallons."

Brandish whipped her head around to give Lady Photon a betrayed look but she quickly schooled her features. She turned back to face Amy, or more specifically, what was in her lap. "We should also turn this… Wanyamon over to the PRT as well. It's clearly some sort of anomalous creature, they should be the ones to figure out what it is.


[Fatal Falls DLC - The second paid expansion for Dead Cells. As DLC grants additional content to a game, Amy is granted a meta upgrade adding a 21st source for her to summon from: Elden Ring]

Amy's heart seized as imagined the friendly blue creature in PRT custody, shivering and afraid in a cell or worse, strapped to a discretion table. She shouted "No!" and squeezed Wanyamon protectively to her chest while at the same time, Wanyamon spoke up.

"Wanyamon is a Wanyamon and Wanyamon is a digimon!" He said proudly, unaware that those words meant nothing to those around him.

Still, Amy seized the opportunity. "Look, Wanyamon clearly isn't some mindless bio-tinker monstrosity like what Nilbog or what's his name, uh, Blasto put together! He can talk, we can just ask him stuff!"

"She has a point." Manpower agreed. Amy thought her uncle looked a little ridiculous, the cheap, wireframe food court chair was tiny compared to his muscular, seven foot build, but at least he was more reasonable than Amy's mom or even her Aunt.

"That she does." Lady Photon agreed, turning to Wanyamon. "So, what is a digimon exactly? Where did you come from?"

"Digimon are digimon!" Wanyamon answered, before his ears flopped like he knew it wasn't a very good answer. "Digimon are, um, made of data and we eat data so we grow stronger and um… that's about it! Oh and having a human makes us stronger and Amymon is my human so I'm gonna be super strong! And… Oh, I remember where I was before. I was at the Village of Beginnings in the Digital World!"

"…I'm so glad that cleared that up." Brandish said after a second.

"What's not to get? Amy summoned a living virus off the internet. And he's adorable!" Victoria said and Amy nodded. It made sense to her.

"Hey! I'm not a virus! I'm totally a vaccine type! Or I will be once I digivolve…" Wanyamon protested. "Oh and the Digital World is the Digital World and the internet is the internet, not the Digital World. The Digital World is, um, deeper than the human net? Or something like that."

"Right…" Lady Photon nodded, clearly not getting it and pretending to understand anyway. "Let's just get home and start testing Amy's power."

"I did have one last question, actually." Manpower said. "A few questions, really, but I think this is most important: Victoria, did you ever take that gun away from, er, Panpan?"

"Panpan!" The original Panpan yelped and ran off, with Victoria yelling and taking after her a moment later. Amy just sighed and snuggled Wanyamon some more.

AN: So, behind the scenes, I thought about giving Wanyamon a 'nya' vocal tic but I didn't want to go back and edit that in. Probably would have been annoying too. Speaking of Wanyamon, you can actually see how he's going to Digivolve if you're paying attention, since his Panpan isn't going to Digivolve and so is already in its base Child level evolution. The only other behind the scenes thing was debating what was going to be summon number 10. While I went with adding in Elden Ring to the summon sources, I also have a version update summon sitting in reserve and I was thinking of using it to swap UnderMine out for Dark Souls. I like UnderMine a lot as a game but the wiki kinda sucks and it also felt like maybe it wasn't a good fit for the wiki warrior format? But we haven't even gotten any UnderMine summons in story, so I decided not to swap it out until after at least the summons I've got waiting in reserve were used up.
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"So you have 'accidentaly' kidnapped a child?"
"Look I know it sounds... uhh, look my powers did it"
"What crime does this even count as 'accidental power caused abduction'?"
"I wanna sleep"
I still think that Bullet Point is a great title, but it seems like her trump trigger is extreme stress, particularly about loved ones being taken from her.
The healer has a gun.

Her tiny, memetic status wasn't enough, you gave her a gun.

I am so proud.
This is funny and I like it. Amy needs a cat and I'm glad she got one. With all the new friends she summons she's sure to turn out all right! (We hope.)
Damm, at this rate Amy will conquer the Bay with her tiny army of mini-mes. The only ones who might be able to stop her are Nobu (or a counter army of chibi's in Vicky's image).
The real fun will begin when Nagisa will mention she is already dead and was send back by the Goddess to take care off some mess born due anomalous magical girl that shouldn't even exist and when they found out Mitakihara and Kamihama don't even exist on the Earth Bet.
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"Panpan!" The original Panpan stopped trying to steal the cake from baker Panpan while blue dog Panpan tried to stop her in order to introduce herself and wave. Then she ran up to Brandish, punched her in the shin and ran away again to hide behind Victoria's legs. "Panpan Panpan pan!"

"Okay then!" Lady Photon clapped her hands and got everyone's attention while Brandish swore in pain.
Oh i like this one, give it an extra large slice of cake.
I'm just waiting for her to roll something like Divorce Papers from Isaac, since Amy suddenly getting a Bone Heart would cause a decent amount of chaos. Guppy items would also be quite chaotic, now that I think about it.
Okay...watched like a cat watching a mouse hole.

Meanwhile mentally adding "Hollow Shrine" + "Amy accidentally kills the Butcher" and cackling gleefully.
Damm, at this rate Amy will conquer the Bay with her tiny army of mini-mes. The only ones who might be able to stop her are Nobu (or a counter army of chibi's in Vicky's image).

Nah the chibis will be too busy making a megazine in wich they complain and make fun of their bigger selfs and the franchise they came from.
Chapter 4: "I'm Too Young to Know What Holding a Dead Body Feels Like."
Chapter 4: "I'm Too Young to Know What Holding a Dead Body Feels Like."

"C'mon you little imp, just drop it already!" Amy shouted and shook her Panpan harder. They were back home, in Amy's room, and so were Victoria, Nagisa and Wanyamon. Nagisa and Victoria were watching from the bed while Wanyamon hopped around Amy's feet, laughing at what was going on. The other Panpans were… somewhere, honestly Amy didn't know or care. They didn't cause trouble so they could come and go as they pleased. Amy didn't know why her copy was such a pain in the ass… Okay, so she did know but she didn't have to like or acknowledge it.

Instead of engaging in self-reflection, Amy was holding her Panpan by the ankles and shaking her in the hopes the little red gun she snatched would fall out. Panpan, naturally, was not enjoying this. "Panpan! Panpan panpan!"

"Where did you even hide it! Your robe doesn't even have pockets!"


"Don't you fucking shrug! I know you didn't drop it back at the mall!"

"Panpan panpan panpan!"

"Mom's going to kill me for being irresponsible if you don't hand it over! Give it!"

Over on Amy's bed, Victoria tried to get Amy's attention. "Hey, I don't think that's working. Maybe stop and we can-"

"Not right now, Victoria! I'm busy." Amy cut her off and kept shaking. She was of the opinion that if Victoria wanted to talk, like she'd tried to do multiple times since the mall, then Victoria could have gotten Panpan to cough up the pistol instead of failing and forcing Amy to do it.

Nagisa turned away from the show Amy and her small clone were putting on in order to speak to Victoria. "Um, Miss Big-Sister?"

"Yeah?" Victoria, meanwhile, couldn't look away. She was torn between laughing her ass off and putting a stop to the abuse. "Oh, and you can just call me Victoria and Amy, Amy. It's honestly fine."

"Well, if you say so, Miss Victoria." Nagisa nodded. "I was wondering if you could explain how you two got your magic."

"Powers aren't magic, Nagisa, they-" Victoria started to say automatically but paused and shook her head. "Well, I guess it doesn't really matter at the moment. As for your question, I'd be careful asking other parahumans that, okay? It's… a touchy subject. You see, you get powers after experiencing something terrible and traumatic. Most parahumans will agree that when they got their powers, it was the worst day of their life. So try not to ask people that out of the blue. if they want to share, they'll share."

Nagisa nodded. "Ah, okay. I understand that. I guess… Maybe I asked the wrong question? I meant more along the lines of where does your magic come from?"

"Oh!" Victoria smiled at that and the small part of Amy that was paying attention was glad someone else got to endure Victoria geeking out about powers instead of her. "Well, that's actually a really tough question! Basically nobody knows anything besides that people started getting powers after Scion showed up back in 1982. There are a lot of theories though, like if Scion is the source of powers or if he was just the first Parahuman and-"

"So this Scion is the source of powers? What does he look like?" Nagisa interrupted Victoria before she could really go off.

"Like I said, no one is really sure, but Vikare, that's the first recorded Parahuman besides Scion, got his powers after Scion touched him so-" Victoria paused as she realized the implications of what Nagisa asked. "Wait, do you really not know what Scion looks like? I thought he was world famous. Everybody knows about Scion! But, uh, well to answer your question he's completely gold and glows gold and other than that, he's got long hair and a beard… I dunno, apparently he picked up his costume at some point, I heard he was naked when he first showed up."

"So he looks human?" Nagisa confirmed.

"Yeah?" Victoria nodded, confused. "Why, should he not?"

"Oh, oh that's bad! Maybe? Maybe that's bad. Maybe it's good? It's probably not good. It's definitely different." Nagisa muttered to herself before getting Amy's attention. "Miss Amy? Could you stop for a moment and come over here? I believe I have important information."

"Eh, sure. This isn't going anywhere and my arms are getting tired." Amy shrugged and dropped Panpan, who landed on her head with an offended "Panpan!" but was otherwise fine.

Once Amy was sitting down, Wanyamon once again purring in her lap, Nagisa held out her hands and in a flash of sparkles that was slowly becoming familiar, a cake on a platter appeared in Nagisa's grip. However, this cake was in the shape of a creature that Amy had never seen before. It looked sort of like a cat with a tail as long and nearly as wide as its body, except it had a pair of limbs coming out of its ears. Amy couldn't tell if they were meant to be tentacles, arms or something else. The entire cake was covered in white icing, except for a red ring on its back and the tips of its ear-arm-things, which were pink. For eyes, it has red skittles and floating around each ear-arm was a ring of gold foil, similar to the chocolate coins that got handed out on Halloween and never any other time because they sucked. "Just to make sure, neither of you have ever seen this creature?"

Both sisters shook their heads. "What is it?" Amy asked.

"It is an evil, horrible monster." Nagisa said, surprising the sisters with how serious she was. "The most evil thing in the entire world."

Wanyamon bit its head off.

"Good boy!" Nagisa giggled and pet Wanyamon as he munched away and the sisters stared in surprise. Wanyamon took another bite of the cake and Nagisa explained. "This may be difficult to grasp but I believe Miss Amy summoned me from another universe. In fact, I'm sure of it now."

"What, you mean from Earth Aleph or something?" Amy asked.

Nagisa brightened up and smiled. "Ah, so you already have some experience with alternate timelines? Oh, that makes this a lot easier! I'm not sure what Aleph is but basically, yes. You see, the creature Wanyamon is eating is called Kyubey and he's the source of magic in my world. He grants a wish for you, then rips out your soul and forces you to fight monsters until you die. He's been on Earth for a long, long time, basically since history started and he's been turning girls into magical girls that entire time. If you have magic, you have to know Kyubey and you two don't know him. That's how I know I'm in a different universe now. At first I thought you just wished your family were superheroes or something but it sounds like things are really different here."

Victoria gasped, her eyes going wide. "You're a magical girl? A real life magical girl?"

"That's what you picked up?" Amy smacked Victoria before her sister could start squeeing. Victoria had loved magical girl shows growing up and forced Amy to watch them with her, who had mostly just felt uncomfortable for some reason. "I'm sorry, what was that about your soul getting ripped out?"

"Yes, here it is, right here." Nagisa pointed at the white gem acting as a broach on her neck. "It's called a Soul Gem. It's created as part of the process of having your wish granted and becoming a magical girl."

There was really just one thing to say in the face of such insanity. "…Why?"

"So it can fill up and be overcome by Grief and then Kyubey eats it."

Amy looked down at the remnants of the Kyubey cake and Wanyamon scarfing down the small bits that he hadn't devoured yet. Yes, Nagisa was right, Wanyamon was a good boy. Even if he was making a mess on her bed.

Victoria, though, was more skeptical. "Uh… Well, that sounds terrible but… Sorry, just, do you have any proof?"

Amy frowned at Victoria because she was fairly certain her sister was being insensitive and that was Amy's job, not hers. But then, despite eating up the love and justice parts of the magical girl and superhero shows they watched as kids, Victoria had always been the more scientific sister, while Amy was just cynical. Amy wasn't sure why she was so ready to believe Nagisa, it wasn't like she ever believed in the soul before this, but maybe it was her cynicism rearing its head, because what Nagisa was saying felt too horrifying not to be real.

Luckily, Nagisa didn't take offense. Instead, she squinted at Victoria, judging her. "…I can trust you, right Miss Victoria?"

"What? Of course!" Victoria nodded eagerly, trying to smile reassuringly, maybe to make up for the earlier doubt.

"Okay." Nagisa took a deep breath and then her entire body shimmered. When the light show was done a second later, her hair was down except for two tiny pigtails, she was wearing a much more normal pink dress with white dots and in her hand was a white egg-shaped gem set in gold filigree. She started to reach towards Victoria but paused. "Miss Amy, Miss Victoria, you have phones, right?"

"Yeah?" Amy answered, confused.

"In that case, please call each other so that nothing goes wrong." Nagisa instructed them before handing the gem over to Victoria. "Please, please, be very, very careful with this. What you need to do is fly straight up, then come right back when Miss Amy tells you to so you can give my Soul Gem back. Okay?"

"Y-yeah. Okay, I can do that." Victoria took the gem as carefully as possible, as if the slightest touch would make it shatter. Amy wanted to rag on Victoria a little, she sure seemed like was being cautious for someone who didn't believe Nagisa's story, but somehow it didn't seem like the thing to do.

Instead, she simply called Victoria's cell and watched as her sister climbed out the window then flew away. And then they waited. They didn't say anything, Amy just pulled Wanyamon into her lap and held him as she watched Nagisa. Without anyone talking, Amy could hear her heartbeat and she started to feel sick from the anticipation. Nagisa must have picked up on it, because she gave Amy a smile and opened her mouth, probably to say something reassuring.

Then she collapsed, like a puppet with cut strings.


[Hover Boots - A pair of boots with tiny wings on them. When worn, they make the wearer float a few inches off the ground and walk around as normal, with their elevation staying the same even if the ground drops below them. This lets the wearer cross gaps and pits safely. They also protect from fall damage.]

"Nagisa!" Amy screamed and lunged forward to catch Nagisa's body, with Wanyamon doing the same. Even Panpan was alarmed, letting out a panicked "Panpan?!" and scrambling up onto the bed.

Amy clutched Nagisa's body, which was cold and limp and stared up at her with wide, empty eyes and shook her, trying to wake her up. "Nagisa? Nagisa, come on, this isn't funny. Please be okay, please be okay!"

Panpan, finally up on the bed, reached out and touched Nagisa's wrist, only for her to flinch back, eyes going wider than usual. "P-Pan?" She mumbled, voice fearful.

"W-what? What's wrong with her?" Amy asked, barely able to keep her own panic from overwhelming her.

"Pan! Pan! Pan!" Panpan shouted again and again, pointing at Nagisa, before realizing Amy couldn't understand. Then she ran a hand over her throat, shut her eyes and fell back onto the bed.

Amy felt her heart stop as she got the message. "She's… dead?"


[Bombchu - A type of mobile explosive found in Hyrule. Once set on the ground, bombchus move forward in a straight line with some wiggles, even crawling across walls and ceilings. They self-destruct a short while later or if they run into an enemy. They also have a minor homing function to guide them towards enemies. Amy has summoned a bag of ten.]

"I'm back! I'm back!"

Amy jumped at Victoria's voice and turned to see her climbing back through her window. "What happened? I just heard you screaming and- Oh fuck." Victoria started to ask, only to freeze when she saw Nagisa's lifeless body.

"Vicky! The Soul Gem!" Amy shouted desperately. This had to work, Nagisa said Victoria had to give it back, this had to work.

Victoria was jolted into action by Amy and she flew across the room, dropping the Soul Gem onto Nagisa's body. To everyone's immense relief, as soon as the gem made contact, Nagisa gasped and came back to life. She blinked a few times and sat up. "So. Do you believe me now?"

Before Amy could answer or scream or answer by screaming, there was a knock at the door. "Amy? Girls? Are you okay? I heard shouting."

Never before had Amy been so glad for her dad's slow response time. The last thing she needed was one of her parents to walk into her room and find her cradling a corpse. "W-We're fine, Dad! Nagisa just scared me a little!"

"Ah, alright. Try not to get too rambunctious." Mark said slowly, probably torn between concern and the effort further investigation would take. "…By the way, your mom and aunt are back from talking to the PRT. You should get ready to go do some power testing."

"We will!" Amy answered and waited until she heard Mark's heavy footsteps walk away from her door. Then she grabbed Nagisa's shoulders and whisper-shouted at her. "What were you thinking? Why would you do that? Don't just hand your soul over to someone you've known for an hour!"

"S-Sorry… I just w-wanted you to believe me a-and I knew Miss Victoria and Miss Amy were good people and-" Nagisa flinched and tears welled up in her eyes.

Not that Amy noticed. She was still too busy freaking out. "How?! How could you know that? What if we lied and were villains o-or were secretly racist or just psychos acting like good people? What if Vicky dropped the gem or accidentally crushed it like that coffee mug last Thursday? You can't just trust people like that, Nagisa, it's not safe!"

"Amy, enough. You're scaring her." Victoria pulled Amy off of the younger girl and Amy didn't fight it. Suddenly she felt drained, her strength fleeing and her energy leaving her.

"Sorry…" Nagisa repeated and for a moment, they all sat in silence. Then Nagisa summoned yet more sweets with her magic, a plate of triple chocolate cookies appearing in her hands. "Cookie?"

"Sure! Thanks." Victoria gave Nagisa a smile that seemed forced to Amy but did manage to get the younger girl to smile back. She bit into a cookie and a moan escaped. "Ish good! Amy, you should try some!"

"Me too, me too! I want cookies!" Wanyamon declared, bouncing on the bed. With giggles, Nagisa happily started feeding the fuzzball cookies as well.

Amy watched the two of them happily sharing Nagisa's summoned snacks as something coiled in her guts. The scent of freshly baked chocolate made her feel sick. She wanted to smash the plate out of Nagisa's hands and scream about how they could stand to eat and laugh when Nagisa had been dead just a moment ago. It didn't help that Victoria was watching her, like her sister could tell how close Amy was to snapping again. But Amy managed to eventually reach out and accept the cookie Victoria was offering.

"Trust me, you'll feel better if you eat." Victoria insisted as Amy bit into it.

It was the best cookie she'd ever had. Perfectly fresh-out-the-oven warm, gooey, decadent, with the chocolate chunks melting in her mouth. She managed to avoid embarrassing herself and moaning at how good it was like Victoria had but it was a close thing. She did wind up stuffing the rest of the cookie into her mouth after the first bite though and that was when she noticed Nagisa watching her, waiting.

Amy swallowed, nearly choking on half-chewed cookie. "…Thanks." Great start. "I'm sorry for yelling." That seemed like the right thing to say. "I… I just…" Amy couldn't admit how scared she'd been, that she had been absolutely terrified, that it felt like the worst possible scenario back in the mall had come true. "I'm too young to know what holding a dead body feels like." Yeah, that was good enough.

The sad, sympathetic smile Nagisa gave her was far too understanding, too knowing. For a moment, the girl seemed far, far older than ten years old. And Amy felt horrified all over again.

Amy wasn't sure if she was grateful or not when Victoria pulled her into a hug. On the one hand, yay distraction and yay, Vicky hugs. On the other, Amy just knew this was going to lead into an emotional talk. "Are you okay, Amy? Your power activated twice while I was gone."

And Amy was right, Victoria wanted to talk about feelings, something Amy definitely didn't want to do. Thankfully, talking about powers was less upsetting and easy to distract Victoria with.

"Oh. Yeah, I guess it did." Amy thought that maybe she ought to be disturbed at how quickly she'd gotten used to a gunshot resounding in her head, that she barely noticed it happening. Or maybe the disturbing thing was how she was always distracted by something worse when it happened… "How did you know?"

"Well, you've got more wisps than before I left. I'm pretty sure you get more when you summon something." Victoria pointed out.

"You can tell?" Amy asked. For her, the slowly circling lights had basically faded into the background for her. She definitely had more than five of them now, enough that she couldn't keep track of them all.

"Well, I've usually been distracted when your power goes off, so I can't be certain but I'm pretty sure. Also…" Victoria trailed off with a grin and pointed to the floor, where a pair of boots and a large, lumpy sack were sitting. Neither had been there earlier.

"So first I summon powers, then people and now items? What the hell…" Amy sighed as she bent over to pick up the leather boots. They looked plain and old fashioned, made more for durability than looks. The only thing out of the ordinary were the tiny little wings attached to them.

"These aren't the first items you got though. Remember the gun?" Victoria said as she picked up the sack. It was yellow, with a blue mouse face emblem on it and Amy could hear whatever was inside shifting as Victoria lifted it and checked inside.

"Don't remind me." Amy groaned, taking a moment to glare at Panpan, who stuck her tongue out in return, before turning back to Victoria. "So what's in the sack?"

Victoria pulled something out that was about the size of a cantaloupe, a yellow ball cut in half, with a blue mask on the front that looked like a mouse, like the emblem on the bag. With the bright colors and simple shapes, it looked like a children's toy. Something a toddler could chase after, bang on the ground and chew on.

"Guess we're back to getting cute things, huh?" Victoria said, turning the mouse toy over in her hand, examining it. "Any idea what they're for? The bag is full of them."

Amy shook her head. "Why would I know why my power thought giving me a bag of toys was useful? Although, Panpan's gun looked like a toy too. Maybe they're more dangerous than they look?"

Victoria paused, then very carefully put the toy back in the bag. "Let's leave them for later then. Try putting the boots on instead."

"You think they're gonna do something?" Amy asked skeptically but she still picked up the boots again and checked inside them, just in case.

"If they do, they're only going to do it if you wear them. They're boots, after all. Boots with wings, even! Maybe they'll let you fly!" Victoria said, an eager grin on her face. Of course she was excited by the prospect, Victoria loved flying. Couldn't get enough of it.

Amy was slightly less enthused. The few times Victoria had carried her while in flight hadn't exactly felt safe or comfortable. Even the feeling of Victoria's strong arms wrapped around her hadn't been enough to dispel the feeling of gravity pulling on her or the windchill making her shiver. Still, it would suck being the only second generation member of New Wave who couldn't fly on their own, so Amy put the boots on and hoped Victoria was right.

"Nothing feels different. Just a solid pair of boots." Amy said as she put her feet on the ground. Except she couldn't. Her feet stopped two inches off the ground, like the boots were magnetically repelled from the floor. Except unlike when pushing two opposing magnets together, it didn't feel like she was being pushed away. It very much felt like she was stepping onto a solid surface. Even when she stood up, she felt perfectly solid and balanced, no wobbles. "Huh. Okay then."

"They work!" Nagisa declared, clapping happily, with Wanyamon joining her with excited cheers. Couldn't clap without hands.

"But do they just make you hover or do they do more." Victoria asked. "Why don't you try jumping, Amy."

Feeling extremely silly, Amy did just that, jumping into the air and landing just fine. She gave a shrug at Victoria, still standing two feet off the ground. "Nothing."

"Hm." After thinking for a moment, Victoria had another suggestion. "Why don't you try walking downstairs, see if the boots let you."

"Let me? What do you- You know what? Sure." Not sure what her sister was expecting, but not willing to argue after adrenaline crashing earlier, Amy walked out of her room and headed for the stairs. When she went to take the first step down though, she was surprised when her foot came to a stop midair, at the same height she'd been walking so far. It still felt solid though so she took another experimental step, then another and then she was actually walking on air. Sure, it wasn't full on flight, but she was walking on air.

Unfortunately, the giddy feeling was doused when Amy heard voices coming from below and she realized she'd wandered too close to Carol and Sarah arguing on the ground floor.

"-can't believe you're making me take in a child again."

"You have a guest room and it's not permanent. Besides, the girl seems-"

"You have a spare room too and- Victoria! I know I said no flying in the house!" Carol shouted suddenly, having caught movement out the corner of her eye, only to jump a little when she fully turned around. "Amy? How…?"

"Sorry!" Amy instantly winced before awkwardly pointing at her new footwear. "My power gave me hover boots."

"Well that's-" Carol paused and pinched the bridge of her nose. "The rules still apply to you, Amy. Get down here, I want to talk to you."

"Yes, Mom." Amy swallowed and walked back to the second floor. After awkwardly pulling the boots off and stepping back on the ground, Amy walked down the stairs feeling like she was walking towards her execution.

"Stand up straighter, Amy." Carol started off. "Now, did you manage to find that gun?"

"...No." Amy admitted.

Carol sighed. "Of course you didn't."


[Golden Powder - "Any alchemist can turn lead into gold. Stone to gold is an entirely different matter." Grants a passive where explosives used turn golden and after blowing up, turn any stone debris into solid gold. This goes to Amy as neither Nagisa or Wanyamon have a natural inclination to explosives and given Amy's collection of Blaster powers, she'll probably get given bomb generation if it comes up in the future.]

"I know Panpan has hidden it somewhere! It wasn't at the mall and she's too much of a brat to have lost it. I just can't get her to give it to me!" Amy protested.

Carol was unsympathetic. "Amy, she's your projection. If you can't control her…"


[Weapon Trait - Additional passive abilities certain weapons have during the revival of Demon King Ganondorf in Hyrule. From now on, whenever Amy summons a melee weapon, an additional d16 will be rolled and one of the weapon traits listed will be applied to the summoned weapon.]

"This is what I wanted to talk to you about." Carol continued. "I know you've heard me give Victoria the talk about being responsible with your powers before and I honestly had hoped I'd never need to do the same with you. But clearly I do."


[BT3-106 (DCG) - A card from the Digimon Card Game representing Beast Cyclone, the signature move of Cres Garurumon where he spins his entire body while swinging his blade. As a similarly beastly digimon, Wanyamon gains the potential to use his own version Beast Cyclone, although his current form lacks the power to pull it off.]

"Mom, I-" Amy tried to say but Carol held up a finger, silencing her.

"Let me finish, Amy. I'd say it's even more important for you to hear this, thanks to the unpredictable nature of your power." Carol said sternly. "Powers are dangerous, Amy. Absolutely no one gets a power that can't be used to hurt or to kill, so it's up to the parahuman to make sure that doesn't happen. I need you to promise me that you absolutely will not underestimate the danger of anything your power produces and you won't use any power or item you get until an adult has determined what it does. I also want you to keep track of any more items your power creates, no more losing them or letting those little gremlins you summoned get their hands on them. We'll be getting you something with a lock on it so you can safely secure any more dangerous items. Do you understand?"

"Yes Mom." Amy answered morosely.

"I certainly hope you do."


[Fate/stay night - The visual novel that started it all. The plot follows a battle between seven spirits of ancient heroes and villains known as Servants and the Masters who command them for the prize of a wish-granting Holy Grail. Now a Holy Grail War has started in Brockton Bay, based on the Fuyuki Grail War, with Seven Masters about to be selected and Seven Servants to be summoned soon after.]

Amy wondered if Carol could tell if more wisps were appearing. Probably not, that would actually require she actually paid close attention to Amy. Amy also wondered what her power was doing, making the back of her hand burn, but she didn't dare check while Carol was talking, so she just clasped her hand and kept silent.

"Anyway, it's time to start testing your powers. Go get your sister." Carol said, dismissing Amy for the time being.

Amy slumped again as soon as Carol's back turned and she headed upstairs. "Okay Mom. We'll get ready to go."

AN: Hoo boy, quite a lot to talk about this time. First off, Hover Boots. This was the roll that made me want to drop UnderMine as a source and replace it. If you actually follow the link, you'll see that the page is just NOTHING. The only information is when it was added and when it was removed from the game, no description of how it worked when it was in the game. At least I rolled removed content for Gungeon, it described what the gun did. If I hadn't been playing the game during early access and remembered how the boots actually worked, I'd be screwed. So yeah, very annoyed. At least with hover boots and Golden Powder summoned in story, there's only one last UnderMine summon for me to get rid of before Amy can summon the system update to get ride of UnderMine.

Next, Beast Cyclone. This one also didn't really come with a lot of information, as the individual attacks of digimon don't have their own pages. The description on Cres Garurumon's page says that he spins and turns into a blade when attacking, but the art of the card I rolled just shows him performing a forward spin with his weapon so that's what I'm going with when Wanyamon's evolved enough to actually use the attack. Also, a forward spin doesn't make sense for an attack named Beast Cyclone, cyclones spin horizontally after all, but it makes more sense for the direct translation name, Great Beast-Wolf Rotation. I went with Beast Cyclone since that's also an official dub name and it's slightly less engrish sounding. So yeah, just a bunch of behind the scenes trivia there.

Finally, we have the fucking Holy Grail War. Is it an absolutely ridiculous thing to summon this early in the story? Yes it is. Will it completely hijack the plot once things are set up? Yes, yes it will. Isn't summoning a grail war a bit of a stretched interpretation of summoning Fate/stay night? Yes, yes it is. Do I feel like a hack and like I'm copying Super Randomizer Lux since that story also has a summoned holy grail war? Oh, absolutely. But my boyfriend @Lazurman insisted that I do it and who am I to say no to my boyfriend? The servants and Masters of the grail war won't be randomized. I'll be picking the Masters I want to write and then the Servants they summon will be based on compatibility, just like in a normal grail war where the Masters don't have catalysts.

That's about it. Too much to talk about, this AN went on forever.
The fights alone in the Grail War should have interesting effects, but what happens after it finishes should be entertaining if I recall correctly what happens at the end of a Grail War.
A grail war... fuck us sideways. We are going to die.

So uhh... how is the murder death kill gonna play out? I assume the masters are gonna be like similar to what we know, and the servants are probably gonna be the same ones, like Murder Death Kill™️: American Edittion.
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So, is there a chance Amy won't be selected as a Master for the Grail War? That could be awkward.

I'm kind of hoping Amy will summon someone, either a servant or normally, who can be a mother figure for her. She needs someone to standup to Carol for her.

I'm really hoping Nagisa doesn't go full witch on Amy. Given she seems to be from post-Madoka's wish/Law of Cycles, I'm hoping that's simply impossible now, but it's a concern I have still. The fact she's using her magic and we haven't seen any grief build up is a good sign though.
Now that I think about it, isn't it possible that Nagisa's summon has just given the Law of Cycles a path over to Worm's universe? I think that would be a very good thing for the setting, with her being pretty much a god of hope after all. I feel like there would be some way for her to intervene in the Cycle, even with her being an immaterial goddess.