In a pinch, maybe, but playing vampire Aquaman is not a viable long-term solution, even if Kindred don't need oxygen. Animal blood is nowhere near as nourishing (or tasty) as a human's, and the Ventrue can't be "vegan" at all. Then there's the risk of floating to the ocean's surface in the middle of the day. Not to mention the other supernatural threats that call the ocean home.
Now you got me thinking of hypothetical survival methods.

1) Jonah the Whale-lord, he swam into the ocean and found a sperm whale. He swam into the whales mouth and has been hiding inside it like a tape worm. The whale contains more blood than he could possibly feed on so as long as he doesn't drink in excess consistently he has a long term supply. He eventually ghouls the whale and made it his Famulus. This decision has turned his 'host' into a mobile haven of incredible size and power. If he or another Vampire needed to feed on human blood for this method they can direct the whale to attack and sink ships. After which they have the whale swallow the living or recently dead sailors so the Kindred can feed in safety.
—You don't necessarily have to use a whale as there are fish that grow big enough to swallow people whole and for said people to swim to safety by exiting through the gaps in their gills.

2) Port Shark, this kindred lives a few miles off the coast of a major port city. They feed on humans by snatching night watchmen off passing ships in the dead of night. The disappearance of these men could be explained by accidents at sea, falling over board, suicide, or murder. During the day these kindred attached themselves to the seafloor using either discarded weighted objects like an oil drum, or ocean buoy's concrete anchors. If there is coral reefs, they can find a hole to hide in or dig there own.

3) Ship Leech, these kindred learn the trade routes of cargo ships and will stalk the ships along their route. When they get hungry they will snatch a crewmen from the ship at night and leave their drained body in the ocean. During the day they attach themselves to the undersides of the ships. How this is done can vary on the kindreds disciplines as it could range in application. For example you could a fix chains or hooks to the underside, these attachments could be added either covertly or by ghouling the captain before hand.
An Animal Out of Context 9.03
After some thought, you decide to break the silence by presenting a question to the group. "What made the Salubri different from the other clans?"

You gesture to yourself. "Take my clan, for example. The Nosferatu got to join the Camarilla because we had eyes and ears everywhere amongst those that human society overlooked: beggars, lepers, and other kinds of outcasts. How did the Salubri contribute to Kindred society?"

"I can answer that question, Mr. Delacruz," Forge says, stroking his mustache. "According to records predating the Camarilla, the Salubri were healers and peacemakers who could use the power of their vitae to mend the wounds of other Kindred. I suppose that's why many were willing to stand back and watch as the Tremere wiped the Salubri out. Their existence as one of the Damned was simply too good to be true.

Erichtho speaks up next. "Even today, members of my clan have standing orders to slay any Salubri we come across, and hardly any Prince would knowingly permit one to reside in their domain. Even Anarchs tend to want nothing to do with the Salubri. That said, only a few, if any, of Saulot's progeny are left standing these nights."

"I find it hard to believe that an entire bloodline could face extinction in just a few centuries. I mean, it's not like sires have to worry about pregnancy or carrying childer to term. Besides, it's not like they couldn't pretend to be Caitiff, right? It's not great, but better than being trapped in some Tremere prison."

"Well, when you think about it, it makes sense that there aren't a lot of Salubri running around, even without the Tremere launching a pogrom," Bobby speaks up. He leans forward eagerly, gesturing with his hands as he talks. Either he's enthusiastic about the subject, or the Blue Blood arrogance just wants a chance to show off his reasoning. "The Salubri pursued Golconda to control their Beasts, right? Why would they want to inflict it on others unless they were certain the new fledgling could grapple with it night after night?"

"Mr. Weatherbottom is quite right," Forge says, nodding with approval. "The Salubri were never the most numerous of Kindred, which is why they were known as 'Unicorns.' From what I understand, their focus was on helping other vampires come to terms with their existence. They only Embraced childer who they knew could aid them in that endeavor as fellow healers and teachers in the achievement of Golconda.

"As for why they didn't go to ground after the Tremere's purge began, it's because each Salubri possessed a third eye in the middle of their foreheads." Forge taps the center of his forehead for emphasis. "Supposedly, the third eye was a trait inherited from Saulot and his achievement of Golconda. According to my research, when one of the Cyclopes used their Disciplines, their third eye wept uncontrollable tears of vitae, making it impossible for them to pass as a member of another bloodline for long."

"I see…". A thought then occurs to you. "So if Tremere diablerized Saulot and grew closer to the original vampire, does that technically make him an Antediluvian?"

Erichtho shakes her head no. "No, for two reasons. One, Tremere's diablerie of Saulot postdates the Biblical Flood. Two, he was never a childe of Caine's childer: Enoch, Irad, and Zillah. Tremere may have become part of the third generation of Kindred upon devouring Saulot's soul, but he was never an Antediluvian."

You hum in thought. "You know, all this talk of Salubri being soul-sucking fiends makes me wonder about what might be waiting for us after Final Death. I don't know about the rest of you, but the time between my last breath and me waking up as a fledgling shovel-head is a big ole blank."

The others shift in discomfort. Discussion of the afterlife can be a touchy subject among mortals, let alone people who call themselves the Damned. Eventually, Kathy musters the courage to break the awkward silence. "I've spoken with the Banu Haqim who came from the Middle East. The Ashirra believe that Muslim vampires who lead righteous un-lives will come back to life alongside the mortal faithful when the Day of Judgment arrives."

Erichtho rubs her chin in thought. "I've read reports of Kindred necromancers interacting with the spirits of the departed, though I cannot say whether those wraiths are truly the people they were when they were alive or simply pale imitations of the deceased's personality and knowledge."

"In medieval times, many faithful Kindred walked the Via Caeli - the Road of Heaven - and attempted to control their Beasts through religious devotion. They believed that by obeying God's will, they would still be allowed entry into the heavenly kingdom. The Tremere claimed that the Salubri secretly consorted with demons, though whether those claims were anything but anti-Salubri propaganda created to justify their usurpation, I cannot say."

"Those are all interesting theories, but none of you have offered any real proof," Bobby says. "In the end, no one knows what will happen to us once we meet Final Death."

You nod, digesting the information laid out before you. "Alright, then back to the topic of Golconda. What does it take to reach Golconda? Is it only a matter of achieving a mental equilibrium with your Beast? Or does enlightenment require more unsavory methods?"

"If you're implying that Golconda means devouring the souls of other Kindred, we might as well call it a night and give up our search." Even without the Blush of Life properly animating his features, Bobby looks positively revolted by the idea. So are Kathy and Erichtho. The former looks horrified, mouth hanging open, while the latter restricts herself to wrinkling her nose and grimacing.

Only Forge seems unaffected by the thought that Golconda may require diablerie. Instead, he speaks up. "As I stated earlier, much of the knowledge surrounding Golconda was lost alongside the Salubri. For all we know, achieving Golconda could be treacherous, if not outright impossible."

"Couldn't we look to Hindu gurus for insight, just like Saulot did?"

Forge hums in thought, absentmindedly stroking his mustache. "Perhaps, but I suspect that approach would only lead to dead ends. Contrary to popular belief, religions are not unchanging monoliths whose beliefs, practices, and traditions are immutable. For instance, the Old Testament forbids the mixing of meat and dairy. However, these nights, only a few faithful Christians see a problem with having cheeseburgers for dinner. The ascetic practices which might suit a mortal believer of Krishna may be wholly incompatible with the necessities of night-to-night existence as an immortal predator."

"We also run into problems if we try to learn from Saulot's contemporaries. It is important to remember that Saulot's return to the West predates widespread literacy by hundreds of years. The vampiric Hindu tradition practiced by the Salubri's progenitor may have died out ages ago with the last of its practitioners and no records testifying its beliefs and practices."

You nod, contemplating Forge's words. "One last question then. If walking a path to Golconda can influence the relationship between the Beast and our Humanity, could other schools of thought have a similar effect?"

At this, Forge positively beams. It is not a pleasant night, for Forge's fangs are out for all to see. "I'm so glad you asked that question, Mr. Delacruz. Over the years, I've studied Kindred philosophy in search of a way to reach enlightenment. After much study and research, I've concluded that to achieve Golconda, one must accept the role of the ultimate predator and only feed from the perfect prey specimens."

The door opens behind you, and the four vampires not named Zachary Forge look on in shock as Emma nervously wheels in another human bound by leather straps to a hand truck. "Ah, excellent timing, Ms. Smith! As you can see, I have conditioned one of my assistants to become a vessel possessed of rarefied, tempered blood."

"Conditioned? You mean tortured. Look at him!" Kathy hisses. Scars and unhealed wounds line every inch of the ghoul's exposed flesh. Not even the Blood Bond can hide the madness and agony apparent in the eyes of Forge's assistant. Bobby leans back in horror, and even without the Blush of Life, Erichtho looks green.

Forge, for his part, looks unperturbed by what he's done to his servant. Instead, he picks up the Bowie knife from his desk and walks over to the still-bound ghoul. You're half-hoping and half-afraid that Forge will kill the poor man. However, your host simply cuts through the leather straps binding his assistant. Emma barely has time to leap out of the way before the now-freed ghoul bolts out of Forge's study, shrieking his way shrilly through the halls.

Forge turns to the four other Kindred in the room with the grin of a mad scientist who's just flipped the switch of his latest invention. You force yourself to gaze into his eyes and see the last scrap of self fall away into nothingness - into the embrace of the Beast. "Come! Whoever lays the prey low and tastes the dyscrasia in his blood will be brought to enlightenment! Let the hunt commence!"

The monster that used to be Zachary Forge doesn't even bother to look over its shoulder as it bolts out of the room, baying for blood. In its wake is a stunned silence that fills the room. Then Bobby lets out a strangled gasp. "What the fuck just happened?"

"I believe our host just fell into wassail," Erichtho answers. "There is not a drop of Humanity left in Zachary Forge. Only the Beast and its thirst for blood remains."

You force yourself to take a deep breath through your nose and let out a loud exhalation through your mouth. It looks like Courage was right about this accursed place. "Okay, so we have a wight running around the estate. Emma, you know this place and Forge better than any of us. How long until the wight manages to catch its prey and comes after us?"

It takes a half-stunned Emma a second to respond to your question. You feel tempted to lay into her for her involvement in Forge's "research" into Golconda, but the regretful expression on Emma's face abates your anger. Besides, you have bigger and hungrier fish to fry. "U-Uh, the estate's pretty big. We'll only have a few minutes if we're lucky."

"Then we need to get out of here and put as much distance between us as possible," Bobby hisses. "If it means surviving to see the next night, I'll gladly let the other Kindred in the domain sneer at us for running away."

"But what happens after we escape?" Emma speaks up, her voice trembling nervously. "I've already let one person suffer at Forge's hands. I don't want more innocent people to die if I can do something about it."

"What do you suggest, then?" You ask.

Emma's back straightens as she breathes in deeply. When she speaks, her voice betrays no uncertainty. "There's a safe room in the mansion containing the controls to the security system. If we're smart, we can use it to level the playing field and kill Forge right here and now."

You nod. You have some experience securing a haven against intruders. During your early nights in the Camarilla, before Annabelle made you part of her entourage, you spent much of your time in the Nosferatu warren, helping your fellow Sewer Rats build bigger and better defenses. It's been a while, but you still recall some of the construction know-how from those nights.

Still, you'd like to face a wight with more than just the pistol concealed on your person. "What about guns? Forge used to be a hunter, so there's gotta be a gun room somewhere."

"The safe room has a few, but Forge keeps the deadliest weapons on the other side of the manor. We probably won't make it to the safe room before he returns."

Finally, Erichtho speaks up. "If I may, I suggest we go on the offensive and chase down the wight and its prey. Wights are dangerous, but wights on a full stomach are even more so. If we can deny the wight blood with which to fuel its rampage, we stand a greater chance of denying it our vitae."

"Even if we manage to put Forge's ghoul out of his misery, we'd still be fighting the wight on its home turf, though. There's a good chance it'll ambush us while we're stumbling around in the dark." As much as you want to save Forge's ghoul, you suspect that he's too far gone after what his domitor did to him in the name of advancing the study of Golconda. The kindest thing you can do is end his torment.

"No plan is without risk, Artie," Kathy replies. Her dark gaze is firmly on you. "Damien trusts you, so I'm counting on you to make the call. If getting us all out alive means fleeing into the night, I'll be right behind you. If we stand a better chance by digging in here, I'll stand alongside you. If you want to go out and face the danger before it gets a chance to kill more people, well…I can think of worse ways to meet Final Death. So what's the plan?"

[] [REACTION] Our top priority should be getting out of here. Numbers mean little when the Beast controls your foe.
Automatic Win

[] [REACTION] We need to lock this place down fast. "Lead us to the safe room, Emily."
-[] I'll rouse my vitae to add two dice to my roll. More successes equal mightier fortifications.
-[] I'll spend a point of Willpower to reroll up to three dice unaffected by my Hunger.

Wits + Craft (Difficulty: 3)

[] [REACTION] If we want even a snowball's chance in hell, we'll need guns. "Where does Forge keep the armory?"
-[] I'll rouse my vitae to add two dice to my roll. They might help us find weapons more suitable for destroying a wight.
-[] I'll spend a point of Willpower to reroll up to three dice unaffected by my Hunger.

Resolve + Awareness (Difficulty: 4)

[] [REACTION] We can't allow Forge to sate his Hunger. "Time is of the essence. We go after Forge now."
-[] I'll rouse my vitae to automatically succeed in putting Forge's ghoul out of his misery.
-[] I'll spend a point of Willpower to reroll up to three dice unaffected by my Hunger.

Composure + Firearms (Difficulty: 3)
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Mechanically finding the safe room is probably smarter.

However, we've always gone out of our way to, like, prevent people from being horribly killed.

So, y'know.

Unless "lock this place down" includes finding a way to lock Forge in that's ACTUALLY reliable. Like yes, we have access to the security system. But how well did a high-tech security system work against US?
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To be clear, going for the safe room means weathering a one-wight siege. It thirsts for Kindred vitae and won't go after "lesser fare" until it's feasted on the Cainite blood it knows is there. Going on the offensive prevents the wight from rousing the blood on every "roll" it makes, which translates to lower difficulties later in the conflict.
I don't actually know how VTM difficulty works, but 6 dice on it makes it a pretty decent bet... but also leaves us semi-trapped. Hmm.

If we do go after him, I think we'd rather do the Willpower than the Rouse. Just because if this becomes a Hunger-off, everyone loses.
Welp shit, I didn't expect the dude to just go into Wasil. This does give Artie a good look at someone who's let the Beast take over and will likely make him want to prevent something like this from happening to him.
I don't actually know how VTM difficulty works, but six dice on it make it a pretty decent bet... but also leaves us semi-trapped. Hmm.
The rules for rolling dice in the fifth edition of Vampire: The Masquerade are very different compared to previous versions. I'm not familiar with the Chronicles of Darkness ruleset, so I'll leave you to draw the comparisons between the two systems as I do my best to explain the rules.

Each ten-sided die has a fifty-fifty chance of being either a success or a failure. Sixes and higher are successes, while fives and below are failures. The Difficulty number associated with each course of action represents the number of successful rolls required to accomplish your objective with no snags. If you don't meet that number but score at least one success, I'll decide whether Artie fails outright or succeeds at a cost. For example, Artie might make it over the fence of the hunters' compound, but now the difficulty of future rolls has increased since the hunters are onto them.

However, you can reroll up to three dice by spending a point of Willpower. Artie's maximum Willpower is the sum of their Composure and Resolve attributes. If you hit that limit, Artie will be Impaired and roll two fewer dice per roll until he has time to decompress.

Rolling criticals is also different compared to other systems. Each pair of tens equals four successes. Two tens equal four wins, three tens equal five, four tens equal eight, and so on.

However, things get complicated when you factor in the Hunger felt by all Kindred. Mechanically, this is represented by replacing some or all the dice in the pool with specifically-differentiated Hunger dice. (The core rulebook recommends using red dice to distinguish the Hunger dice from their regular counterparts.) Unlike ordinary dice, you cannot use Willpower to reroll Hunger dice. If Artie's Hunger exceeds the number of dice they can roll, they'll have to live with whatever the dice gods decide. For example, if Artie rolls a pool of three dice while at Hunger 4, all the dice in that roll will be Hunger dice. Hunger dice get added whenever Artie fails a Rouse check to use their vampiric powers. Additionally, Hunger dice introduce additional complications in the form of Messy Criticals and Bestial Failures. Both represent the Beast hijacking your body temporarily.

Messy Criticals occur when one of the tens that make up a pair is on a Hunger die. The example I like to use to illustrate the difference between regular critical wins and messy criticals is knocking your boxing opponent out cold with one punch vs. punching their head clean off their shoulders with your killer right hook. On the other hand, Bestial Failures occur when one of your Hunger dice rolls a one, and you fail to meet the Difficulty number. When this happens, not only does Artie fail, but he might lose a dot in an Advantage, suffer Aggravated damage to his health tracker as he breaks out into a blood sweat, act out compulsively, or get even hungrier.
[X] [REACTION] We can't allow Forge to sate his Hunger. "Time is of the essence. We go after Forge now."
-[X] I'll spend a point of Willpower to reroll up to three dice unaffected by my Hunger.

[X] [REACTION] We need to lock this place down
fast. "Lead us to the safe room, Emily."
-[X] I'll spend a point of Willpower to reroll up to three dice unaffected by my Hunger.

One of these, then.
It's early enough in the night that you won't have to worry about dying from exposure to the sun's rays. You'll only have to worry about being torn apart by the wight formerly known as Zachary Forge. Do you need a more specific time?

No, if it was late in the night/closer to morning I'd start looking up VTM mechanics to see whether we can literally just outlast him, sleepy but human enough to resist briefly just falling asleep, and then stab him through the heart with a stake while he's conked out, if we were going with the security room (presumably not exactly in front of a window with a view of the sun) route.

But if it's early in the night, then it's likely that any siege is almost certainly just going to end with one or more people, or him, dead rather than any "outlast" scenario even if the VTM mechanics allowed it, which I don't know.

So, hmm, that does make me lean towards just coming after him.
[X] [REACTION] We can't allow Forge to sate his Hunger. "Time is of the essence. We go after Forge now."
-[X] I'll spend a point of Willpower to reroll up to three dice unaffected by my Hunger.

Gonna try and save a life.
[X] [REACTION] We can't allow Forge to sate his Hunger. "Time is of the essence. We go after Forge now."
-[X] I'll spend a point of Willpower to reroll up to three dice unaffected by my Hunger.

Gonna try and save a life.
I should've made it clearer: denying the wight blood means putting its prey out of his misery. Both the wight and the assistant are beyond saving. I've edited the update to make that a bit clearer.

Wait, I did have a thought/question. @Rogue Attican, did any of us think to bring a phone?
Alerting the Sheriff via burner phone will happen automatically, regardless of what you do. However, that doesn't solve the immediate problem at hand.
I should've made it clearer: denying the wight blood means putting its prey out of his misery. Both the wight and the assistant are beyond saving. I've edited the update to make that a bit clearer.

Alerting the Sheriff via burner phone will happen automatically, regardless of what you do. However, that doesn't solve the immediate problem at hand.

Oh, I knew it wouldn't immediately solve the problem, I just went, "Hey, this is probably something we should warn others about, so that if we all die horribly they can show up to scrape our remains off the wall before a human sees it."
At this, Forge positively beams. It is not a pleasant night, for Forge's fangs are out for all to see. "I'm so glad you asked that question, Mr. Delacruz. Over the years, I've studied Kindred philosophy in search of a way to reach enlightenment. After much study and research, I've concluded that to achieve Golconda, one must accept the role of the ultimate predator and only feed from the perfect prey specimens."

I've been looking into this for awhile now.

"I believe our host just fell into wassail," Erichtho answers. "There is not a drop of Humanity left in Zachary Forge. Only the Beast and its thirst for blood remains."
%€¥*£! <~}%£¥€?! &)*]~}€¥!

We. Are. In. Danger.

No, if it was late in the night/closer to morning I'd start looking up VTM mechanics to see whether we can literally just outlast him, sleepy but human enough to resist briefly just falling asleep, and then stab him through the heart with a stake while he's conked out, if we were going with the security room (presumably not exactly in front of a window with a view of the sun) route.
That was a pretty clever thought to have. I didn't even consider that we could try to wait him out. Unfortunately any siege scenario will involve him doing his level best vampire Kool-Aid man impression. As an engineer, I would trust the reinforced wall of a security room to keep out a dedicated Wight for several hours.

Gonna try and save a life.
Here! Here! Hopefully it will be all of our lives. The only person that's probably not in immediate danger is Emma being a Ghoul surrounded by Kindred.

[X] [REACTION] We can't allow Forge to sate his Hunger. "Time is of the essence. We go after Forge now."
-[X] I'll spend a point of Willpower to reroll up to three dice unaffected by my Hunger.

I have to point out that without the rouse check we are only rolling 4d10s, one will be a hunger due, which means we will only be able to re-roll three of them. It's probable that we will only get two success once all the dice are rolled. Because of the hunger die fails, we have to bank on the remaining three dice to succeed without complications.

But I also understand that if we do the rouse check and fail our hunger goes from 1 to 2, which makes future rolls harder and willpower less effective.

Oh, I knew it wouldn't immediately solve the problem, I just went, "Hey, this is probably something we should warn others about, so that if we all die horribly they can show up to scrape our remains off the wall before a human sees it."
Fiskevik the Wight-Hunter: Party pooper. It's sensible people like you that make my hobby so much harder to enjoy.
[X] [REACTION] We can't allow Forge to sate his Hunger. "Time is of the essence. We go after Forge now."
-[X] I'll spend a point of Willpower to reroll up to three dice unaffected by my Hunger.
Good guy Artie being a good guy.
Alright, you all seem to agree that Artie and the gang should pursue the wight without using Blood Surge. Let me roll the dice.
  1. One success on the Hunger die.
  2. No successes on the regular dice. Good thing you guys voted to spend Willpower and reroll.
  3. Only one more success after the reroll for a total of two.
I'll say that while Artie succeeds in denying the wight the chance to gorge itself, he'll take a point of Superficial damage to his Health tracker in the process.
Rogue Attican threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: Hunger Dice Total: 9
9 9
Rogue Attican threw 3 10-faced dice. Reason: Normal Dice Total: 15
5 5 5 5 5 5
Rogue Attican threw 3 10-faced dice. Reason: Willpower Reroll Total: 14
2 2 4 4 8 8
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While I'm at it, let me roll for your NPC companions.
  1. Erichtho succeeds on her Rouse check to activate Blood Surge, adding three dice to her pool.
  2. Erichtho rolls a ten on her Hunger die. Things could get messy.
  3. Erichtho scores a grand total of fourteen successes on her Resolve + Blood Sorcery roll to make her vitae more potent. While she succeeds in raising her Blood Potency by two stages to 5, she incurs a Stain on her Humanity tracker.
  4. Courage scores four successes on her Brawl roll against the wight. Let's burn one of her Willpower points to see if she can get more.
  5. That's one more success for a total of five. Next up is the wight formerly known as Zachary Forge.
  6. The wight does not grow Hungrier as it calls upon the Beast for two more dice.
  7. A ten on the Hunger die means a potential Messy Critical for the wight.
  8. Three more successes, so Courage beats the wight by one. Because I am a cruel god Storyteller, I shall have the wight burn Willpower to reroll.
  9. The wight ultimately deals one Aggravated damage to your dog, based on the margin of success.
Kathy and the wight will go after Artie decides his next move.
Rogue Attican threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: SPC Rouse Check Total: 9
9 9
Rogue Attican threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: SPC Hunger Dice Total: 10
10 10
Rogue Attican threw 11 10-faced dice. Reason: SPC Regular Dice Total: 81
9 9 6 6 6 6 8 8 10 10 4 4 7 7 10 10 10 10 5 5 6 6
Rogue Attican threw 7 10-faced dice. Reason: SPC Regular Dice Total: 44
9 9 5 5 4 4 4 4 7 7 7 7 8 8
Rogue Attican threw 3 10-faced dice. Reason: SPC WIllpower Reroll Total: 19
4 4 5 5 10 10
Rogue Attican threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: SPC Rouse Check Total: 9
9 9
Rogue Attican threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: SPC Hunger Dice Total: 10
10 10
Rogue Attican threw 8 10-faced dice. Reason: SPC Regular Dice Total: 42
9 9 8 8 5 5 4 4 3 3 2 2 8 8 3 3
Rogue Attican threw 3 10-faced dice. Reason: SPC WIllpower Reroll Total: 17
6 6 7 7 4 4
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That's two successes then? Welp. Ah well!

...though three fives is almost comically consistently almost-enough.
I expected that this would happen. It obviously wasn't a guarantee but statistically the odds weren't with us. On the bright side not only could it have been worse but we got off relatively okay.

Courage's Health tracker has one more box than Artie's, so she has five more to go before she "moves to that butterfly farm upstate." If that happens, I'll let you guys vote on a new famulus for free. I hear bats make pretty cool companions for Kindred.
1) I'm so happy that Courage is more durable than us but my heart cries that best pooch is hurt.

2) Who got the Ghoul? A lot of dogs have stomachs of iron but I don't think it'd be good for Courage if she swallowed any of that ghoul's blood.

3) I half want to suggest getting a cat. I'm not that big a cat person but the fact they have a decent chance of learning how to talk is a pretty big bonus. A giant bat would be cool, maybe in a thousand years he'll be big enough to ride.
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Completely unrelated thoughts. Like, completely out of context stuff.

I was thinking about Humanity 8 and how it grants an extra hour before sunset of being awake. I kinda wonder how Artie uses it. Painting/art at a time where he basically can't be accosted for anything? Extra time for them to dress up to get to Elysium remarkably early for someone who is generally as well dressed as any Ventrue who has to arrive fashionably late? :V

It's fun to think about it, especially if people don't really know about it, or at least can't really assume?
It's fun to think about it, especially if people don't really know about it, or at least can't really assume?
My guess is that at least once he's painted both the sunset and the sunrise horizon over the what he can see of the city of Chicago from his haven. It probably took him a very long time since he has less than an hour to work with two times a day. But I'd bet it be beautiful.