Being the Holy Grail is Suffering... [Worm/FSN Quest]

Might I make a suggestion, especially considering Canberra is going on?

Nightingale. It's like the mist perfect time for her to be summoned!
@FacelessDoll, we have just one more servant to give out, right? Or can we involve him in the plot without that incentive?

The Grail itself likely wouldn't seek out Daniel Hebert or try to interact with him unless he was involved with the War, simply because, as far as the Grail is concerned, he is a total stranger. Now, I have been playing with the possibility of appointing someone overseer of the War (what Kotomine, both of them...all three of them I guess if you count the fake Saint, were supposed to do). Not really because it is needed, just because "it has sort of become a normal part of the War, hasn't it?"

Small correction in the chapter, I'm pretty sure Strider is a rogue who sells his services as a teleporter, not an independent hero

Hmm, I see him referenced in chapters as a freelancer, and the cast list on parahumans.wordpress lists him as "A freelance hero who specializes in mass teleporting." Freelance implies some sort of payment, yes, but the cast lists him as a hero, and I suppose that just because you get paid sometimes doesn't mean you aren't a hero, so that is how I referred to him. I dunno. I also know Wildbow went through and edited some stuff and that not everything updated along with it, and I didn't exactly go through the chapter with a fine toothed comb before writing either, so I don't know. -.-
The Grail itself likely wouldn't seek out Daniel Hebert or try to interact with him unless he was involved with the War, simply because, as far as the Grail is concerned, he is a total stranger. Now, I have been playing with the possibility of appointing someone overseer of the War (what Kotomine, both of them...all three of them I guess if you count the fake Saint, were supposed to do). Not really because it is needed, just because "it has sort of become a normal part of the War, hasn't it?"

Hmm, I see him referenced in chapters as a freelancer, and the cast list on parahumans.wordpress lists him as "A freelance hero who specializes in mass teleporting." Freelance implies some sort of payment, yes, but the cast lists him as a hero, and I suppose that just because you get paid sometimes doesn't mean you aren't a hero, so that is how I referred to him. I dunno. I also know Wildbow went through and edited some stuff and that not everything updated along with it, and I didn't exactly go through the chapter with a fine toothed comb before writing either, so I don't know. -.-
You know what?
It's possible that I'm just misremembering or have been tainted by fanon, sorry for wasting your time
I am slightly put out. Why? Well, for one, it doesn't look like we will be getting the True Name or stats of the new Berserker that was revealed in the lead up to Lostbelt any time soon, which kind sucks since he looked pretty cool. (Has a giant arsenal of divine artifacts, desires to purge the world of evil and this combination has led to him being compared to FSN Gilgamesh)

Did finally get Berserker Atalanta, which was nice. Considering who will probably become the last Master if Accord doesn't steal the show (Dinah or Labyrinth) then she would be a possibility.

And then I learned that a new Ruler was announced (a Ruler that rules at that!) and a little bit of me died because he is a buff JoJo-esque grampa and part of me wishes he could have been an option. Well, BB is fun. I'll throw Ruler Charlemagne into an omake or something.

Welp, now that I'm done with my melodrama, time for things that matter!

Did we use up all our potential servants? Can we make more masters? How many can we make?

We still have Berserker left. Unless something goes horribly wrong that's it, and the War can start in earnest.

It's possible that I'm just misremembering or have been tainted by fanon, sorry for wasting your time

Don't worry about it. Happens to me a lot too.
I don't know much about Fate, what does the grail do during the war? Sleep?

Eh, more or less. Angra Mainyu becomes a bit more active at the end of Fate Zero and FSN, but most of what the Grail would be doing would be smaller things to shape outcomes (whether knowingly or guys would know though). So, to present a scenario in as vague a way as possible, say two Servants are fighting in one location and two are fighting in another, and we, as the Grail, run into another Master/Servant pair. We could point them to either of those fights and swing them in a certain direction. Beyond that, a lot of the choice would be more BB and/or overseer (if we get one) centric. Basically more how should they go about dealing with various problems that may crop up as things go along. At least, that is the plan right now.
[X] Just go with it.

And then I learned that a new Ruler was announced (a Ruler that rules at that!) and a little bit of me died because he is a buff JoJo-esque grampa and part of me wishes he could have been an option. Well, BB is fun. I'll throw Ruler Charlemagne into an omake or something.
Even if he had been in the game earlier, it wouldn't make sense for the Fuyuki Grail to be able to summon Charlemagne. After all, he's not dead. :V
Mecha Eli-Chan felt her body vibrate as long mechanical limbs cut through ruined metal and welded on new parts. Wires were fried and missiles needed to be replaced. Even the pocket dimension had been destabilized and some tinkering needed to be done to keep it from imploding in on itself. The sound of grinding metal and electrical discharges filled the room as her new hand was attached to her arm, but throughout all of this her eyes were focused on the monitor above her and the countless alerts that danced across the screen.

The robot was new to this world, and the impact of the Endbringers was not fully felt by her. The fear and awe that shook mankind to its very core, confining them to the ground far more effectively than any gravity well could. A mockery of God's divine wrath laying waste to the Earth and its denizens. Mecha Eli-Chan clenched her free fist, metal fingers groaning under the strain.

And as she waited she silently plotted a course to Canberra.

Mecha Eli-chan: GIGA DRILLLLLL BRRREAKKERRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The Grail itself likely wouldn't seek out Daniel Hebert or try to interact with him unless he was involved with the War, simply because, as far as the Grail is concerned, he is a total stranger.

I was thinking something along the lines of the fact that we're running around with no mask at all, and the poor man has basically nothing left to live for, so he'd almost certainly be looking for us. Maybe he could meet Dinah and Emma, and sort of figure out what was going on from there? I'd just figure we're eventually going back to Brockton Bay, and he'd seek us out there. Not sure how that's would go down, since we're probably not making him a master, but maybe we could tell him that if he does that 'overseer' position we'll bring his daughter back? I don't actually know if we'd be lying, since the beginning implied Taylor was still in us but we haven't gotten any squeaks out of her since.

Personally, I'd just like another person on the 'in' on our little mission, and having it be Danny would fit really well with the black comedy the story excelles in. Just having a straight man to comment on our shenanigans - "You talked to the SIMURGH?!?" - all the while hating us for killing his daughter and doing something he hates on the thin hope that we're telling the truth about being able to bring her back.

All in all it would just be a cool idea, although I have no concept of what an overseer actually entails, it seems like it might work.

If you already have a plan for him, that's fine, this quest is amazing regardless. Keep up the good work @FacelessDoll !