Being the Holy Grail is Suffering... [Worm/FSN Quest]

[X] Debate with Canary

if we leave her, their would be literally no reason for anything we've done recently.
[X] Debate with Canary

I don't understand we wreck havoc in New York, we walk from Brockton Bay to there. Ruler and Eli-chan especially are making their best efforts to distract the Heroes and we just give up? Just like that? :jackiechan: WTF? What was the point then of all of this?
I knew it, Canary isn't going to add much to gw and we don't need to debate woth her when there's other people more interesting than her.

[X] Leave Canary behind
[X] Leave Canary behind.

In addition to hoping for a more local master, I can respect her conviction. With Dragon unshackled, and refusing to escape she even has a decent shot at leniency or maybe even Legend turning up at her trial to speak in her favor. (Because this situation definitely has his attention now)
:rofl::lol:Dthis is becoming Crack!

Everyone that kept saying "Alec wouldn't do it!" Yeah, this is what it actually looks like. Alec would just not care but he would still do it out of self interest but this girl is resigned to her fate, it would take worse then what they ("Taylor") did to Alec and maybe even then give her a Mud bath to get her to be a Master. This is the kind of person that you could leave the cell door open and she would close it for you. It's a waste of time to debate with someone like this.

[X] Leave Canary behind

:wtf: Duhfaq? Is BB trying for a secret identity?

Wait, this is a gynoid not a cyborg like a Dalek...
...Astrologer kind of could only do that, so it is only natural that, when the other heroes showed up, she just went inside to alert everyone she could
Well, good she knows her limits and what to do. Power incontinence is a thing apparently. Such a stupid power -_-*
Later she would be arrested for driving under the influence after she tried to drown her the power envy and overall self esteem problems which had been dredged back up by this "fight".
Don't blame her, anyone would take up drinking with such a stupid power. Seriously, what is even the point, how did that pet her survive whatever her Trigger was and/or are the Entities just so dumb they're still trying to figure out Newtonian Physics?!
That's right. Astrologer is the type of person that, if she showed up in a web serial, she would only be referred to in passing and wouldn't even get any description beyond "she drops things on people from the sky".
:rofl::lol:D META-REFERENCE!

I assume she was killed off by Leviathan with all the other useless Capes?
"God damnit Adamant. Every time…"
:rofl::lol:D Such a useless Human Shield.
"A robot Elizabeth Bathory, huh?"
...oh, so that's what Mecha-Elli-Chan looks like...
Also that helps explain it's not BB!
"Besides! Me and Dragon made her together! She's our baby! It is only natural for the result to be part dragon!" In the background a voice could be heard shouting in denial it still considered rape if the rapee has absolutely no part in said rape? Because it sounds like BB didn't do anything with Dragon beyond hijacking one of her facilities.
All the World's Evils pouted. "I never get to do anything fun…"
Yes you do, you Mindraped Alec, were offered (and declined) to have fun with Mega Bakuda and Uber Mephiso-Chan, and you bathed in your own blood before going ROMA! You have been having plenty of funny you lying liar that lies! You even caused unbridled Glorious Chaos starting with blowing the sh!t out of the Docks! How is Chaos not fun?!
Outside Legend, semi corporeal, tackled Mecha Eli-Chan through a skyscraper. "Breast cannon", the robot intoned and Legend found himself blasted in the face. "Motorboating is prohibited!"
:rofl::lol:D Is she somehow developing new weapons on the fly? Now I imagine one of her weapons is the Dubstep Gun just cause!

The room was separated into two halves by a glass wall. On the side Angra Mainyu was on the room was unpainted, with concrete walls with mounted security cameras that Angra Mainyu would trust BB to have dealt with. On the other side of the glass the room was white, with a single desk and chair as well as a small cot. On the desk were two books resting on top of each other on the desk. From their position the Grail could make out the title of the top book. Kafka's The Trial.
There was also a small television on the floor next to the cot. Sitting in front of it on the bed, a rather hard surface judging by how little it sagged under her weight, Canary sat dressed in an all white outfit, a loose fitted pair of pants and a long sleeve
Huh, she got better accommodations then normal...
The mechanical girl would have frowned if she could. "Have faith in me, Ruler."

"Oh please, call me Mommy!"


:rofl::lol:DShe's already reach her rebellious teen phase!

But seriously what did she expect from a mechanical version of a Servant, it's not going to instantly see her like a child would.
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...BB just wandered in from a completely different quest, didn't she. Or at least thinks she's in a much wackier story than she actually is.

[X]Leave Canary behind.

Once she's actually convicted, she might be more willing to listen to us, and more likely to lash out at the establishment. Until then, she's useless to us.
[X]Debate with Canary

We already here and make ruckus, even Mecha-Eli fighting a fucking Legend right now! Don't make this fruitless

At least if we abandon her, let she went through the trial and see the error of her way, then jump in and offer her wish

Desperate people always have selfish wish after all, this will allow us to corrupt her, we are Evil of the World for reason :drevil::evil:
[X] Debate with Canary

I don't understand we wreck havoc in New York, we walk from Brockton Bay to there. Ruler and Eli-chan especially are making their best efforts to distract the Heroes and we just give up? Just like that? :jackiechan: WTF? What was the point then of all of this?
Sunk cost fallacy. Canary is a liability, and sticking with it will just make her more of one.

[X]Leave Canary behind.
I don't understand we wreck havoc in New York, we walk from Brockton Bay to there. Ruler and Eli-chan especially are making their best efforts to distract the Heroes and we just give up? Just like that? :jackiechan: WTF? What was the point then of all of this?
If you want her that badly, you can wait for her to get convicted (And thus be more desperate). As she is, there's not much that can be done.

Also, given the last vote, the author was pushing for a timeskip anyway. So that would still be the point.
Duhfaq? Is BB trying for a secret identity?
Actual canon character, believe it or not.

:rofl::lol:D META-REFERENCE!

I assume she was killed off by Leviathan with all the other useless Capes?
She fought Echidna, apparently. She didn't die though, just wasn't ever mentioned again.

:rofl::lol:D Is she somehow developing new weapons on the fly?
Apparently that's her canonical Noble Phantasm.

...She's from a joke event. Can you tell?
Apparently that's her canonical Noble Phantasm.

...She's from a joke event. Can you tell?
I thought she was just created by BB here, didn't expect her to be Canon!

doesn't that mean we could have given MHX to Musashi if we didn't have an Assassin already or can only other Servants bring in Joke Servants?

Also now I really want Mecha-Elli to break out a Dubstep Gun...
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[X] Leave Canary behind

I think we should leave that choice to Canary - it is her last action of free will, after all.
We should respect that, even if it is foolish and naive.
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... doesn't that mean we could have given MHX to Musashi if we didn't have an Assassin already or can only other Servants bring in Joke Servants?

Also now I really want Mecha-Elli to break out a Dubstep Gun...
Well, Mecha-Eli isn't an actual Servant here, just a robot that coincidentally looks like a joke character. Presumably the actual servants are required to be more serious.

...Nobunaga doesn't count, it's possible to play her seriously.
alot of people are under the impression that: a.) we have an incredibly limited time frame, which would be true, if anyone here had any idea we even existed. but as it stands, we probably have hours in here. and b.) that well have another chance after her conviction, which is highly unlikely, as we had to bring in eli-chan to to get her out now, we'll have to do even more later, when she's a convicted parahuman.