Being the Holy Grail is Suffering... [Worm/FSN Quest]

[X] Leave Canary behind

What a waste of time, there are much more interesting characters to choose from.
[X] Leave Canary behind

Poor Mecha Eli-chan. Ganbate! I believe in you!

Anyway, from the look of it, Legend is probably coming over soon and as powerful as we are, we're probably not ready to taste the rainbows. So, I suggest we cut our losses and return to good old Brockton Bay and search up other masters there.
It had grey metal forming a caricature of a dress, with a short skirt that didn't fall down but instead flared out around its hips like a tutu. It had on what appeared to be boots but that ended at points with pink spikes jutting out from where the feet should be. Strangest of all, however, were the grey horns, metallic wings and long bladed tail the "girl" had.
Oh my god it's Mecha Liz.
New York was fucking weird. Just that morning the two saw a group of guys walking around dressed as elves and another guy dragging around nine foot long foam dicks, and don't even get them started on the capes!
Glad to see New York refuses to change.
Eli-Chan's skirt began to spin, and she fired one hundred missiles at Legend.
Hi Legend!!
Outside Legend, semi corporeal, tackled Mecha Eli-Chan through a skyscraper. "Breast cannon", the robot intoned and Legend found himself blasted in the face. "Motorboating is prohibited!"
Coming to New York was the best decision.

Hmm. we only have so much time til Legend is done with Mecha Eli-Chan.
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Saber still hasn't been summoned yet, right? If we make this girl a master, she's gonna get Nero.
[X] Leave Canary behind

While I didn't vote on many choice, but it seems that general voter preference didn't really line up with me through.
[x] Leave Canary behind

Really, at this point, staying is too much of a risk. If we don't leave now, we loose Eli. If we stay, we have a chance of gaining Canary as a master, who seems to be utterly boring as one. No drive that could be focused towards a wish. The possibility for reward doesn't outweigh the loss of Eli, I think.
Honestly, I've gotten all the amusement out of the situation that I need. Robo Bathory was a victory in itself.
[x] Leave Canary behind
[] Debate with Canary

Statement: "I like this philosophical debate. I say let it continue for it is good."
[X] Debate with Canary

Come on, we're Angra Mainyu! Source of All The World's Evil! Are we really willing to give up because some girl read some high school philosophy books? Pull a Kotomine, really get in her head, tear down her justifications!

The fact that she still has some delusional belief in the goodness of the world will merely make her future actions all the more promising.
We have Dinah and Faultline as potential Masters and Mecha Eli-chan won't be able to hold off Legend for too long. It makes debating with Canary too dangerous for us without much profit: Legend is affilated with Cauldron and these people want to control the Grail, she has little willingness to fight or to act in general (outside of singing), we have Berserker and Saber (Avenger) slots left which better be spent on those willing to fight and kill and do anything in general for a single wish.

also, we can pull a Kotomine with Dinah and/or Panacea. With a mud bath, even.
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