Love Interests
(Week 17)
It was about ten at night when Sergeant Frank Valois and Lance Corporal Miguel Villalobos heard a familiar jingling over the sound of the space heater in their tent. They'd only had the tent for a couple of weeks since they had gotten married, but it had become homelike, even if interruptions like this had become depressingly common. The newlyweds waited a few minutes before Frank popped his head out of the tent to take a look around.
"What is it this time honey?" Miguel said as he looked over at the tent flap from his perch on a crate they had pilfered to be a couch.
"A pheasant." His husband, Frank, replied as he stared at the dead and unplucked bird hanging down from a convenient tent-pole.
"Is she ever going to get the message?" Miguel said as he ran his fingers through his black hair. "We've told her you're off the market twice. I'm about ready to call the MPs."
"I don't really think that's necessary." Frank said, before taking the pheasant in. "Sheti is a nice girl with a cute kid, and I don't want her getting in trouble over this."
"Because you want to tap that." Miguel said as he sighed. "I didn't know you were a breast man though. I might not have said yes if I'd known. Your lip rug is bad enough."
"I like all kinds. Besides, you're just mad that she can pull off that dress better than you can." Frank shot back, stroking his mustache.
"I could pull that off." Miguel replied, "I'd just need some new heels is all. Maybe a nice set of pumps. Oh, and a new wig."
"Sure…" Frank muttered, trying to find his boots. His bald head reflecting the lamplight.
"You're going to give it back to her aren't you?" Miguel said as he sat up. "I'm coming with."
Sheti, as well as her child lived in a farming hamlet about a mile out of Metella proper, and only a few hundred yards from the fence line of the main base. It was on a small rise that was just above the high-water mark for the spring flood. The hamlet itself wasn't much more than a couple of barns and corn cribs, with maybe a half dozen pithouses worked their way around the rim of the rise.
Sheti's late husband had been one of the farmers there after they'd had their first child, and his family hadn't yet thrown them out of the house on the edge of the hamlet yet, even if they were loathe to support a full-blood and her half-breed toddler.
Frank knocked on the door, and after a minute Sheti opened the door and popped her head out. The smile on her face quickly faded and her blue-grey ears drooped, almost hiding in her hair, when she noticed Miguel there as well. The maltese cat-woman then exited and shut the door behind her. In the light of the moon and a flashlight her eyes glowed even as they narrowed.
"I guess this is actually a no then." She said in pidgin as Frank and Miguel nodded.
Frank handed the pheasant over. "Yeah. I'm married. I love my husband, and I can't just leave him for someone else."
"Could I do your laundry or something? Could you set me up with someone?" Sheti replied nervously, with her ears back, eyes wide and voice low. "I need to go somewhere else, they won't let me plant, and I can't leave my daughter with anyone here to really hunt. She's too young to travel into the mountains, and they might try something if I'm gone…"
"We'll ask around, but there's not really much work at the base if you can't speak English, and you can't stay in our quarters." Miguel said.
"Maybe try with someone else?" Frank said.
"Some of the boots in my section or the sergeant could probably go for the whole single mom catgirl thing." Miguel continued. "Alternatively there's Captain Lee. Only problem is he's Captain Lee."
"I don't think that would work out." Sheti replied. "I'm about ready to give up on men anyway. You let women marry, right?"
"Isn't Johnson a dyke?" Frank said switching to English.
"You just described half the women in the brigade." Miguel replied.
"The redhead." Frank said. "Weather forecaster, sings Duran Duran songs on karaoke night."
"Right, her." Miguel said. "She might be worth a shot."
"So," Frank said, switching back to Meledli, "We might have a plan."
"What kind of plan?" Sheti said nervously.
"Sergeant, what are you planning?" Jessica Johnson said when she got the look on Frank's face.
"I just want you to go out on a date with someone." Frank said, pulling something up on his phone "Just as a favor."
"Who is it this time?" Johnson said, "It better not be one of your husband's boots. I told you I'm not interested in men, and I don't need a merkin. Why you think I'm one of those boatfuckers down trying to build a dock is a mystery to me."
"Well, it's not a guy, but a full-blooded girl. Cat, looks kinda like a Maltese, very cute." Frank continued as he handed his phone over to Jessica. "It doesn't even need to be much more than the two of you and her kid having a picnic or something."
"Cute or not, she has a kid." Johnson said, her green eyes narrowing even as she looked at the screen, before handing the phone back. "You probably should've led off with that Frank. Even if she is cute enough that I won't report you over this."
Frank waved his hand, pulling out a cigarette. "It's not like that. Her daughter is adorable, and is why I'm trying to find her someone. Her late husband's family hate her, and she can't really hunt or travel with a toddler." he said, lighting up and offering the pack to Johnson "and I said I'd help her find someone if she'd stop bothering us."
"Why is she a widow, anyway?"
"He was one of the guys who died in that first skirmish, along with the nomarch and a few others." Frank said. "She doesn't hold it against us, and she's been essential for the Clinic's research since her daughter is the only catgirl child in town, but his family are pretty anti-everything as a result. Most of that hamlet, really."
"Christ, what is it with you and charity cases? This is like that damn dog."
"I'm a bleeding heart. Sue me." Frank replied with a shrug. "Anyway she's hot, and she has a pretty good sense of humor, so do you want to go out with her or not? If you don't want to, I could try and set her up with Captain Lee."
"Fuck, if that's the alternative, I'll go out with her." Johnson said. "Christ, talk about going for the throat. I mean, you might as well let them kill her or something, put her out of her misery.
"Well, that's option three," Frank muttered, puffing away. "Except the minute she's dead, the kid's getting thrown in a sack and stoned to death or something. Probably just as much to spite us as to just kill the kid since the locals know we're doing very important research on her, which makes it my problem and you're the only decent asset we have for this, outside putting them in protective custody or playing favorites with a particularly hated widow."
Jessica gulped, and swiped the proffered cigarette from earlier. "That would probably have gotten me to agree sooner, you know. 'Oh hey, this kid's on the line and the circumstances involve a threat to our control of the town, do us a favor and show up a few times, maybe get her to scrawl on some paperwork.'" Jessica said as she lit up. "But no, you have to mention Captain Lee, didn't you?"
"There is no fate worse than Captain Lee, except maybe a posting in Asscrackistan, and even then the second one has danger pay." Frank said. "So I used what worked."
"You still could just take this up with the MPs or something, instead of trying to be sneaky." Johnson continued. "God knows this would be the perfect dry run to get a women's shelter or something going."
Frank scoffed, and waved his cigarette dramatically out towards the base wall. "You tell me, with a straight face, that you think we can get the people and the money to work out a woman's shelter when we can't even get a goddamn seven-day forecast that isn't 'mid sixties with a chance of rain, bring a poncho you fucking boot'? When my entire job is hunting down dumbfuck boots who might have run into spoopy shit and making sure we don't get smited for accidentallying another holy site? When the Nerd Department is trying to figure out the best way to drag these people out of sustenance farming without causing a famine along the way?"
"Fuck you, you'll get a good seven day forecast when we get a radar worth a damn." Jessica growled, puffing angrily for a moment as Frank's cold summation of the facts warred with her rosy recollections of the past few weeks. "but you have a point. It's still not right."
"Never said it was." Frank replied, as he tossed a butt into the sand bucket. "And this case can't wait, so we'll do what we can. I'll go with you to bring it up to the brass if you want, see if something isn't done, like what happened to that son of a bitch Schmuckatelli bought his wife from."
"Where is your husband, anyway?"
Frank sighed, looking up at the stars. "We flipped a coin. I won."
"Christ on a cracker." Jessica muttered, the remains of her cigarette falling from her lips. "You sent him to Captain Lee."
The blinding headache was not a good motivator for Captain Lee to get up.
"Sir, it's fourteen hundred hours. Please get up."
Neither was the NCO outside his door.
"Sir, it's fourteen hundred hours, please get up."
The only response was a mumbled "Fuck off. I'm sleeping."
"Sir, it is fourteen hundred hours and if you do not get up I will tell Gunny Washington which place of ill repute you were drinking at last night so he can bring his boys over to raise some hell and get you out of your funk."
Throwing himself out of bed, Captain Lee swore up a storm as he realized he'd been sleeping in his cammies again. After throwing on his boots and cover, he threw open the door to greet the NCO serving as wakeup call.
The sunlight that greeted the Captain nearly threw him back into his room, his headache blowing up into a full-blown migraine in a flash. Stumbling out the door, he grabbed the NCO's canteen and started guzzling, stopping only to take a proffered aspirin and set of cheap sunglasses.
Sighing, Miguel wondered why he expected literally anything else. Captain Lee had been a fairly decent person and officer back when they were a reserve unit in Florida, and he had a day job managing a Walmart. Then they'd left, he'd gotten the note his wife had left after he deployed, and his daughter died in a car crash, for which he'd been stop-lossed from getting to go to the funeral.
That was two months uphill of today in a long and steep downward spiral. The captain had been put on night desk watches to try and keep him from doing anything rash, but the alcohol just caught up to him anyway. People grieve and all, and this wasn't exactly a combat situation for the weapons company, but the Captain had self-destructed spectacularly even for that. Psych was waiting to get their hands on him, but they weren't about to take him and leave an important and easy job wide open.
Miguel didn't even bother to salute as he started moving the Captain down to the mess. The plan was pretty simple, and the sort of thing everyone had already perfected. Get the Captain fed, and then start asking about whatever you need because you'll probably get it.
"What do you want, corporal?" The Captain said over a cup of coffee.
"I was actually hoping you'd be feeling up to talking to a friend of mine. She's been put in a tight spot, with her husband dying and all, and we all know you have a soft spot for kids."
Taking this as a good sign, Miguel pressed on. "You don't have to do anything big, just have dinner with her so her village doesn't try anything-"
"Excuse me, sir?" Miguel asked, dumbfounded.
"No, I'm not doing some hokey picnic on a hill so some cat doesn't get shanked by angry villagers." Lee said, sipping his coffee. "I'm also not going to sleep with her, marry her, or anything else from this obvious attempt at a first date."
"They're going to drive her out soon." Miguel protested weakly. "And when they do, the kid gets the axe."
"Your husband's problem, not mine." Lee replied. "More importantly, I happen to like being a bachelor right now. It's relaxing."
"Funny, I didn't know they served relaxation in a goatskin bag down in the village."
"It's amazing what a little alcohol will do to your mood when you've been stuck living with a haridian and your daughter is dead."
Miguel growled. "You can lie in paper, you can lie to the next watch, but you can't lie to a Lance who's trying to get you laid."
"Well, I'll decline the offer, and you're not going to press the issue."
"I mean, unless you want to get transferred to the company we're giving up to go back to the Fleet for a nice relaxing float in the South China Sea, or eat an NJP."
Miguel scowled. Nobody could deal with Lee when he was like this- it was a lost cause. It was best to leave now and hold his peace, so he did.
The area at the edge of the old town where Jessica met Sheti for their date was actually pretty nice. Being floodprone and too close to the walls to be cultivated, the current plan was to turn it into a park once some benches and equipment came in. In the meantime, it was a good place for a picnic, as long as you didn't sit in the swampy bits. With that in mind, Jessica had brought a tarp, and a tote full of food and drinks. In this case a couple cheesesteaks, a thermos of coffee, fruit cups, and a parfait.
Sheti had brought her daughter Nauta, a sack and a hunting bow and arrows.
The two sat on the tarp and conversed as well as they could in pidgin, even as Nauta ran around, tugged on her mother's hair and tail, and gorged herself on the parfait.
"I've needed this." Sheti said as she flicked her tail around, "Since my husband died, I haven't had a moment to relax. They've killed my dogs, threatened my daughter, and left me with no other way to feed us outside of picking off deer or pheasants stupid enough to go into the orchard."
"You live a hard life."
"If I could get away with it, I'd probably kill them all." Sheti said wistfully as she looked at her daughter playing with a doll. "It wouldn't be hard if I could get some poison, but shooting them or hacking them all to death would be too slow for it to be safe for her."
"Are you really capable of that?" Jessica asked as she looked at the grey woman who was pensively flicking her ears around, "I killed a man last week, and I don't think I could do it again unless it was him or me."
Sheti laughed. "I did it to put food on the table when it was just me, and those people didn't even deserve it." She continued confidently. "Not like they wouldn't do the same to me, if they ever left their huts for anything except the corn."
Jessica laughed nervously even as she unwrapped a philly and handed it to Sheti. "I can understand that."
"Are you all that squeamish about violence?" Sheti said as she looked at the philly, covered in cheese and peppers and mushrooms, even as her ears tracked her now sleeping daughter's movements. "Is your land really so peaceful even your soldiers can be like that?"
"I'm supposed to be a fobbit, and I didn't join the Marines to go out and kill people." Jessica said as she unwrapped her own sandwich. "I joined up because if I didn't I'd have been stuck in Logan County waiting tables for the rest of my life. Nothing to see, nowhere to go, nothing to do… the boredom and drugs would've gotten me faster there than my odds of getting an arrow here."
"How do you even eat this thing?" Sheti asked, her ears folded back in confusion as she looked at the sandwich
"You eat it like this," Jessica said, before holding her philly up in Sheti's line of sight and taking a bite out of it.
Sheti followed suit. "What is this?" She asked in between bites, with her ears perked up, "I've never had anything like it."
"Bread, beef, provolone, green peppers, onions and mushrooms." Jessica replied. "There's no tomatoes or egg whites in it."
"What are those?"
Jessica rolled her eyes. "We kinda found out the hard way there's a lot of food the locals like you can't eat. Tomatoes, egg whites, certain sugars: they all make you sick."
"Glad I'm not the one who found that out the hard way." Sheti joked, taking another bite. "Did Skior find out about it?"
"Old… comrade? I think that word is right? Comrade of mine. He did sales down here. Actually met my husband through him after a business dispute."
Thinking for a minute, Jessica tried to decide how to broach this topic gently. "Was he about yea tall, bushy unbraided beard, spat a lot, kinda greasy?"
Sheti shrugged. "Yeah, sounds about right."
"Well, since he was pimping some girls he'd brought in on our base and that's not allowed for a number of reasons, some of the guys tried to run him off, and followed him back to his camp. Except then they found his stock and… welll…"
"He's dead, isn't he?"
"Yeah, he's pretty dead." Jessica shrugged. "Probably just got shot instead of having his heart torn out like that pimp."
"Eh, he was horrible in the sack anyway, and tried hoarding our share of the loot." Sheti groused, finishing her cheesesteak, and going for the other half. "These are pretty good!"
"Thank the commissary." Jessica grinned. "After Awri puked up all over their floor from sweet tea and some kid's mother freaked out over bloody stools they made a local-safe menu."
"You know, if it means food like this on a regular basis, I'd be more than happy to come to the base with you." Sheti said, batting her eyelashes and smiling. "This is delicious!"
"It's on a rotation, but everything is pretty meat heavy." Jessica replied as she poured herself a cup of coffee and Sheti's expression shifted to something that reminded Jessica of a housecat that just heard a can opener even as she scooted closer to Jessica. "I've been in for three years, and I'm still not used to how good and how much food there is."
"Is it unusual?" Sheti asked, looking concerned as she leaned over. "I thought you all came from paradise."
"No," Jessica said, in between sips of coffee. "I grew up really poor in the country."
"What about the medicine?" Sheti asked, as she moved to brace herself with an arm. "I've been taking Nauta to the doctors so she'll be safe from plague and worms, and because we need the food."
"I think that's cheap enough you don't have to worry about it." Jessica said in between sips as she tried to calm the older woman. "The doctors here are working very hard to make sure we don't accidentally make everyone sick, and that's why they're not charging for anything or outright paying people with peanut butter and spam to come in. Of course wives and children get priority over other civilians, but everyone does that."
"But isn't that why you give offerings to the gods and pray and keep food safe? Do your gods not protect you-" Sheti said, before being interrupted with a kiss.
"You're cute when you worry that much." Jessica said after pulling away. "We've got good doctors here and none of you are stupid enough to avoid vaccination."
"It's just, she's all I have left." Sheti said. "After my husband died, I don't have any family left, my former partners are all dead or gone, and Skior is dead. So it is the two of us, and I don't want to lose anyone else."
It was at this point that Jessica pulled a confused Sheti into a hug. "You're not doing this alone. I'm here, as are Frank and Miguel, and from what I've seen the enlisted wives here are pretty tight as well."
"Where are you going with this?" Sheti asked, unsure of how to respond to the gesture.
"I mean you were looking to get married right?" Jessica replied.
"Yes, I was." Sheti said.
"Then let's keep doing this." Jessica said before pulling back. "Grab your shit, I'll grab the kid, and we'll go to my quarters before we talk to Sergeant Valois."
Nauta didn't even stir once on the walk back, and Jessica laid her down on the small bed in her quarters to continue sleeping. Sheti watched over her and silently judged the shoddy construction of the B-Hut while Jessica, having decided against hauling the two of them all the way across camp for what amounted to a social call, called Sergeant Valois. By the time the Sergeant came around, it was late enough for the pair of locals to focus on sleeping, although Jessica was still up.
"So, how'd it go?" The Sergeant said as he sat down on the bench outside the B-hut.
"They're both asleep on my bed." Jessica replied. "Hopefully her neighbors don't do anything to her house while she's gone."
"I don't think they're stupid enough to give us an excuse to come down on them. If they think she's fucking an American, that's protection enough for now." Frank said as he lit up. "You think you might end up marrying her?"
"She's certainly cute enough."
"You better start doing the paperwork then." Frank said. "I'll have the numbers for the people you're supposed to talk to on your desk tomorrow morning."