Benefaction: A Combine Ck2 Quest in Star Wars Legends

Benefaction: A Combine Ck2 Quest in Star Wars Legends
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Take charge of a very lost Advisor as they make their way in a galaxy at war, a galaxy full of new species and technologies to exploit.
The Combine must grow.
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Scheduled vote count started by Mantising on Aug 5, 2023 at 12:54 PM, finished with 26 posts and 24 votes.
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Scheduled vote count started by Mantising on Aug 9, 2023 at 7:04 PM, finished with 28 posts and 24 votes.

    -[X] Send a Scouting Party
    --[X] Sub-option: It pays to be cautious in situations like this, send them to one of the areas with a lower signal density.
    -[X] Produce Scanners
    -[X] Cold start Dark Fusion Reactor (1 Admin + 1 free die)
    -[X] Analyze Environmental Information
    -[X] Signal Analysis
    -[X] Listen
    -[X] Self Re-designation
    --[X] Administrator
    -[X] Base Designation
    --[X] Citadel Zero
    [X] Foundations First
    [X] Foundations First
    -[X] Send a Scouting Party
    --[X] Sub-option: It pays to be cautious in situations like this, send them to one of the areas with a lower signal density.
    -[X] Produce Scanners
    -[X] Shore up Facility Foundations (1 Admin + 1 free die)
    -[X] Initialize Overwatch Intelligence System
    -[X] Signal Analysis
    -[X] Practice
    -[X] Self Re-designation
    --[X] Overseer Zero
    -[X] Base Designation
    --[X] Section One
    [x] Plan Directed
    -[x] 1x Tactics Die Send a Scouting Party (DC ???, Gain information about the Unknown faction on this world.)
    -[x] 1x Administration Die Produce Viscerators (DC 25, Incapable of independent function, must be carried or launched by another unit or structure.)
    -[x] 1x Administration Die, 1x Free Die Cold start Dark Fusion Reactor (0/500)
    -[x] 1x Research Die Initialize Overwatch Intelligence System (DC 45, +1 Tactics Dice, +1 Free Dice)
    -[x] 1x Research Die Signal Analysis (0/200, Gain information about the Unknown faction on this world.)
    -[x] 1x Psionics Die Practice (DC Variable, Small chance to improve Psionics skill.)
    -[x] Self Re-designation (Free): Command
    -[x] Base Designation (Free): Entry Point
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by Mantising on Aug 16, 2023 at 9:03 PM, finished with 18 posts and 16 votes.

    -[X] Abduction (DC 50, Gain captives and intelligence.) 1 Tactics Die
    -[X] Cold start Dark Fusion Reactor (108/500) 2 Administration Dice
    -[X] Shore up Facility Foundations (0/150) 1 Free Die
    -[X] Initialize Overwatch Intelligence System (DC 45, +1 Tactics Dice, +1 Free Dice) 1 Research Die
    -[X] Signal Analysis (111/200, Gain information about the Unknown faction on this world.) 1 Research Die
    -[X] Send Probes (DC 45, Gain more active intelligence on the locals.) 1 Diplomacy Die
    -[X] Practice (DC Variable, Small chance to improve Psionics skill.) 1 Psionics Die
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by Mantising on Aug 25, 2023 at 9:59 PM, finished with 27 posts and 16 votes.

    -[x] 2x Tactics Dice Abstain(Tactics) (Free, take no actions in this category and instead gain it's die as half-strength Free Die for this turn.)
    -[x] 2x Administration Die, 2 Free Dice, 2 Half-Strength Free Dice Cold start Dark Fusion Reactor (220/500)
    -[x] 1x Research Die Exogen Vivisection (DC 25, Precursor to Near-Human Augmentation.)
    -[x] 1x Research Die Signal Analysis (181/200, Gain information about the Unknown faction on this world.)
    -[x] 1x Diplomacy Die Interrogation (DC 25)
    -[x] 1x Psionics Die Practice (DC Variable, Small chance to improve Psionics skill.)
    -[X] Abstain(Tactics)x2
    -[X] Produce Viscerators (.5 Free Die)
    -[X] Repair Smart Barriers (1 Free Die)
    -[X] Cold Start Fusion Reactor (1 Admin, 1 Free)
    -[X] Shore Up Facility Foundations (1 Admin, .5 Free Die)
    -[X] Exogen Vivisection (1 Research)
    -[x] Signal Analysis (1 Research)
    -[X] Interrogation (1 Diplomacy)
    -[X] Hatch (1 Psionics)
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by Mantising on Sep 4, 2023 at 4:56 PM, finished with 56 posts and 17 votes.

  • [X]Army of Monsters
    [X] Plan: Spring The Trap
    --[X] Abstain (Tactics) X2
    --[X] Produce Scanners (DC 15) .5HD
    --[X] Repair Smart Barriers (DC 50, +5 to location defense once completed.) 2D
    --[X] Setup a Suppression System (0/100 +10 to location defense once completed.) 1FD/.5HD
    --[X] Defoliant Studies (0/100, Enables non-aerial logistics running out of your base.) 2D
    --[X] Abstain(Diplomacy) X1
    --[X] Hatch (0/150, +2 Skill to Admin, Tactics and Diplomacy.) 2D
    --[X] Down (Free)
    [X]Army of Monsters
    -[x] Abstain(Tactics) (Free, take no actions in this category and instead gain it's die as half-strength Free Die for this turn.)
    -[x] 1x Administration Die Repair Smart Barriers (DC 50, +5 to location defense once completed.)
    -[x] 1x Administration Die Produce Viscerators (DC 25)
    -[x] 2x Free Die 3x Half-Strength Die (2 Tactics, 1 Diplomacy) Small Synthwombs (0/225)
    -[x] 1x Research Die Repulsorlift Theory (DC 40)
    -[x] 1x Research Die Humanoid Augmentation (0/150)
    -[x] Abstain(Diplomacy) (Free, take no actions in this category and instead gain it's die as half-strength Free Die for this turn.)
    -[x] 1x Psionics Die Practice (DC Variable, Small chance to improve Psionics skill.)
    -[x] Up (Free)
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by Mantising on Sep 12, 2023 at 8:20 PM, finished with 46 posts and 18 votes.

  • [x] Bunker Down And Crab
    [x] Bunker Down And Crab
    -[x] Abstain(Tactics) (Free, take no actions in this category and instead gain it's die as half-strength Free Die for this turn.)
    -[x] 2x Administration Die, 2 Half-Strength Die (Tactics) Small Synthwombs (205/225)
    -[x] 2x Free Die, 1x Half-Strength Die (Diplomacy) Setup a Suppression System (0/100 +10 to location defense once completed.)
    -[x] 1x Research Die Humanoid Augmentation (105/150)
    -[x] 1x Research Die Repulsor Transport Design (0/115)
    -[x] Abstain(Diplomacy) (Free, take no actions in this category and instead gain it's die as half-strength Free Die for this turn.)
    -[x] 1x Psionics Die Practice (DC Variable, Small chance to improve Psionics skill.)
    -[X] Abstain(Tactics) (Free, take no actions in this category and instead gain it's die as half-strength Free Die for this turn.) X2
    -[X] Small Synthwombs (205/225)(Half die/tactics)
    -[X] Setup a Suppression System (0/100 +10 to location defense once completed.)(Full die) X2
    -[X] Defoliant Studies (0/100, Enables non-aerial logistics running out of your base.) (Full die)X2
    -[X] Humanoid Augmentation (105/150) (Half die/diplomacy)
    -[X] Repulsor Transport Design (0/115) (Free die)X2 and (Half die/tactics)
    -[x] Abstain(Diplomacy) (Free, take no actions in this category and instead gain it's die as half-strength Free Die for this turn.)
    -[X] Practice (DC Variable, Small chance to improve Psionics skill.)(Full die)
    [X] Stay on target
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by Mantising on Sep 26, 2023 at 7:57 PM, finished with 20 posts and 11 votes.

  • [x] Rounding out the forces
    [X]Plan: Blitz preparations
    -[X] Abstain(Tactics) (Free, take no actions in this category and instead gain it's die as half-strength Free Die for this turn.) X2
    -[X] Claw Scanner (0/50) Buffs one other unit. May independently lay mines at a location. Admin die
    -[X] Fabricator Upgrade (0/350) Enables production of APCs, Trucks and Hunter-Choppers. Unlocks more advanced facilities. Admin die, Tactics die
    -[X] Defoliant Studies (0/100, Enables non-aerial logistics running out of your base.) Research die X2
    -[X] Humanoid Augmentation (139/150) Enables Transhuman Augmentation for a wider portion of the Populace. Diplo die
    -[X] Repulsor Transport Design (101/115) Tactics die
    -[X] Abstain(Diplomacy) (Free, take no actions in this category and instead gain it's die as half-strength Free Die for this turn.)
    -[X] Practice (DC Variable, Small chance to improve Psionics skill.)
    -[X] Assign Production Overflow +94 (Free, Write in Administrative option...) Assign to Fabricator Upgrade
    [x] Rounding out the forces
    -[x] Abstain(Tactics) (Free, take no actions in this category and instead gain it's die as half-strength Free Die for this turn.)
    -[x] Assign Production Overflow +94: Gestate Synths: Hunters
    -[x] 1x half-strength die (Tactics) Gestate Synths: Hunters
    -[x] 1x Administration Die, 1x half-strength die (Tactics) Gestate Synths: Mortar Synths
    -[x] 1x Administration Die Canister Launcher
    -[x] 1x Research Die Humanoid Augmentation
    -[x] 1x Research Die Repulsor Transport Design
    -[x] 2x Free Die Defoliant Studies
    -[X] Abstain(Diplomacy) (Free, take no actions in this category and instead gain it's die as half-strength Free Die for this turn.)
    -[x] 1x Psionics Die Practice (DC Variable, Small chance to improve Psionics skill.)
    -[x] 1x half-strength die (Diplomacy) Hatch (0/150, +2 Skill to Admin, Tactics and Diplomacy.)
    [x] Rounding out the forces
    -[x] Abstain(Tactics) (Free, take no actions in this category and instead gain it's die as half-strength Free Die for this turn.)
    -[x] Assign Production Overflow +94: Gestate Synths: Hunters
    -[x] 1x half-strength die (Tactics) Gestate Synths: Hunters
    -[x] 1x Administration Die, 1x half-strength die (Tactics) Gestate Synths: Mortar Synths
    -[x] 1x Administration Die Canister Launcher
    -[x] 1x Research Die Humanoid Augmentation
    -[x] 1x Research Die Repulsor Transport Design
    -[x] 2x Free Die Defoliant Studies
    -[X] Abstain(Diplomacy) (Free, take no actions in this category and instead gain it's die as half-strength Free Die for this turn.)
    -[x] 1x Psionics Die, 1x half-strength die (Diplomacy) Practice (DC Variable, Small chance to improve Psionics skill.)

Edit: And I timed the vote wrong. If anyone wants to get some last minute votes in the next hour and a half I'll count them.
Last edited:
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by Mantising on Oct 8, 2023 at 12:49 PM, finished with 26 posts and 12 votes.

  • [X] Diplomacy is used for once!
    [X] Diplomacy is used for once!
    -[x] 2x Tactics Die Assault Location: "The Laugh House", Contraband Production Facility
    --[x] Objective: Raid for trade materials, particularly credits, AA turrets if feasible
    --[x] Commit Forces: Hunters, Viscerators, Scanners, Combine Soldiers
    -[x] 2x Administration Die, 2x free die Produce Vehicles:
    --[x] Repulsor Transport (0/180)
    -[x] 1x Research Die Contraband Analysis (DC 35)
    -[x] 1x Research Die Repulsor Train Design (0/100)
    -[x] 1x Diplomacy Die Negotiate With Sabaoth's Teeth Mercenaries (DC ???) Goals and tactics are as described in post where plan was made in spoiler.
    --[x] Negotiate Directly
    -[x] 2x Psionics Die Hatch (35/150, +2 Skill to Admin, Tactics and Diplomacy.)
    -[x] Deploy Defoliant (Free, clears foliage around Citadel Zero, very visible.) Done after the raid on The Laugh House for maximum dramatic effect and avoidance of displaying activity prior to engagement.
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by Mantising on Oct 14, 2023 at 8:23 PM, finished with 64 posts and 28 votes.
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by Mantising on Feb 10, 2024 at 5:31 PM, finished with 34 posts and 19 votes.

  • [X] Seize SPACE..port!
    [X] Seize SPACE..port!
    -[x] 2x Tactics Die Die Assault Location: Kos-Amul, Primary Settlement and Starport
    --[x] Objective: Primary: Capture the spaceport and seize working examples of local FTL technology Secondary: Destroy massing enemy formation to ensure safety of Citadel Zero Tertiary: Establish aerial supremacy through removal of enemy starfighters Quaternary: Contain local citizens and establish presence and assert control
    --[x] Commit Forces: Hunters, Crab Synths, Combine Soldiers (Mechanized), Combine Soldiers, Scanners, Viscerators, in construction forces (mortar synth, second viscerator force) if finished in time, Sabaoth Starfighters (Aux.)
    -[x] 1x Administration Die Produce Mechanical Units: Viscerator
    -[x] 1x Administration Die Gestate Synths
    --[x] Mortar Synths (101/110)
    -[x] 1 Research Die Repulsor Train Design (67/100)
    -[x] 1 Research Die, 3x Half-Strength Free Die Long-Range Aerial Antigens (0/200)
    -[x] Abstain(Diplomacy) (Free, take no actions in this category and instead gain it's die as half-strength Free Die for this turn.)
    -[x] Abstain(Psionics) (Free, take no actions in this category and instead gain it's die as half-strength Free Die for this turn.)
    -[x] Assign Production Overflow +65 (Long-Range Aerial Antigens)