Do you these Blackmailers are a part of the S.I. or just an independent Hunter group?
Remember that the "Second Inquisition" doesn't refer to itself as such - it's an exonym coined by Kindred. The Second Inquisition may appear to be a united front. However, it's a coalition of various government agencies who don't always cooperate or share information.

Do you think if we bombard the Second Inquisition with information on all the other supernatural things in the world, they'd stop hunting us exclusively? I get why they feel like Vampires are the root of all evil, especially with Caine being our ancestor. But I highly doubt we're the worst thing in the world. There are literal demons out there in the world.
Who says vampires are the only supernatural creatures Uncle Sam knows about and has deemed a threat to national security?
[X] [Nash] I'll try to convince Walter that it'd be best if I knew all the details.

We're more likely to get a bestial failure than a success, but hey it could grab us an extra point of experience, and what's the worst that could happen?
Remember that the "Second Inquisition" doesn't refer to itself as such - it's an exonym coined by Kindred. The Second Inquisition may appear to be a united front. However, it's a coalition of various government agencies who don't always cooperate or share information.
I shouldn't be surprised by this but I am. As a Kindred, it's nice to know that there not as united as I thought. As a human, I'm face-palming at there inability to fight a common enemy.

Who says vampires are the only supernatural creatures Uncle Sam knows about and has deemed a threat to national security?
That's fair. I should probably treat them as if they were 'Supernatural' hunters rather than vampire exclusive hunters. There not the Winchester brothers but they are a nasty threat.

Three more questions for you. 👍
[X] [Question] How is your ghoul Kelvin taking all this? Being blackmailed is stressful enough but accidentally getting you dragged into this must be tearing him up.

[] [Question] After this business is all sorted out and we save Kindred society. Are you going to be okay?

[X] [Question] What can you tell me about Gabriella? What are her likes, dislikes, hobbies and dreams? If you want me to make the pitch I need to know my audience.
I shouldn't be surprised by this but I am. As a Kindred, it's nice to know that they're not as united as I thought. As a human, I'm face-palming at their inability to fight a common enemy.
To some extent, the compartmentalization of intelligence is justified when you consider the mental abilities possessed by some clans. Who's to say that your superiors or foreign counterparts haven't been subverted by a Ventrue or Malkavian with the Dominate Discipline? Also, has anyone checked on the guy who carries around the nuclear football all day?

However, the Second Inquisition is also big enough to be hamstrung by differences between internal factions. For example, FIRSTLIGHT is willing to make use of Kindred double agents while the Vatican-backed Entity adamantly refuses to consort with Cainites. Mortal geopolitics also remain a thing in the World of Darkness, so that also complicates matters.

What can you tell me about Gabriella? What are her likes, dislikes, hobbies, and dreams? If you want me to make the pitch I need to know my audience.
Artie knows some stuff about Gabriella already since they're both Sewer Rats. Clan Nosferatu has to stick together, after all.

When Gabriella Rudge isn't handling cybersecurity as one of the Sheriff's Hounds, she streams on Twitch under the name "Sugary Popcorn." She's also notable for being perhaps the only lick in Chicago who honestly likes Horatio Ballard.
Instead of becoming a vtuber, we could instead simply livestream ourselves painting things while talking to the audience like a modern day Bob Ross. Hell we've even got the military background for it.
Instead of becoming a VTuber, we could instead simply live-stream ourselves painting things while talking to the audience like a modern-day Bob Ross. Hell, we've even got the military background for it.
Damn, this "Arturo Delacruz" is one ugly motherfucker.

Alexa, I need you to go to my old townhouse in River North and give Delacruz the old stake and bake for breaching the Masquerade.

Agent Simpson, assemble a strike team while our technicians trace the IP address.
Damn, this "Arturo Delacruz" is one ugly motherfucker.

Alexa, I need you to go to my old townhouse in River North and give Delacruz the old stake and bake for breaching the Masquerade.

Agent Simpson, assemble a strike team while our technicians trace the IP address.
I thought Arturo was one of those Nosferatu who could pass for human? Just scarred and strangely off-putting in person.
I thought Arturo was one of those Nosferatu who could pass for human? Just scarred and strangely off-putting in person.
Unfortunately, the curse of Clan Nosferatu also affects those viewing Sewer Rats electronically. A VTuber model will help protect Artie from both putting off viewers and trigger-happy Inquisitors ready to go all "Exterminatus" at the first sign of blankbody activity.
To some extent, the compartmentalization of intelligence is justified when you consider the mental abilities possessed by some clans. Who's to say that your superiors or foreign counterparts haven't been subverted by a Ventrue or Malkavian with the Dominate Discipline? Also, has anyone checked on the guy who carries around the nuclear football all day?
Ah…that makes sense. Kindred are very good at subversion it's one of their biggest survival traits. I'll have to give them more credit than. I should see them as well equipped cells of trained professionals acting under the 'guidance' of a larger organization, while working alongside other cells.

However, the Second Inquisition is also big enough to be hamstrung by differences between internal factions. For example, FIRSTLIGHT is willing to make use of Kindred double agents while the Vatican-backed Entity adamantly refuses to consort with Cainites. Mortal geopolitics also remain a thing in the World of Darkness, so that also complicates matters.
Yikes. That is mess I hadn't considered.

Artie knows some stuff about Gabriella already since they're both Sewer Rats. Clan Nosferatu has to stick together, after all.

When Gabriella Rudge isn't handling cybersecurity as one of the Sheriff's Hounds, she streams on Twitch under the name "Sugary Popcorn." She's also notable for being perhaps the only lick in Chicago who honestly likes Horatio Ballard.
Okay, I didn't want to presume so I thought we should ask just to be sure. I learned that from my experience as a D&D player.
Looking up Horatio Ballard…wow. She likes him?

Instead of becoming a vtuber, we could instead simply livestream ourselves painting things while talking to the audience like a modern day Bob Ross. Hell we've even got the military background for it.
It's a funny thought but I agree with Rogue. It's extremely conspicuous and I would rather not be hunted by everyone but the Garou. If I understand the system, I think at the end of the build we'd have Fame 2 among the Chicago artist community and Fame 2 on the Internet.

I wasn't aware of the Bane affecting electronic observers. That's good thing to know.
Courage, Canine Famulus
Born and bred to become a military working dog, this female German Shepherd became your famulus after the death of her previous handler and her subsequent retirement from service. The Nosferatu vitae flowing through her system grants Courage the power to turn invisible while staying still.

Standard Dice Pools: Physical 6, Social 1, Mental 1
Secondary Attributes: Health 6, Willpower 2
Exceptional Dice Pools: Brawl 7, Animal Ken 4, Intimidation 5, Awareness 5
Disciplines: Obfuscate 1 (Cloak of Shadows)
Special: Add +2 to the damage done by bites.

I don't know how I missed it but Courage's stats are high than I though they would. I had assumed her stats would be those of a Guard dog but when I compared them their not. Courage is stronger and tougher than a typical guard dog and she has really high animal ken.
That's pretty neat as that's not a trait animals in this game have. Which could imply Courage is good interacting with and leading other animals.
I am going to assume this plays homage to her name sake and how half the characters in the show were talking animals.
I don't know how I missed it, but Courage's stats are high than I thought. I had assumed her stats would be those of a Guard dog, but when I compared them, they're not.
I was initially going to use the Guard Dog stat block found in the Core Rulebook, but then in a different sourcebook, I found another stat block that matched Courage more closely. Also, now is a good time as any to roll dice. Artie will roll six dice for Manipulation + Persuasion.
  1. Three successful rolls on the Hunger dice. Promising, even with the possibility of a Messy Critical introduced.
  2. Two more successful rolls! Artie successfully talks Nash into opening up without having to tempt the Beast.
Rogue Attican threw 3 10-faced dice. Reason: Hunger Dice Total: 23
10 10 6 6 7 7
Rogue Attican threw 3 10-faced dice. Reason: Normal Dice Total: 14
7 7 6 6 1 1
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Damn, should've named her Fenrir for that massive dice boost to eating Odin.
No kidding! Each of her attacks has 50% chance of getting 6-7 successes and of those successes theirs a 1/5 or 20% chance of getting a crit 10. Though remember with statistics it works both ways.

We can save Fenris for one of her pups. Though I imagine breeding a Famulus will be exceptionally difficult due to its nature as a ghoul.

I was initially going to use the Guard Dog stat block found in the Core Rulebook, but then in a different sourcebook, I found another stat block that matched Courage more closely. Also, now is a good time as any to roll dice. Artie will roll six dice for Manipulation + Persuasion.
Oh cool! I'll have to look through some of the books for more stat blocks. Might give me some new ideas.

Two more successful rolls! Artie successfully talks Nash into opening up without having to tempt the Beast.
Whooo! Maybe Artie should have been a therapist. Or maybe he was one in a previous life?
I was initially going to use the Guard Dog stat block found in the Core Rulebook, but then in a different sourcebook, I found another stat block that matched Courage more closely. Also, now is a good time as any to roll dice. Artie will roll six dice for Manipulation + Persuasion.
  1. Three successful rolls on the Hunger dice. Promising, even with the possibility of a Messy Critical introduced.
  2. Two more successful rolls! Artie successfully talks Nash into opening up without having to tempt the Beast.
Oh wow! That was a very lucky roll! I guess this makes up for that tragically unlucky roll when we were trying to withdraw in that fight with those three Kindred.
We can save Fenris for one of her pups. Though I imagine breeding a Famulus will be exceptionally difficult due to its nature as a ghoul.
Not as much as you think. It would take a couple of generations of breeding, but Artie could eventually create canine revenants who are born ghouls and whose bodies naturally produce vitae.

Whooo! Maybe Artie should have been a therapist. Or maybe he was one in a previous life?
In my mind, Artie's always had a knack for discerning emotion. They could look at a painting and make a decent guess at the artist's state of mind throughout the creative process. Had Artie not joined the infantry, I could see them becoming a Behavioral Health Specialist with the Army.
Not as much as you think. It would take a couple of generations of breeding, but Artie could eventually create canine revenants who are born ghouls and whose bodies naturally produce vitae.
Huh, that would be pretty cool. I feel like I read somewhere that a particular clan or clans were kinda already doing this by creating Revenant animals. I think it has something to do with the Sabbot Gangrels and Tzimisce.
Thinking about it, making a canine revenant line would be easier in the sense that it's a lot less time consuming and not nearly as moral bankrupted as making a human Revenant line.

Dogs can breed fairly quickly, a single human could have multiple generations as pets throughout their life. Plus selective dog breeding is a accepted culture and practice in modern society. Actually since this practice is a few centuries old, I'm surprised VTM didn't focus more lore around it for the Animalism discipline.

In my mind, Artie's always had a knack for discerning emotion. They could look at a painting and make a decent guess at the artist's state of mind throughout the creative process. Had Artie not joined the infantry, I could see them becoming a Behavioral Health Specialist with the Army.
I could definitely see that being the case. Some people don't realize that being in the military doesn't always mean your a soldier. There is a massive logistical network behind the armed forces with all kinds of professions in it, chaplains, engineers, mechanics, doctors, stock yard attendants. Now obviously every in this network needs to be of similar fitness to the average soldier just in case there stationed over seas.
Power Prey 8.03
[] [Nash] I'll try to convince Walter that it'd be best if I knew all the details.
"First things first. Are these blackmailers working with the Second Inquisition? Or are they independent of Uncle Sam?"

Walter Nash hums in thought before replying. "I doubt the SI has anything to do with this group. If they did, then we wouldn't be having this conversation."

You find yourself relaxing slightly. You feel more confident going up against Buffy Summers and the Scooby Gang instead of a squad of veteran special forces operators armed with flamethrowers. "Alright, then. How should we handle the blackmailers when we find them?"

Nash's response is immediate. "Kill them. Maybe turn them into ghouls if they have potential as servants."

You nod. It's the answer you expected of an older vampire, though it's one you were hoping not to hear. "Speaking of ghouls, how's your man Kelvin taking all this? Being blackmailed is stressful enough, but accidentally getting you dragged into this must be tearing him up."

"Eh, he'll be fine," Nash replies with an indifferent shrug of his shoulders. Despite his earlier words, it seems Nash doesn't care all that much about his ghoul - an attitude not uncommon among Kindred, especially the elders and ancillae. Will you be just as callous a few decades down the line? You hope not.

"Then how about you? Are you going to be okay?"

Your concern seems to amuse Nash, judging by the snort he lets out. "Well, aren't you the considerate type? Don't worry, Artie. We Blue Bloods always find a way to come out on top."

"Last question, then." You take a breath to steel yourself before uttering your words. "Almost every lick in Chicago wants nothing to do with you, and I have no idea why. If we're to work together, I need to know what's up. I know you have better things to do than recount old court gossip with a neonate, but if you want me to trust you, you need to show a little yourself first."

For a moment, it seems Walter Nash will clam up. Then he sighs. "I was always attracted to indulgences, whether those of the flesh, mind, materials or anything else - call it an addiction if you like. I'm sick; I've got a problem. My addiction drove me to perform actions I regret to this very night.

"You see, long ago, I betrayed my sire, my creator, for a large sum of money to feed my expanding need for luxury goods. It helped me a while, but my fellow Blue Bloods disapprove of my appearance in the city. They all see me as a traitor despite agreeing to the necessity of my actions. I've done my part to regain the community's acceptance. Just ask around, and you'll find Kindred who owe me boons for a reason, different favors I've performed for them to gain allies and give back to a society I betrayed."

You nod, processing Nash's words. He seems sincere in his quest for redemption, though whether he can follow through is an entirely different question. He reminds you of that one fuckup from your old infantry battalion, whose constant mistakes forced the whole unit to sit through an hours-long safety brief before the start of every other weekend liberty.

Nash then clears his throat, returning you to reality. "Now that we've had our little heart-to-heart, why don't we lighten the mood? Let's go hunting together, you and me."

"What do you have in mind?" You ask cautiously.

"Tonight, there's a party at one of the frat houses across from the university. There'll be plenty of drunk kine from which we can feed. How about it?" Nash's smile is wide with anticipation, and he licks his lips eagerly.

You consider Nash's offer for a moment. You may be a predator, but you're not the kind of predator who feeds on college kids that are too drunk to stand. "I dunno, Nash. Maybe we could drink from one of my vessels. What sort of 'vintage' do you prefer?"

"Baptized Catholics."

"Then none of my people would suit your palate, I'm afraid."

"That's alright. Hunting's one of the best parts of unlife, in my opinion. So how about it?"

Will you accompany Walter Nash to the university?

[] Yes. I'll go with Nash to the university, even if finding a willing vessel among strangers is tricky.
-[] Walter Nash looks like he would be a good Mawla to have, despite his unsavory reputation.
-[] I don't trust Nash to behave himself. I'd better keep an eye on him.
-[] To be honest, I miss being part of a crowd. Maybe this will be a good opportunity to reconnect with my Humanity.
-[] Write-in.

[] No. I'll decline Nash's offer to hunt together.
-[] I already have mortals to feed from at home in River North. Hunting is a needless distraction.
-[] I don't want to spend more time with this lick than necessary, lest my Humanity and reputation be tainted.
-[] I don't have time to screw around with mortals while the blackmail hangs over my head like the sword of Damocles.
-[] Write-in.
This chapter ends with an interesting choice and starts with an amusing comparison. Everything I know about Buffy tells me she'd be right at home in VTM. Though she's not as dangerous as the Winchesters who are more likely to shoot first and not ask questions.

[] Yes. I'll go with Nash to the university, even if finding a willing vessel among strangers is tricky.
Very tempting though this will undoubtedly involve a difficult check. Which would be worth the attempt to lower our Hunger score, except. These guys and girls will be drunk consent from them wouldn't hold up in court so I don't think we'll get anything from them without hurting our humanity. Granted it's unlikely that everyone will be drunk be that just makes this harder.

-[] Walter Nash looks like he would be a good Mawla to have, despite his unsavory reputation.
Eeehhh… on one hand I don't mind helping the guy get his life back together but on the other, it's a little early to make that kind of call. This is definitely on the table for me though.

-[] I don't trust Nash to behave himself. I'd better keep an eye on him.

This kinda bleeds over with my reasoning from above. I feel like he's a recovering addict and he's admitted as much. Im worried to rely on him for anything but at the same time I want to give him the chance to improve.

-[] To be honest, I miss being part of a crowd. Maybe this will be a good opportunity to reconnect with my Humanity.

Very tempting, even if increasing our humanity is off the table. Where this option might lead is fascinating.

[] No. I'll decline Nash's offer to hunt together.
-[] I already have mortals to feed from at home in River North. Hunting is a needless distraction.

This is a pretty sensible approach both of our taste in 'prey' are very different and where not likely to find a suitable one at the party or Vice-a-verse.
[X] No. I'll decline Nash's offer to hunt together.
-[X] I already have mortals to feed from at home in River North. Hunting is a needless distraction.
[X] No. I'll decline Nash's offer to hunt together.
-[X] I already have mortals to feed from at home in River North. Hunting is a needless distraction.
[X] No. I'll decline Nash's offer to hunt together.
-[X] I already have mortals to feed from at home in River North. Hunting is a needless distraction.
[X] No. I'll decline Nash's offer to hunt together.
-[X] I already have mortals to feed from at home in River North. Hunting is a needless distraction.
@Rogue Attican, I've got a question about the Ventrue. If you feed a Ventrue while they're asleep, would that bypass their bane and let them sate Hunger with common or animal blood?
If you feed a Ventrue while they're asleep, would that bypass their bane and let them sate Hunger with common or animal blood?
No. Attempting to force-feed a Ventrue an improper vintage would result in the Blue Blood vomiting the blood back up all over you. That's without considering the consequences of interrupting a Blue Blood's beauty sleep.
Power Prey 8.04
[] No. I'll decline Nash's offer to hunt together.
-[] I already have mortals to feed from at home in River North. Hunting is a needless distraction.
"Thanks, but no thanks. I've already got a herd at my haven."

Nash simply shrugs. "Suit yourself, then. But before we part ways, let's swap numbers so we can remain in contact."

It doesn't take long for Nash to punch his phone number into the contacts list of your shitty Motorola work phone. As the two of you part ways, you feel your smartphone buzz against your thigh. You wait until Nash is out of sight and Courage is trotting at your side until you dare take it out of your pocket. Upon withdrawing it, you see that it's your brother calling. "Bro, what's up?"

"Artie, thank God." The relief in Nick's voice sets you on edge. "I just got a voicemail from a withheld number. They know we're digging into them. Val and I are back at your place."

"I'll be there soon," you promise. "Before I hang up, though, could you do some research for me? I need you to look up a guy named Walter Nash."

"Walter Nash," your brother repeats. "Yeah, sure. Be careful out there, Artie."

You have earned two XP.
  1. You met with Walter Nash and agreed to help him.
  2. You learned more about why Nash is a pariah among the Chicago Camarilla.
Available Experience: 1 3
Hunger 1/5

River North Townhouse (Haven 3, Herd 0/2)

Artie has now used up all the blood that can be obtained safely from his staff. Their Herd will not recover until the end of the current story arc.

As you wipe your mouth clean of blood, your butler calmly rolls down the sleeve of his tailored suit before adjusting his spectacles. "Will you require anything else at this time, Master Artie?"

You shake your head, and Haros nods before leaving to attend to his other duties. You make your way over to the living room, where Val and Nick are sitting around the coffee table with their laptops. "So what have you guys found?"

"Well, for starters, your new friend seems to have been a gangster during Prohibition, with a presence in both Chicago and on the East Coast. Even ran with Al Capone for a time. Then in the 80s, we found another Walter Nash responsible for collapsing a pyramid scheme. During this time, he also sponsored several charities related to the fire department."

You glance at Nick's laptop monitor to see pictures of Nash alongside prominent city officials and fire chiefs. The most recent photo dates back to the mid-1990s. "Yeah, that's the guy, alright."

"We also found something else related to Nash." You can't help but frown at the subdued tone of Val's voice, and you silently gesture for her to show you.

On the screen is a YouTube clip from a local news station. Val presses the play button, and the three of you watch as the anchor warns younger people, especially children, to stay with friends or a responsible adult on Goose Island. A fifteen-year-old girl named Michelle Sterry was reportedly attacked by a man in his forties. You're no Sherlock Holmes, but even you can connect the dots. "You think Nash attacked Michelle?"

Val nods, lips pursed and knuckles white as she grips her laptop. "She died a few weeks ago after spending the final months of her life in a coma."

"Dammit. I knew Nash was a piece of work, but this?" You sigh and shake your head before changing the subject. "Thanks, you guys. It couldn't have been easy for you two."

"You're welcome," Nick replies. "This is all we could find on Nash. If you want a better idea of what he did as a vampire, I'm afraid you'll have to ask someone who shares your condition."

"Got it," you say.

[] [Nash] "I'll ask around the Prince's court for dirt on Walter Nash."
-[] I'll tempt the Beast to add two dice to my roll.
-[] I'll spend a point of Willpower to reroll up to three regular dice.

Manipulation + Persuasion (Difficulty: 5)

[] [Nash] "For now, though, Nash is willing to cooperate with me. That's all I need to know."


With the subject of Walter Nash settled for the moment, you now turn your attention to plotting your next course of action.

First, there's the bar on Goose Island Nash mentioned - Honored Drinks. If the blackmailers could record him hunting there, you'll likely be able to pick up their trail on Goose Island. Investigating the bar is something you can handle on your own without getting more people involved. However, if Nash could get caught on tape by hunters, so could you. You'll have to be careful.

On the other hand, Nash also mentioned that your clanmate Gabriella might prove helpful. Though you've never spoken to her, you know she's a popular Twitch streamer who handles cybersecurity as one of Sheriff Damien's Hounds. You've also heard court gossip that she's perhaps the only lick in Chicago who honestly likes the Prince's blood brother, Horatio Ballard. While part of you remains uncomfortable with letting another lick in on your situation, being able to avoid whatever hunters may be lurking around Honored Drinks is something worth considering.

With those factors in mind, how will you further investigate the blackmailers?

[] [Investigation] I should pay a visit to Honored Drinks, the bar on Goose Island that Nash mentioned.
[] [Investigation] I'll ask Gabriella to mine information about the blackmailers from the Internet.
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