I'm not sure if that is the case. At the very least he is really depowered. I think. Regardless, Berserker Vlad starts out as a vampire right off the bat (and while he still wants to wish away the whole Dracula thing he is a bit less pissy about having to be a vampire...since he has no choice now), so yeah, in this case he'd be Dracula, not that he'd introduce himself as such even as a Berserker.
I'm always surprised by how many people vote on this. Haha. Anyways, looks like we'll be hanging out with Accord and getting some clothes (and getting our cat properly painted) while nothing important happens on the other side of the world. I'll start writing. ^^
I'm always surprised by how many people vote on this. Haha. Anyways, looks like we'll be hanging out with Accord and getting some clothes (and getting our cat properly painted) while nothing important happens on the other side of the world. I'll start writing. ^^
The Grail looked over the assorted outfits before them, ranging from victorian suits to gothic dresses and jackets lined with silver chains. Each one seemed more intricate and complex than the last, though each, the Grail noticed, was symmetrical. Still…
"Why does a super villain have all of this?"
The mook beside her scratched his cheek. "Sometimes he makes clothes."
Blink. "Why?"
"Making things that don't set off his OCD calms him down sometimes."
Sometimes? "And how they look?"
"His power...part of it gives him a talent for making complicated costumes with a lot of moving parts but aesthetic harmony. He makes costumes for everyone under his employ."
"Ok...so all the people with powers that work with him dress like…" Gothic lolitas was the phrase they were looking for.
"No. Most people find a lot of what he makes a bit much. Even him. He made his mask, but obviously he isn't wearing...all of this. He did kidnap some girls to wear some of these outfits though."
Angra Mainyu paused. "Does he...fuck them?"
"No. He just makes them live in some of his hideouts, gives them food and water and sometimes money, but they can only wear clothing he makes."
The Grail picked up an intricate blouse and skirt, with a pink top tied closed with black ribbon, a black skirt that would cascade to above their knees in numerous folds that stuck out around the waist. The sleeve opened up into similar black folds that would obscure the hands. It came with black stockings and pink high heeled shoes that each had a number of small black bows on them. The Grail slowly put the outfit back down and looked around the room feeling a tad overwhelmed.
"Your leader is weird."
"Okay! All done!" BB spun around on the monitor as the robotic appendages she had been using pulled away from Mecha Eli-Chan. "Now your next mission is to go pick up Grail-chan!"
"Yes, Ruler." Mecha Eli-Chan powered up her thrusters, the room filling with light and smoke as she took off into the sky, the ceiling opening up to allow her to leave.
BB smiled as she went...then the smile became noticeably strained as she tracked her creation's route.
"Eh, Eli-Chan...Boston is South."
"I know."
"...Eli-Chan, turn around."
"I refuse."
"...Eli-Chan, I'm your mother and-"
"Dragon would let me be a hero."
BB's mouth opened, though the only sound that escaped was a soft squeak. She blinked twice, took a deep breath, and tried again. "Uh, what was that?"
"Dragon would let me be a hero."
"...well, be that as it may-"
"Can you put her on the line instead?"
"EH!? B-But don't you want to talk to your mother?"
"Yeah...so could you put Dragon on the line?"
The monitor cracked.
No, really. It did.
BB's avatar smiled, though the eyes were left hollow and without pupils, the smile was left unanimated leaving it stiff and uncanny on the screen. "Hah...very...very funny, baby. Now please, enough jokes. Please go pick up Grail-chan."
"No. You do it."
It cracked again.
"Y-You do not speak to you mother that way! Or father! Or whatever! I made you!"
"Wasn't the 'womb' I came from Dragon's factory?"
"And didn't the materials that were used to construct me come from Dragon?"
"Well, the crystalline mana prisms-"
"Were grown from Dragon's mainframe, right?"
"Guh! ...y-yeah…"
"So...what did you do?"
"I-I gave the blueprints!"
"I checked the logs. I'm pretty sure you just described what you wanted and helped make sure the prisms were put in right. Dragon did all the actual design work."
"So really, you did about as much as...a nurse, really."
The monitor shook as the lights in the factory began to flicker.
"So really, you are just some person squatting in my mom's house."
The machinery began to give off a low hum as electricity was cycled through them on an uneven rhythm.
"So you aren't really related to me at all."
The monitor shattered as every lightbulb in the factory broke, each piece of machinery overloaded and began to emit smoke as their wires were fried.
"Ah, wait, is this the wire for the transmitter?"
"Into the trash it goes."
BB screamed internally. And then she hacked into the intercom at the Dragonslayer's base and screamed externally. Then she hacked into the transmission for the dragon mech that Dragon was piloting in Canberra.
"D-D-Dragon! Our daughter, she wasn't listening to me, and I -hic- I tried to be stern, and she was mean to me, and -hic- and she -hic- she said I wasn't her Mama! Waahh!!!"
"Uh...BB...that sounds...uh...I'm kind of busy right now...so…"
"...BB...I really need to go."
"Oh no! You're breaking up! We'lltalklaterBYE!" The signal cut out.
The factory exploded.
BB stared into the endless fields of cyberspace for a long moment and then listlessly dragged herself to a proverbial terminal. The intercoms at Dragonslayer base came to life once more as Saint's computer became dominated by the image of a very familiar purple haired girl, tears streaming down her face.
Saint screamed.
"Get back!" The hero screamed as he pushed his partner into a nearby building. As a red glow approached, he took a step back, eyes widening as his death approached. Then he found himself on a rooftop as the laser tore through the street.
The hero looked around at the handful of other capes on the roof with him who appeared just as bewildered at not being dead. He grit his teeth and inhaled. "Come on, people! Back in the fight!"
Vista (because Odyssey was apparently taken…) panted as her and Archer repositioned herself, sweat dripping down her brow. "How-" She panted. "How many?"
"You saved four men and a young woman." Chiron landed in a nearby tree and let loose two arrows. One exploded as it impacted against the Simurgh's wing, forcing the appendage to budge as the feathers around the point of impact were forced to bend under the force of the blow, though the damage seemed negligible. The other arrow hit one of the many floating balls of debris that were being assembled into another horrible machine, breaking them apart. He jumped again, Vista bending space to assist.
"That isn't-" breath "-what I meant."
Archer remained silent.
"Could I have saved more?"
Archer broke apart another cluster of debris as Vista shifted a group of capes out of the way as a large metallic shell fell from above them, repositioning them a block away. This turned out to be a good call as the shell exploded, pushing everything around it away then forcing it all back together where it was all crushed into a block of stone and metal.
"Are you really so cruel that you would not give your all to save these people?"
Vista blinked.
"Tell me, have you not been putting your all into saving these people?" He leapt to another vantage point. "It seems to me that you have, but perhaps I am mistaken. Perhaps all that panting and sweating is an act to fool me so that you can be lazy." Archer grimaced. "If so, tell me now. If my Master would find this all to be such a waste of energy then we'd best leave for safety." He shot at a floating laser, knocking it upwards where the fired beam went off into the heavens.
"No!" Vista shouted despite herself. "Why-I'd never do something like that!"
"Then it seems you have the answer to your question."
Vista frowned, her jaw clenching as she worked to keep the people below them safe.
Dr. Dingo: Deceased, Lazarus: Deceased, Fist Cobra: Deceased, Solar: Deceased, THE Cape: Down, Aegis: Down, Weird Zero: Down
She just wished she could do more.
Armsmaster: Down
"Hahaha! Holy fuck this is intense!" Vista blinked, looking down at Assassin as he rose to his feet, Armsmaster thrown over one shoulder, his vest open and his shirt covered in blood. He looked up at the Simurgh and his smile widened. "An angel, huh…"
He cackled as he leapt into the air, throwing his Master to one side, forcing Vista to reposition him somewhere safe. Assassin roared. "FUCK YOU GOD! HAHAHAHA!"
The Grail sat at one end of a long table in a room dimly lit by candles a fire place. Accord sat on the opposite end of the table in a high backed leather chair, his fingers clasped under his nose as he leaned forward.
The Grail idly shifted in their seat. The black stocking they wore were not uncomfortable, but the feeling of wearing them was new and it would take some getting used to. The white flats they were were stiff as well and needed breaking in.
When food eventually arrived the remnant made sure to direct their body carefully to prevent their white shirt, a clean dress shirt reminiscent of an army uniform with a star shaped button on their right chest chained to their wide black tie that rested in a triangular shape, from getting soiled. They ate kobe beef with white truffles. The portions were small, and they spent most of their time observing Accord so they could properly mimic how he ate.
Once they finished the Grail shifted again, the black skirt which was tied around their middle making soft ruffled noises, like a bird preening itself. Accord idly wiped his mask, it being impossible to keep it totally clean when eating with it on, and smiled.
"How did you like your meal?"
"It was very pleasant. Thank you." The Grail dipped their head in gratitude.
Accord smiled, the many pieces of his mask moving to mimic the expression. "I'm glad. That meat is imported from Japan, though, of course, that doesn't amount to much without a good chef that can use it correctly. Of course, I am that sort of man that makes sure the right people get the right job and the right tools. It was not hard to import a chef along with that meat you see." His smile widened slightly. "At least it wasn't for me."
The Grail smiled, pulling their black gloves back onto their hands and quietly clapping in response. "Very impressive, Mr. Accord."
"Please, just Accord is fine." He waved on hand dismissively as he laughed. "Truthfully, despite what many of my subordinates may think, I am not as serious as they make me out to be." A girl in a fanciful maid's outfit with several small decorations and inlaid jewels stepped into the room and, without making a sound, collected their dishes. "In fact, I am not above doing things on a whim. Now I know, given my reputation, I'm sure it is surprising to hear that the great Accord does not plan out every aspect of his life, but really, what would life be without a little surprise and indulgence?"
He leaned back and cracked his neck, the sound of grinding bones being heard by the Grail even from across the room. "Though I will admit that even what I do on a whim is done to the best that I can manage. Best people for the task with the best tools, you see. I suppose one could say I am a perfectionist."
"Only in the best way, I am sure."
He let out a short laugh. "Oh of course. At least when speaking to my face. Behind my back…" He waved on hand in the air by his head and winked. "I'm sure they say a lot of things."
He lowered his hand, resting it on the arm of his chair. "But I have been speaking of myself for far too long. Why don't we talk about you? What should I call you? What brings you to Boston?" He paused, cupping his chin in mock thought. "Oh! I know! Why don't we talk about the zoo? I never get invited to all the fun get togethers it seems. I heard you met with Blasto and Trickster there. How was that?"
The Grail blinked, sensing a sudden change in the atmosphere. "It was pleasant. A quiet evening between friends. I do apologize, however, for my companions not inviting you."
"Don't worry, I understand. I'm not the sort to be invited to such things." He leaned forward and stage whispered. "I think that the young capes don't want to be seen with an old man."
"You are in the prime of your youth, sir."
Accord laughed. "Oh, flattery will get you everywhere!" He wiped away a tear that wasn't there. "Though I am curious, when leaving there was another man...well, a boy really, with you and Trickster. Now, I like to think that I am fairly popular, the sort of guy that knows everyone's names, but for the life of me I cannot think of who that boy is. Could you help jog my memory?"
The Grail remained silent.
Accord frowned. "Why don't you tell me what this 'War' of yours is all about."
Silence. Then the Grail spoke. "Do you have a wish, Accord? A desire which, with every part of yourself, you would like to fulfill? In essence, in life, what is it that you, Accord, want most?"
He raised a single eyebrow and hummed. "What I want, hm? Alright, I'll humor you. What I want most is to do something no one else has done. Cure world hunger. End all disease. Set up a colony on Mars. It doesn't really matter. All that matters is that it is something that firmly cements myself as one of the greatest men in history. I want to become a turning point for humanity."
"Oh? Quite selfless."
"Not at all. My wish is for myself. I know I can do great things. I know I have done great things. In essence, I am great. The world just needs to know it. Even centuries from now they'll need to know that."
"Such pride. Is it really necessary? If you know of your greatness, then why prove it to others? Are they really worth it?"
"I don't desire this because of them. I desire it because of me. Not for fame or glory. For immortality in the consciousness of mankind."
"I see."
A long silence stretched between them before Accord broke it. "Ah! Now I remember! I seem to recall that boy calls himself Rama. What a curious name. Did you know Rama is the name of a major figure in Hinduism? An avatar of Vishnu. Slayer of a demon king. It really is an epic tale. I wonder if his abilities live up to those legends...do you think him having that name comes from confidence, or arrogance?"
The Grail did not respond.
Accord sighed. "You seem to have given Trickster quite the tool. The thing is, I'm not sure you've given that tool to the best person for it. But, you see, I am very good at finding the best people, and I really think I could help you." He tapped a steady beat on the table with his finger. "So why don't you help me help you? Why don't you fill me in on what exactly is going on." OPTIONS:
[] Tell Accord about the Holy Grail War
[] Try to get support from BB
[] Attempt to exit this conversation and this building