Benefaction: A Combine Ck2 Quest in Star Wars Legends

Benefaction: A Combine Ck2 Quest in Star Wars Legends
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Take charge of a very lost Advisor as they make their way in a galaxy at war, a galaxy full of new species and technologies to exploit.
The Combine must grow.
Turn 0: Transit


Combine Overworld, September 2024 CE.


There is pain and darkness, where moments ago there was nothing. It's cold and you can't breathe, every millimeter of your skin raw and spongy. You can feel things moving all around, covering and binding you, but you can't see them because you have no eyes. Your bulbous flesh writhes within a sarcophagus of hard metal, scraping at the walls surrounding you in primal terror. More pain, and vision comes to you at last, a pair of blue-tinged arrays stacked atop one another. The machine that gave you sight brings a mask to your face, and you take your first breath of sterile air in this new body.

The feelings begin to abate, wicking away from your mind like water on wax with the activation of your implants. Cold tendrils in your brain strip away the last ancient instincts screaming at you to fight, to kill the interloper, rip out it's- Your mind calms enough to remember why you're here now. The panels of the gestation chamber fold away from you, a pair of great metal arms placing you in the embrace of the Pod Synth that will sustain you until your deployment. The presence of another flows over your still-groggy mind, and you accept the connection.

Your current designation is Adjunct 3-A. You were awakened to manage one of the Combine's many projects on a pacified world. You recall now that this is not the first time your mind has been called upon to serve, and it will not be the last.

Adjunct 3-A is: (Pick two, all stats have +5 at base.)

[ ] Old.
Old enough to remember the Advisors still calling themselves Shu'Ulathoi, when the union was young and had only visited a handful of dimensions. You've seen the Combine in it's earliest, basest form and still continue to serve it all these centuries later. One lesser might struggle without all of the tools the Combine has since developed, but you? You've done this before.
+10 to Administration.

[ ] A Convert.
You weren't born to the Combine; your people were dying, starving in the wake of a star gone cold, the survivors huddled in the few nexuses of warmth left on your world. And then they came. Others feared them, their power and machines. You didn't. You stepped away from the light of the flame, and found peace. You find it easier to convince others to do the same.
+10 to Diplomacy.

[ ] Thoughtful.
Something was off about you from the very beginning, a spark, something the implants didn't take away. Even in the process of your duties your mind wanders, meandering through concepts and arriving at rather unorthodox solutions. While considered unusual, your effectiveness has more than proven your worth.
+10 to Research.

[ ] A Subjugator.

In the past your purpose has always been of growth, of expansion, of breaking demigod and infant race alike before the relentless machine of the Combine. A past incarnation of yours participated in the acquisition of this very world. Some small part of you is displeased that this is not your duty once more, but you know that the Combine will eventually have need of your skills again.
+10 to Tactics.

[ ] A Dreamer.
The psychic abilities of the Advisors are a known factor, enabling the Host bodies to effectively handle the leviathan task that is maintaining an Interdimensional Empire. However, ever since inception you've demonstrated a higher degree of affinity for such powers than your peers, no matter how many times your mind is transferred between bodies.
+10 to Psionics.

The task itself is relatively simple in scope, establish a presence in Section 26 of the target planet's surface, bring local Citizen populations back into the fold and begin resource extraction operations. This would fuel the construction of research facilities where you would supervise Impressed scientists in unraveling the various technologies left behind after the Combine intercession on this world.

Your initial research was to focus on: (Pick one.)

[ ] Recovered Black Mesa Facility Materials
Located with the grateful assistance of the Earth Administrator, these artifacts are distinctly lacking in surviving documentation, however what you do have indicates a number of breakthroughs of great desirability for the union, not the least of which being the long sought-after Intra-Universal teleportation. (Physics focus, eventual access to Black Mesa weapons and equipment.)
Unlocks an FTL option.

[ ] Xenian Exogen Biosamples
Hundreds, if not thousands of tiny vials, containing cell cultures of every single Exogen type the Combine has encountered over the course of it's twenty-year custodianship on Earth. Viromes, Parasitics, and all other manner of flora and fauna will find their place. (Biological focus, eventual access to cloning most Xen creatures. Xenian bio-compatibility will make the creation of new Synth types significantly easier. Basic Headcrabs and Antlion grubs are still available without this.)
Unlocks ???. Bullsquid

[ ] Arbeit Communications Hard Disk
Simply labeled 'GLaDOS alpha v0.10.10.07' in black marker, this unusually large data-storage device contains a truly staggering quantity of information, compressed and encrypted with means previously unknown to the Combine. (Mechanical focus, eventual access to Aperture technologies. Will require massive computing power to decrypt.)
Unlocks an FTL option.

To facilitate your efforts you were provided with a number of Construction Striders and Dropships, alongside a contingent of Transhuman Overwatch forces. However, due to the heavy presence of Xen-Mutated and Parasitized organisms within Section 26 you were able to acquire the usage of a second combat unit, in addition to your base garrison of soldiers.

You have an extra unit of: (Pick one.)

[ ] Heavy Synths
Some of your peers may define this as 'Overkill' given the circumstance, however a full unit of Combat Striders and Gunships would no doubt make quick work of even the mighty Gonarch, should one appear.
Gain a mixed unit of Gunships and Striders.

[ ] Light Synths
That being said, a subtler touch may be just what is needed to stabilize the area for your studies. The Hunters could weed out even the most elusive of Xen's creatures, and the accompanying Mortar Synths should be able to handle the larger organisms.
Gain a mixed unit of Hunter and Mortar Synths.

[ ] Overwatch Elites
Perhaps there is some merit in considering the Earth Administrator's point regarding the viability of the Transhuman Overwatch. The superior cognitive abilities of these soldiers would allow them to adapt to changing conditions independently of Overwatch commands, and should easily handle any potential Anti-Citizen activity in the area.
Gain a unit of Combine Elite Soldiers.

[ ] Combined Arms
Or, you could simply get more of the Transhuman forces regulars, and supplement them with the light ground vehicles and Hunter-Choppers normally utilized by Civil Protection. Inelegant perhaps, but no doubt effective.
Gain an additional unit of Combine Soldiers, and a handful of vehicles to support them.

With your decisions made, your Pod tucks itself into the Core of your future facilities, to be teleported across Universes directly to a prepared site in a former Urban center in Section 26. Little more than a bare frame around a Dark Fusion reactor and some Fabrication machines, it is from here that your work will begin.

That is it would have begun, had a 'minor' insurrection in City 17 not managed to disrupt the Interdimensional Network at the very moment you were being transported to the destination site.

(AN: This is very much my first time writing a Quest, or really writing in general, so as always C&C are appreciated. I don't know how frequently I'll update this or if I'll be able to keep up with it, but we'll see. I'm going off of my own headcanon for both Star Wars and Half-Life, so don't expect 100% canon compliance, though I will try. Voting will be open until 10:00PM CST this Sunday.)
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Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by Mantising on Aug 5, 2023 at 12:54 PM, finished with 26 posts and 24 votes.
Voting is still closed, and an actual tiebreaker
I managed to miss Lonely_Samurai's post, but even counting all the votes since the close Elites and Combined arms are STILL tied, so:
1: Overwatch Elites
2: Combined Arms

(Ignore the second die, got confused using the roller for the first time.)
Well, I need to do a little rewriting, but progress on the next post is chugging along regardless.

Combined Arms wins tiebreaker.
Mantising threw 2 2-faced dice. Total: 3
2 2 1 1
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Turn 1: Arrival


???, Month 1, ??? BBY.

Arrival, Turn 1

The distant rumblings of Interdimensional travel find their way inside the Pod, stirring copied memories of previous deployments. What is unfamiliar is the change from deep reverberations, to the sharp shriek of metal being torn and the computer bombarding your mind with errors and warning messages. Light flashes across your vision, interdimensional radiation bypassing your optics to directly stimulate the vision centers of your brain, followed by a resounding crash and another cascade of warnings signaling your arrival… Somewhere.

More coherent data starts to filter through; the Core of your facility has landed, mostly intact and upright on the surface of a terrestrial body, although the outer ring of Smart Barriers is warped, with a few of the pylons still glowing a dull amber. Fortunately, the ground beneath you is fairly soft, and so the facility was able to land without much damage. Unfortunately, the ground beneath you is fairly soft, so you'll have to shore up the foundations at some point if you don't want the entire structure to start sinking.

There are however more pressing concerns: Not only are you nowhere near the intended site, you're not even on the correct world to begin with. You try to contact City 43, or another Combine installation in range, but the admittedly basic communications array is unable to locate any Combine satellite constellations in orbit. What it does detect are regular electromagnetic signals coming from several directions on the Planet's surface, primarily west of your current position. Either these signals are not intended for communications, or they are not of a format the device recognizes.

Once the (surviving) external cameras come back online, you're able to spot several floral Exogen species clearly not native to either Earth or the Border world immediately outside, tinged a lurid purple with red tips on broad leaves.

A pity, you had already been thinking up experiments for that marsupial species...

Whether you've managed to land on another habitable world in the same Universe as your intended destination or another reality entirely is irrelevant; either way you're stranded until you can start the reactor and setup a portal system, at the minimum.

You command the Smart Barriers to close, walls snapping down like immense jaws into the muck of the surrounding swampland, a few sections seize up and refuse to drop, but it will have to do for now. The Transhuman soldiers are roused from their brief slumber along with maintenance personnel and Synths, and you have them sweep over the sparse interior of your base for any intrusion by native fauna.

Benefaction uses a d100 dice system to resolve situations, split between 'Primary' projects which are completed cumulatively, and 'Trivial' Projects, which simply have a flat DC to complete.

Dice are essentially actions, but unlike Trivial Projects, Primary Projects may have multiple dice committed to them at once to complete them faster. Actions marked as (Free) do not require any dice to pick.

Units marked 'U' for Utility do not take up Unit Cap.)

Adjunct 3-A



5 Tactics Skill, 1 Dice (+1 Base Dice)
15 Administration Skill, 2 Dice (+1 Base Dice, +1 from Skill)
15 Research Skill, 2 Dice (+1 Base Dice, +1 from Skill)
5 Diplomacy Skill, 1 Dice (+1 Base Dice)
5 Psionics Skill, 1 Dice (+1 Base Dice)

1 Free Dice

Unit Cap: 2/6 (+6 Base)

Dark Fusion Reactor (Inactive)
Smart Barriers (+0 to Base defense, Damaged)
Basic Fabricators

Combine Soldiers (Mechanized)
Combine Soldiers
Construction Striders (U)
Stalkers (U)
Dropships (U)


[ ] Send a Scouting Party (DC ???, Gain information about the Unknown faction on this world.)
The swampland terrain is rough enough that going on foot isn't viable, and 'west' is a somewhat vague area, but a handful of small teams hauled out by low-flying Dropships should theoretically avoid whatever detection methods this unknown party deploys while gathering valuable intelligence.​
[ ] Sub-option: It pays to be cautious in situations like this, send them to one of the areas with a lower signal density.​

Trivial Projects:

[ ] Repair Smart Barriers (DC 50, +5 to location defense once completed.)
A simple tool, but still among the most crucial for the purposes of the Combine; within Euclidean dimensions at least. Several sections will have to be replaced in their entirety to restore them to function.​

[ ] Produce Viscerators (DC 25, Incapable of independent function, must be carried or launched by another unit or structure.)
A small, flying Mechanical Unit that uses spinning blades offensively. They excel at clearing confined spaces on their own, and are compact enough to be carried by your Transhuman soldiers.​

[ ] Produce Scanners (DC 15)
These mobile surveillance machines are normally intended for use in Urban environs, one tool of many to allow the Overwatch System to properly maintain order through omnipresence and omniscience. But, perhaps in this case they would serve well in monitoring the surrounding swampland for any potential intruders.​

Primary Projects:

[ ] Cold start Dark Fusion Reactor (0/500)
If your deployment had proceeded as planned, the base's Reactor would already be online; pumped from a bank of capacitors pre-delivered to the destination site via the existing rail system. As it stands your facility is running solely off of battery power, which won't hold out in the long term. You should still be able to start the Reactor with what you have available on-site, but doing so prematurely may attract the attention of the Planet's other inhabitants.​

On the other hand, given their broadcasts, perhaps they have exactly what you need to accelerate this endeavor.
You have eight turns of battery power remaining.

[ ] Setup a Suppression system (0/100 +10 to location defense once completed.)​
A bank of Dark Energy Pulsor arrays would provide the facility with a good deal of firepower of it's own, including against aerial assaults in the event of an attack. This would unfortunately come at a significant cost to your currently-limited energy reserves, should you actually need to use them.​
Consumes one turn's worth of energy per use until the Dark Fusion Reactor is online.

[ ] Shore up Facility Foundations (0/150)
While less urgent than the other matters, preventing your facility from becoming an archaeological site in a few months is a matter of some import.​

Further Options locked until base repairs are complete and the Reactor is online.

Trivial Projects:

[ ] Initialize Overwatch Intelligence System (DC 45, +1 Tactics Dice, +1 Free Dice)
The term 'Force Multiplier' is most often used in the Military context, and while that usage does hold true for the Overwatch System, it is your analysis that it serves more as an Administrative force multiplier, for it is this tool that is most often enforces the Combine's grasp on a world, no matter what challenges it provides.​

[ ] Analyze Environmental Information (DC 50, Gain passive situational awareness)
Even now your base's systems are collecting a wide variety of data on the surrounding environment, you should be able to organize this information and compare it to references from other worlds integrated into the Combine to get some idea of what's out there.​

Primary Projects:

[ ] Defoliant Studies (0/100, Enables non-aerial logistics running out of your base.)
While the Dropship Synth is efficient, you only have so many of them for the time being. Finding a suitable compound for clearing away the flora to establish a roadway for your land vehicles will free up significant resources; of course assuming there's anywhere for them to go out there.​

[ ] Signal Analysis (0/200, Gain information about the Unknown faction on this world.)
The Combine has over it's centuries of expansion encountered countless forms of communication across species: controlled dermal combustion, direct bio-optical fiber linkage, the Advisor's own telepathic abilities, among others too bizarre to describe. It shouldn't be so difficult to determine the contents of a simple electromagnetic broadcast.​

The metaphorical gaze of your data-link lands on the intended object of your research, the deceptively small disk currently stowed not far from your pod...
No, you'll have to be patient to unlock it's secrets.
Arbeit Data Disk decryption locked until the construction of a Supercomputer Array.


(No actions available.)​


[ ] Practice (DC Variable, Small chance to improve Psionics skill.)
You can't actually recall the last time you needed to Hatch, but given the circumstances it might be time to stretch your abilities a little, should that time come again on this Unknown world.​

[ ] Listen (DC ???)

There's something there, buried at the edge of your perceptions, it is vast, stretching far beyond your sight and into the abyss of space beyond this world. Like water, it ripples with the motions of unseen actors. You could almost reach out and touch it...​


It's fairly likely that you're going to be here a while, and while it was adequate for your intended role, 'Adjunct 3-A' implies you actually have another to report to.
[ ] Self Re-designation (Free)​
[ ] Overseer Zero
[ ] Command
[ ] No change
[ ] Write in…​

Originally, this would have been simple: Section 26 becomes City 26, and this facility would be the Citadel of City 26. You're quite far from Section 26, as it is.
[ ] Base Designation (Free)​
[ ] Nexus
[ ] Section One
[ ] Write in…​

(AN: I probably should have found a way to integrate the Name stuff into Turn 0, but hindsight is 20/20 and all. Mechanics are subject to change if I find something doesn't function as intended.

Vote by plan, I'll tally up any Name choices separately so you all don't have to worry about that. Since I'm posting this during the week, voting will be open until 10:00PM CST on Friday the 11th.)

(Edit: Whoops, forgot to include how many dice you actually have per skill.)
(Edit 2: Also somehow managed to drop most of the Suppression System description between the doc and SV.)
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Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by Mantising on Aug 9, 2023 at 7:04 PM, finished with 28 posts and 24 votes.

    -[X] Send a Scouting Party
    --[X] Sub-option: It pays to be cautious in situations like this, send them to one of the areas with a lower signal density.
    -[X] Produce Scanners
    -[X] Cold start Dark Fusion Reactor (1 Admin + 1 free die)
    -[X] Analyze Environmental Information
    -[X] Signal Analysis
    -[X] Listen
    -[X] Self Re-designation
    --[X] Administrator
    -[X] Base Designation
    --[X] Citadel Zero
    [X] Foundations First
    [X] Foundations First
    -[X] Send a Scouting Party
    --[X] Sub-option: It pays to be cautious in situations like this, send them to one of the areas with a lower signal density.
    -[X] Produce Scanners
    -[X] Shore up Facility Foundations (1 Admin + 1 free die)
    -[X] Initialize Overwatch Intelligence System
    -[X] Signal Analysis
    -[X] Practice
    -[X] Self Re-designation
    --[X] Overseer Zero
    -[X] Base Designation
    --[X] Section One
    [x] Plan Directed
    -[x] 1x Tactics Die Send a Scouting Party (DC ???, Gain information about the Unknown faction on this world.)
    -[x] 1x Administration Die Produce Viscerators (DC 25, Incapable of independent function, must be carried or launched by another unit or structure.)
    -[x] 1x Administration Die, 1x Free Die Cold start Dark Fusion Reactor (0/500)
    -[x] 1x Research Die Initialize Overwatch Intelligence System (DC 45, +1 Tactics Dice, +1 Free Dice)
    -[x] 1x Research Die Signal Analysis (0/200, Gain information about the Unknown faction on this world.)
    -[x] 1x Psionics Die Practice (DC Variable, Small chance to improve Psionics skill.)
    -[x] Self Re-designation (Free): Command
    -[x] Base Designation (Free): Entry Point
Turn 2: Discovery


???, Month 1, ??? BBY.

Discovery, Turn 2

Last turn results:

Produce Scanners (DC 15): 65 Roll + 15 Skill = 80 CRIT, Bonus applied to other Admin tasks this turn.

Cold start Dark Fusion Reactor (0/500): (28 Roll + 15 Skill = 43) + (40 Roll + 15 Skill = 55) + 10 Bonus = (108/500)

Citadel Zero's reactor was never meant to be self-started, so you've been having to improvise a more robust connection between the reserve batteries and the Core. You're taking the time to be careful with it; you can't afford very many unsuccessful ignition attempts without completely draining your reserves.

Getting the scanners done early has helped to mitigate some issues, mainly in detecting the tiny structural defects in various power systems and the Core itself, as well as spotting for the Construction Striders, which had otherwise been getting themselves stuck in the mud trying to haul the cabling around.

[X] Analyze Environmental Information (DC 50): 27 Roll + 15 Skill = 42 Delayed, completes next turn.

As it turns out there's more serious damage to the observation systems than you had anticipated. While there's nothing you'd need to spend production time on, you still end up spending a significant amount of work just getting accurate readings in the first place, before you can even start making sense of them.

[X] Signal Analysis (0/200): 96 Roll + 15 Skill = (111/200)

You haven't quite managed to crack the communication systems of the locals, but you are to the point of distinguishing one individual transmitter from another. They are almost certainly digital transmissions rather than analog, and most traffic seems to be between three of the five inhabited locations you've detected, with the notable exception of the rare signals aimed skywards, no doubt to satellites or spacecraft you can't quite detect at this range.

The main cluster is almost certainly a city or town of some kind, with several identifiable transmitters regularly moving back and forth between the center and the two other sites. One of the two apparent destinations is where you sent the Insertion team.

[X] Send a Scouting Party (DC ???): 48 Roll + 5 Skill = 53

"Ordinal. Upload team mask playback data, and stand down."

"Copy Administrator, beginning transfer."

You select the moments just prior to the Insertion team making contact.

You see the rest of the Ordinal's squad ahead, trudging through the dark-bluish mud of the swamp, trying and occasionally failing to keep footing on the root systems below them. The mists of early morning cling close to the ground, starting to dissipate as the white-orange sun climbs ever higher in the sky. One of the subordinates calls out after a minute or so of marching.

"Viscon on target structure: bearing twenty-three, distance eighty-two meters."

"Confirmed signal, that's it." Another one replies, turning in that direction.

"All units, hunker down and check radials. Scalpel, move to position for observation. Return fire only."

You switch to the sniper's perspective as she clambers up the side of one of the purple plants and unslings her rifle, bracing it on a branch before leaning into the scope, keeping the targeting beam off.

An ornate, burnt-orange metallic dome rises up from the treeline in the Sniper's view, towering nearly twice the height of the surrounding plant life. Dozens of verandas and windows cover it's surface, most devoid of any presence, but a few have individuals either lounging or cleaning. Humans in fact; among a few other species and machines you can make out in the recording, true, but still humans.

Should you re-establish contact with the Overworld, you're going to have to examine their history more closely; they must have found their way here sometime prior to the Black Mesa facility's experiments with Interdimensional travel…

Glossing over that issue for the moment, you make note of at least five distinct species as the Scalpel unit pans over the structure: some with roughly the same body plan as the humans, others more strange. Pairs of squat green-skinned humanoids with faces that closely resemble one of the extinct domestic species on Earth stand guard with crude-looking melee weapons by the doors to some of the balconies.

"Probable HVTs in scope."

The Scalpel unit calls into her vocoder, and you can see why the unit made that determination; a pair of slug-like organisms are sprawled out in one of the verandas near the dome's peak. One is apparently naked, again with a bizarrely human-like face stretched over it's head, while the other is both larger and covered from head to tail in segmented metal plates in the same color as the dome itself. A pair of artificial, curling horns jut out of it's helmet. You can spot servos and cables between the joints of the armor, a kind of powered exoskeleton. Both organisms are tended to by a dozen or so attendants, organic and machine, serving drinks and food as the two converse.

"Ordinal, targets ar-"

Scalpel cuts herself off as a small flying organism attempts to soar into the veranda, only to bounce off a shimmering energy field before sliding down the side of the dome, much to the larger creatures' amusement as the field disappears from view once more.

"Scalpel, report status."

"-Rescind previous, HVTs are shielded, no firing solution. Resuming visual sweep, over."

The sniper also spots several light gun emplacements across the dome, but whether these are intended for anti-air or anti-personnel use you can't discern. As the sun begins to set, a open-topped vehicle exits from a bay on the lower portion of the Dome, heading for a wide dirt road that would appear to lead to the main signal cluster. Rather than wheels or legs, it's suspended off of the ground by an invisible force, simply gliding towards it's destination filled with some of the servants observed earlier. Likely a simple Anti-Gravitation system, but still worth dismantling for study later.

Your thoughts wander as you accelerate the recording, the Insertion team eventually retreating and calling for a Dropship back to the Citadel.

While you've seen hyperdiverse environs before, the number of sapient species and seemingly low population of this world would indicate separate evolutionary conditions, long before they were gathered here… Has another Interdimensional Empire managed to go unnoticed by the Combine, collecting species ahead of it's advance and sequestering them here?

[X] Listen (DC ???): 7 Roll + 5 Skill = 12

You enter into your regular 5-minute rest cycle as normal, shutting down two lobes to allow for the proper filtration of waste substances and cellular regeneration, the thrum of the Pod Synth's circulatory system echoing all around you.

There is a presence nearby.

It's not the stalker limping past your chamber, whose mind is almost too small for you to notice. The new thing feels almost like the flickering, detached presence of a Vortigaunt, the emotions and thoughts of a thousand, thousand minds bubbling just beneath the surface of one. It is close to you, feeling like it's pressed up all around the outside of the Pod, almost reluctant to get any nearer.

You know that there can't be anything there, this close to you without having fought through a Legion of Transhuman Soldiers… Still your mask slides away, and you open your mouth to reach for it.

It seems almost drawn into the connection, and you feel… You feel like you can see everything on the planet, every stem of every plant reaching skywards in search of the System's primary. You're still not sure what this is, but it will no doubt be of great benefit to the Combine, if you can control-

Pain. Pain flickers through your mind as whatever it is abruptly breaks free, pulling away farther, past the pod and into the cold walls around your chamber. It does not retreat fully, you can still sense it's presence, testing at the fringe of your power. You'll have to commit more study to this in the future, when you can afford the time…
Continued in Interlude 1.




5 Tactics Skill, 1 Dice (+1 Base Dice)
15 Administration Skill, 2 Dice (+1 Base Dice, +1 from Skill)
15 Research Skill, 2 Dice (+1 Base Dice, +1 from Skill)
5 Diplomacy Skill, 1 Dice (+1 Base Dice)
5 Psionics Skill, 1 Dice (+1 Base Dice)

1 Free Dice

Unit Cap: 3/6 (+6 Base)

Dark Fusion Reactor (Inactive)
Smart Barriers (+0 to Base defense, Damaged)
Basic Fabricators

Combine Soldiers (Mechanized)
Combine Soldiers
Construction Striders (U)
Stalkers (U)
Dropships (U)


[ ] Assault the Dome (DC Variable, Combat.)
You've seen enough to determine that this is most likely a seat of power for some local polity. Whether or not it's the only one remains to be seen, however this is likely the best opportunity to attack with relative secrecy, as the longer you're here the more probable it is that they will notice. Better to strike now when they least expect it.​
Enemy Force Estimate:
One Unknown infantry, fortified with light gun emplacements.​

[ ] Sub-option: Objective: Capture the High-Value targets alive.
You're in desperate need of information, and most likely one of those Slug-like beings has all that you need and more.​

[ ] Commit Forces: (Write in non-utility units…)​

[ ] Abduction (DC 50, Gain captives and intelligence.)
Some of the local population seems to travel for long stretches between locations while relatively unguarded. You could capture one of these groups while maintaining secrecy, both testing their security and gaining you any technologies they may have with them.​

Trivial Projects:

[ ] Repair Smart Barriers (DC 50, +5 to location defense once completed.)
A simple tool, but still among the most crucial for the purposes of the Combine; within Euclidean dimensions at least. Several sections will have to be replaced in their entirety to restore them to function.​

[ ] Produce Viscerators (DC 25, Incapable of independent function, must be carried or launched by another unit or structure.)
A small, flying Mechanical Unit that uses spinning blades offensively. They excel at clearing confined spaces on their own, and are compact enough to be carried by your Transhuman soldiers.​

[ ] Produce Scanners (DC 15)
These mobile surveillance machines are normally intended for use in Urban environs, one tool of many to allow the Overwatch System to properly maintain order through omnipresence and omniscience. But, perhaps in this case they would serve well in monitoring the surrounding swampland for any potential intruders.​

Primary Projects:

[ ] Cold start Dark Fusion Reactor (108/500)
The preliminary work of starting up the reactor is complete, and you've insulated it's emissions as much as you are able to do with available materials. It won't be blatantly visible from orbit when the reactor comes online, at the minimum.​

Now that you've confirmed the technological abilities of the local population, it may be possible to supplement your batteries with their energy sources, allowing you to be more aggressive in Cold Start procedures.
You have seven turns of battery power remaining.

[ ] Setup a Suppression system (0/100 +10 to location defense once completed.)
A bank of Dark Energy Pulsor arrays would provide the facility with a good deal of firepower of it's own, including against aerial assaults in the event of an attack on Citadel Zero. This would unfortunately come at a significant cost to your currently-limited energy reserves, should you actually need to use them.
Consumes one turn's worth of energy per use until the Dark Fusion Reactor is online.

[ ] Shore up Facility Foundations (0/150)
While less urgent than the other matters, preventing your facility from becoming an archaeological site in a few months is a matter of some import.​

Further Options locked until base repairs are complete and the Reactor is online.


Trivial Projects:

[ ] Initialize Overwatch Intelligence System (DC 45, +1 Tactics Dice, +1 Free Dice)
The term 'Force Multiplier' is most often used in the Military context, and while that usage does hold true for the Overwatch System, it is your analysis that it serves more as an Administrative force multiplier, for it is this tool that is most often enforces the Combine's grasp on a world, no matter what challenges it provides.​

[X] Analyze Environmental Information (DC 50, Gain passive situational awareness)
Even now your base's systems are collecting a wide variety of data on the surrounding environment, you should be able to organize this information and compare it to references from other worlds integrated into the Combine to get some idea of what's out there.
Delayed, completes next turn at no dice cost.

Primary Projects:

[ ] Defoliant Studies (0/100, Enables non-aerial logistics running out of your base.)
While the Dropship Synth is efficient, you only have so many of them for the time being. Finding a suitable compound for clearing away the flora to establish a roadway for your land vehicles will free up significant resources.​

[ ] Signal Analysis (111/200, Gain information about the Unknown faction on this world.)
The Combine has over it's centuries of expansion encountered countless forms of communication across species: controlled dermal combustion, direct bio-optical fiber linkage, the Advisor's own telepathic abilities, among others too bizarre to describe. It shouldn't be so difficult to determine the contents of a simple electromagnetic broadcast.​

The gaze of your data-link lands on the intended object of your research, the deceptively small disk currently stowed not far from your pod... No, you'll have to be patient to unlock it's secrets.
Arbeit Data Disk decryption locked until the construction of a Supercomputer Array.


[ ] Send Probes (DC 45, Gain more active intelligence on the locals.)
You've seen the locals using all manner of independent machines, including small drones not dissimilar to your Scanners. It's possible that they will simply ignore the machines if you send them in to collect further information.​


[ ] Practice (DC Variable, Small chance to improve Psionics skill.)
You can't actually recall the last time you needed to Hatch, but given the circumstances it might be time to stretch your abilities a little, should that time come again on this Unknown world.​


(No actions available.)​

(AN: Took me a little longer this time, but we're here now. I'll say that the Intel projects won't be around forever, you're still in the 'Where am I' phase, just whenever you have enough of them for me to give a write-up on the goings on. I don't know when I'll have the Interlude up, work is a little intense right now but I'm aiming for Friday at the latest.

Vote by Plan, Two hour moratorium on voting, after that voting will be open until 8:00PM CST this Friday.)
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Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by Mantising on Aug 16, 2023 at 9:03 PM, finished with 18 posts and 16 votes.

    -[X] Abduction (DC 50, Gain captives and intelligence.) 1 Tactics Die
    -[X] Cold start Dark Fusion Reactor (108/500) 2 Administration Dice
    -[X] Shore up Facility Foundations (0/150) 1 Free Die
    -[X] Initialize Overwatch Intelligence System (DC 45, +1 Tactics Dice, +1 Free Dice) 1 Research Die
    -[X] Signal Analysis (111/200, Gain information about the Unknown faction on this world.) 1 Research Die
    -[X] Send Probes (DC 45, Gain more active intelligence on the locals.) 1 Diplomacy Die
    -[X] Practice (DC Variable, Small chance to improve Psionics skill.) 1 Psionics Die
Interlude I



He opened his eyes to harsh, dry air and blinked slowly, confused. He turned to his left, then right as that confusion mounted; he was in the arena on Geonosis. It was night, and the spires surrounding the arena cast long shadows, lit by two of the planet's moons. There were dead clones and battledroids everywhere, alongside the wreckage of a couple gunships crashed through the empty seating, dribbling fuel lines still burning.

None of the bodies had blaster burns.

Most had puncture wounds, with armor and droid casing alike shattered around the impact. Tusken rifles could do damage like that, and he scowled at the thought. But there's no way the raiders could have taken on the Droid army and won, let alone the Clones…

A few had chunks missing from them, almost as if scooped out and then the edges singed with a saber.

The hairs on the back of his neck stood on end, and he whipped around to steal a fleeting glimpse of blue eyes ducking behind a wall.

He instinctively reached for his saber, but kept it off as he started his way towards the edge of the arena, keeping to the shadows. He could hear the sound of engines running somewhere off in the distance, and footsteps much nearer, echoing around the coliseum. He trudged through the carnage slowly, exhaustion creeping up on him as he tripped over a leg.

He felt a little safer once he ducked into one of the gates at the edge of the area, out of the moonlight and away from… Whatever it was in the stands. He could hear blaster fire now too, alongside rapid cracks that could only be slugthrower shots. The moment of calm is interrupted by the familiar sound of destroyer droids approaching.

He near-instantly flicks out his lightsaber, the blue glow providing the only illumination over the carved sandstone tunnel…

As a lone droideka promptly rolls straight past him without so much as trying to run into him.

The machine unfurls some ways down a bend in the corridor, it's silhouette showing in red on the wall as it fires at an unseen target.

A low, synthetic shriek is soon followed by an offbeat charge and a loud crash of metal parts against the walls. He turns to run the other way, only to hear another creature let out a pair of yowls from that direction as it advances towards his position. A pair of monsters advance on him from both sides, three legs thumping against the stone floor, both with clammy off-white skin and deep turquoise armor plates. The one with blaster burns all over stares at him almost mockingly.

His eye dart back and forth between the two as a bead of sweat rolls down his forehead.

The one on the left moves first, whipping a tri-jointed leg at him with a yowl. His saber takes it off at the knee and it screams as he hears a series of popping sounds from it's compatriot.

The Force guides him to deflect the first two flechettes, but the one behind him lunges, smashing itself into his spine as the last one pierces his right arm.

He winces as the barbs stick through his flesh, the projectile emitting a keening sound until-

He screams now as his arm comes off at the elbow, his saber rattling to the ground.

The next few moments are hazy as one of them picks him up under the shoulders, dragging him back outside. It holds him up to the light as something descends from above. The new thing has a pair of blue eyes like the thing behind him, but smaller and offset to one side. His saber floats off of the ground, hovering just in front of the thing as it spins in space, before being crushed and tossed aside.

The thing's mask comes off and he feels himself being dragged up off the ground towards it-

Anakin screams into his mask, thrashing in the Bacta tank against the restraints. His arm was already gone.

(AN: First real attempt at writing combat, hope y'all enjoy.)
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Turn 3: Contact


???, Month 1, ??? BBY.​

Contact, Turn 3

Last turn results:

Initialize Overwatch Intelligence System (DC 45, +1 Tactics Dice, +1 Free Dice): 33 Roll + 15 Skill = 48

Another tool that should already have been active within moments of your arrival; Your own copy never received the activation ping from it's counterparts in other installations. Besides that, you do need to adjust the system's behavior for the current situation. Undue aggression is untenable at present, at least without the ability to properly replenish your forces.

"Overwatch online. Advisorial control and oversight confirmed. Initiating Phase Zero Compliance."

Spurs of the intelligence's attention pour into your data-link as it spreads throughout your current network. Within moments it categorizes all available inputs and connects itself to the communications
of your soldiers.

[X] Send Probes (DC 45, Gain more active intelligence on the locals.) 27 Roll + 5 Skill = 33

The largest apparent settlement is relatively nearby to the Citadel, such that you can send the scanners directly rather than having to potentially risk a Dropship in bringing them closer. Overwatch guides the machines to the location, weaving through branches beneath the canopy.

As the first wave of scanners enter the settlement, the Overwatch System begins pinging you with new identified species notifications, and then abruptly stops after the count hits 15 inside thirty seconds. At least a dozen separate Architectural styles are on display, in varying states of repair and use as hundreds of organics mill about disheveled streets.

The scanners find at least two-thirds of the scanned subjects have some form of weapon, either crudely concealed or proudly displayed on the hip or back. What you imagine are enforcers of the local polity, wearing an extremely loose uniform only sharing an orange armband in common, make up a majority of the latter.

"Nobata droida! NOBATA DROIDA!" You mentally flick to the feed of the scanner presently being shouted at by a blue-skinned, rotund creature about half the size of an adult human, somehow being suspended midair by a pair of pathetically small wings on the back. The scanner chirps before igniting the flash for it's higher-quality still camera.

"E chu ta! Karking Droi…" The creature shields it's eyes for a few moments, before calling out to a few of the enforcers patrolling the streets. You recall that particular scanner to avoid attracting further attention, but it seems that it may already be too late. More data-streams flow across your communications monitoring equipment as the enforcers call out and gradually become aware of your intrusion.

...Perhaps you shouldn't have sent that many all at once.

Overwatch commands the machines to return as some of the enforcers begin unholstering their guns, but one particular drone catches sight of something quite interesting on the way out:

A large vehicle, around half the size of your Dark Fusion Reactor gradually ascends from a port structure in the city below, before angling upwards and igniting a set of yellowish engines and soaring skywards out of view.

[X] Abduction (DC 50, Gain captives and intelligence.): 21 Roll + 5 Skill = 26

"Overwatch reports target is enroute, weapons off safe."

You were able to link some of the comm-ids you've recorded to actual vehicles thanks to your earlier survey in the city. Four teams of Overwatch Soldiers will hit an enclosed craft that regularly moves between the Dome and the city: another of the hovering designs. They lie waiting in the vibrant shrubbery on either side of the road, partially concealed in the cool mist at this hour.

A low hum begins to emit from the soldier's feeds, only audible to yourself and Overwatch at first, but soon the Transhumans tense in anticipation. A stout, boxy craft hovers down the road, just a few feet off the ground. The low thrum of it's drive system sends reverberations through the ground as it drives directly over a concealed mine.

The entire transport lists to the side after the Hopper detonates directly below the engine, sending the craft nose-first into the ground and skidding to a halt.

"Move in."

With the Ordinal's call, two groups of three soldiers advance out of the foliage towards the craft, each with a Wallhammer unit in lead. They pause after a panel unfolds atop the transport with a clunk. A set of twin barrels affixed to a turret whirs around to face one of the groups, opening up with a salvo of red energy bolts. The barrage clips the first two soldiers before Wallhammer 2 raises his shield, the projectiles scattering across the surface of the field.

"Hostile is live, wall up." The Wallhammer growls, struggling to keep the shield steady as his teammate falls behind him.

The turret focuses on the shield for a moment, before turning to spray into the treeline with abandon. A soldier in the second group tosses a grenade onto the roof just behind the turret, shattering it with a crack against the vehicle's hull.

Wallhammer 2 rapidly advances, closing in and unholstering his baton. The side door opens before he can reach it, more crimson blasts emerging from within. The unit takes the shots with a grunt, advancing on the shooters and bringing up his arm. Bright white light fills the feed.

"Flash successful, engaging."

Three humanoids with rough, leathery skin emerge in the view, languishing in pain with their hands over their eyes. The Wallhammer steps into the cab and cracks down three times with his baton. One of the men falls off the console at the fore of the craft, his hands slipping off a set of controls.

The Wallhammer pries open the door leading to the rear compartment, where there should be passenge-

"Overwatch, we are negative on biotics. Target contains contraband."

Rows and rows of small, cylindrical vials filled with an orange powder line temporary shelving along the sides of the cargo area. There must be at least a few hundred kilos of the substance stored here.

You're pinged by the comms monitoring system; there's a flurry of traffic going between the Dome and city, and a group of contacts headed for the ambush site.

You call off the Dropship meant to carry the target craft, and order the Transhumans to round up the casualties alongside the drivers, including their weapons and a few of those vials before having the soldiers grenade the interior of the vehicle and retreat; You're not about to get into a serious confrontation without good reason.

Gained three subjects, and samples of an unknown drug. Soldiers wounded.

Cold start Dark Fusion Reactor (108/500): (60 Roll + 15 Skill = 75) + (23 Roll + 15 Skill = 37) = (220/500)

Progress on the Reactor continues it's inexorable march, though not as quickly as you'd like. Most of the damaged components have been replaced as best as your facilities can manage at the moment, and you've added an extra layer of shielding, hopefully preventing the locals from detecting the Reactor's activation.

If all goes well, you can start ignition attempts within the next two or three days.

[X] Shore up Facility Foundations (0/150): 25 Roll + 15 Skill = (40/150)

Mirroring the design of the Restrictor devices, a ring of heavy pile-drivers will force hard metal stakes deep into the mud and all the way down to bedrock; firmly anchoring the Citadel in place for your future expansion.

[X] Analyze Environmental Information (DC 50) Completed this turn

At this point you're confirming things you already know or at least suspected. An industrialized civilization is present on this world, going by concentrations of common atmospheric pollutants and other synthetic compounds. It's unlikely that any technological presence here extends much farther beyond what you've seen; the scale of emissions match what you'd expect.

That is, aside from a notable concentration of Radioactive decay products present in both the atmosphere and in biological samples. Not enough to indicate the use of Nuclear Weapons within the last decade, but enough that there must be something sublimating the material on a regular basis.

[X] Signal Analysis (111/200, Gain information about the Unknown faction on this world.): 55 Roll + 15 Skill = (181/200)

You know you're close to decoding the locals' transmissions, however you've hit a major snag: A majority of what you've been working on has turned out to be 3D bluescale holographic information, rather than audio like you had believed.

Still, now that you've set up a projector capable of displaying said data you've been able to catalog over thirty new body-plans, and match them with some species you've already observed, so not a complete loss.

[X] Practice (DC Variable, Small chance to improve Psionics skill.) 54 Roll + 5 Skill = 59

Once events settle down enough for Overwatch to handle them in the background, you close your main senses off to anything but the inside of the pod around you, instead reaching out with your Mind.

The other thing is still there, tendrils of it occasionally reaching in to touch at one of your Synths or a Transhuman, but never daring to get within the Core of your Citadel. You push the sensation of it's presence out of your thoughts as well; right now you need stillness.

Space bends ever-so-slightly, just off the surface of your skin as you hone the technique you're going to need in order to hatch. The Host Bodies are well-suited for their intended task, but the trade-offs leave them lacking certain defenses against microbiota and other airborne contaminants, necessitating the active use of Psionics to protect them when outside the protection of a Pod Synth or other life support apparatus.

Space unfurls as you release, your power inching forwards with every attempt.

+2 to Psionics skill.




5 Tactics Skill, 2 Dice (+1 Base Dice +1 Overwatch)
15 Administration Skill, 2 Dice (+1 Base Dice, +1 from Skill)
15 Research Skill, 2 Dice (+1 Base Dice, +1 from Skill)
5 Diplomacy Skill, 1 Dice (+1 Base Dice)
7 Psionics Skill, 1 Dice (+1 Base Dice)

2 Free Dice (+1 Base Dice, +1 Overwatch)

Unit Cap: 3/6 (+6 Base)

Dark Fusion Reactor (Inactive)
Smart Barriers (+0 to Base defense, Damaged)
Basic Fabricators

Combine Soldiers (Mechanized)
Combine Soldiers (Wounded, reduced combat effectiveness, recovers in 1 turn)
Construction Striders (U)
Stalkers (U)
Dropships (U)


[ ] Abstain(Tactics) (Free, take no actions in this category and instead gain it's dice as half-strength Free Die for this turn.)​

[ ] Assault the Dome (DC Variable, Combat.)
You've seen enough to determine that this is most likely a seat of power for some local polity. Whether or not it's the only one remains to be seen, however this is likely the best opportunity to attack with relative secrecy, as the longer you're here the more probable it is that they will notice. Better to strike now when they least expect it.
Enemy Force Estimate:
One Unknown infantry, fortified with light gun emplacements.​

[ ] Sub-option: Objective: Capture the High-Value targets alive.
You're in desperate need of information, and most likely one of those Slug-like beings has all that you need and more.​

[ ] Commit Forces: (Write in non-utility units…)​


[ ] Abstain(Admin) (Free, take no actions in this category and instead gain it's dice as half-strength Free Die for this turn.)​

Trivial Projects:

[ ] Repair Smart Barriers (DC 50, +5 to location defense once completed.)
A simple tool, but still among the most crucial for the purposes of the Combine; within Euclidean dimensions at least. Several sections will have to be replaced in their entirety to restore them to function.​

[ ] Produce Viscerators (DC 25, Incapable of independent function, must be carried or launched by another unit or structure.)
A small, flying Mechanical Unit that uses spinning blades offensively. They excel at clearing confined spaces on their own, and are compact enough to be carried by your Transhuman soldiers.​

[ ] Produce Scanners (DC 15)
These mobile surveillance machines are normally intended for use in Urban environs, one tool of many to allow the Overwatch System to properly maintain order through omnipresence and omniscience. But, perhaps in this case they would serve well in monitoring the surrounding swampland for any potential intruders.​

Primary Projects:

[ ] Cold start Dark Fusion Reactor (220/500)
The preliminary work of starting up the reactor is complete, and you've insulated it's emissions as much as you are able to do with available materials. It won't be blatantly visible from orbit when the reactor comes online, at the minimum.​

Now that you've confirmed the technological abilities of the local population, it may be possible to supplement your batteries with their energy sources, allowing you to be more aggressive in Cold Start procedures.
You have six turns of battery power remaining.

[ ] Setup a Suppression system (0/100 +10 to location defense once completed.)
A bank of Dark Energy Pulsor arrays would provide the facility with a good deal of firepower of it's own, including against aerial assaults in the event of an attack on Citadel Zero. This would unfortunately come at a significant cost to your currently-limited energy reserves, should you actually need to use them.
Consumes one turn's worth of energy per use until the Dark Fusion Reactor is online.

[ ] Shore up Facility Foundations (40/150)
While less urgent than the other matters, preventing your facility from becoming an archaeological site in a few months is a matter of some import.​

Further Options locked until base repairs are complete and the Reactor is online.


[ ] Abstain(Research) (Free, take no actions in this category and instead gain it's dice as half-strength Free Die for this turn.)​

Trivial Projects:

[ ] Exogen Vivisection (DC 25, Precursor to Near-Human Augmentation.)
The Humanoid subjects you've recovered have small but noticeable physiological differences compared to the standard stock. Direct study of their makeup will allow you to discern what changes in procedure will be required for proper induction into the Transhuman Overwatch. In the worst case, they'll make useful servitors.
Costs one subject.

[ ] Contraband Analysis (DC 35)
This substance is clearly of some value to this culture, though given some of the ones you have on-record from the Earth Administration, it's not necessarily useful in a direct sense. But, perhaps this will be helpful for the purposes of controlling a population down the line.​

Primary Projects:

[ ] Defoliant Studies (0/100, Enables non-aerial logistics running out of your base.)
While the Dropship Synth is efficient, you only have so many of them for the time being. Finding a suitable compound for clearing away the flora to establish a roadway for your land vehicles will free up significant resources.​

[ ] Signal Analysis (181/200, Gain information about the Unknown faction on this world.)
The Combine has over it's centuries of expansion encountered countless forms of communication across species: controlled dermal combustion, direct bio-optical fiber linkage, the Advisor's own telepathic abilities, among others too bizarre to describe. It shouldn't be so difficult to determine the contents of a simple electromagnetic broadcast.​

The gaze of your data-link lands on the intended object of your research, the deceptively small disk currently stowed not far from your pod... No, you'll have to be patient to unlock it's secrets.
Arbeit Data Disk decryption locked until the construction of a Supercomputer Array.


[ ] Abstain(Diplomacy) (Free, take no actions in this category and instead gain it's dice as half-strength Free Die for this turn.)​

[ ] Talk? (DC ???)
The locals are almost certainly aware that you're here, not necessarily of where you are, but if they're even slightly competent it won't take long for them to locate Citadel Zero. Sending a scanner, and using Overwatch as a proxy will allow you to communicate with them, though what you'd say is another matter. (Write in...)​

[ ] Interrogation (DC 25)
With more… direct methods currently out of your reach, the only way to acquire the information you need is to ask.​


[ ] Abstain(Psionics) (Free, take no actions in this category and instead gain it's dice as half-strength Free Die for this turn.)​

[ ] Practice (DC Variable, Small chance to improve Psionics skill.)
You can't actually recall the last time you needed to Hatch, but given the circumstances it might be time to stretch your abilities a little, should that time come again on this Unknown world.​

[ ] Hatch (0/150, +2 Skill to Admin, Tactics and Diplomacy.)
It's becoming more and more clear that your direct intervention in proceedings may be necessary. Though you will still need to return to the Pod at regular intervals to rest.​


(No actions available.)

(AN: Toying with a new mechanic, since I can't always think of something to put in a category and it feels bad making y'all waste dice/be forced to pick something. 'Half Strength' means a 50 roll becomes 25 on an Abstinence Die. If this doesn't work out I might try changing it all to Free Die and reworking the categories/skill system.

Vote by Plan, Two hour moratorium on voting, after that voting will be open until 10:00PM CST this Sunday.)
(EDIT: Added missing drugs option.)
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Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by Mantising on Aug 25, 2023 at 9:59 PM, finished with 27 posts and 16 votes.

    -[x] 2x Tactics Dice Abstain(Tactics) (Free, take no actions in this category and instead gain it's die as half-strength Free Die for this turn.)
    -[x] 2x Administration Die, 2 Free Dice, 2 Half-Strength Free Dice Cold start Dark Fusion Reactor (220/500)
    -[x] 1x Research Die Exogen Vivisection (DC 25, Precursor to Near-Human Augmentation.)
    -[x] 1x Research Die Signal Analysis (181/200, Gain information about the Unknown faction on this world.)
    -[x] 1x Diplomacy Die Interrogation (DC 25)
    -[x] 1x Psionics Die Practice (DC Variable, Small chance to improve Psionics skill.)
    -[X] Abstain(Tactics)x2
    -[X] Produce Viscerators (.5 Free Die)
    -[X] Repair Smart Barriers (1 Free Die)
    -[X] Cold Start Fusion Reactor (1 Admin, 1 Free)
    -[X] Shore Up Facility Foundations (1 Admin, .5 Free Die)
    -[X] Exogen Vivisection (1 Research)
    -[x] Signal Analysis (1 Research)
    -[X] Interrogation (1 Diplomacy)
    -[X] Hatch (1 Psionics)