Take charge of a very lost Advisor as they make their way in a galaxy at war, a galaxy full of new species and technologies to exploit.
The Combine must grow.
-[X] Send a Scouting Party --[X]Sub-option: It pays to be cautious in situations like this, send them to one of the areas with a lower signal density.
-[X] Produce Scanners -[X] Cold start Dark Fusion Reactor (1 Admin + 1 free die)
-[X] Analyze Environmental Information -[X] Signal Analysis -[X] Listen -[X] Self Re-designation --[X] Administrator -[X] Base Designation --[X] Citadel Zero
[X] Foundations First
-[X] Send a Scouting Party --[X]Sub-option: It pays to be cautious in situations like this, send them to one of the areas with a lower signal density.
-[X] Produce Scanners
-[X] Shore up Facility Foundations (1 Admin + 1 free die)
-[X] Initialize Overwatch Intelligence System -[X] Signal Analysis
-[X] Practice -[X] Self Re-designation
--[X] Overseer Zero -[X] Base Designation
--[X] Section One
[x] Plan Directed
-[x] 1x Tactics Die Send a Scouting Party (DC ???, Gain information about the Unknown faction on this world.)
-[x] 1x Administration Die Produce Viscerators (DC 25, Incapable of independent function, must be carried or launched by another unit or structure.)
-[x] 1x Administration Die, 1x Free Die Cold start Dark Fusion Reactor (0/500)
-[x] 1x Research Die Initialize Overwatch Intelligence System (DC 45, +1 Tactics Dice, +1 Free Dice)
-[x] 1x Research Die Signal Analysis (0/200, Gain information about the Unknown faction on this world.)
-[x] 1x Psionics Die Practice (DC Variable, Small chance to improve Psionics skill.)
-[x] Self Re-designation (Free): Command
-[x] Base Designation (Free): Entry Point
-[X] Abduction (DC 50, Gain captives and intelligence.) 1 Tactics Die
-[X] Cold start Dark Fusion Reactor (108/500) 2 Administration Dice
-[X] Shore up Facility Foundations (0/150) 1 Free Die
-[X] Initialize Overwatch Intelligence System (DC 45, +1 Tactics Dice, +1 Free Dice) 1 Research Die
-[X] Signal Analysis (111/200, Gain information about the Unknown faction on this world.) 1 Research Die
-[X] Send Probes (DC 45, Gain more active intelligence on the locals.) 1 Diplomacy Die
-[X] Practice (DC Variable, Small chance to improve Psionics skill.) 1 Psionics Die
[x] GET THE DAMN GENERATOR ON -[x] 2x Tactics Dice Abstain(Tactics) (Free, take no actions in this category and instead gain it's die as half-strength Free Die for this turn.)
-[x] 2x Administration Die, 2 Free Dice, 2 Half-Strength Free Dice Cold start Dark Fusion Reactor (220/500)
-[x] 1x Research Die Exogen Vivisection (DC 25, Precursor to Near-Human Augmentation.)
-[x] 1x Research Die Signal Analysis (181/200, Gain information about the Unknown faction on this world.)
-[x] 1x Diplomacy Die Interrogation (DC 25)
-[x] 1x Psionics Die Practice (DC Variable, Small chance to improve Psionics skill.)
[X] Plan: Spring The Trap
--[X] Abstain (Tactics) X2
--[X] Produce Scanners (DC 15) .5HD
--[X] Repair Smart Barriers (DC 50, +5 to location defense once completed.) 2D
--[X] Setup a Suppression System (0/100 +10 to location defense once completed.) 1FD/.5HD
--[X] Defoliant Studies (0/100, Enables non-aerial logistics running out of your base.) 2D
--[X] Abstain(Diplomacy) X1
--[X] Hatch (0/150, +2 Skill to Admin, Tactics and Diplomacy.) 2D
--[X] Down (Free)
[X]Army of Monsters
-[x] Abstain(Tactics) (Free, take no actions in this category and instead gain it's die as half-strength Free Die for this turn.)
-[x] 1x Administration Die Repair Smart Barriers (DC 50, +5 to location defense once completed.)
-[x] 1x Administration Die Produce Viscerators (DC 25)
-[x] 2x Free Die 3x Half-Strength Die (2 Tactics, 1 Diplomacy) Small Synthwombs (0/225)
-[x] 1x Research Die Repulsorlift Theory (DC 40)
-[x] 1x Research Die Humanoid Augmentation (0/150) -[x] Abstain(Diplomacy) (Free, take no actions in this category and instead gain it's die as half-strength Free Die for this turn.)
-[x] 1x Psionics Die Practice (DC Variable, Small chance to improve Psionics skill.)
-[x] Up (Free)
[x] Bunker Down And Crab
-[x] Abstain(Tactics) (Free, take no actions in this category and instead gain it's die as half-strength Free Die for this turn.)
-[x] 2x Administration Die, 2 Half-Strength Die (Tactics) Small Synthwombs (205/225) -[x] 2x Free Die, 1x Half-Strength Die (Diplomacy) Setup a Suppression System (0/100 +10 to location defense once completed.)
-[x] 1x Research Die Humanoid Augmentation (105/150)
-[x] 1x Research Die Repulsor Transport Design (0/115)
-[x] Abstain(Diplomacy) (Free, take no actions in this category and instead gain it's die as half-strength Free Die for this turn.)
-[x] 1x Psionics Die Practice (DC Variable, Small chance to improve Psionics skill.)
-[X] Abstain(Tactics) (Free, take no actions in this category and instead gain it's die as half-strength Free Die for this turn.) X2 -[X] Small Synthwombs (205/225)(Half die/tactics) -[X] Setup a Suppression System (0/100 +10 to location defense once completed.)(Full die) X2 -[X] Defoliant Studies (0/100, Enables non-aerial logistics running out of your base.) (Full die)X2 -[X] Humanoid Augmentation (105/150) (Half die/diplomacy) -[X] Repulsor Transport Design (0/115) (Free die)X2 and (Half die/tactics)
-[x] Abstain(Diplomacy) (Free, take no actions in this category and instead gain it's die as half-strength Free Die for this turn.) -[X] Practice (DC Variable, Small chance to improve Psionics skill.)(Full die)
[X]Plan: Blitz preparations -[X] Abstain(Tactics) (Free, take no actions in this category and instead gain it's die as half-strength Free Die for this turn.) X2 -[X] Claw Scanner (0/50) Buffs one other unit. May independently lay mines at a location. Admin die -[X] Fabricator Upgrade (0/350) Enables production of APCs, Trucks and Hunter-Choppers. Unlocks more advanced facilities. Admin die, Tactics die -[X] Defoliant Studies (0/100, Enables non-aerial logistics running out of your base.) Research die X2 -[X] Humanoid Augmentation (139/150) Enables Transhuman Augmentation for a wider portion of the Populace. Diplo die -[X] Repulsor Transport Design (101/115) Tactics die -[X] Abstain(Diplomacy) (Free, take no actions in this category and instead gain it's die as half-strength Free Die for this turn.) -[X] Practice (DC Variable, Small chance to improve Psionics skill.) -[X] Assign Production Overflow +94 (Free, Write in Administrative option...) Assign to Fabricator Upgrade
[x] Rounding out the forces
-[x] Abstain(Tactics) (Free, take no actions in this category and instead gain it's die as half-strength Free Die for this turn.)
-[x] Assign Production Overflow +94: Gestate Synths: Hunters
-[x] 1x half-strength die (Tactics) Gestate Synths: Hunters
-[x] 1x Administration Die, 1x half-strength die (Tactics) Gestate Synths:Mortar Synths
-[x] 1x Administration Die Canister Launcher
-[x] 1x Research Die Humanoid Augmentation
-[x] 1x Research Die Repulsor Transport Design
-[x] 2x Free Die Defoliant Studies -[X] Abstain(Diplomacy) (Free, take no actions in this category and instead gain it's die as half-strength Free Die for this turn.)
-[x] 1x Psionics Die Practice (DC Variable, Small chance to improve Psionics skill.)
-[x] 1x half-strength die (Diplomacy) Hatch (0/150, +2 Skill to Admin, Tactics and Diplomacy.)
[x] Rounding out the forces
-[x] Abstain(Tactics) (Free, take no actions in this category and instead gain it's die as half-strength Free Die for this turn.)
-[x] Assign Production Overflow +94: Gestate Synths: Hunters
-[x] 1x half-strength die (Tactics) Gestate Synths: Hunters
-[x] 1x Administration Die, 1x half-strength die (Tactics) Gestate Synths:Mortar Synths
-[x] 1x Administration Die Canister Launcher
-[x] 1x Research Die Humanoid Augmentation
-[x] 1x Research Die Repulsor Transport Design
-[x] 2x Free Die Defoliant Studies -[X] Abstain(Diplomacy) (Free, take no actions in this category and instead gain it's die as half-strength Free Die for this turn.)
-[x] 1x Psionics Die, 1x half-strength die (Diplomacy) Practice (DC Variable, Small chance to improve Psionics skill.)
[X] Diplomacy is used for once! -[x] 2x Tactics Die Assault Location: "The Laugh House", Contraband Production Facility
--[x] Objective: Raid for trade materials, particularly credits, AA turrets if feasible
--[x] Commit Forces: Hunters, Viscerators, Scanners, Combine Soldiers
-[x] 2x Administration Die, 2x free die Produce Vehicles:
--[x] Repulsor Transport (0/180)
-[x] 1x Research Die Contraband Analysis (DC 35)
-[x] 1x Research Die Repulsor Train Design (0/100)
-[x] 1x Diplomacy Die Negotiate With Sabaoth's Teeth Mercenaries (DC ???) Goals and tactics are as described in post where plan was made in spoiler.
--[x] Negotiate Directly -[x] 2x Psionics Die Hatch (35/150, +2 Skill to Admin, Tactics and Diplomacy.) -[x] Deploy Defoliant (Free, clears foliage around Citadel Zero, very visible.) Done after the raid on The Laugh House for maximum dramatic effect and avoidance of displaying activity prior to engagement.
[X] Seize SPACE..port!
-[x] 2x Tactics Die Die Assault Location: Kos-Amul, Primary Settlement and Starport --[x] Objective: Primary: Capture the spaceport and seize working examples of local FTL technology Secondary: Destroy massing enemy formation to ensure safety of Citadel Zero Tertiary: Establish aerial supremacy through removal of enemy starfighters Quaternary: Contain local citizens and establish presence and assert control --[x] Commit Forces: Hunters, Crab Synths, Combine Soldiers (Mechanized), Combine Soldiers, Scanners, Viscerators, in construction forces (mortar synth, second viscerator force) if finished in time, Sabaoth Starfighters (Aux.)
-[x] 1x Administration Die Produce Mechanical Units: Viscerator
-[x] 1x Administration Die Gestate Synths
--[x] Mortar Synths (101/110)
-[x] 1 Research Die Repulsor Train Design (67/100) -[x] 1 Research Die, 3x Half-Strength Free Die Long-Range Aerial Antigens (0/200) -[x] Abstain(Diplomacy) (Free, take no actions in this category and instead gain it's die as half-strength Free Die for this turn.) -[x] Abstain(Psionics) (Free, take no actions in this category and instead gain it's die as half-strength Free Die for this turn.)
-[x] Assign Production Overflow +65 (Long-Range Aerial Antigens)