Being the Holy Grail is Suffering... [Worm/FSN Quest]

[X] Caster (Zhuge Liang/Waver Velvet)
Why is nobody going for this? It fits Vista perfectly.
[X] Saber (Mordred)
I couldn't possibly choose anyone other than the Best Girl.
Adhoc vote count started by Rowknan on Feb 17, 2018 at 8:19 PM, finished with 54 posts and 41 votes.
[X] Caster (Zhuge Liang/Waver Velvet)
Why is nobody going for this? It fits Vista perfectly.
How? Chiron literally trained and interacted with a lot of mythological heroes from their childhood to their adulthood. He is perfect for the job and fit well with Vista's abilities! I like the social-fu implication but I like when the Master and Servant can both fight against their enemies not just being dragged around or being useless like Jekyll, I mean it's our goal for maximum conflict.
Liang's combat capabilities don't fit with Vista as Chiron does.
Liang's combat capabilities don't fit with Vista as Chiron does.
Eh.... It's not really Liang who's summoned as it is Waver, who had a similar character arc and struggles to Vista and would probably understand her pretty damn well. Not to mention it's adult waver, who's matured pretty damn well and became a Clockwork teacher. I would say he's better suited to Vista if only because he can relate to her on such a personal level.

I love Chiron, but I always love to give Mordred a reprieve from all the bad hands she's been dealt. Plus once they get along better they could complain to each other about the bitches in their lives. (Though Sophia is no Morgan Le Fay)

Eh.... It's not really Liang who's summoned as it is Waver, who had a similar character arc and struggles to Vista and would probably understand her pretty damn well. Not to mention it's adult waver, who's matured pretty damn well and became a Clockwork teacher. I would say he's better suited to Vista if only because he can relate to her on such a personal level.

You clearly have your priorities in order! :D
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[X] Archer (Chiron)

Well, that's mildly offensive. She doesn't have a dick and does think of herself as a man. But she is 100% girl unless Merlin is playing a prank again.
It's crappy fan service that only takes away from the plot, action and story concept in my opinion. I'd say it's more offensive against the viewers if I didn't know that many actually enjoy watching girls with magic/swords/guns/anything fight or doing anything really.
as to whether or not it's offensive, i don't think so and if you are offended tough shit i'm not apologising for peoples perceived wrongdoings especially over a fictional character.

i honestly see their family reunions going something like this, "Hey dad why do you have tits?", "Well son, the same reason you don't have a dick anymore, i'm fighting in a fucking dress that reaches my legs and I'm in a BDSM relationship with my owner.", i find the concept of weird sexualised characters whose legends have been so altered/corrupted due to the humongous amount of "sexy" art and porn to be an interesting concept but the writers don't really do anything with it either which is a waste.
It's crappy fan service that only takes away from the plot, action and story concept in my opinion. I'd say it's more offensive against the viewers if I didn't know that many actually enjoy watching girls with magic/swords/guns/anything fight or doing anything really.
as to whether or not it's offensive, i don't think so and if you are offended tough shit i'm not apologising for peoples perceived wrongdoings especially over a fictional character.

i honestly see their family reunions going something like this, "Hey dad why do you have tits?", "Well son, the same reason you don't have a dick anymore, i'm fighting in a fucking dress that reaches my legs and I'm in a BDSM relationship with my owner.", i find the concept of weird sexualised characters whose legends have been so altered/corrupted due to the humongous amount of "sexy" art and porn to be an interesting concept but the writers don't really do anything with it either which is a waste.
I feel that Fate while in no way faithful to the original legends, does it's best to provide character arcs among all the fan service it gives. Mordred for instance is fucking tragic and relatable while being a half naked lolita.
Eh.... It's not really Liang who's summoned as it is Waver, who had a similar character arc and struggles to Vista and would probably understand her pretty damn well. Not to mention it's adult waver, who's matured pretty damn well and became a Clockwork teacher. I would say he's better suited to Vista if only because he can relate to her on such a personal level.

Leaving through an experience kind of similar doesn't make you any wiser to interact with a pre-teen apart from sympathy but everyone can give you that even if they don't understand, being a teacher tho is but that doesn't match Chiron's teaching experience.
And what heresy are you spouting? Nero is the best girl.
I love Chiron, but I always love to give Mordred a reprieve from all the bad hands she's been dealt. Plus once they get along better they could complain to each other about the bitches in their lives. (Though Sophia is certainly no Morgan Le Fay)

You clearly have your priorities in order! :D
Mordred actually resemble more Sophia and Morgan resemble Coil.
I feel that Fate while in no way faithful to the original legends, does it's best to provide character arcs among all the fan service it gives. Mordred for instance is fucking tragic and relatable while being a half naked lolita.

...Mordred isn't a loli though. She's petite, with small bewbs, but not a loli. Illya is a loli. Mordred is not...


Yes, yes that is the thing in that entire exchange I chose to comment on. Haha. Anyways, though I kid, I love the debate! Keep it going!
Leaving through an experience kind of similar doesn't make you any wiser to interact with a pre-teen apart from sympathy but everyone can give you that even if they don't understand, being a teacher tho is but that doesn't match Chiron's teaching experience.
And what heresy are you spouting? Nero is the best girl.

Mordred actually resemble more Sophia and Morgan resemble Coil.
I'd have to disagree. Mordred while a bit of a brat and a bloodthirsty warrior is not malevolent like Sophia is. They are both products of the world that shaped them, but Mordred actually tried to do some good as knight in between tragedies.

...Mordred isn't a loli though. She's petite, with small bewbs, but not a loli. Illya is a loli. Mordred is not...


Yes, yes that is the thing in that entire exchange I chose to comment on. Haha. Anyways, though I kid, I love the debate! Keep it going!
I thought lolita meant loli-lite. Like petite bordering on loli. Shows what I know...
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First of all, I'm not taking part in this vote, one because I want to see where this goes, and two because I have no real Servant I want picked, only one that I don't. Besides that I'm helping the QM, and that carries bias along with that. Also for those of you saying you're doing this for a Saberface... There's five Masters still left to get, which leaves five more chances to get a Saberface, and Saberfaces are in a lot of classes.

Let's start with the current Leader as of writing this: Mordred.
Starting with the personalities, the two don't mix well, as Mordred is like Sophia in some aspects, though few as they are. She's a direct Combatant, which Vista does lack, though by no means is Vista a slouch, but... that's it. While it's certain that the character interaction would prove interesting... provided Mordred doesn't get angry and try and kill Vista.
The main reason I don't want Mordred here is Vista's wish/desire that got her into this mess of a War. She wants the ability to choose her own fate, do things how she wants to do, and be treated as a Hero. Mordred doesn't help her attain that, all Mordred does is do everything for her. There's no development of her own abilities beyond some combat experience, which she already has by the way, her ability to choose how to go about things is limited due to Mordred's approach to combat (i.e. hit stuff until it breaks) and she basically is just ordering around someone to do everything. On top of that, Mordred isn't a 'Hero', she's more 'Anti-Hero' which... won't mesh that well.

Summarized: Mordred hits stuff, limits options, has a regular chance of making compatibility go down the drain, and will do the most amount of collateral damage.

Next comes Chiron.
Chiron is the middling out of everyone, he has medium combat power, high compatibility, and middling ability to grant Vista's desire. Unlike both Hans and Waver, he can't particularly aid Vista in learning her own power, though his other skills would allow her to be able to fight well if it came down to it. The two are easily the highest compability due to their shared issues (parental issues... enough said), Chiron is a trainer of Heroes which would allow him to help mold Vista into a good Hero herself, he also wouldn't particularly mind letting Vista take the reins and lead them. Of all four, combat-wise, Chiron is best suited, as he can have Vista reposition him quickly away from enemies.
With that said, Chiron wouldn't be the best to allow Vista to fully bloom as herself, he's far better than Mordred, in that he actually allows for Vista to pursue her desire and wish. He would be the best fit in starting compability and overall compability, and would be the best synergy in combat for her, as well as being able to teach her new things, however again, he won't teach her how to use her own abilities well, just Greek abilities. Out of everyone though, he is easily the best rounded of all, and doesn't suffer any real negatives.

Summarized: Chiron is moderate all around, with a high compability rating, he can't however help Vista learn her own powers any better than he can teach someone how to use a Egyptian Khopesh.

Then comes Hans.
In terms of sheer ability to allow growth, wish and the ability to choose one's fate, Hans is the best choice, despite having piss-poor combatibility right off the bat. He has no combat abilities, is messed up to the extreme, and yet, is willing to allow Vista to be the 'main character', and allow her to make her desire/wish (albeit she doesn't know that her ability to choose is more limited due to his book). He is blunt, but has the best intentions (as much as he can anyway given his pessimism) for Vista when it comes to making her the best Hero that he can write in his NP.
He has no combat abilities, though as long as he's capable of staying away from combat and weaving his story, he can make his Master into a powerful young woman that she wants to become, and a great hero that has an ability to choose what she wants from life. The compatability would be the main issue here, as Hans... is a strange one when it comes down to it.

Summarized: Hans has zero ability to fight, but given time, he can grant Vista's desire on his own. And Hans... be careful what kind of story you allow him to weave.

And Lastly comes Waver/Zhuge Liang.
Waver... Out of the three that give her growth, Waver is near tied with Hans, if a little lower, due to his ability to see the potential of someone, while also bringing out that potential, all of which is natural. Due to his nature, he's more useful in supporting role, with limited ability to participate in combat, with that said, he's a strategist, which allows him to set up a plan that makes it to where Vista can fight with limited harm to herself. That said, those two would have a rocky start, especially since this wish/desire mirrors Waver's own wish from the 4th war, and as said, Waver dislikes his past self, though he'll be cordial and act professionally (unlike Mordred in most cases) and not have that get in the way, and it'll lead to development as Vista tries to both gain recognition from a Hero of Myth, and gain her own desire.
That said... Waver/Zhuge Liang is a very powerful Servant, not in terms of sheer combat capability, but in his skills allowing him to dictate the battlefield like a strategist. He's easily the most powerful out of the four, with his only issues being compatibility that he has with any Master that shares his wish and his lack of direct firepower, though Vista's own ability to control space makes the second moot if she trusts her Servant to that degree.

Summarized: Waver has shite compatibility to start, though is unwilling to let it affect them, has practically no combat abilities, though doesn't need to often, and is better in allowing Vista to gain the abilitiy to choose (as he's basically just an Advisor in this situation) and her desire to become better.

Obviously Nobunaga is the Best Saber, even if she is an Archer. It can't be helped. She was given a summer skin that made her a Berserker, and then the Best Archer also became the Best Berserker. Give her a Saber version and history is bound to repeat itself. :p
First of all, I'm not taking part in this vote, one because I want to see where this goes, and two because I have no real Servant I want picked, only one that I don't. Besides that I'm helping the QM, and that carries bias along with that. Also for those of you saying you're doing this for a Saberface... There's five Masters still left to get, which leaves five more chances to get a Saberface, and Saberfaces are in a lot of classes.

Let's start with the current Leader as of writing this: Mordred.
Starting with the personalities, the two don't mix well, as Mordred is like Sophia in some aspects, though few as they are. She's a direct Combatant, which Vista does lack, though by no means is Vista a slouch, but... that's it. While it's certain that the character interaction would prove interesting... provided Mordred doesn't get angry and try and kill Vista.
The main reason I don't want Mordred here is Vista's wish/desire that got her into this mess of a War. She wants the ability to choose her own fate, do things how she wants to do, and be treated as a Hero. Mordred doesn't help her attain that, all Mordred does is do everything for her. There's no development of her own abilities beyond some combat experience, which she already has by the way, her ability to choose how to go about things is limited due to Mordred's approach to combat (i.e. hit stuff until it breaks) and she basically is just ordering around someone to do everything. On top of that, Mordred isn't a 'Hero', she's more 'Anti-Hero' which... won't mesh that well.

Summarized: Mordred hits stuff, limits options, has a regular chance of making compatibility go down the drain, and will do the most amount of collateral damage.

Next comes Chiron.
Chiron is the middling out of everyone, he has medium combat power, high compatibility, and middling ability to grant Vista's desire. Unlike both Hans and Waver, he can't particularly aid Vista in learning her own power, though his other skills would allow her to be able to fight well if it came down to it. The two are easily the highest compability due to their shared issues (parental issues... enough said), Chiron is a trainer of Heroes which would allow him to help mold Vista into a good Hero herself, he also wouldn't particularly mind letting Vista take the reins and lead them. Of all four, combat-wise, Chiron is best suited, as he can have Vista reposition him quickly away from enemies.
With that said, Chiron wouldn't be the best to allow Vista to fully bloom as herself, he's far better than Mordred, in that he actually allows for Vista to pursue her desire and wish. He would be the best fit in starting compability and overall compability, and would be the best synergy in combat for her, as well as being able to teach her new things, however again, he won't teach her how to use her own abilities well, just Greek abilities. Out of everyone though, he is easily the best rounded of all, and doesn't suffer any real negatives.

Summarized: Chiron is moderate all around, with a high compability rating, he can't however help Vista learn her own powers any better than he can teach someone how to use a Egyptian Khopesh.

Then comes Hans.
In terms of sheer ability to allow growth, wish and the ability to choose one's fate, Hans is the best choice, despite having piss-poor combatibility right off the bat. He has no combat abilities, is messed up to the extreme, and yet, is willing to allow Vista to be the 'main character', and allow her to make her desire/wish (albeit she doesn't know that her ability to choose is more limited due to his book). He is blunt, but has the best intentions (as much as he can anyway given his pessimism) for Vista when it comes to making her the best Hero that he can write in his NP.
He has no combat abilities, though as long as he's capable of staying away from combat and weaving his story, he can make his Master into a powerful young woman that she wants to become, and a great hero that has an ability to choose what she wants from life. The compatability would be the main issue here, as Hans... is a strange one when it comes down to it.

Summarized: Hans has zero ability to fight, but given time, he can grant Vista's desire on his own. And Hans... be careful what kind of story you allow him to weave.

And Lastly comes Waver/Zhuge Liang.
Waver... Out of the three that give her growth, Waver is near tied with Hans, if a little lower, due to his ability to see the potential of someone, while also bringing out that potential, all of which is natural. Due to his nature, he's more useful in supporting role, with limited ability to participate in combat, with that said, he's a strategist, which allows him to set up a plan that makes it to where Vista can fight with limited harm to herself. That said, those two would have a rocky start, especially since this wish/desire mirrors Waver's own wish from the 4th war, and as said, Waver dislikes his past self, though he'll be cordial and act professionally (unlike Mordred in most cases) and not have that get in the way, and it'll lead to development as Vista tries to both gain recognition from a Hero of Myth, and gain her own desire.
That said... Waver/Zhuge Liang is a very powerful Servant, not in terms of sheer combat capability, but in his skills allowing him to dictate the battlefield like a strategist. He's easily the most powerful out of the four, with his only issues being compatibility that he has with any Master that shares his wish and his lack of direct firepower, though Vista's own ability to control space makes the second moot if she trusts her Servant to that degree.

Summarized: Waver has shite compatibility to start, though is unwilling to let it affect them, has practically no combat abilities, though doesn't need to often, and is better in allowing Vista to gain the abilitiy to choose (as he's basically just an Advisor in this situation) and her desire to become better.
Well stated. Though I should point out that Mordred (at least in my case) isn't being chosen because she's a saberface, but because people like her character.
I feel that Fate while in no way faithful to the original legends, does it's best to provide character arcs among all the fan service it gives. Mordred for instance is fucking tragic and relatable while being a half naked lolita.
oh totally agreed, i simply also believe that the whole naked lolita thing just shames the story taking away value and adding nothing.