Just letting everyone know that neither this story nor myself are dead or in the process of dying. My Summer schedule is...problematic and difficult to deal with. I am working on the next part of the story, and would say I am half way through it...maybe, but regardless updates won't become consistent or frequent until September. Sorry, and I hope to have something for you all soon.
EDIT: so...maybe a weird thing to put in an edit, but I'm going to put this story on hiatus until September when I can get back to my usual almost every day schedule. I do have another story that I will be starting as well. It isn't getting in the way of this quest, and the updates for that will probably be once a week or two weeks. Just tossing that in there so if people see that story pop up they don't think "well looks like he's moved on to greener pastures". Thank you all for reading so far. You all and this quest have been a huge help with keeping me consistent with writing and it has even benefited my own original fiction as well. So yeah, you all are great. Thank you.