Being the Holy Grail is Suffering... [Worm/FSN Quest]


Did the Holy Grail just call Angra Mainyu a dick male genitalia?
[X] Assassin (Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde)
Meaningful friendship and challenging of worldviews, Ho!
Okay, looks like Armsmaster will be summoning Jekyll & Hyde. I'm going to start writing right now (saying this to prevent the vote from swinging before I'm finished writing) and the next chapter/part/whatever will be up later this evening or early tomorrow morning.

I will admit, because Tesla was leading for so long, I had begun making an outline for that, and then Jekyll came from behind and won. Hahaha. This was really close.
Okay, looks like Armsmaster will be summoning Jekyll & Hyde. I'm going to start writing right now (saying this to prevent the vote from swinging before I'm finished writing) and the next chapter/part/whatever will be up later this evening or early tomorrow morning.

I will admit, because Tesla was leading for so long, I had begun making an outline for that, and then Jekyll came from behind and won. Hahaha. This was really close.
Didnt really expect it to win. Its a wierd fealing to have my sugestion being the rival that overtook what seemed to bee fan favorite In gladiator combat with 3rd participant being hot on its heels.
Found this too late to cast a vote. :(

Too bad cause I found this interesting but now I have a feeling its gonna head down a familiar boring way.
So that's one class down! Six more to go!
Found this too late to cast a vote. :(

Too bad cause I found this interesting but now I have a feeling its gonna head down a familiar boring way.

How? We choose one of the weaker and less popular servants. And the Mc is a conglomerate of the Grail, an Angry Mango, and the strange duality of shard and girl. Has that really been done before?
So that's one class down! Six more to go!

How? We choose one of the weaker and less popular servants. And the Mc is a conglomerate of the Grail, an Angry Mango, and the strange duality of shard and girl. Has that really been done before?
What about J&H makes you think that? I think he is compatable and intresting.
Armsmaster will get stomped easily enough that he will be mostly useless in combat updates. Social-fu is cool, but most certainly the Quest didn't really make me care that much about Armsmaster sociability or his glory hunting. Angra Mainyu is All-The-World's Evil, the Holy Grail's goal is to grant the wish of the winner and QA to drive conflicts into the natives, not one of our collective match the choice really. Dr.Jekyll completely drive out any possibility of Armsmaster participation in the war thus he will avoid conflict and he will not be capable of winning. Even if the winners are good guys, they won't really kill their Servants for Armsmaster.

EDIT: Just to make things clear, I'm okay with Dr.Jekyll as an option for Armsmaster, I was just citing what everyone overlooked. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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Armsmaster will get stomped easily enough that he will be mostly useless in combat updates. Social-fu is cool, but most certainly the Quest didn't really make me care that much about Armsmaster sociability or his glory hunting. Angra Mainyu is All-The-World's Evil, the Holy Grail's goal is to grant the wish of the winner and QA to drive conflicts into the natives, not one of our collective match the choice really. Dr.Jekyll completely drive any possibility of Armsmaster participation in the war thus he will avoid conflict and he will not be capable of winning. Even if the winners are good guys, they won't really kill their Servants for Armsmaster.

EDIT: Just to make things clear, I'm okay with Dr.Jekyll as an option for Armsmaster, I was just citing what everyone overlooked. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I think that's just Assassin stigma, which you really can't apply to Dr. J consider he spends half the time as Hyde. Honestly this choice gives him a better chance of surviving the war on a good footing, anything that encourages a human to engage in direct conflict with a servant is going to end poorly.
I think that's just Assassin stigma, which you really can't apply to Dr. J consider he spends half the time as Hyde. Honestly this choice gives him a better chance of surviving the war on a good footing, anything that encourages a human to engage in direct conflict with a servant is going to end poorly.
Now I wouldn't normally argue over an already settled vote but no you are wrong here sorry.
The original Assassins the Hashashin have better combat abilities than him and are considered one of the weakest servant, he can separate himself into 90 different bodies, he is extremely fast and got an awesome stealth skill.
True Assassin can attach and fuse a totally different body to himself(Self Modification Skill), he has air-resistant natural armor and Presence Concealment. This is an Assassin made for killing Masters, which is not the type of tactics the Heroes normally go for.
Now Dr.Jekyll has none of the above apart from the Self Modification one in the berserker class which makes him somewhat look inhuman and some basic stealth for any Assassin class.
This is the worst class you could give Armsmaster, this is not including the fact that there fight tactics are completely incompatible, no that Dr.Jekyll has any.
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Now I wouldn't normally argue over an already settled vote but no you are wrong here sorry.
The original Assassins the Hashashin have better combat abilities than him and are considered one of the weakest servant, he can separate himself into 90 different bodies, he is extremely fast and got an awesome stealth skill.
True Assassin can attach and fuse a totally different body to himself(Self Modification Skill), he has air-resistant natural armor and Presence Concealment. This is an Assassin made for killing Masters, which is not the type of tactics the Heroes normally go for.
Now Dr.Jekyll has none of the above apart from the Self Modification one in the berserker class which makes him somewhat look inhuman and some basic stealth for any Assassin class.
This is the worst class you could give Armsmaster, this is not including the fact that there fight tactics are completely incompatible, no that Dr.Jekyll has any.

I will say that Jekyll should definitely be treated more like a Berserker than an Assassin. He can't really control when he transforms into Jekyll, his Assassin skills aren't particularly impressive, and as a Berserker he is actually pretty damn competent (I am basing this competency on his performance in Fate Grand Order, where he is one of the better 3 star Berserkers despite being an Assassin).

But yeah, you are right, he is a lackluster Assassin definitely.
Rejection 1.6
Rejection 1.6

In a flash of light, everything changed.

One moment Velocity was rushing the young bloodied girl who had done…something to Armsmaster, and then the next he found his vision going white. Behind him he could hear Miss Militia shout a warning before he felt himself impact something solid. His sight still unfocused and swimming with grey circles, he could barely make out the vague shape of a man blocking his path and pushing him back. Velocity let out a surprised cry as he slammed into the hard concrete wall, and heard a loud crack as vertebrae were dislocated.

He slumped against the wall, and next to him he saw Miss Militia form an assault rifle of some sort with her power. She pointed it at the man, but did not immediately fire.

The newcomer, a young man with neat blonde hair and green eyes half concealed by dark rimmed glasses dressed in a fine suit, rose his hands in alarm. "Wait! There may be an understanding here!" The man looked over his shoulder at Armsmaster's unconscious form. His eyes narrowed, and his mouth settled into a hard line. "Who are you people, and why is my Master unconscious?"

There was a beat of silence, then Miss Militia hesitantly lowered her gun. "I could ask you the same thing. You shouldn't be here."

"Please, I'd like to think you are good people, but I'm a little lost right now, and an explanation about what is going on and why it looked like you were attacking my Master would be appreciated."

Miss Militia frowned behind the scarf that covered the lower half of her face. "We weren't attacking him. Wha-" Then alarms started to blare. The blonde man jerked in surprise, then rose one hand to his head as he winced in pain. Behind her Miss Militia could hear the sound of boots running along the cool floor of the Rig. She turned to see a group of PRT agents making their way towards her location. Meanwhile the blonde man grit his teeth, holding his head in both hands as the alarms horrible screeching filled the air.

"Ma'am, an agent was attacked two floors down, and we got word that Armsmaster is down too."

The American themed heroine frowned. So the "Holy Grail" had gotten that far already. Looked like they would have to add a Mover rating for her. Before she could speak, they all heard the blonde stranger moan. "No…no not now…Not now! Stay inside! Not Now!"

Guns rose and aimed at the man who was currently hunched over in pain holding his head in his gloved hands. Miss Militia rose a hand and shouted in panic. "Wait, don't sho-" The man jerked suddenly, a finger slipped, a shot was fired.

Time froze, and then the spell was broken by a whisper. "I'm sorry…"

Then the man lunged forward, his eyes red and his face twisted into a monstrous grin. Miss Militia and the agents around her did not let their shock get the better of them, and they opened fire.

None of them stood a chance.


"How was I supposed to know punching that guy was a bad idea?"

A second ago, after finally coming to an agreement on what Servant to give the blue man (And boy was Angra Mainyu proud of his kohai) they had made their body round a corner only to find themselves face to face with a man in strange black armor.

Then Angra Mainyu made them punch him in the face.

And so now they were running through the building trying to find an exit while alarms blared around them. Angra Mainyu had expressed some relief that their body seemed to have some of his own Servant parameters, though diminished. The agility parameter seemed higher than usual though, which was useful, even if Avenger seemed displeased to see that their body seemed built primarily for running away.

Around them, they could see strange contraptions emerging from the walls, like small cannons, though with many lights and wires all over them. Recognizing the danger, they dove to the side just in time to avoid getting pelted by the strange goo the turrets fired. Tearing off a pieces of the wall, they began throwing shrapnel and debris at the turrets as they emerged, fleeing all the while.

"Hey! Stop right there!"

The hallway lengthened until its end could no longer be seen in the distance. This was no illusion, the Holy Grail could tell. No. Space had been warped, played with with greater ease than any living magus of their old world could have managed. They stopped and spun on their heel, in part because advancing would be impossible and in part to see the source of the spatial warping.

When they turned they caught sight of a familiar girl dressed in green with a visor over the top part of her face, her emotions as knotted in negativity as before. Angra Mainyu grinned. Two people who reminded him of that Master from the Fourth War? Maybe this vessel had a high luck stat.

Now the question becomes, how to do this? They were still trying to run away, but just leaving a potential Master like that seemed…wrong. The Holy Grail, ever the master at reading the mood, suggested diplomacy. Perhaps they could convince her to help aid in their escape? It seemed rather unlikely all things considered.

Alternatively, the remnant suggested they do a repeat of what they did with the blue man. Make her a Master on the spot, overcharge the whole process and run away while she was in pain or unconscious. Running away otherwise seemed impossible given her impressive ability, after all.

Then again, there was a more direct route. Angra Mainyu was sure they could land a hit on the girl before she could do the weird space warp thing again. After that they could even take her with them, explain the whole situation to her later and maybe make her a Master.


[] Best not to make any enemies. Perhaps this girl can be reasoned with.

[] Make the girl a Master and use that as a distraction to escape.

[] Punch and kidnap her. She'll understand later.

[X] Kiss her

Vista was confused. The girl seemed so…relaxed all of a sudden. Normally she would have been insulted, maybe thinking that the villain wasn't taking her seriously, but the girl's face ruined that theory.

The bloody girl was smiling, batting her eyelashes, and blushing. The strange girl rose a single hand and demurely waved at the young Ward.

This…this was wrong on so many levels.

Then, in an instant, the girl was right in front of her, one foot placed behind her ankles to knock her back, only for Vista to be caught in the villain's arms. She gently moved a strand of hair out of her face.

"Don't worry if they don't appreciate you. I will." And then she leaned in and…



"This one always speaks with the utmost sincerity. This one believes this to be the wisest course of action."


"YOU STAY OUT OF THIS! Ugh…listen, I don't know what you are on right now-"

"This one has no true physical form, and therefore can not be placed upon anything."

"-but this plan is DUMB. No. We are not doing this."


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[X] Make the girl a Master and use that as a distraction to escape.

I admit, I didn't expect Dr.Jekyll as a Berserker and this is somewhat interesting since I don't know much about his Berserker class.
I'm currently torn between Angra and Taylor/QA, but for now I'll go for the green option.

[X] Make the girl a Master and use that as a distraction to escape.
If we do end up making her a Master here and now, it would probably be best to give her a Rider, specifically either Astolfo, Iskandar, or Francis Drake.
[X] Punch and kidnap her. She'll understand later.

I want to really get down into what makes Vista, Vista. It feels like it'll make the Servant more interesting. And I think it'll be hard to do that with alarms and reinforcements and all that. And honestly, Vista viewing us as an enemy can help us learn more about her. It'll be fun.